Subhadra Prema devi dasi posted photos
Jul 19, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion Surrender
"oh no i wasn't talking about medicine ;) and I am very familiar with the symptoms :( ! Its unfortunate indeed. Lucky for us we also know the symptoms of love for God. It's the best medicine/drugs there is for the fallen soul.

Thank you and I wish…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion Surrender
"Hare Krishna mataji,
After writing this topic I vowed to myself to keep chanting 16 rounds again because I understood from within that my running away from Krishna on certain days just made me feel unhappy and that its all so much easier when you…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion Surrender
"hare Krishna prabhu,
I am pretty sure that for my worn out body fasting one day a week would not be a good idea.I am allready depleted of vitamins and feeling very tired as I just explained in another reply here above. It might work for some but for…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion Surrender
"Hari bol Rankin prabhu,

Thank you for your suggestion but I am allready initiated and took shelter and surpass these levels more often then not. I have weekly and if I have time more then once a week temple service and I have a home altar, follow…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion Surrender
"prabhuji, I am single since last week :( allthough still friends with my former boyfriend who is not a devotee. Doesn't seem wise to follow him as he will lead me straight into maya as all he wants to do is enjoy material life. I dont have any…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to subhadip chattapadhyay's discussion heaven is 2 hr from my home
"I will if I can make it possible with Krishna's mercy :) thank you for the invite ! jaya !!!"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion dream of Gopal and his parrot in Krishna Consciousness.
"Hare Krishna Nidhi Mataji,Thank you for your reply, I do feel very blessed, its unreal. Thanks for the compliments :) He is very cute isn't He ? I have asked him too give you His blessings allthough Im not qualified to ask.Hare Krishna, your servant…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion Surrender
"Hare Krishna dear mataji Rashmi,
(one day later)
I started the diary yesterday and chanted 16 again, I felt very empowered by the handle of a diary which you suggested. Thank you again !
Hundreds of obeicances to you."
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion Surrender
"Hare Krishna Rashmi mataji,

Thank you for your quick answer, what a lovely answer it is, that I can work with.
I will actively start today with a devotional diary ! Yes I do chant every day but after a long break I am still not on 16 rounds daily,…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion Surrender
"hari bol dean prabhu,
Thank you for your reply, I dont know what you mean by fasting...  I need prasadam very much !Do you mean fasting from certain food ?
If anything I love to cook for Krishna and have prasadam. I can't imagine fasting for a…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Subhadra Prema devi dasi's discussion dream of Gopal and his parrot in Krishna Consciousness.
"Hare Krishna Gopal S Agrawal prabhu,

Thank you so much for your thoughts, they helped me calm down from feeling scared and a bit shocked by my Gopal. It is indeed just like you explained; after so many years of seperation it can and is scary. I…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi replied to Ponce Yanez's discussion Drowning New Guy
"Hare Krishna dear Ponce Yanez,

Welcome to Krishna Conciousness ! Haribol ! You will be fine if you follow Srila Prabhupada's books, but Prabhupada also wanted us to work together and he always stressed and lead by example how important it is to…"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi left a comment for SK
"Hare Krishna, Thanks for the friendship, Happy Balaram Jayanti !"
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi left a comment for Radha Rasamayi DD
May 15, 2019
Subhadra Prema devi dasi left a comment for Rahul Singh
"Rahul SinghHare Krsna to all my fellow devotees

service to Krsna when it is understood , one acts not because he wants something in return but because he loves krsna unconditionally. thats what i have understood/// please correct me if i am wrong.…"
May 15, 2019