Monica MeeraBai's Discussions (37)

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Ekadashi - some questions

Hare Krishna,

For people new or in process to get more information sometimes its hard to find out a text very short and simple for the person understand the bases and after try to build  more information about that subject.  Because of that, i have a

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Pamho questions

Hare Krishna,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

I have some question it can be very basic But for me are Very important and Always better ask then Live in ignorance.

When we go to a temple We prostate  ourselfs to pay obscienses . What are the mantra th

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When we Chant can be visualize?

Hare Krishna,

When we chant we can visualize images of the dieties? Krishna and Radha, Rama and Sita, Gouranga and Nityananda, Krishna and Balaram, Jagannath Baladev Subhadrah? We can also visualize the maha mantra? Visualize Srila Prabhupada and Sri

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footprint in Jagannath dietie

Hare Krishna,

I did recived a set of little Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadrah, and did find a red footprint under the right arm of Jagannath ( our left side when we see the dietie). I just know that dietie was from Mayapur.

I try to google more informat

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