Name / Initiated name
Melissa Leanne Finch
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
I first came in contact with the Hare Krishna movement when I was a child vacationing in Laguna Beach. I saw a devotee chanting on a street corner. In 1997 I was given a pendant of Sri Lord Krishna. Earlier this year, the founders of Yogalution Studio in Long Beach, California introduced me back to the movement. I came across a biography on Srila Prahupada in May of this year. The following month I discovered and met His Holiness Radhanath Swami at Yogalution studio where he kindly signed his autobiography and accepted my sincere gratitude. I humbly requested some sincere advice from him. He told me to call to Krishna. I have been strictly practicing Krishna Conciousness and bhakti since June 11, 2014.
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
I have visited the Laguna Beach Temple and the LA temple in California.
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
I have 3 cats that I love. I have a strong desire to educate people about animal rights, marine conservation and compassion towards nature. I have practiced neo pagan and earth based religions such as Wicca for the past 17 years. My background in Wicca which teaches and encourages a supreme love, respect and compassion to nature has helped me become an aspiring devotee of Krishna.
What are your expectations from this community?
I hope to meet open-minded devotees who are willing to share their journey, patience and encouragement with me.
Describe any specific service you would love to offer to Lord Krishna & His devotees?
I love to paint and engage myself in creative writing! Those are services I can offer with a dedicated heart. I am willing to help in any way I can when it comes to dealing with material addiction!
Our Lord God Krishna
is often referred to as the complete Incarnation.
He is also an Ideal in all respects.
Following are the highest ideals He established and functions He performed during His life in this world.
Shri Krushna would behave in a manner so as to make His parents, Vasudev and Devaki, as well as His foster parents, Nanda and Yashoda happy.
Shri Krushna would respect His elder brother Balarama.
Shri Krushna kept all His wives happy ! Even Narad’s efforts were frustrated when he tried to create strife amongst them.
Dear Melissa Leanne Finch Mataji, Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am very happy to accept your friends request, please let me know if I can be of any service to you in your Krishna consciousness, Gauranga, Radhe Radhe, Hari Bol! Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna dandvats, Mataji. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I do hereby wish you all the best in Krishna consciousness, Gauranga, Radhe Radhe, Hari Bol! Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna, I wish all sucess May lord Krishna shower Blessing and shower you with peace and love. I am from Norcal I am new as well
Hare Krishna,
I wish you all success in Krishna Consciousness.
May Lord Krishna always bless and protect you
and bestow His mercy on you and may He fill
your life with
peace and love;
harmony and wisdom;
simplicity and humility;
appreciation and gratitude;
patience and perseverance;
kindness and generosity;
compassion and forgiveness;
courage and enthusiasm;
devotion, dedication and determination.
With love and best wishes.
Take care.