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10818384270?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Satyaraja Dasa

Most systems of Indian philosophy endorse the notion that, in some sense, all living beings are one with God. Some would say that spiritual philosophy in general – East and West – is based on the premise of oneness, suggesting an ontological unity for
all that is. The reasoning is straightforward: Since everything emanates from God, and since God is absolute, then His emanations partake of His essential nature, even if they exist in temporary forgetfulness.* Thus, ultimate spir

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HH Bhanu Swami Maharaja is one of the senior disciples of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, founder acharya of ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. He holds a BA Degree in Oriental fine arts history from the University of British Colombia. He joined the Hare Krishna movement in India in 1970. Initiated in 1971 by Srila Prabhupada, he took sannyasa vows in 1984. Bhanu Swami was personally instructed in the art of Deity worship by Srila Prabhupada,

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What to do with Sadness?


The Bhagavad-gita teaches, “O son of Kuntī, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.” Gita 2.14
There are many emotions we feel throughout the day; sadness is one of them. It often sweeps across us like grey clouds on an otherwise bright day. It may be trigge

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Two Winners by Bhaktimarga Swami


The smaller communities we have established in recent years are all doing well in terms of governance, attendance and participation. Financially things are also doing all right. Even during the pandemic, none of our places of education and spiritual wellness suffered in a major way. At least not in “Zone One” of North America, which I am responsible for. This is, by the way, the krpa of God — mercy from the Universe.

Two such centres were on my visiting list today – Scarborough and Milton. Scar

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The Goddess by Bhaktimarga Swami


The Goddess


The embodiment of beauty

The spirit of purity

Her complexion resembles gold

While Her senses are controlled

She is calm, composed, collected

To all souls She remains connected

She is the epicenter of radiance

As A flower’s essence is fragrance

She is the master in the cuisine

After Her craft She keeps it all clean

She is a teacher of surrender

Holding no place for a pretender

And those who are morose

To Her just can’t come close

She is the epitome of the feminine

Spontaneous in lo

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We are just having fun, that is what life is all about. We do not suffer and if there is any suffering, then we make sure that there is maximum care. Someone may have one leg, but that is okay because we can give that person an electronic one. If someone has lost both legs, then no problem, we will give them two electronic legs. The point is that we attempt to turn everything in this material world into enjoyment. I mean, I would rather not lose my legs if I get to choose. Electronic legs are n

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Recently, I was distributing at Orange Coast College, and a student came to the table and showed an interest in getting Bhagavad-gita. I explained it to him a little. Then he opened it, to see what he could get out of it. He opened it to text 4.22: “He who is satisfied with gains that comes of its own accord, who is free from duality and does not envy, who is steady in both success and failure, is never entangled, although performing actions.” When he read that he said, “All right, I’ll take it

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Bhagavan: God the Person by Adi Purusha Dasa


The bhakti tradition acknowledges the personal and impersonal aspects of the Absolute Truth, but values one of them as the more desirable of the two.

For hundreds of years, philosophers and theologians have debated whether God is ultimately personal or impersonal. After all, the nature of God plays a major role in our fate. If God is a person, then we have the potential for a loving, eternal relationship with Him. But if God isn’t a person and is instead impersonal, like a light we merge into,

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Mundane Rasa vs. Bhakti Rasa


Bhakti means “Devotional service”. Every service has some attractive feature which drives the servitor progressively on and on. Every one of us within this world is perpetually engaged in some sort of service, and the impetus for such service is the pleasure we derive from it.

Driven by affection for his wife and children, a family man works day and night. A philanthropist works in the same way for love of the greater family, and a nationalist for the cause of his country and countrymen. That f

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ONE DAY FOR UKRAINE festival will take place on Saturday, October 1st, 2022 in Alachua, FL (15 minutes outside of Gainesville) and will aim to bring awareness to the ongoing war in Ukraine. This will be the first interfaith event for the community, uniting people of various cultural, religious, social and economic backgrounds, around a great humanitarian cause. The event will welcome members of the greater Gainesville, Orlando, St. Augustine, Tampa, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville

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There are two teams of devotees distributing Prasad in Kharkiv.

Serving under difficult circumstances, recently the local power station was blown up, so there is no electricity or water available for the whole city.

Still these devotees continue, distributing Prasad accompanied with Kirtan.

This video is of the team headed by Mahavishnu prabhu.

Devotees receive huge appreciation from the people of Kharkiv for their steady, selfless service.

I counted 9 bombs exploding per minute while I was th

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By Dhirnayak dasa, Utkal-Banga Padayatra leader

The Utkal-Banga Padayatra reached Sheragada village, a former market town in the Ganjam district of Odisha, a few days before Janmashtami, parking our chariot in front of the Jagannath temple.
The padayatris fasted on Janmashtami and during the day were busy with preparations of fifty-six bhoga and decorating the chariot with fruits and flowers. The previous day we had sankirtan in Sheragada and invited the residents for the two-day celebration o

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Mitch poked his head in the doorway of the temple room when we were engaged in drama practice. He just had a nutritious meal at Govinda’s Restaurant along with his companion. I haven’t seen Mitch for quite some time (due to covid), when he would bring his philosophy students to hear from us about the Gita. He just retired, doesn’t look 65, in fact he’s energetic and has a youthful zest. His companion, Tyler, will take over the course. Tyler possesses the same kind of enthusiasm as Mitch. I thin

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During the questions and answers sessions, I read the following quotes from Caitanya Bhagavata. When I was asked for the references, I said I would post them in a blog. For those who are interested, here they are:

Sri Caitanya Bhagavata, Madhya Khanda, Chapter Five

TEXT 140-141

vaisnava-himsara katha se thakuka dure
sahaja jivere ye adhama pida kare

visnu pujiya o ye prajara pida kare
puja o nisphale yaya, ara duhkhe mare

What to speak of being envious of the Vaisnavas, if one causes pain to

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From Back to Godhead

Even in the most hopeless situations there is hope—when we turn to Lord Krishna.

“Can you please speak to my relatives,” a doctor friend requested me after a Sunday feast program in our temple. “Their youngest son died in an accident recently, and they are much traumatized.”

I agreed and went to meet the family in a corridor outside the temple hall. The father told me how the son had gone to a picnic with his friends and had drowned in a river. He was just eighteen. I liste

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Of all reading material that comes my way in a natural devotional setting – the Gita, the Bhagavatam and anything else which is a publication of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, I also include the occasional more secular material (even an occasional newspaper) – I confess to my favorite amongst all.

I just love hearing or reading of the past times of Prabhupada. There is a wealth of material out there on the subject of His Divine Grace, the founder and acharya (teacher) of the great bhakti movemen

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Priceless Encounters by Bhaktimarga Swami


The light winds aroused the spirits of people as I walked on Bloor St., West. It was a struggle at intersections to get my dhoti (lower robes) to behave. But I was having fun with pedestrians.

The first one to approach me was like an elder hippie who came up beside me and said, “Are you on the path of enlightenment?”

“I’m on it,” I said. “It’s truly a work in progress. How about you? Are you taking steps to get there?”

To this he responded, “I’ve taken them.” We reached a red light and he made

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Hare Krishna Dear Devotees.

Please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We have reached that auspicious time of the year after the Bhadra Purnima festival when we will celebrate the 3rd edition of the annual Book Are The Basis Week. 11th to 17th September this year is dedicated on the ISKCON calendar to encourage Srila Prabhupada’s followers to read the Bhaktivedanta purports everyday. The GBC Executive Committee Chairman, His Holiness Bhanu Maharaja, has kindly offered

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The Vande Arts Team would like to offer this special drama script depicting Srila Prabhupada’s epic voyage on the Jaladhuta.

Devotees are welcome to use the script for there own celebrations of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the USA and throughout ISKCON.

For the soundtrack and slideshow please contact Damodara Pandit das

Swamiji at Sea

Written by

Yasomatinandana das (ACBSP) & Damodara Pandit das

Music by

Indradyumna Swami & Sri Pralad das

Soundtrack by

Ekendra das


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By Srigarbha das

Hare Krishna, this year Janmastami festival was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm in Bangladesh. Thousands of devotees gathered together for a huge extravaganza. Janmastami festival is celebrated as the holy appearance day of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna. Srimad Bhagavatam told, Krishna is the only God and all others are his expansions. Various acharyas like Shankaracharya, Madhavacharya, Ramanujacharya, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu have accepted Lord Sri

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