Souls Everywhere Interested by Bhaktimarga Swami


When walking by the Christmas trees in Yorkville, Toronto, I was contemplating on how responsive people were in Cuba during our recent week-long visit. Their nods, smiles and, “Olas” are endearing, but I should not fail to neglect the many tourists from Quebec, Ontario and other designations, also showed receptiveness.

For instance, as our group at the resort in Varadero were waiting for our airport bus, a person by the name Vince came to us with the greatest curiosity. You wouldn’t think that a general contractor like him would be keen. I must say he was so genuine. He’s from a town called Brockville in Canada. So, now I’m back from the tropical trip and on the sidewalk, turning a corner, in a cooler zone (but no snow around) and I experience the same kind of curiosity and welcome.

“Hey, Walking Monk, how are you?” I turned my head to see a fellow who’s been greeting me like that for a decade or so. I responded, of course, and as I did a young African Canadian, who heard the exchange and was nearby said,

“So, you are a monk? What do monks do? You were talking and I thought monks don’t talk.”

“Monks most definitely talk, and they walk too.”

My new friend had a ton of questions and I suggested she might try being a monk for a weekend. Something to consider doing for folks who demonstrate interest. She said she’ll consider it. It goes to show that spirituality is big on the rise and it’s at home.


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