By Hari Parshad Das
The term parikramā is a synonym for the term pradakṣiṇā.
Both terms are used synonymously.
For example, while performing parikramā of tulasī-devī, we call it a pradakṣiṇā — “tāni tāni praṇaśyantipradakṣiṇaḥ pade pade”
Parikramā means — To completely (pari) travel around (krama).
Pradakṣiṇā means — To walk around completely (pra) while keeping the deity to the right (dakṣiṇa)
The Hari-bhakti-vilāsa (8.393) specifies the method for performing Parikramā/Pradakṣiṇā of any deity of the Lord:
bhaktyā bhagavato hareḥ
nāmāni kīrtayan śaktau
tāṁ ca sāṣṭāṅga-vandanām
Translation: Thus, one must perform Pradakṣiṇā of the Lord with devotion, while chanting his names. If one has the required strength, one should perform it with aṣṭāṅga-praṇāmas.
Commentary by Srila Sanatana Goswami: śaktau satyāñca tāṁ pradakṣiṇām aṣṭāṅgena vandanena praṇāmena sahitāṁ kuryāt
Translation of Commentary: If one has the required strength then the same pradakṣiṇā should be performed withaṣṭāṅga-praṇāmas.
Definition of Aṣṭāṅga-praṇāma (from Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 8.162):
urasā śirasā dṛśā
manasā vacasā ceti
praṇāmo’ṣṭāṅga īritaḥ
Translation: The praṇāma which is performed using the (1) two hands, (2) the two legs, (3) two knees, (4) chest, (5) head, (6) eyes, (7) mind and (8) words is known as aṣṭāṅga-praṇāma.
Note of caution for ladies performing aṣṭāṅga-praṇāma (From the Skanda-purāṇa, Vāsudeva-māhātmya section, Chapter 29, Verse 27):
praṇāmaṁ puruṣas caret
pañcāṅgam eva nārī tu
nānyathā muni-sattama
Translation: The men may perform aṣṭāṅga or pañcāṅga praṇāmas (according to their capacity). However the women should perform pañcāṅga only and not otherwise.
Being non-judgmental about Govardhana-parikramā: Sometimes devotees think that barefoot parikramā of Govardhana is superior to wearing shoes, or that walking is superior to taking a vehicle. One should not consider one type of parikramā as superior to another. Srila Jiva Goswami says in the Gopāla-campū (Pūrva, 15):
svacchandatvād yānam apy atra diṣṭam
Translation: It is not required that the parikramā should be performed by foot. One can also take a vehicle (and obtain the same result).
sādhu-caraṇa-rajo ‘bhilāṣī,
hari pārṣada dāsa.
PS: I have not gone into a detailed etymology of the terms because I wanted to avoid grammatical complexities. Those who are interested in knowing the etymological derivations, please contact me personally.
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