vaishnavi padayatra (3)

By Jayabhadra Devi Dasi

In Amravati there is a school for visuallyimpaired children calledthe Dr Narendra Bhiwapurkar Blind School.

Our ISKCON Girls’ Forumteam has been going to the schoolat festivals and the childrenhave been encouragedto singin kirtan and participate in other spiritual activities. The first programme we had there was nine years ago and the response was nice.

This year we Vaishnavis took a sankalpa to conduct seventy-fiveVaishnavi padayatras as an offering to our spiritual mast

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10264076271?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Jayabhadra devi dasi

On February 26, 2022, we had a one-day Vaishnavi padayatra at Wadad village 15km from Amravati. As a district Medical Officer, I am well acquainted with our health workers, so while our ISKCON Girls’ Forum team did advance party work a few days before padayatra I liaised with fellow employees Anganwadi and Asha and they agreed to join us for padayatra.

Our group received an early-morning welcome at Wadad with the village ladies enthusiastically singing and dancing with us

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By Jayabhadra-devi dasi

By the inspiration of our spiritual master, Lokanath Maharaja, on International Women’s Day last year Amravati’s ISKCON Girls’ Forum held the inaugural Vaishnavi padayatra. It proved to be a unique experience. Normally matajis remain restricted to cooking, garland making, or similar services, so coming together and organizing a padayatra was a great achievement. The matajis of ISKCON Amravati walked for 8km and participated in dramas, sankirtan and other activities along

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