hope (2)


Edited and Founded Under Direct Order of
His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhakti-Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada
by Goswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta
Delhi, Friday 5th October, 1956

Asha, Pasha, Satai, Baddha,
Kama, Krodha, Parayana,

Ihante, Kamabhogartham,
Anyaena, Artha, Sanchayan.
(G. 16/12).

The atheists, who accumulate wealth unlawfully for the matter of sense-gratification, are bound up by hundreds of thousands hopes against hope by network of it.

In our issue of Back to Go

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Give me Hope! by Sutapa Das


Today he sits on the sidewalk, in minus degree temperatures, holding a ragged sign which reads “give me hope.” It’s a familiar sight that I’ve become somewhat desensitized to; I don’t think I can truly understand his situation. Seeing him sleeping rough, a few people throw in some coins, someone else gifts him a Costa coffee, while an occasional passer-by stops to offer a few comforting words. All nice gestures. But, my heart says, what he really needs is hope. In that sense we are all beggars

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