france (5)


By Rasananda Sankirtana Dasa 

On September 22nd-24th, 2023, the community of Radha-Parisisvara temple will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the installation of Sri-Sri Radha-Parisisvara on the most auspicious day of Radhastami.

On the 22nd, a Maha Harinam will proceed from place Saint-Michel (the historical location where devotees would go on Harinam back then) to rue Lesueur (which was the former location of the temple), passing by Luxembourg Park, where Srila Prabhupada once held an ini

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Brunch des Halles

Summer 2023 began on 21st of June and the heat rose In Jaganatha’s kitchen in Dijon. Le brunch des halles is an opportunity for dijonnais and tourists alike to discover the culinary wonders of the latest culinary artisan. It is said that cooking is an act of generosity. This is why cooking is an art because the one holding the knife and wearing the couvre chef has the ability to convey an entire world of colors and taste to you. This ability comes with the responsibility of ma

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By Chandni Raj

A seminar on book distribution was conducted for devotees at the New Mayapur temple, France. Vijaya Prabhu, ISKCON minister for book distribution, was the guest speaker at the seminar. Participants presented their questions on improving book distribution to him. The session was also attended by visiting devotees from Poland.

Devotees were excited to meet a highly experienced senior book distributor to whom they could address all their questions and receive guidance from. Various

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By NItai Gaurasundar Das

ISKCON devotees from France traveled to the Caribbean Islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe this past winter to perform Harinam in the streets. For some of the small towns, this was their first-ever exposure to Bhakti Yoga and chanting of the Holy Name.


The group was led by Jaya Bhakti devi dasi, a disciple of HH Guru Prasad Swami, who spent her own personal pension money to fund the pilgrimage. The harinam group consisted of Prasanatma das- a French Prabhupada disciple

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By Madhava Smullen

The Vedic Federation of France, a coalition of Indian-origin religious denominations and spiritual movements including ISKCON, is presenting one united voice to the French government and thus strengthening ISKCON’s position in France, where it has long been treated as a cult.

Several years in the making, the Vedic Federation includes eight groups who have been in France for over two decades and have faced similar challenges: Ramachandra Mission, Embracing the World (led by

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