art (17)

13469513859?profile=RESIZE_584xPancadhara Das in his home studio recording instrumental music for meditation.

Jorge Luis Martin, known in the ISKCON community as Pancadhara Das, has dedicated his life to music and spirituality. As a singer-songwriter, music producer, Reiki practitioner, and Bhakti Yoga devotee, his journey—from the streets of Buenos Aires to a quiet forest retreat—reflects his deep connection to Krishna consciousness.

Early Life and Spiritual Awakening

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to a Catholic family, Pa

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Bhaktivinoda Thakura:

From “Siksastakam”, Song 4, in Gitavali:

“In whatever birth I take, wherever my karma leads me, let me sing the glories of Your holy name birth after birth.”

“In danger or success, good fortune or disaster, let me remain in equipoise. And let my affection for You increase day by day by the influence of the holy name.”

From “Worship of Hari Must Begin from Childhood” in Prabandhavali:

“Because they cannot see God with their material eyes, they think that there is no such th

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13449431252?profile=RESIZE_584xNikunja Vilasini in her home studio.

Nikunja Vilasini Devi Dasi is a Bhakti-based artist, graphic designer, and muralist whose work bridges the worlds of devotion and creative expression. Originally from Russia, she has made her home in New Vrindaban, West Virginia, where she has contributed to numerous projects that enhance the spiritual ambiance of her community. Her art, spanning book illustrations to Bhagavad-gita-inspired greeting cards, reflects her steadfast dedication to combining aesthe

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13444751292?profile=RESIZE_584xMahaprahu Dasa, Director of MOSA, welcoming dignitaries and esteemed guests to the opening.

On January 30, 2025, the Museum of Sacred Art (MOSA) opened a new exhibit entitled “Mystic Paths: Living Traditions of Indian Art from MOSA” at the Museo de Antropología of Madrid in Spain’s capital. Over 150 special guests, including many professors, intellectuals, and artists from the area, attended the opening.

MOSA is an international visual arts initiative dedicated to supporting art and artists from

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Visakha Dasi has released a new book entitled Bhagavad-gita for Children, Krishna Is… This beautifully designed volume is a meditation on Krishna’s representations and energies in this world. Through simple phrases that accompany beautiful illustrations that are ready for coloring, children can easily grasp the Gita‘s relevance. Even more, they are reminded of who Krishna is and how He’s present all around us all the time.

“For me, the teachings of the Gita are meant to be accessible to people o

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There are many valuable lessons to be learned by leaders who want to resolve conflicts between two parties amicably. It requires a great deal of spiritual maturity, patience, respect for both parties, mode of goodness to deal with issue etc.

On being pleased with both parties

SP writes : “When the Lord came, He was pleased with everyone; therefore it is stated here, krtsna-prasada-sumukham. The Lord knew that even the offensive doormen were His pure devotees, although by chance they committed a

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Based on the Teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada

Twenty-first century Krsna consciousness is witness to a few new catch phrases. Among them are “inspiration” and “care for devotees,” Unfortunately, by themselves these terms are somewhat vague, so referring to Prabhupada may provide clarity. He used “inspiration” as follows: a motivation coming from paramatma or Sri Krsna,(1) an increasing attachment for Krsna impelled by His mercy,(2) an offering that gives pleasure to

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Creative dramatic presentations have been part of the ISKCON culture since the earliest days, with devotees performing at Sunday Feasts beginning in the late 1960s. The Bhaktivedanta Players, the main drama group at the Manor, recently performed a Krishna-Conscious version of the classic 1939 film, “The Wizard of Oz.”  The parody pantomime, called “The Wizard of Om,” was so popular that it was performed three times in a single day in the Manor’s theatre and was especially appreciated by the yo

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India’s National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) and the Museum of Sacred Art (MOSA) presented a new exhibit entitled “Shakti: Fair & Fierce” in New Dehli, which celebrates feminine creativity and empowerment ahead of the upcoming International Day of Women on March 8, 2024. NGMA is one of the premier art institutions in India. Established in 1954, the gallery is located at Jaipur House near India Gate. MOSA is an international visual arts initiative dedicated to supporting art and artists from In

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I am certain that the saffron apparel stood out against the grey and gloomy atmosphere for motorists on their way to work. It's not a usual part of the landscape of residential North River Street in Charlottetown this morning. I was on a spriteful walk to Shoba’s home at 7:00 AM, racing with time to take part in a mini sadhana of chanting, shastra (scripture) Reading and a breakfast. Do try hummus on toast with fiddlehead sauteed in olive oil to top like we did.

Ambarish And I drove then to the

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There they were, like kids in a candy shop. The Bhakti Academy crew joined me for a visit to a household in Stouffville. The proprietor, Ajay, handed me a copy of the Krsna Art Book, which I passed on for viewing to BA for their perusal. They were enthralled.

Page after page illustrates and summarizes pastimes of Krishna, which are full of energy, mysticism and holiness. Thus, the group was huddled about the book, a coffee-table sized gorgeous publication. It was the first time they had viewed

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By Krishna Lila Dasi 

Sample ‘Art for Peace’ collage

Over the past week, more than a million Ukrainian refugees crossed the borders to the neighboring countries, fleeing war. Most of them are women and children, like their husbands, fathers, and sons, —all men between the ages of 18-60 — had to stay back to defend their country, not knowing if they would ever see their loved ones again.

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8236691071?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Madhava Smullen 

After going part time with his communications service, ISKCON Communications Director for Australasia Bhakta Das is using his free time in “the latter part” of his life to realize an artistic dream years in the making.

He’s creating a series of twenty contemporary, expressionistic paintings, which will give an overview of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is chapter by chapter. At an impressively large 2 x 1.5 meters each, the astonishing pieces will go on a touring exhibition when the

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While the coronavirus is spreading throughout the world, so is kindness. Even though they are physically restricted in their movement, people find ways to reach out, express appreciation to and care for one another. 

On May 15th, ISKCON News announced a contest for young devotee artists between the ages of 3-18, asking them to recognize and capture these little acts of kindness around them and turn them into artwork. Dozens of pieces were submitted to the 'Kindness Pandemic' Art Contest, and t

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While the coronavirus is spreading throughout the world, luckily for us, so is kindness. Even though they are physically restricted in their movement, people find ways to reach out, express appreciation to and care for one another. They sing together on balconies to cheer each other up; they leave bags of groceries at the doorstep of the sick, or the old; they clap for the healthcare workers serving at the frontline; distribute free food to the police and sanitation workers who  maintain order

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Due to the mandated lockdown a few weeks ago, the Bhaktivedanta Academy (BANA) in Alachua, Florida, USA has moved all its classes online. Besides continuing with their academic curriculum, the students from age 3-16 participate at a special school-wide collective art project, called the Artistic Time Capsule. 


The project’s coordinator Krishna Lila Dasi (Krisztina Danka, Ph.D.) filmmaker and BANA Visual Arts teacher explained that by giving them exciting creative challenges, the purpose of thi

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By Madhava Smullen 

Run for twenty years by the late Syamapriya Dasi, then relaunched in 2009 by current director Bhakti-lata Dasi, the U.S. branch of ISKCON Prison Ministry has been working hard to give hope to the most desperate.

IPM distributes over 5,000 pieces of literature, including Srila Prabhupada’s books and Back to Godhead magazines, to inmates in prisons all over the country every year. Around 300 inmates receive personal letters annually from volunteers like Bhakti-lata, Srutade

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