narasimha caturdasi (3)


Hare Krishna. Pranams. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

For the pleasure of the devotees this coming Nrsimha Caturdasi, below is Chapter 231 of the Garuda purana, where Mahadeva Shiva calls on Lord Narasimhadeva.

(The Matrgana’s mentioned in this story are eight goddesses produced from the bodies of Vishnu, Shiva and six other main deities during the killing of a powerful demon called Andhaka. Their origin is recounted in the Varaha-purana.)

1. Suta said: O Saunaka, I shall now mention

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Bursting out of the pillar, eyes full of fire, His claws ready to cut up the
liar, He says he’s a king, yes the king of dung, That wasp better watch out,
he’s gonna get stung

The Lord’s roar resounding in my heart, He rips all my fears apart, He makes
us brave, He makes us bold, He makes all the demons do what their told

It is Lord Narasimhadeva, Narasimhadeva, Jay Jay Jay

That merciful Protector, He saved the prince, Who has been asking ever
since, That little boy had worshiped Him before his

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Powerful mantras for protection to the Lord’s half-lion incarnation and His weapons. These are for protection from such things as malevolent spirits and material desires, as well as increased devotion and a peaceful world. Also contains the Nrisimha Kavacha.

Prayers to the Lord’s Weapons

To the Chakra

chakram yugantanala-tigma-nemi

bhramat samantad bhagavat-prayuktam

dandagdhi dandagdhy ari-sainyam ashu

kaksham yatha vata-sakho hutashaha

Set into motion by the Supreme Personality of Godhead a

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