By Amogha Das (ACBSP)
Melbourne, Australia

It was about 1979 when I lived in Melbourne, Australia, that I decided my fallen self was a burden to ISKCON. I felt that ISKCON would be purer without me in it. I decided to leave the temple and association of devotees.

I went to the temple alone when no one else was there. There is a big brass bell at the entrance we would ring upon entering the temple. There are three arched doorways of Deity room, and three separate altars. I had come to said "Good bye" to the Deities.

I offered obeisances to Srila Prabhupada at his Vyasasana at the rear of the temple. I offered prayers explaining why I was leaving, and obeisances before Sri Sri Gaura Nitai on the left, Sri Sri Radha Vallabha in the center, and finally Lord Jagannath at the right altar closest to the door.

Having said my good byes, I walked to the big bell and door to leave when I heard a deep baritone voice call out, "Amogha! Don't go!"

Startled, I looked up at Lord Jagannath's altar. It was so loud and clear, and from His direction. I didn't hear it through my external ears, but I heard it so clearly and loudly within. Lord Jagannath, or Lord Balaram, had called me back.

I cancelled my plans to leave, holding this moment dear to my heart, and confidential.

I have been hesitating to write about this as part of World Deity Pastimes on www.narasimhalila.com for nearly six months. It was a difficult decision. A purpose of the website is to reveal that Deities in this world are actually Krsna, I hope readers will benefit from hearing this.
Copyright © 2013 Amogha das ACBSP
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