ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18621)

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9th Annual Vaishnavi Retreat, New Vrindavan

9th Annual Vaishnavi Retreat
October 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2010
For Women, by Women
New Vrindaban, W.Va

Come experience early fall in the glorious Appalachian foothills in the
shelter of New Vrindaban Dhama.
Nourish your mind, body and soul in the spiritually enlivening
association of Vaishnavi’s from around the country as you spend the
weekend immersed in a retreat reflecting the mood and teachings of His
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Included this year:
A full session dedicated to Srila Prabhupada memories
Inspiring workshops and seminars
Daily Japa & Sastric study Kirtan
Yoga and Campfire bhajans
Healthy Prasadam (vegetarian meals).
Many classes will be led by direct disciples of Srila Prabhupada.

Retreat fee:
Includes all meals during the Retreat dates.
Does NOT include accommodation & transportation fees.
The fee covers the retreat costs without profit motivation.
Only you will profit!

304-843-1600 ext. 111
Mention Retreat for reduced rates:
$18 per night per person shared room w/ two or
$15 per night shared w/ three

Airport Pick-up &

$75 ($40 one way)
Nearest Airport - Pittsburgh International-PIT

Greyhound Station:
Wheeling only: $35 round trip ($20 one way)
*For registration please call 304-845-9591 , write to us at or visit our website at

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A stroke of good fortune

A few years ago my wife Krsna Rupa and I met an Indian gentleman named Gyan who was interested in the Srimad Bhagavatam set. We went to his house to show him the books, did kirtan and gave him some prasadam. He ended up getting $1600 worth of books; the Srimad Bhagvatam set, Caitanya Caritamrta, Lilamrta, Hari Sauris books etc.

We would go and visit occasionally, do a program and he would gradually pay for the books. But one day I lost his phone number. So we drove around to his house only to find it vacated. I had no forwarding address so I thought I would never see him again. He still owed $1000 on the books!

About 2 years later I suddenly got a phone call. The voice sounded weak and eventually he told me his name was Gyan. He said some time ago he had a debilitating stroke which took a long time to recover from as he was an elderly man. He said he felt really bad that he had not paid for the books and had not got in touch. He felt the stroke was some sort of karma for his negligence. I assured him it was OK and he invited us around to do more programs and has now paid for the books. He seems to be alot more serious about Krsna consciousness since the stroke and he really gets absorbed when we do kirtan and speak about Krsna consciousness.

Rupa Raghunatha dasa
Sydney Australia

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Rocking Devotion on Janmashtami

NEW DELHI: Delhiites turned up in lakhs to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna at city temples such as Iskcon and Birla Mandir on the occasion of Janmashtami on Thursday. It's one of the biggest festivals for Hindus. Chief minister Sheila Dikshit was also present at Birla Mandir to offer prayers.

The Iskcon Temple in south Delhi alone drew over five lakh people to be a part of its grand celebrations. A large number of youngsters, too, visited the temple despite the heavy downpour. And not only bhajans and kirtans, but rock music was also part of the festivities here. A group of young devotees IIT graduate Sunder Das and other IIT alumni had even set up a special camp for scientific vedic studies at Iskcon. "We wish to spread the basic messages of vedic spirituality in the modern day scientific language. We have a better shot at bridging the gap with the youth if we speak their language,'' said Das, who is in his thirties.

As part of special attractions, Iskcon had organized a 24-hour kirtan. At least 4 lakh people were distributed prasadam. A huge number of people stood in queues to offer milk to the Lord, who was believed to be sitting with Radha on a swing. Little children dressed as young Krishna could be seen running around inside the temple.

"The number of devotees who visit the temple on Janmashtami doubles each year. Rock music and scientific presentations are a part of our campaign to spread the messages of Lord Krishna amongst the Indian youth,'' said Rishi Kumara Dasa, director (English media) Iskcon temple.

Lord Krishna also finds many devotees in foreigners, who could be seen dressed in saffron with their head shaved. Some have even given up their original names to show their love for the God. Krishna Surama Das, who is from Armenia, has decided to live in Iskcon temple for the rest of his life. He is the lead singer of one of the rock bands that performed on Thursday.

Among the other city temples that saw a huge turnout was Birla Mandir at Mandir Marg, where chief minister Sheila Dikshit also offered her prayers.

With traffic restrictions in place and a huge number of security personnel deployed at Mandir Marg, commuters had to go towards Gole Market to avoid getting stuck in jams.

Read more: Rocking devotion on Janmashtami - Delhi - City - The Times of India

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Save Yourself

In 1966 Srila Prabhupada told his followers, "Always remember that this Krsna consciousness is a sort of declaration of war with this illusory material nature. So there is war. She will always try to get you to fall down. It is very strong, powerful. How you can save yourself?" This is an issue we all need to resolve, and here's an approach you may find helpful.

Whether you are riding a wave of success in your devotional service or you are overwhelmed with life's challenges, please seriously consider fortifying and empowering yourself, or maybe even just saving yourself from becoming a casualty in the war against maya, by attending the Mayapur Institute's Bhakti-sastri or Bhaktivaibhava Courses beginning November 10th.

These courses give full facility for strengthening one's spiritual life by studying Srila Prabhupada's books deeply in the association of advanced devotees like Jayadvaita Swami, Bhanu Swami, Kadamba Kanana Swami, Candramauli Swami, B.V.V. Narasimha Maharaja, Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami, Bhakti Vinoda Swami, Hari-sauri Dasa, and Laxmimoni Devi Dasi.

When Srila Prabhupada's disciples were having difficulties, he would invariably prescribe carefully studying his books as in this 1972 letter: "Nowadays it seems that many of the older disciples like yourself are having difficulty. . . . Try to always study our books and see our philosophy from different lights of directions. Become convinced yourself of this knowledge, and without a doubt all your difficulties of mind will disappear forever and you will see Krsna face to face."

Even if he was instructing a strong leader, he would still stress studying his books as in another 1972 letter: "I want you leaders especially to become absorbed in the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and become yourselves completely convinced and free from all doubt. On this platform you shall be able to carry on the work satisfactorily, but if there is a lack of knowledge or if there is forgetfulness, everything will be spoiled in time."

Here are some students' testimonies underscoring these points:

Navadvip Chandra Dasa, M.Eng Oxford, Technical Projects Manager Bhaktivedanta Manor:
"I found the Bhaktivaibhava Course Module 1 to be inspiring, and I felt
greatly benefited by hearing the realizations of the teachers and other students. Understanding Srimad-Bhagavatam is a lifelong activity, and the course has left me a valuable framework upon which to build further study. I have begun to relish Srimad-Bhagavatam like never before, and I am confident that my studies will allow me to preach more effectively. I plan to return to Mayapur to complete Module 2."

Bhakta Kevin, Ireland:
"Philosophy I did not fully understand has become clear. Now I am more determined in my spiritual practices. I saw the conviction of the teachers
in Prabhupada's mission."

Vijaya Devi Dasi, Medical Student Bolivia:
"It was the way the teachers taught, - lots of group work and interactive learning, using music, art, and drama. At nineteen, I was the youngest student, and I was afraid to speak in front of so many senior devotees. But they encouraged me and gave me confidence that I could realize the truth of
Bhagavad-gita. I read it all the way through for the first time. The MI Bhakti-sastri Course pacified my heart and gave my studies and career goals a transcendental purpose - to please Krishna. I owe a lot to my facilitators."

Lilasuka Dasa, Secretary for the GBC:
"Although I have studied Srila Prabhupada's books for many years, taking this course has deepened my understanding and realizations in many ways. Because learning in this course focuses not only on acquiring knowledge, but also on understanding and sastra caksus, as well as personal, preaching and theological application, students undergo rapid character development. The MI Bhakti-sastri Course helped me to understand Srila Prabhupada, his mood and his mission as well as my personal service within that mission more deeply. Therefore I recommend to all the members of ISKCON to follow this course at Sri Mayapura Dhama. It gave me more faith and conviction and brought me a step closer in serving Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Their servants with devotion."

Here's more from the GBC level describing the efficacy of our approach to devotional education:

Devamrita Swami in a Bhagavatam Class:
"Here in Mayapur, you have the bhakti-sastri program. I've heard from so many devotees who have studied bhakti-sastri here in the holy atmosphere of the dhama that their lives were transformed by three months of daily full-time study of Srila Prabhupada's books. They said it just turned their whole life around."

Laxmimoni Devi Dasi, Ministry of Educational Development:
"The MI provides an opportunity for young devotees, many of whom are just finishing their required, often mundane, education, to study Srila Prabhupada's books in the transcendental home of Lord Caitanya, Sri Dhama Mayapur. The temple offers a dynamic spiritual program and the community offers an abundance of sadhu sanga. This is a perfect spiritual setting for the rare jewel of systematic sastric study. In addition, the program is affordable, safe and comfortable."

Please take a few minutes to read our course descriptions below, and please seriously consider making a powerful investment in your spiritual development. More information on all our courses can be found on our website



We teach bhakti-sastri's main subjects in separate units which reflect the principles of learning in our approach to education. You will progressively learn knowledge, skills and values in a systematic manner through a system makes learning easier and natural.

This system offers the following benefits:

You can study either full- or part-time, with the option of completing the course over an extended period if you cannot complete all the units within one semester.

Information is categorized, filed and accessed in our brains according to subject. Our unit system follows the brain's natural way of learning and remembering so you relish the joy of learning with less effort.

Separately assessing learning for each unit makes the assessment more relevant to day-to-day experiences. Assessment done in this sattvik way also dispels the stress students often feel when the assessment is put off till "midterms" or "final exams."

Detailed schedules of these units and their facilitators can be found on our website

We offer an access program during the first week of the course to assist you in preparing for your study in Mayapur.

Facilitators cover subjects like varnasrama-dharma, the yoga ladder, and jnana in the beginning of the course. In this section, comprised of two units, you focus on understanding the bhakti-sastras by studying Bhagavad-gita Chapters 1-6.

After you have sufficiently understood the basic philosophical subjects, you will progress into the units dealing with personal application through subjects like sadhana-bhakti, ananya-bhakti, elevation through the modes and preaching from the bhakti-sastras (defeating Mayavada philosophy and addressing inappropriate worship of the devatas). This section draws material from Bhagavad-gita Chapters 7-18, Nectar of Devotion Introduction - Chapter 19, Nectar of Instruction and Sri Isopanisad.

In the final section of this course, facilitators address appropriate attitudes for a bhakti-sastri graduate. You will thoroughly explore topics such as appropriate attitudes towards ISKCON gurus, perpetuating Srila Prabhupada's mood and mission, the mood of a bhakti-sastri preacher and cooperation within ISKCON. This section draws from various materials throughout the bhakti-sastras. In addition to exploring appropriate attitudes, it consolidates the learning achieved in the previous units.

Facilitators assess you in each of the seven course units and will give you ongoing reports of your progress. This style of regular and transparent assessment helps you to be peaceful and happy. If you are unable to complete all seven units at once, because of other commitments, you can complete the course over two or more years since successfully completed units remain credited.



This course starts where the Bhakti-sastri Course ends by adhering to the same principles of effective education, and is designed to enliven, inspire and empower. Srila Prabhupada emphatically states on page 60 of Nectar of Devotion that "hearing and speaking Srimad-Bhagavatam is the religious process which elevates one to the platform of serving and loving the Supreme Personality of Godhead". As a graduate of the Bhakti-sastri Course, you have the option to optimize your advancement through the Bhaktivaibhava Course. Besides building on the previous course, this course also prepares you for further spiritual growth in the MI Bhaktivedanta and MI Bhakti-sarvabhauma
Courses, which are now in production.

Since there is much more material to cover in this course, the MI Curriculum Development Team has focused on facilitating students with substantial service responsibilities. As with the Bhakti-sastri Course, you may attend several units in one year and then return the following year to pick up where they left off. A Preliminary Self-study Section is available so that you can study much of the material before coming to Mayapur, thereby enabling you to spend less time away from your preaching fields and optimizing your learning while in Mayapur.

# Guidelines on how to study Srimad-Bhagavatam
# Additional quotes from Srila Prabhupada's lectures on Srimad-Bhagavatam
# Focused reading assignments with Content Specific and Generic Questions
# A list of verses to learn, and live, by heart.
# You will apply your notes compiled during the Preliminary Self-study Section to the corresponding Campus Section.

Our course consists of two 26-week modules, each of which has a 13 week Preliminary Self-study and a 13 week Campus Study Section. The Campus Study Section comprises 5 classes per week and two weeks of assessment.

This course has a developed system of assessing your strengths and weaknesses through weekly closed-book exams (slokas and short answer questions), open-book questions (essays), and presentation of seminars to classmates. This system dramatically enhances your learning and growth.


You can find more information of these courses, as well as our usual offering of Gaura Purnima Courses, on our website

We look forward to serving you this coming semester!!!
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14 Lakh Devotees Expected To Converge In 48 Hours For A Glimpse Of The World’s Largest Janmashtami Celebrations

Fourteen lakh cups made of dry leaves, or dronas as they are called, are stacked in the store room of the ISKCON temple in Juhu, waiting to receive the delectable ‘halwa prasad’ that is bubbling in huge cauldrons in the kitchen. One of the largest gatherings in the world on Janmashtami will unfold at this signature Krishna temple where up to 14 lakh devotees converge to pray over two days.

Beginning Wednesday 8 am through Friday 1.30 am, winding queues of men and women carrying children and infants will unravel, at times all the way to Amitabh Bachchan’s bungalow half a km away. From the highrises of Mumbai to the shanties that serve them, they arrive cutting across class and caste. Each is promised a ‘darshan’ of at least three minutes, given that devotees are herded indoors quickly and allowed to queue up before the idol itself. Often things work to plan, except one year when waitlisted people almost broke the barricades down as ‘darshan’ closed at the appointed hour. The timings were later extended.

The mammoth logistical exercise gathers into its fold every single volunteer and employee of ISKCON days before the festival. Barcoded to the last detail, the operation maps out separate entrances, queues, prasad stalls and shoe counters for different categories of visitors. “Every single visitor will receive the ‘halwa prasad’, the kind one prepares on ‘ekadashi’, for this is a day of fasting,’’ says Parijata Devi, communications manager, adding, “Life members will be served a full fasting meal.’’ Some people turn up for ‘darshan’ on the first day, others throng temples on the actual day when Krishna was born, September 2 this year.

Extensive security and car parking arrangements are in place, with temple officials consulting with local police again Tuesday evening. “Visitors will not be allowed to bring cellphones, cameras, handbags or purses,’’ says Parijata Devi. “They will have to park in a ground some distance away from where temple vehicles will ferry them here. We do not wish to inconvenience local residents.’’

One member of the ISKCON team is proudly presented by the rest, the Muslim tailor Abdul who has been stitching the Lord’s dress for the last 25 years.

Abdul works with the deity department which looks after the jewellery, flowers, garlands and clothes of the 10 idols in the temple. A practising Muslim, Abdul also accepts the prasad and doesn’t feel any conflict between his faith and job. Work on the Janmashtami dress begins six months in advance, when the colour and pattern is decided, after which Abdul begins stitching the dress for the main idol, Sri Sri Radha Rasabihari.

There are others,installing barricades, wiping chandeliers, chopping vegetables and dry fruit,sweating over huge cauldrons of ‘mahaprasad’ or arranging tokens for 50,000-odd shoes that will be deposited every few hours. Two hundred litres of ‘charnamrit’ was distributed last year.

This year as always, many anonymous donors offered foodgrain, ghee, sugar and other ingredients for prasad while others have contributed to decorations. Two years ago, baby Krishna wore a designer outfit courtesy Manish Malhotra and before that one from Neeta Lulla.

The blue god has a serious fan following. Celebrities and common men alike are keen to rock the holy cradle just once. Hema Malini never fails to dance here on Janmashtami and will do so again Wednesday night. Jagjit Singh, Shivkumar Sharma and Anup Jalota have performed this week.

LAST TOUCHES: (Clockwise from top) The chief deities; Abdul, who has been stitching the idols’ clothes for 25 years; sweets for the deity; arrangements for devotees’ shoes; prasad being prepared

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*Yamaraj's Greatest Concern*

Yamaraj is the demigod who records all of our pious and evil deeds. The servants of Yamaraj approached him and complained about something they were very concerned about. Here is the conversation between Yamaraj and his Yamaduta servants.

Yamaduta 1: How are you Prabhuji?

Yamaraj: I am doing well. But you look a little tense.

Yamaduta 1: Yeah Prabhu. We are little held with few matters.

Yamaraj: Oh. Let me know your issues.

Yamaduta 1: I am worried about this hell.

Yamaraj: Why? What has happened?

Yamaduta 1: Hell is getting empty by each passing day and if this situation will continue then we need to close hell down.

Yamaraj: But why, what is happening?

Yamaduta 1: This is just because of a devotee of Krishna.

Yamaraj: Devotee? How come a devotee is doing such miracle?

Yamaduta 1: This devotee is a representative of Krishna and although he has already left his material body and returned to the spiritual world his magic is still working like anything.

Yamaraj: About whom you are talking about?

Yamaduta 2: Prabhuji - It is obvious - Srila Prabhupada. I don't know what he told his followers but they are preaching and preaching and preaching, and because of their preaching - No one is coming to this hell.

Yamaraj: Yes, you are right this is a concern.

Yamaduta 1: Even we cannot touch them or take them to hell.

Yamraj: Why? They would have done some mistakes and for certain mistakes take them to my hell.

Yamaduta 1: We can't take them. Everyone is going to Krsna loka because they know a transcendental secret.

Yamaraj: Which transcendental secret?

Yamaduta 1: They know that "In whatever state you will quit your body; in your next birth you will attain the same body." That's why every devotee keeps chanting Krsna's name and never stops chanting. They practice to chant the Lord's holy name so at the time of death they are able to attain the Lord.

Where ever they go - they keep on chanting Hare Krsna mantra which is so powerful that these devotees are very sharp and smart- They always chant loudly so that people around them can also hear. The sound is everywhere . Some senior devotees are totally renounced and are travelling from country to country giving classes on Krishna consciousness. There are others that sent regular weekly wisdom emails in order to give spiritual guidance. What shall we do? We are in big trouble if hell is to close. We will all lose our jobs.

Yamaraj: This is a big issue and problem for hell. But at least I am happy that we still have a lot of prisoners in hell.

Yamaduta 2: No Prabhu. These devotees are very cunning. Srila Prabhupada has revealed every secret to them. These people are observing ekadasi to give benefits to their forefathers, so we don't have much population in hell.

Yamaraj: Oh no.

Yamaduta 1: Especially because of Indira ekadasi. Due to Indira ekadasi - lot of souls have been released from hell. As stated in garuda purana, someone who is suffering in hell cannot practice Krishna consciousness, because this requires some mental peace, which the reactionary tortures of hell makes impossible. However if a relative of a sinner suffering in hell gives some charity in the name of the sinner, he can leave hell and enter the heavenly planets. But if the sinner's relative observes Indira ekadasi fasting for his suffering kinsman, the kinsman goes directly to the spiritual world.

Yamaduta 2: and Moreover - They observe every single ekadashi as per directions by Srila Prabhupada and giving comforts to their forefathers in this hell.

Yamaraj: Oh my Krishna. I am getting concerned with these devotees.

Yamaraj: Why don't you put these devotees in some turbulence so that they will be afraid and will forget to chant Hare Krsna?

Yamaduta 2: Prabhuji - It's not easy- whenever we create some problems for these devotees - They start chanting Hare Krishna mantra and thank Krishna for giving a test for their purification. They are not afraid of any problem. They think that whenever Krsna sends some problem this means that Krsna loves them and is testing their sincerity. They are not afraid of anything. They know that Krishna is everywhere. They sing Hare Krishna mantra in every situation. They are making us mad. We are really sitting
idle just because of these devotees.

Yamaraj: Oops. We are really in troubles.

Yamaduta 1: Even One more problem is there.

Yamaraj: What?

Yamaduta 1: They are making every place as Vrindavana.

Yamaraj: How come?

Yamaduta 1: They are building new temples and spending money in Krsna's service. They have installed so many deities in everyone's home. I can't tell you that these devotees are making such a big mess in this material world. I am sure - If they will work with this speed - They will make everyone to go from this world to Krsna Loka.

Yamaraj: Oh my Krsna!! Save us from these devotees.

Yamaduta 1: Yeah. Better to request Krishna to give us another job.

Yamaraj: What is their mantra?

Yamaduta 1 & Yamaduta 2 (In Chorus): Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama - Rama Rama Hare Hare. And suddenly Yamaduta 1 and Yamaduta 2 become invisible and Yamaraj understood they were going upwards to the spiritual plane.

Then Yamaraj started chanting ----

"Hare Krsna Hare Krsna - Krsna Hare Hare , Hare Rama Hare Rama – Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Suddenly - I heard my clock “ring, ring, ring “- It's 4:00 am. It's 04:00 am - It was a dream. But yeah never stop preaching even in dreams.

*Hare Krishna!
Dhirasanta dasa *
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A Young Celebration

You could well bump into them at any of the Capital’s many pubs. But you won’t. Instead, you’ll find them earnestly preparing for the festival of Janmashtami tomorrow. These are the five guys we met at the Iskcon temple in East of Kailash. All are in their 20s and all dedicated to God’s mission.

“I really used to be into rock music… obsessed with heavy metal bands such as Metallica and Opeth,” says Natvara Krishna Das (that’s the name he, like his friends, has adopted at the temple), 22, and an engineering graduate. “But the Hare Krishna chanting is a different high. Dancing at the pub is nothing compared to dancing while we chant here.”

It seems a tad bizarre at first, but these guys are convinced of the path they’ve chosen. “You see someone with their head shaved and wearing a dhoti kurta and you think fanaticism. But we’re working to spread peace and happiness. We even go to campuses such as JNU and DCE to spread ‘Krishna consciousness’.” Natvara adds.

His fellow ‘celibate’, who goes by the name of Krishna Sudama and is a qualified graphics designer, says he misses nothing from the time before he joined the temple. “Whatever you find outside, you can find inside, but in a civilised manner. We go out to malls and markets, but only to invite youngsters to enroll with us,” he says. Krishna, who’s been living at the temple for more than two years, says he visits his parents occasionally.

Predictably, moderation is the key here. Juices and milk are apt substitutes for alcohol. Dancing, as you praise the lord, is enough to burn off calories. As for Facebook or Orkut, there’s simply no time! “Our day starts at 3.30 am. There’s plenty to do the entire day,” says Sundar Gopal Das, 27, a gold medallist from IIT Delhi. “There’s such madness over money these days,” he continues. “But you can’t be happy with just that, you know.”

The other two guys - Prateek Pandey, 22, Yudhistir , 20 - have been silent so far. The latter, unlike the others, doesn’t live in the temple and is pursuing a course in mass communication. “My classmates were surprised to learn about this at first, but I’ve encouraged some of them to follow suit.”

By this time, they all seem keen to return to their chores. After all, it’s Janmashtami tomorrow, and managing the 5-6 lakh people who converge at the temple is no easy task.

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Is grass greener on other side?

Migration does not bring happiness: UK study

LONDON: For migrants to the UK from India and elsewhere, the grass might not be greener on the other side, a new study from the University of Leicester has found.

Economic migrants travelling to different shores for greater income could be set for disappointment - because the pursuit of wealth does not equate with happiness. The study, carried out by sociologist David Bartram, is titled "Economic Migration and Happiness: Comparing Immigrants' and Natives' Happiness Gains from Income."
He sought to establish whether those people who were motivated by higher incomes in a wealthy country actually gain greater happiness via migration. He also examined whether these economic migrants might have exaggerated expectations about what they will achieve and experience, such that there is some significant disappointment.

Bartram, of the Department of Sociology, said: "The study of happiness tells us that people generally do not gain greater happiness from earning higher incomes - which suggests that migrants might be mistaken in believing that they will be better off if they can move to a wealthy country". "The results suggest that economic migrants might well experience disappointment," the sociologist said. "Migrants do gain happiness from higher incomes, to a greater extent than natives - but the relationship is weak even for migrants. In fact, it also works out that migrants are less happy than natives," Bartram said. The probable reason is that they expect to be happier by virtue of earning the greater incomes available in a wealthy country - but they end up wanting even more after they get there: aspirations probably increase at least as much as incomes.

"In short, even after an increase migrants find it difficult to feel satisfied with their incomes - just like the rest of us," Bartram underlined. "Many of us are guilty of believing that money is more important for happiness than it is - and this research suggests that migrants are not terribly different in this regard," he said, adding life as an
immigrant in a wealthy country can be very hard. The research examined responses from 1,400 people in the World Values Survey (existing survey data).

Our Comments:
At last, they have just discovered one of the basic teachings from Bhagavad Gita - Weath does not bring happiness.
Now the next stage they need to understand is that love of Godhead alone can bring happiness. This love can be attained in this age of quarrel and hypocrisy by simply chanting the holy names of Krishna

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The next meeting of one of the biggest interfaith gatherings in the world, the Parliament of the World’s Religions, could be hosted in Brussels, Belgium in 2014—and an ISKCON devotee is front and center in the bidding process.
ISKCON’s European Communications Director Mahaprabhu Dasa goes back 117 years to explain how it came to this.
“The Parliament of the World’s Religions was first held in Chicago in 1893 as part of a large fair called the World Columbian Exposition,” he says. “An historic event, it was the first major meeting between leaders and thinkers of both western and eastern religious traditions, and is now seen as the birth of formal interreligious dialogue worldwide.”
But it wasn’t until 1993, when the City of Chicago decided to celebrate the Parliament’s 100th anniversary by having an academic conference, that it became a regular occurrence.
“As they planned it, it developed into a popular event that drew over 8,000 people from many religious communities,” Mahaprabhu explains. “The organizers decided not to wait another 100 years to hold the next one. So they held another in Cape Town, South Africa in 1999.”
After this, the Parliament was established as an event that was held every five years. The next two, held in Barcelona, Spain in 2004, and in Melbourne, Australia in 2009, were similar successes.
“Since the first four had been held in America, Africa, Europe, and Australasia respectively, I was sure the fifth would be held in Asia, the only remaining populated continent,” Mahaprabhu says. “So I began to campaign for Delhi as a candidate. But when I returned to ISKCON’s Radhadesh community in Belgium, several friends of mine who had attended previous Parliaments—including a Rabbi from the Jewish group Lubavitch-Chabad—contacted me and said, ‘Why not have it in Brussels?’ They expected that I might be able to get the ball rolling because of my connections in the interfaith world.”
They were right. Inspired, Mahaprabhu launched himself into the campaign. He began to meet with people from different religious communities and interfaith organizations. Following the Parliament of the World’s Religions’ sophisticated bidding system—rather like that of the Olympics—they formed a steering committee for Brussels’ bid to host the 2014 Parliament.
Mahaprabhu is accompanied in his efforts by seven other experts in various areas of interfaith relations, including committee chairman Miguel Mesquita, a former advisor on religious communities to the president of the European Commission. So far, they have received forty-five letters of support from major churches and interfaith groups, as well as from Brussels’ Mayor and its Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Brussels Convention Bureau—Brussels’ main tourist office—also fully supports the initiative.
Although two other cities—Dallas, USA, and Guadalajara, Mexico—are currently also bidding to hold the next Parliament, Brussels is the strategic favorite.
“It’s a political hub, and the Parliament’s central Chicago office feel that Europe is especially in need of dialogue about religious freedom right now,” Mahaprabhu says. “Our only major challenge is finances. In Chicago, the Federal government gives $2 million, the State government gives $2 million, and the city government half a million dollars. This is unlikely to happen in Belgium. We will have to gather more support in smaller amounts, and are even considering raising funds outside of Europe for the event.”
If Brussel’s bid is accepted, the steering committee that Mahaprabhu is a part of will transform itself into a non-profit organization that will organize the event locally. This is a huge, $8 million project involving hundreds of volunteers and professionals and requiring venues and event organization on a very high level.
“In the past, members of the steering committee would automatically be a part of this new legal entity,” Mahaprabhu says. “But now the Chicago office is a little more selective, so although my involvement in the next level is possible, it’s not guaranteed.”
Whatever his position, however, and whichever city wins the bid, Mahaprabhu is all set to help increase awareness and plan the involvement of devotees from all over the world.
“ISKCON Communications and other ISKCON representatives have attended all four Parliaments so far,” says Mahaprabhu. “We had an especially good presence in Barcelona—there was an ISKCON Communications stand handing out free brochures, and a “temple shop” selling devotional and cultural products. ISKCON guru Sivarama Swami did a presentation on Hungary’s eco-village project Krishna Valley, ISKCON Deity Worship Minister Krishna Ksetra Dasa participated in a panel conference, and one devotee did a cooking course. We also performed a fire sacrifice, or yajna, and held our traditional temple morning program.”
ISKCON’s participation in the Melbourne conference, however, was minimal, and Mahaprabhu hopes that its presence can be brought to a much higher level for the next Parliament in 2014.
“We really need to plan it well in advance, and to convince ISKCON leaders of its importance and receive their support,” he says. “It’s important for us to be present and to contribute in a positive way, because the Parliament—although still in its pioneer phase—is set to become a major interfaith event. For instance, last year it received heavy coverage by the media and a White House delegation even attended. So we would like to have ISKCON’s most talented leaders, thinkers and academics from around the world making proposals for workshops, conferences and presentations.”
If the Parliament is held in Brussels in 2014, the event will occur sometime between the end of June and the beginning of September, with Square, a convention center in the picturesque heart of Brussels, as its main venue.
The Parliament will run for one week, and will draw thousands of intellectuals, spiritual leaders, spiritual practioners, and seekers. It will feature 600 to 700 presentations, workshops, and programs. There will also be cultural showcases for music, dance and more, as well as exhibits where each organization can present its literature.
A wide variety of topics will be discussed in depth at the workshops and conferences, with attendance ranging from the thousands to fifteen or twenty people. In the mornings from 8am to 9am, each religious community will have time to hold their traditional services for everyone to attend.
“The Parliament is an excellent way for ISKCON to present its identity, theology, teachings, principles, and values,” Mahaprabhu says. “It has three components: the first is intra-religious, where a community can present itself and its message through qualified speakers, thus giving a good impression to other religious leaders, intellectuals, and the general public.”
The second component is inter-religious, where representatives of different communities can participate in panels on different topics—in ISKCON’s case, Mahaprabhu says, it’s an opportunity to show that we’re mature, healthy, and willing to do dialogue with other traditions.
And the third component is a chance for religious communities to give their solutions, analysis or perspective on burning issues in today’s world.
“I think that ISKCON could give a lot of good contributions if we really put our thought into it,” Mahaprabhu says.
He adds that there are already some ideas for the 2014 Parliament, including an interfaith panel organized by ISKCON, and a “kirtan in different faiths” program. He also stresses the importance of devotees participating in the event.
“In previous Parliaments, there have been Hindu-Jewish or Hindu-Catholic dialogues in which not only was ISKCON not present, but no Vaishnavas were represented,” he says. “Instead, there were Hindu Swamis from other traditions. So this time we would definitely like to be involved.”
He concludes: “I think ISKCON could play a very important role, explaining to representatives of other faiths that Hinduism is not all about mystic yogis and impersonal philosophy—it’s also about Vaishnava traditions and monotheism.”

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In one of his past lives, Dr. Paul DeBell believes, he was a caveman. The gray-haired Cornell-trained psychiatrist has a gentle, serious manner, and his appearance, together with the generic shrink décor of his office — leather couch, granite-topped coffee table — makes this pronouncement seem particularly jarring.

In that earlier incarnation, “I was going along, going along, going along, and I got eaten,” said Dr. DeBell, who has a private practice on the Upper East Side where he specializes in hypnotizing those hoping to retrieve memories of past lives. Dr. DeBell likes to reflect on how previous lives can alter one’s sense of self. He, for example, is more than a psychiatrist in 21st-century Manhattan; he believes he is an eternal soul who also inhabited the body of a Tibetan monk and a conscientious German who refused to betray his Jewish neighbors in the Holocaust.

Belief in reincarnation, he said, “allows you to experience history as yours. It gives you a different sense of what it means to be human.”

Peter Bostock, a retired language teacher from Winnipeg, Manitoba, says that in the early 1880s he managed a large estate — possibly Chatsworth — in Derbyshire, England.

In a twist that would make Jane Austen blush, he thinks he was in love with the soul of his current wife, Jo-Anne, then embodied as a cook in the estate’s kitchen. Married to someone else, Mr. Bostock could not act on his feelings.

He says he and his wife share the kind “of attraction and recognition that a soul makes when it encounters the familiar.” In that spirit, the couple traveled last month to Rhinebeck, N.Y., where they and more than 200 others paid $355 each to attend a weekend seminar run by one of America’s pre-eminent proselytizers on the subject of reincarnation, Dr. Brian Weiss.

On this second, sweltering day of the seminar, Dr. Weiss, a 65-year-old Florida resident with a hawk-like visage and placid blue eyes, was wearing a polo shirt the color of robins’ eggs. He took a break from teaching and, over a healthy lunch, reflected on the rise of interest in the West in reincarnation. Like Dr. DeBell, he is a psychiatrist with an Ivy League pedigree (Columbia University and Yale Medical School).

Dr. Weiss was censured by the medical establishment in 1988 after he published “Many Lives, Many Masters.” In it he details his work with a patient he calls Catherine, who, under hypnosis, the book says, remembered multiple past lives, relieving her of paralyzing phobias. It has sold more than a million copies.

Now, Dr. Weiss said: “Doctors are e-mailing me. They’re not so concerned with their reputations and careers. We can talk about this openly. And it’s not just psychiatrists, but surgeons and architects.”

According to data released last year by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, a quarter of Americans now believe in reincarnation. (Women are more likely to believe than men; Democrats more likely than Republicans.) Julia Roberts recently told Elle magazine that though she was raised Christian, she had become “very Hindu.” Ms. Roberts believes that in her past life she was a “peasant revolutionary,” and said that when her daughter sits in a certain way she knows “there’s someone there I didn’t get the benefit of knowing ... It’s an honor for me to continue to shepherd that.”

At Cannes in May, a Thai film about reincarnation, “Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives,” won the highest prize. In it, an old man on his deathbed sees the dead as vividly as the living, and his past life as an ox is as clear as his present one.

In religious terms, the human narrative — birth, life, death and rebirth — has for millennia been relatively straightforward in the West. You were born. You lived. You died. After a judgment you went to heaven (or hell) forever and ever. Eternity was the end: no appeals allowed.

But nearly a billion Hindus and a half-billion Buddhists — not to mention the ancient Greeks, certain Jews and a few Christians — have for thousands of years believed something entirely different. Theirs is, as the theologians say, a cyclical view. You are born. You live. You die. And because nobody’s perfect, your soul is born again — not in another location or sphere, and not in any metaphorical sense, but right here on earth.

Gadadhara Pandit Dasa, Columbia University’s first Hindu chaplain, called it “a re-do,” like a test you get to take over. After an unspecified number of tries, the eternal soul finally achieves perfection. Only then, in what Hindus call moksha (or release), does the soul go to live with God.

SPIRITUALLY minded Americans have had a love affair with Eastern religion at least since the Beatles traveled to India in 1968, but for more than a generation, reincarnation remained a fringe or even shameful belief.

“I can remember, 30 years ago, if a person wanted to learn about reincarnation, they would go into a bookstore and go into a very back corner, to a section called ‘Occult,’ ” said Janet Cunningham, president of the International Board for Regression Therapy, a professional standards group for past-life therapists and researchers. “It felt sneaky.” Now the East is in our backyards, accessible on the Internet and in every yoga studio.

At the same time, Western religion is failing to satisfy growing numbers of people — especially young adults. College students Mr. Dasa encounters, most of them raised as Christians or Jews, “haven’t given up on the idea of spirituality or religion,” he said. “They’re tired of the dogma they grew up with.” According to the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey, 15 percent of Americans express no affiliation with any religious tradition, nearly double the number in 1990.

Stephen Prothero, religion professor at Boston University and author of “God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World,” has made a study of Western interest in Eastern religious practice and suggests that our fascination with reincarnation is related to Americans’ relative prosperity. Modern Americans, in their optimism and material success, see reincarnation as a chance to postpone eternity for another day, he explained by e-mail. “Reincarnation means never having to say you’re dead,” he wrote.

The popular purveyors of reincarnation belief these days are not monks or theologians, but therapists — intermediaries between science and religion who authenticate irrational belief.

Dr. Weiss stresses that he is a medical doctor who was not expecting to encounter past lives in a conventional therapeutic setting. (His favorite title, he says, is not “guru” but “professor.”) Under hypnosis, Catherine, the patient in his book, had memories of times and places, and in such extraordinary and historically accurate detail, he said, that she could never have invented them. (In one life she is an Egyptian servant in charge of embalming corpses. “I see eyes,” she told Dr. Weiss under hypnosis. “I see a woman, a goddess, with some type of a headpiece on ... Osiris ... Sirus ... something like that.”)

Critics of hypnotic regression dismiss such visions as scientifically dubious. “The mind fills in the blanks, basically,” said Dr. Jim Tucker, a child psychiatrist at the University of Virginia who studies accounts of past lives. “How are these visions different from dream material: that’s quite the question.” Nonetheless, Dr. Weiss’s elite credentials, and his initial skepticism, open the door to belief for people who might otherwise stay away.

“I’m not a big New Age person,” said a 47-year-old woman from Harlem who saw Dr. DeBell to cope with grief after her mother’s death. “I was really, really angry at the way my mother died. It’s almost as if I took it personally. How could this horrible thing have happened to my family? I’ve been such a good person.” (She declined to have her name published.) After two sessions of conventional talk therapy, Dr. DeBell hypnotized her and, she believes, led her to discover images of past lives. In one, she was an Italian merchant, a man, who sold textiles along the Amalfi Coast; in another, she was an African herbalist; in a third, she was a freed slave in New Orleans who healed the sick and ministered to those in need. This deep dive “was a tremendous help,” she said. It gave her a broader perspective on her life — and on the death of her mother: “I felt more at peace. My mother came, she did great things for me and she moved on.”

In a post-Freudian world, past-lives therapy has its advantages. For one thing, it’s quick. A regression session usually takes several hours — and costs more than $100 an hour. Under hypnosis, the patient follows a guided visualization. In his workshop in Rhinebeck, Dr. Weiss talked more than 200 people into a meditative state and then encouraged them to imagine walking through one of five doors. One had on it the year 1850, another 1700, another 1500 and so on. (All this reporter could visualize were Vermeer paintings; peasants in homey kitchens and the bourgeoisie at play.) “Any good therapist can use these techniques and you can learn them in a week,” Dr. Weiss said.

Whereas in classic psychoanalysis, patients used to have to see their doctors multiple times a week to talk about parents, childhood traumas and dreams, past-life therapists promise they can access the memories from which troubles stem in just one session. Catharsis and healing are nearly instantaneous results, Dr. Weiss said. “You don’t need six months of trust,” he explained. “This is the fast form.”

Among past-lives therapists, a debate rages about whether it’s possible to solve emotional problems by “changing” a past-life memory. To learn to swim instead of drowning, for example; or to strike a killing blow at a killer. Dr. Weiss said he opposes such memory manipulation. “I want the memory to come out unedited, unchanged,” he said. Further, therapists have begun to broaden their definition of “memory,” leaving aside the question of whether a scene uncovered during hypnosis is “real” or not.

“I have done several thousand individual past-life regressions,” said Ms. Cunningham, of the International Board for Regression Therapy. “And I will also say that I don’t know where these memories come from. So when we say ‘reincarnation,’ it may be our singular soul that reincarnates again and again and again. It may be an aspect of soul energy. It may be a collective unconscious. I think some people might go into fantasy. It may be an allegory or metaphor from the mind.” No matter what these visions are, Ms. Cunningham said, uncovering them can be therapeutic.

ON the fringes of legitimate science, some researchers persist in studying consciousness and its durability beyond the body. Though Dr. Tucker, who directs the Child and Family Psychiatry Clinic at the University of Virginia, has few kind words for regression therapy or its practitioners, he continues to be committed to the scientific study of what can only be called reincarnation.

He is carrying on the pioneering research of his mentor, Dr. Ian Stevenson, who beginning in the 1960s collected more than 2,000 accounts of children between the ages of 2 and 7 who seemed to remember previous lives vividly without the help of hypnosis.

Dr. Stevenson did most of his casework in Asia, where belief in reincarnation is common. There he found a child born with a deformed hand who remembered having his fingers chopped off in a previous life (Dr. Stevenson went to the village the child recalled and verified that such an incident had taken place), and Burmese children who said they had previously been Japanese soldiers killed in World War II and preferred sushi over their native cuisine.

Dr. Tucker studies American children and in one case found a young boy who started to say, around the age of 18 months, that he was his own (deceased) grandfather. “He eventually told details of his grandfather’s life that his parents felt certain he could not have learned through normal means,” Dr. Tucker wrote in Explore, which calls itself a journal of science and healing, “such as the fact that his grandfather’s sister had been murdered and that his grandmother had used a food processor to make milkshakes for his grandfather every day at the end of his life.”

Dr. Tucker won’t say such cases add up to proof of reincarnation, but he likes to keep an open mind.

“There can be something that survives after the death of the brain and the death of the body that is somehow connected to a new child,” he said. “I have become convinced that there is more to the world than the physical universe. There’s the mind piece, which is its own entity.”

Lisa Miller, the religion editor for Newsweek, is the author of “Heaven: Our Enduring Fascination With the Afterlife.”

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Voodoo Priest Gets the Mercy

In the evening, after a blissful day of book distribution in New Orleans's French Quarter, Raya Nitai Prabhu, Bhakta Steve and I were preparing to go on harinam. After we blew a conchshell to signify the beginning of harinam, a tall skinny man with a goatee, French beret, and long hair walked through a black gate from a dimly lit ally and approached us.

He asked, " Are you Hare Krishnas?"

We replied, "Yes."

He smiled and said, "That's wonderful! Tonight is the anniverssary of our head priest's passing away. Can you do a kirtan in his memory?"

It turns out that he was a voodoo priest and we were invited to his voodoo temple.

The walls were full of religious icons, pictures of saints and tribal statues including a murti of Lord Vishnu on Garuda.

There were several people in the temple, and they really enjoyed the kirtan. They were swaying back and forth. Raya Nitai lead a New Orleans style kirtana that got their emotions moving, and afterward we spoke a little about Krishna consciousness. They even purchased a hardbound Bhagavad- gita As It Is.

Lord Caitanya's movement is spreading to every town and village and hopefully every voodoo temple. Everyone gets the mercy.

Bhakta Vassilios

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10 Destiny Questions Everyone Must Answer to know if a transcendentalist is in the platform of Brahman Parmatma or Bhagwan.

These answers will also help one know where one stands in krsna Consciousness/ How our consciousness is situated in Devotional Service.

1. Who am I?

I am not this Body I am Spirit Soul. Part and parcel of Krsna as he is the Supreme personality of Godhead. We the spirit souls are his eternal loving servants. (All the Bhramandis will get terminated in this question based on their answer. Premanandis answers are based on Sambandha Jana.)

2. Where am I?

I am bound in the material world which is the darkest creation of Krishna. I am coming from the Spiritual world

4. Why am I here?
I originated as a spark from the body of the supreme Lord.

5. What am I doing?

I am here because of forgetfulness of reality, that Krishna is the supreme enjoyer, and because I wanted to be the do-er and the enjoyer and lord over just like Krishna.

6. Where am I going?

Back to Godhead - Goloka Vrindavan The Topmost planet in the Spiritual Sky. (or) Wherever the lord wants me to Go

7. How do I get there?

By Directly following the Instructions, Orders, Following in the footsteps of the Lords representatives and Indirectly following the rules and regulation as prescribed by GURU SADHU and SASTRA which is the order of the Supreme Lord.

By Unalloyed, Unconditional and Unlimited renderings of Pure devotional service that is pleasing to the Supreme Lord.

Through the mercy of spiritual master and Lord Chaitanya.

8. When will I get there?

If we follow the foot steps of GURU SADHU and SASTRA with Srila Prabhupada's Mercy in this same lifetime. If I Qualify and krsna sanctions then in this same lifetime.
9. What does it take to get there?

Obtaining Transcendental body that is cent percent krsna consciousness to be at Godhead.

Any material body but Cent percent pure krsna consciousness to be anywhere the Lord wants me to be.

Mercy of Lord Chaitanya and the spiritual master, complete surrender to Krishna and pure knowledge of our eternal relationship with the supreme Lord.

10. Who will help me get there?

Mercy of Bhagwan, the mercy of Supreme Lords dear most Bhaktas and surrender of our complete independence to the will of the Lord.
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We are sorry to announce the departure of Svayambhu Maharaja, a senior disciple of Srila Gour Govinda Swami and our dear godbrother and friend.

When speaking of the glory of the Vaishnavas, Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja would often quote the following Bengali verse from the poet Vaishnava Das:

vaisnavera guna gana, korile jivera trana
suniache sadhu-guru mukhe

"I have heard from the lips of sadhu-guru, if you glorify a devotee, you will be delivered very easily. Krishna will be very pleased and you will get his mercy very easily."

As all who knew him can readily confirm, glorification of a Vaishnava like Svayambhu Maharaja flows easily from the heart. He was a special person indeed.

Svayambhu Maharaja was born in a ksatriya family on 17 December 1935 as Subhas Chandra Nayak in the Orissan village Garaam. Subhas attended school in the nearby town of Kujanga. A teacher in one of his fourth grade classes was an effulgent Vaishnava only five years older than Subhas. This young teacher was named Braja Bandhu Manik. Subhas found Braja Bandhu to be a sober serious person, very dedicated to reading Vaishnava literature, chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, and worshiping his family deity of Sri Sri
Radha Gopal Jiu. Braja Bandhu was his teacher from the 4th to the 7th grades. At that time he didn't know that his tutor would one day become known as Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja and would become Subhas' spiritual master.

Subhas married when he was 19 years old, and like his revered instructor Braja Bandhu, he became a school teacher in the subjects of math and Oriya literature. Subhas was there on the 10th of April 1974 when Braja Bandhu left home. He later recalled:

I heard that Gurudev had left his family life and his position as a teacher and had gone to the Kakudia Math. The day after he left home I went to Kakudia Math to see him. When I arrived he was sitting and looking at a picture of Gopal and singing over and over again, "Gopal, Gopal, Gopal, Gopal, Gopal, Gopal, Gopal." In the afternoon a group of teachers and students from the high school arrived to meet him. They were stunned by his sudden renunciation. They asked him, "Why have you left your job and your
home?" Gurudev then asked me to recite Manabodha-cautisa, Instructions to the Mind, a song by the Oriya vaisnava Bhakta Charan Das:

kaha-i mana are mo bola kara
kalasrimukha bare dekhiba calare

kete dinaku mana bandhuchu anta
ki ghenijibu tora chutile ghatare

khandi je khandi tora panjara kathi
khauna thibe svana srgaÿa bantire

khat palanke mana sejai sou
khala durgandha heba e tora dehure

galeni to sangaru jeteka jana
ganthire banddhinele ke kete dhanare

guru gobinda nama tunde nabolu
gadhe majjina nitye dhana arjilure

gharaboli arjichu jete padartha
ghata chutile tote bolibe bhutareg

ghara gharani deha kilauthibe
gheni bandhu kutumba suddha hoibere

I say to you, O mind: Obey my order!
Let us go and see the beautiful black-faced one [Lord Jagannath]!
For how long will you remain bound in material life?
At the end of your life, what will you take with you?
Piece by piece your ribs will be distributed
Amongst the dogs and jackals.
O mind, you are now sleeping comfortably on a nice mattress,
But after death your body will give off a terrible smell.
How many of your friends and family have already died?
How much of their wealth could they bind in a cloth to take with them?
You have never uttered the names of guru and Govinda!
Always deeply absorbed in thinking how to gather wealth,
You are acquiring so many things like house and family!
But when your life is gone, all will cry, "Ghost!"
The ladies of the house will close up the doors.
And only after the recommended period of purification will your
relatives be
considered freed from contamination.

urudev was listening intently to the song. When I came to the last line he fainted and fell back unconscious against me. Seeing that his jaw was clenched tightly shut, I took a piece of bamboo and pried open his mouth. When the teachers saw him faint in this way, they became convinced that Gurudev was no ordinary person and that he was truly qualified to leave home and take to spiritual life. The students, however, still wanted him to return. Seeing the mood amongst the students, I told them, "Now he is unconscious. We can easily take him back to his home. Go and get a motor rickshaw." As soon as they left I carried Gurudev away where they could not find him. Later we came back to the matha. That evening Gurudev's wife Srimati Vasanti Devi came. Gurudev had her sleep inside the room while he and I slept outside on top of some coconut palm leaves. In the morning I pointed out to Gurudev how there was an imprint on his body from the leaves. He said, "Yes, renounced life is like this." His wife was unable to convince him to return, and he sent her back home that morning. He stayed there at Kakudia Math for five or six days, during which time he called for his younger brother Kripa-sindhu and asked him to take care of his family. Then he left Kakudia Math and walked 14 kilometers to Gadeigiri to request Gopal's permission to take sannyasa. After taking to the renounced order of life, Braja Bandhu asked Subhas to give him bhiksa or donations for a sannyasi. He told him, "Just as Buddha after leaving home first begged alms from his disciple Chandika, you please give me my first alms as a renunciate."

Subhas had two sons and three daughters. During this time he lost contact with Braja Bandhu and became interested in Buddhism. After some years he left home and became a Buddhist sannyasi. In that position he traveled and preached in Tailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and various places in India. Although traveling extensively and preaching, Subhas never forgot his mentor Braja Bandhu. In 1979 Subhas was visiting Bhubaneswar. While there he went to the Buddhist shrine known as Dola Giri. On his way back he went to get a bus. At the bus stand he was approached by a white skinned westerner, dressed in a dhoti with Vaishnava tilak. That devotee gave him a magazine in Oriya called Bhagavat Darshan. Seeing that Subhas was interested, the westerner began explaining some things about Krishna consciousness. He showed Subhas an article in the magazine written by an Orissan sannyasi, whom he said was living at their center in Bhubaneswar. The devotee's name was Bhagavat Das, and he invited Subhas to come to meet that sannyasi. When Subhas later arrived at the ISKCON property, he was astonished to see that the sannyasi, now known as Gour Govinda Swami, was none other than Braja Bandhu --
the mentor of his youth.

Gour Govinda Maharaja explained that he and Bhagavat had received initiation from His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada; and that his name was now Gour Govinda Swami. Subhas started coming every day to see Gour Govinda Maharaja, who patiently explained to him the principles of the Bhagavad-gita. Due to Maharaja's strong preaching Subhas gradually gave up his interest in Buddhism, and became a follower of Srila Prabhupada. In 1984 he took intitiation from Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja and received the name Svayambhu Das. From that day, under the guidance and instruction of his spiritual master, Svayambhu began strongly preaching to the pious village
people of Orissa. This remained his focus for the rest of his life. He became well-known for his learned discourses during which he would frequently sing traditional Oriya Vaishnava songs. He converted many sahajiyas in Orissa into pure followers of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada. After Gour Govinda Maharaja left this world in 1996, Svayambhu waited a few years and then took sannyasa from Srila Bhaktisvarup Damodar Maharaja in 2003. After taking sannyasa, he became known as Svayambhu Maharaja, and became even more enthusiastic to preach.

Around 2008, Svayambhu Maharaja started becoming frequently sick. His condition became acute in early August 2010, and the devotees took him to a local hospital. There he was treated for a few days and then passed away on the 11th of August 2010 at 4:15pm. A few minutes before his departure, Svayambhu Maharaja's eldest son Mahendra came to visit. He gave his father some caranamrita and Jagannath maha-prasadam from Puri. After giving his father those items, Mahendra started playing a recording of Srila
Prabhupada singing the maha-mantra; at which time Svayambhu Maharaja peacefully left his body.

Bhubaneswar Dham is a sacred place. It is part of Sri Ksetra, specifically the entrance to Jagannath Puri. The fifth chapter text one of the Kapila Samhita, a Sanskrit Sthala Purana of Orissa, describes the glories of Bhubaneswar:

tasmin ksetre dvija-sresthah te vasanti narah kila
te yanti visnoh sannidhyam bhasamanah su-tejasah

"O best of the twice born those persons who reside in this effulgent and splendid holy land, attain to the abode of Lord Vishnu."

Svayambhu Maharaja was 75 years of age when he departed from this world. He had no formal disciples, but he will be remembered by thousands of villagers all over Orissa whose lives he transformed by giving them the maha- mantra and the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Maharaja is survived by his purva-asrama wife Malati Nayak (initiated as Manjulata Devi Dasi), his two sons Mahendra and Bipin, and his 3 daughters Sangha Mitra (initiated as Su-prema Devi Dasi), Sujata (initiated as Suvarna Manjari), and Sakuntala, all of whom, with the exception of the youngest Sakuntala, were initiated by Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja.

The devotees in Bhubaneswar fondly remember Svayambhu Maharaja as being close with Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja. They are in the process now of making a svayam samadhi (full samadhi) for Svayambhu Maharaja at the ISKCON farm project in Atala, and a puspa-samadhi at his birthplace in Garaam.

We pray for Svayambhu Maharaja's blessings that we can render some sincere service to our spiritual master in the way that he so wonderfully exemplified.

. . .
Svayambhu Maharaja only spoke a few words of English and after taking initiation he rarely traveled outside of Orissa. So he is relatively unknown to most of the devotees in the West. I can't say that I had many exchanges with him. But I vividly remember the first time I ever saw him. It was the day when I first arrived in Bhubaneswar in October of 1993. I put my things in my guest house room and started walking on the outside veranda to the temple. I didn't know anyone there -- everything was very new to me. Looking down in the courtyard below I suddenly saw an effulgent elderly devotee in the courtyard. Without thinking, I instinctively offered him my obeisances. Just from his appearance I felt that he must be someone special. I later came to find out that it was my senior godbrother Svayambhu Prabhu.

Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ki jaya!
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja ki jaya!
Sri Svayambhu Maharaja ki jaya!

Vaishnava kripa prarthi,
Madhavananda Das

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Lord Balarama

Who is Lord Balarama?
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is the fountainhead of all incarnations. Lord Balarama is His second body. They are both one and the same identity. They differ only in form. Balarama is the first bodily expansion of Krishna, and He assists in Lord Krishna's transcendental pastimes. He is the source of the entire spiritual world and is the adi-guru, the original spiritual master.

He assumes five other forms to serve Lord Krishna. He Himself helps in the pastimes of Lord Krishna, and He does the work of creation in four other forms called the catur-vyuha (four armed) forms known as Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Anirudha. He executes the orders of Lord Krishna in the work of creation, and in the form of Lord Sesa He serves Sri Krishna in various ways. In all the forms He tastes the transcendental bliss of serving Krishna. No one can approach Krishna without first getting the mercy of Baladeva.

Descent of Balarama
Whenever Krishna appears in the material world, He is accompanied by His associates and paraphernalia. Five thousand years ago when Krishna descended into the material world, He was first preceded by Baladeva. Only after Baladeva give His mercy did Krishna descend, such is the intimate relationship between Krishna and Baladeva.

When Baladeva appeared as the seventh child in the womb of Devaki, she could understand that this was a divine child and this made her all the more concerned about His safety. Even Kamsa could sense His potency and he became fearful, thinking he may have been tricked by the prophecy that he will be slain only by the eight child of Devaki. At this time Krishna instructed Yogamaya, His internal potency, to transfer the unborn child from the womb of Devaki to that of Rohini, one of the other wives of Vasudeva, who was hiding from Kamsa in the house of Nanda Maharaja in Gokul.

In this way Balarama was born in Gokul under the protection of Nanda Maharaja. Garga Muni the venerable kulguru (family priest) of the Yadu dynasty revealed to Rohini that the child she was carrying was indeed that of her husband Vasudeva. At the time of the name-giving ceremony he named the child Rama, one who gives all pleasures. Referring to the immense strength of the child, Garga Muni predicted that He will also be known as Balarama (bala meaning strength). Since He was forcibly attracted from the womb of Devaki to that of Rohini, He was also be called Sankarshana. As the son of Rohini He was known as Rohini-nandan and as the elder brother of Krishna He was also called Douji.

The form of Lord Balarama
Powerful Lord Balarama is sixteen years old, full of the luster of youth and has a fair complexion the color of crystal. He wears blue garments and a garland of forest flowers. His handsome hair is tied in a graceful topknot. Splendid earrings adorn His ears and His neck is splendidly decorated with garlands of flowers and strings of jewels. Splendid armlets and bracelets ornament Douji's graceful and very strong arms and His feet are decorated with splendid jeweled anklets.

Lord Balarama's beauty is enhanced by the earrings touching His cheeks. His face is decorated with tilaka made from musk, and His broad chest is ornamented with a garland of gunja. Balarama’s voice is very grave and His arms are very long, touching His thighs

The splendor of Lord Balarama's transcendental form eclipses many millions of glistening rising moons, and the slightest scent of His boundless strength is sufficient to destroy many armies of demons. Although He knows the supernatural power of His younger brother, Krishna, still, out of love for Him, He never leaves Krishna alone in the forest even for a moment. Balarama is Sri Krishna's dearest friend and is a great reservoir of the nectar mellows of many kinds of transcendental pastimes.

Specific Pastimes of Lord Balarama
Balarama slays Dhenukasura
Dhenukasura was a powerful demon who had assumed the form of an ass. With his demon friends he was occupying Talavana, one of the twelve forests of Vrindavana. Out of fear of these demons no one could approach Talavana and enjoy the numerous flowers and fruits in the forest. Balarama, induced by His cowherd friends, entered the forest desiring to kill the demons. He began shaking the fruit trees, making a big noise. Dhenuka, furious at the intrusion, attacked Balarama with his rear legs, but Balarama easily picked him up by his legs and whirled him around until he died. As the other demon friends of Dhenuka rushed to attack, Krishna and Balarama picked them up and threw them on trees, killing them. Soon the forest was free of all demons, and it appeared that the bent trees were being directed by Balarama to pay obeisances to Krishna.

Balarama kills Pralambasura
Once when Krishna and Balarama were playing with the cowherd boys, a demon named Pralamba entered their midst, disguised as a cowherd boy. Understanding the invincible potency of Krishna, he instead decided to abduct Balarama. At the end of the game, as the losing party he was supposed to carry Balarama on his shoulders. Carrying the Lord on his shoulders he ran swiftly, but Balarama realizing the true identity of demon began to make himself heavier and heavier. Unable to bear the weight, the demon assumed his original form which was like a huge dark effulgent cloud, decorated with golden ornaments. Balarama then bought His fist down the head of the demon splitting it into two and causing him to give up his life.

Balarama glorified by Krishna
As the elder brother of Krishna, Balarama was the object of His love and respect. Once when walking in the forest of Vrindavana, Krishna observed the trees bending down as if paying obeisances. He glorified the lotus feet of Balarama as being the object of devotion even for the demigods. He said that the trees, which were impersonalists in previous life times, witnessing the personal form of Balarama were now praying for His devotion. At other times when Balarama would get tired by playing, He would lie down the lap of one of the cowherd boys and Krishna would personally massage His feet, fan Him and give Him service. Such was the sweet reciprocation of love between Krishna and Balarama.

Yamuna devi chastised
Once Lord Balarama, Who was at the time living in Dwarka, came back to stay in Vrindavana for two months. At this time He enjoyed pastimes with His gopi friends (who were different from the gopis of Krishna). Enjoying such pastimes on the bank of Yamuna at Rama-ghata, the Lord summoned Yamuna so that He could sport in the waters. When Yamuna devi did not respond. Lord Balarama took up His favorite weapon, His plow, and began to drag Yamuna in a hundred streams. Understanding the position of Balarama, Yamuna devi personally appeared and offered her obeisances to the Lord with many prayers in His glorification. Thus appeased the Lord entered and bathed in the waters of the river.

Kauravas chastised
Samba, the darling son of Jambavati and Krishna, kidnapped Laksmana the daughter of Duryodhana from the assembly were she was supposed to choose her husband. The furious Kauravas after a prolonged fight, finally arrested Samba by sending in six of their greatest warriors. When the Yadavas heard of this they prepared for battle but Lord Balarama pacified them, preferring to find a peaceful solution. However when He requested the Kauravas to return Samba and Laksmana, the Kauravas responded by insulting Him and the Yadava dynasty. Understanding them to be ignorant in their false prestige, Balarama took His plow and began to drag Hastinapura into the Ganges. The terrified Kauravas now surrendered to the lotus feet of Balarama, begging for His mercy. They immediately returned Samba and Laksmana and had them married ceremoniously with many opulent gifts.

Balarama marries Revati
In Satya yuga there was a King named Raivata whose daughter Revati was excellent in all respects. Unable to find a match suitable for her, the king took her to the court of Brahma for his advise. After waiting for some time when the king met with Brahma, he was shocked to learn that in the short time he spent in the Brahmaloka, millions of years had already passed on Earth and at the time Dvapara yuga was concluding. However Lord Brahma informed King Raivata that present at this time was Lord Balarama Who was more than qualified to be the husband of Revati.

King Raivata returned and approached Balarama to accept Revati as His wife. However Revati belonged to an earlier yuga when people were much larger physically. So Lord Balarama placed His plow on her head until she shrunk to an appropriate size and accepted her as His wife.

Balarama and Mahabharata
In general Balarama was equally affectionate to both the Pandavas and the Kauravas. He accepted both Duryodhana and Bhima as His disciples in the art of mace-war. As a teacher He appreciated the superior technique of Duryodhana as opposed to the raw strength of Bhima. At the time of Mahabharata, He refused to take sides and instead went on an extended pilgrimage to the holy places. In the battle between Bhima and Duryodhana, He became angry at Bhima for killing Duryodhana by trickery, but was appeased by Sri Krishna.

Killing of Romaharshana
Towards the end of Dvapara yuga thousands of sages assembled on the banks of Naimyasharana to perform a thousand year yajna in an effort to reverse the onset of Kali yuga. They appointed as their leader Romaharshana, one of the main disciple of Vyasadeva, who was also present when Sukadeva Goswami narrated Srimad Bhagavatam to King Parikshit.

When Lord Balarama entered the assembly, understanding Him to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all present rose to offer Him respect. However Romaharshana, proud at occupying the position of the leader did not get up. Lord Balarama could understand that even though Romaharshana was a an expert Vedantist, he had not yet realized these teachings. Considering him unqualified to lead the ceremony, Balarama touched him with a blade of grass causing him to die. He then instituted Suta, the son of Romaharshana as the leader of the assembly and continued with His pilgrimage.

Mercy of Lord Balarama
Lord Balarama exemplifies the service attitude to Krishna. His only mission is to please Krishna by rendering service to Him, whether it is in the creation of the material worlds, maintaining the spiritual world or as His personal paraphernalia.

Lord Balarama is the eternal companion of Sri Krishna. He came as Lakshmana with Rama and later as Nityananda Prabhu with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is the original spiritual master, and any one desiring to make spiritual progress must first get the mercy of Lord Balarama.

All glories to Lord Balarama !!
Reference : Srimad Bhagavatam, Tenth Canto.
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Dear Prabhus and Maharajas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

With great pleasure, ISKCON Mayapur invites devotees worldwide to celebrate the Gaura Purnima festival 2011 at Sri dham Mayapur. On 5th of March 2011, the festival inauguration will take place, followed by various festivities, Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama and the grand celebration of Gaura Purnima on 19th March. Please find below the detailed festival schedule. Gaura Purnima festival announcements on guest house booking, seva opportunities etc will be posted from time to time in our website




GBC meeting Starts


GBC meeting ends


Arrival of Devotees


Festival Inauguration

Tamal Krishna Goswami's Disappearance


Panca-tattva Abhisheka of the Holy Name,Cultural programs,Sponsored Satsang Seminars,Congregational preaching Night,Book Distribution Awards


Parikrama adhivasa


Navadvip mandala Parikrama begins


Navadvip mandala parikrama party returns to Mayapur


Festivities and Cultural programs


Ganga Puja

Elephant Procession

Immersion of Ashes of departed souls


Sri Sri Radha-Madhava Boat Festival


Santipur festival


Ratha Yatra


Gaura Purnima Festival


Jagannath Mishra's Feast


Devotees Depart

Thank you.

Your servant

Bhakti Purusottama Swami

Festival coordinator

ISKCON Mayapur

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Trustees of the birth site of Sripad Shankaracharya in Kelady, South India invited ISKCON Deputy Governing Body Comissioner Bhakti Vinoda Swami to speak as the Chief Guest at one of their widely known educational institutions this July 28th.
The Swami addressed over 1,000 parents, faculty, trustees and students who had assembled at the Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology to start their careers in the sacred land.
After receiving a warm reception, he expressed his happiness in being asked to speak at the historic Kerala village were the great Vedantic philosopher
Shankaracharya was born in 788 C.E., and from where he blazed an intellectual and spiritual trail across India.
Of course, Shankara taught that the Absolute Truth was attributeless and impersonal, differing from the Vaishnava perception of a personal God. But his own ultimate conclusion sends a different message—as illustrated in his song Bhaja Govindam: “Worship Govinda! Other than chanting the Lord’s names, there is no other way to cross life’s ocean.”
Bhakti Vinoda Swami explained how Shankaracharya differentiated matter from spirit, denounced the falsity of material life, and scientifically proclaimed the superiority of spirit and the self.
Modern education, he said, lacks these essential teachings and is therefore weak and incomplete. As ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada often asked when he visited reputed colleges and universities all over the world: “Where is your department for study of the spirit soul?”
Bhakti Vinoda Swami urged the Adi Shankara Institute and its students to imbibe Shankaracharya’s teachings as expressed in his Bhaja Govindam song, and to cultivate spiritual knowhow in parallel to their material education.
The Swami quoted Srila Prabhupada extensively, and requested that the Institute, situated as it is in the heart of Shankara’s bastion, stand out as unique by imparting the knowledge given in Prabhupada’s books.
When the function came to a close, the Institute’s trustees took his advice and ordered some of Srila Prabhupada’s books for their library. They also requested
Bhakti Vinoda Swami to visit again, and to consider conducting classes on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is for their students.

-- With rewriting and additional research by Madhava Smullen

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VANCOUVER –The scenic English Bay was the stunning backdrop forISKCON Hare Krishna Temple’s 37th Annual Chariot Festival of India held on Sunday, August 15th. Sunny weather, a fabulous, colourful parade and the cheers and support of many well-wishers joining in chanting and singing made for an energetic and positive atmosphere. A great time was had by everyone.
The parade started under the Granville Street Bridge and proceeded along the waterfront Beach Avenue to Stanley Park. Thousands of participants and spectators lined the streets or watched from the many apartment buildings lining the beautiful route. They were treated to a spectacular parade that included many diverse musical tastes such as a brass band and ethnic costumed dancers and musicians. Two chariots, including one with young performers, sang kirtan, an Indian devotional tradition of call and response music. This chanting of the traditional Hare Krishna by the hundreds of gathered participants echoed throughout the west end, creating happiness and love to those who heard it. Foot tapping, dancing, singing and large smiles were common among the spectators.
The highlight of the parade was the Ratha Yatra cart. The Ratha Yatra is an ancient festival occurring annually in July in the city of Puri, India on the Bay of Bengal. It commemorates Lord Jagannath’s, (Lord of the Universe) annual journey accompanied by his brother and sister. This is a very auspicious event and the only time that the Jagannatha deity comes outside of the temple to bless the general masses. In keeping with this tradition, the deities from the ISKCON temple in Burnaby make the historic journey in a special cart, pulled by the devotees and followers along English Bay, which is remarkably similar to the historic journey in Puri – the cart in both places travels in stunning scenery between the city and the ocean.
After the parade, a festival was held at Stanley Park’s Second Beach offering a full day of enticing entertainment on two stages – from singing, dancing, kirtan to other interesting talks and recitals. Thousands of free vegetarian prasadam meals were given away, and many activities and events were enjoyed by the children. Face painting and henna art were free and very popular and vegetarian cooking demonstrations showed throughout the day. Vendor stalls showcased beautiful Indian clothes, jewelry and other wares and interactive hatha and bhakti yoga classes were presented.
The festival was a great success with visitors from all of Canada and the US. As the sun set over the majestic English Bay, a final kirtan featuring an international cast of performers closed the festival for 2010.
For the first time in Vancouver, the Second Beach site held a kirtan concert “Kirtan Vancouver” on the Saturday night before the festival. This hugely popular and engaging event showcased both local and international kirtan performers, singing and chanting Indian devotional music until after dark, with a positive Vancouver response, not unlike the joys of the Folk Festival.
The successful weekend’s activities are a precursor to the exciting Janmastimi celebration of the birth of Krishna that will be held on Wednesday, September 1st at the ISKCON temple on Marine Drive in Burnaby (see for more details).

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By Radhanath Swami

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shri Krishna explains,

janma karma ca me divyam
evaà yo vetti tattvataù
tyaktvä dehaà punar janma
naiti mäm eti so ‘rjuna
[BG 4.9]

‘One who understands the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities never attains…never has to take birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode.’ Those divine personalities who come to distribute the treasure of prema bhakti, the emissaries of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, their lila is of the same nature as the Supreme Truth. Therefore, one who understands the divine nature of the appearance, activities and disappearance of the great souls, they never have to take birth again in this material world. Because such great personalities, their lives are cent percent dedicated in the loving service of the Lord. Therefore, the Lord reveals Himself, reveals His divine lila into this world through their words and through their actions. Just as Srila Prabhupada used to tell us, ‘That as Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the spiritual master is the supreme personality of servitude Godhead.’

We Celebrate Both, Appearance & Disappearace:

On the disappearance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, Srila Prabhupada taught us how to observe this day of the disappearance of the Guru. He explained that there is no difference between appearance and disappearance on the spiritual level. Because, for such divine realized souls who are in contact with the eternal soul, there coming and going into this world are both only for the benefit of those who love them. Of course, on the appearance there is usually a great celebration and on the disappearance there is the celebration of tears – a celebration in the mood of separation. Appearance means unity, meeting, coming together and disappearance means the pains of separation. Krishna sometimes is known as Madan Mohan. One definition of this Madan means meeting and Mohan means separation. So Krishna teaches us to love Him through meeting with us and then through casting us into the realm of separation.

No Reason To Live Further Without You “Gurudev”.

But Only For Your Instructions, Your Words & Your Mission.

Seeing The Examples:

Raghunath Das Goswami:

In the life of Raghunath Das Goswami, we find how a devotee feels on the disappearance of the Lord of his life. Raghunath Das Goswami, when Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Swarupa Damodar Goswami, his Guru and life, disappeared from this world, he offered prayers, he felt so much bereft, he had no reason to go on living. In fact, he made vow to go to Vrindavan and to jump from the Govardhan hill to commit suicide. And when he went to Vrindavan, he revealed his heart through beautiful writings. He explains that the Govardhan hill, such a beautiful beautiful manifestation of Krishna, now that my Gurudeva is gone, when I look like…when I look at Govardhan hill, it appears to be a great serpent for it is coming to devour me. When I look at Radha Kund and Shyam Kund , when I look at the sky, everything around is only reminding me of the great pains that is within my heart. So in this way, Raghunath Das saw the whole world as nothing but a dread void in the absence of his spiritual master. In fact, Srila Prabhupada explains in the Bhagavatam that when the spiritual master leaves us, it is the duty of the devotee to weep in separation. To see the world as dread void in the absence of the Lord of our life.

So in this way Raghunath Das illustrated to us how to love our Guru. But then it is explained that he met Rupa and Sanatana. And Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis reminded Ragunath, of the order of the words of his spiritual master – to glorify the Holy Name of Krishna, to reveal to the world the teachings and the glories of his Gurudeva. And upon hearing this Raghunath Das gained life, gained determination and gained purpose to remain in this world simply as a missionary of the spirit of his spiritual master.


And we find the same situation in the case of Arjuna in the Srimad Bhagavatam. After Lord Shri Krishna left this world, when Arjuna returned to Hastinapura, he was pale white, weeping tears, he saw no reason to live. This world is a place of ignorance. Anyone who is attached to doing anything in this world is simply the most unfortunate animal. The purpose of life is simply to serve and to love our Guru and Krishna. And in the absence of our Guru and Krishna what do we want in this crazy world of birth and death, of envy, lust and pride for? So Arjuna feeling this great great pain of separation in his heart he didn’t know what to do – perhaps to give up his life. And he began to reveal his life to Maharaja Yudhishthira. But then he remembered the words of Krishna. He remembered the vani, the order of Krishna that He gave him while standing between the two armies on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. And that gave him strength. In remembrance in the words of his Gurudeva he felt the divine presence of his Gurudeva more than ever before and to serve those instructions gave him a reason to live – more of a reason than he ever had before throughout his life.

Srila Prabhupada:

And in the life of our own beloved Guru Maharaja, Om Vishnupada Paramhansa Shri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, we find that same intensity of love. Srila Prabhupada would tell us that in the absence of his spiritual master he was wondering why go on living? This world is a dread void. But, he remembered the words of his spiritual master. His Guru Maharaja told him that you are intelligent, young man – preach in the English language all over the world this wonderful message of Shri Caitanya. He told him that on their first meeting and just within a month before he left his body. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur wrote that letter to Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada knew that he was perhaps going to leave this world, so he wrote a letter to his Guru Maharaj in Jagannath Puri and he said you have so many disciples, who are sannyasis and brahmacharis, who are serving you so nicely – day and night. I am a very fallen soul, I am very distant from you. Please tell me how I can serve you. And just days before his departure, Srila Prabhupada received this letter that you take this message of Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and spread it through the world in the English language.

So when Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati left, Srila Prabhupada had one thing to hold on to – the instruction of his spiritual master. And Srila Prabhupada would tell us that not even one moment went by in his life when he was not intimately feeling the presence of his Guru Maharaj within his heart. Because through the divine sound of vani or the instruction of Guru, the Guru lives with us forever. During Srila Prabhupada’s life, he would many times warn us that we should not be so much attached to the vapu or the physical form of the Guru. The physical form of the spiritual master is here to give us the opportunity to render personal service, but the sound vibration of his words, the sound of his instructions is the eternal connection that he grants us to the entire parampara, the disciplic line of great spiritual masters back to Krishna Himself. And in fact, as Bhaktivinoda Thakur has engraved on the Samadhi mandir of Haridas Thakur, that the great Vaishnavas, they live for ever through sound vibration. When Srila Prabhupada would quote Vishwanath Chakravarti Thakur, Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, Narottam Das Thakur, Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami, Rupa, Sanatana, Raghunath he was not simply like a scholar quoting some scholastic passages of the past, but he was experiencing and granting us the experience of the intimate personal association of these great personalities. And that is the great gift of spiritual life that in spiritual life there is no birth and there is no death. These great souls are eternally living and granting us their association form their sound vibration.

Remember The Mission & Instruction:

So on this day of disappearance of His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, we should know how we can become an intimate associate of Srila Prabhupada. How we can live within our hearts in his personal presence, heart full of surrender of the true association of the great souls.

So, really in essence on these days of disappearance what we are doing is that we are taking the opportunity to intensify our remembrance of the mission and instruction so that the great souls can always be appearing within our heart. On the disappearance day of Srila Prabhupada, he is so mercifully, more than any other time is granting us the opportunity to allow him to appear within our minds, within our hearts and within our lives, but we must be attentively willing to hear his message to associate with his devotees.

Become Servant Of The Servant:

When we chant the Holy Names,

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

with an attentive and sincere heart we should know that Srila Prabhupada is with us because it is his instruction and when we serve, or when you serve your spiritual master, when you hear from him, when you execute his order, you should know that this is the greatest and most intimate way that you can associate with Srila Prabhupada, because it is his order that we become the servant of the servant of the servant in disciplic succession. Many people within the Hare Krishna movement have an unfortunate conception that to associate with Srila Prabhupada is to be ‘Prabhupada’s man’, which means to talk about him, to remember him, to teach people also directly how to serve him. But this is not the order of Guru. The order of the Guru is to become the servant of the servant of the servant in disciplic succession. This is in essence again being attached to the vapu more than the vani. Therefore, by serving the present acharya or spiritual master in the disciplic line by hearing from him, by hearing from the beloved servants of Srila Prabhupada, by serving their order factually we are more intimately associating with Srila Prabhupada than trying to simply remember him directly. And Srila Prabhupada taught in his own life.

So, on this very very auspicious day we should not desire to enjoy Srila Prabhuapda, we should desire to be enjoyed by Srila Prabhupada. To be enjoyed by those who are near and dear to him, to be enjoyed by his servants and the servant of his servants. This is bhakti.

Who Is The Confidential Servant:

On the disappearance day of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, I remember one year Srila Prabhupada began to cry remembering his Guru Maharaj, remembering his mercy upon him and then he pleaded with all of us and he said that my Guru Maharaj has given me this mission to spread the glories of the Holy Name throughout the world. He said I am very old man and at any time I could die, but my urgent and humble request to all of you is under all circumstances to give your lives to push on this merciful mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He said you are all intelligent young boys and girls. Work very hard to push on this mission. And those who accept this instruction, they are the true confidential associates of Srila Prabhupada. And those who assist those who are taking this instruction as their life and soul are equally intimate associates of Srila Prabhupada. This is the essence of spiritual life. Hare Krishna.

Iam Not Perfect, But Iam Following The Perfect:

To deliver the message of his Guru Maharaj. There are certain schools of spirituality where the Guru claims to be God, but in the school of bhakti we never find this. Srila Prabhupada would tell us that the only qualification that he had was that he is simply repeating the message of his Guru without adulteration. I remember one time a newspaper reporter asked Srila Prabhupada, ‘Are you perfect?’ Then Srila Prabhupada, with great humility, from the core of his heart, he said, ‘I am not perfect. But I am simply repeating the words of my Guru Maharaj and those words are perfect. Why? because my Guru Maharaj is simply repeating the words of Krishna.’ oà pürëam adaù pürëam idaà [Ishopanishad Invocation] – means all perfect. So our qualification should never be to be a big scholar or to be an advanced devotee. A bhakta never aspires to be an advanced devotee. A bhakta simply aspires for the position of being the peon, the menial servant delivering the message of his spiritual master. And to have no other purpose in life except that. To have no other motivation for anything we do except that. And this was Srila Prabhupada’s great gift that he took this divine message of pure love, pure bhakti throughout the entire world.

na dhanaà na janaà na sundaréà
kavitäà vä jagad-éça kämaye
mama janmani janmanéçvare
bhavatäd bhaktir ahaituké tvayi
[Shri Çikñäñöaka – Çloka Four]

I do not desire wealth, nor beautiful women, nor followers for prestige nor even liberation from suffering. My only desire, my Lord, is to be your servant birth after birth after birth.

So Many Difficulties:

Leaving Vrindavan, Going To America:

And how leaving the land of Vrindavan. In Vrindavan he was living in a holiest of all holy places – the temple of Srila Jiva Goswami. And he left that place, first to come to this Bombay and then to go on cargo ship. No money. When we go back and forth from India to America, we fly in airplanes that take less than one day; and we have a place to go when we get off of that plane. Srila Prabhupada was not even on a passenger ship. He was on a freighter. And when we got off of that boat, some strange man was coming to meet him. He didn’t know where he was gonna take him. And seeing that that security was useless he went to New York City where he didn’t know where he was going to go…and how he was going to exist. And in that humble spirit, he simply repeated the word of his Gurudeva. And what was that word? Simply chant the Holy Names and you will attain perfection of life. And he circled the globe further 12 times. And do not think it was easy.

Problems From Inside & Outside:

He was managing a worldwide society, personally. Because his disciples were not able, they were not confident. Their problems, their downfalls, their impurities, their mistakes, persecution, aggressions by governments against his movement, aggressions by other religions who could not tolerate him coming into their land…..aggressions by materialistic agencies who were kidnapping his disciples and torturing them. Aggressions by his own god brothers – many of them who could not tolerate his success were trying to undermine him. Aggressions by the so called Brahminical society of India….who could not tolerate that he was bringing Sanatana Dharma outside of the boundaries of India.

Wherever he went, at every level there were persecutions and aggressions against him from the outside and there was constantly the fighting for positioning and the downfalls due to weak heartedness and conditionings amongst his disciples from the inside.

Never Give Up:

Srila Prabhupada accepted a task which perhaps no man in the history of this world has ever accepted – such a responsibility, such an austerity, such a painstaking commitment. He began it at the age of 70. And he never tired, he never lost hope, he never lost heart. Despite so many disappointments from his disciples, despite so much aggression against him – from all directions….Srila Prabhupada always…he shined like millions and millions of suns. Because he was only attached to one thing – to show the kindness and love of his spiritual master to the world. And it took only such a person of such commitment to spread this message through the world. So many yogis, so many gurus came to the West – they gave a talk, people clapped and they left and became famous and got in all the newspapers and when they came home they were great parades celebrating what they had done in the West. But what did they really do in comparison? Srila Prabhupada lived amongst the most fallen people of the West and personally spoon fed them to give them God Consciousness and changed their hearts – even though some times they tried to murder him because they were crazy – he kept going. Nothing could stop him because he was on a mission of love. Then through his laborious actions he actually changed the hearts of millions.

The Biggest Dogma:

There was no great celebration; there was no great fanfare for him. There was only the service of his spiritual master. And the most unfortunate dilemma is that this country of India cannot appreciate properly what he did. If somebody goes to America, gives a lecture everybody goes out this…… [clapping]. Those people are famous then everybody loves them, but what have they done? No disciples, no body changing their lives, no body giving up sinful activities and committing their lives to the teachings of Vedanta. They are just great, scholarly, very nice. Or yogis come, have follow meditation here there. That is also very nice. That is all very nice, but here is a man that went and lived amongst the most down trodden people of that society and risked his life at such an age to spoon feed them with the essence of Vedic knowledge. And by his love and his compassion he changed their hearts, he transformed their lives to give up all sinful activities….to accept the principles of the sadhus, the acharyas….and to give their life to the mission of Sanatan Dharma by the tens and hundreds and thousands.

India’s Misfortune:

And yet when he came to back India, they accused him of being CIA – CID. They accused him of…of – so what if you have made some hippies Krishna Conscious……..The most unfortunate condition of human society is when they cannot appreciate a great person in their midst. This is the greatest disaster of India. But they, what this country thinks of Prabhupada who factually is the greatest emissary of Vedanta philosophy and Sanatan Dharma that has ever lived. He has actually transformed people of every nation in the world into devotees of Rama and Krishna. Not just casual scholars, but committing their lives. And who in this country appreciates? Until the land of India appreciates this greatest representative that their land ever has, I don’t think this country is ever going to get the blessings of God. Because here is a person who more than any one sold out his life, risked his life, took on so much suffering and pain just to give India a good name in this world, and to give the gift of India to the world. While so many people were leaving this country to get money, to get prestige, to get fame. Why do Indians go to the West? For money, for comforts. He abandoned all comforts simply to give, to give the treasure of Indian culture – love of God. And who appreciates it? Often times he is criticised.

True Lover Of India:

It is a fact many of us disciples have made many mistakes, may have done foolish things. But what change of heart, even in those foolish things, have they had by the grace of Prabhupada. And there was no one who loved India more than Srila Prabhupada. He brought tens and millions of dollars from all over the world to build beautiful temples and have beautiful programs of food relief in India. In Mayapur he was feeding tens and thousands of people a day – people who were suffering from starvation. He built beautiful temples in Vrindavan, Mayapur, Bombay, Hyderabad. He travelled far and wide somehow or other trying to reverse the trend of the Indian condition of life chasing after the materialistic ways of the West. He brought his western disciples to show them that you see, here are people – none of his disciples, not a single one of them from the West who were from low class families – they were often highest most wealthy families. Because only those who were very very intelligent – he was going after everybody, but even the downtrodden hippies they were often the upper upper classes, millionaires, upper class, beyond comprehension of most Indians – they gave up everything for Prabhupada’s teachings. And when Prabhupada came back to India he wanted to show them you are chasing after these crazy things – these people had it all, they rejected it to have what you have – right here – the Holy Name of Krishna.

Give Honour & Glory To Srila Prabhupada:

One of the main goals of Srila Prabhupada’s whole mission of travelling worldwide, was to somehow or other convince the Indians to accept their own spiritual culture again. So in my opinion, this idea of trying to hide our society from the Hare Krishna movement is a blasphemy to Srila Prabhupada. He gave his life…..more than any other man in history for India’s spiritual culture. And it is only by his mercy that we have anything today. And therefore whatever name we use, we should know that our greatest service is to give the dignity and respectability of our Guru and his Guru’s name in this land. We should live; we should speak in every way that Srila Prabhupada’s name is honoured by the people of this world, and specially this land. And if we do any thing sinful, we should know that we are throwing mud on the name of our Gurudeva to the eyes of the world. So, simply if we have any appreciation or love for him, we must strictly adhere to his instructions, live a pure and gentle life and give our life for the mission of glorifying the name of our Guru and Krishna. That is our life and we live for noting else.

And on the disappearance day of Srila Prabhupada, we should commit ourselves one hundred thousand percent, every aspect of our life…….to work in such a way that Srila Prabhupada can appear within the hearts and the lives of everyone we come in contact with through whatever we do. Because through his appearance, love of Krishna will awaken within one’s heart. Hare Krishna.

The time in which Srila Prabhupada left this world was 7:30 in the evening on this day. In Vrindavan, in the very room in which Srila Prabhupada departed his earthly pastimes, every evening from…on this auspicious day from 7 o’clock to 8 o’clock the devotees gathered. Srila Prabhupada left this world on this day. There should be a mood in our spirit of performing the kirtana of Holy Name, this evening. Also, because Srila Prabhupada, very much wanted the preaching of the glories of the Holy Name through his disciples. We should perform this kirtana in such a way to impress upon the hearts of all others the joy and the glory of the chanting the names of Rama and Krishna. And to prepare ourselves, I would like to read some of the final pages of Srila Prabhupada’s biography describing his departure from this world.


[Beginning of Extract from ‘Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita’ Volume 6, Chapter 55 – The Final Lesson]

Reminded Of Bhishmadeva:

More than one devotee compared Prabhupada to Bhishmadeva, who gave important instructions in his last days. As Bhishma felt no pain and delivered learned and loving discourses even from his “bed of arrows,” and as Bhishma determined by his own will the time of his departure from the world, so Srila Prabhupada spent his last days oblivious to his physical condition, defying death, and instructing his spiritually innocent sons. But Prabhupada’s sons could no longer stand by and simply hear the philosophical lessons. Prabhupada had accepted their affection when they had cried for him to stay with them, and now they wanted to express that affection in the only world they understood, a world with Srila Prabhupada living and talking with them, laughing or reprimanding them, as he liked. They wanted him to eat and drink and become physically strong again.

Tune To Krsna’s Will:

But again Srila Prabhupada seemed to change, and he began refusing food and drink. He had postponed his passing away to exchange lovingly with his disciples, and yet at the same time, by refusing to eat or drink, he was showing his preference for passing away. He admitted, when pressed, that it was an impossible course of action-to live without food or drink. Nor did he expect or want miracles. If he was to get better, it would be by taking nourishment. But for reasons of his own, he would not eat. He said recovery was material, and he didn’t want it.

He kept closely in tune with the will of Krishna, allowing the holy name to sustain him. The doctors who came were often puzzled, but those who were Vaishnavas understood and respected his prerogative. Prabhupada’s servants made anxiety-filled attempts to induce Prabhupada to take regular treatment. But Prabhupada preferred to take only kirtana and Bhagavatam, while at the same time sustaining a willingness to live. He empathized with his disciples’ anxiety and patiently explained the puzzling situation they were in. He wanted their care, and he allowed them to try and treat him, knowing that it was bringing them more and more into a surrender of love. But gradually it became more clear that Krishna’s will was indicating Prabhupada’s departure.

It Is Not My Hands, but Krsna – Balaram:

“Srila Prabhupada,” Bhavananda coaxed, always working on the assumption that Prabhupada could stay if he wanted, “your presence on this planet is the only thing that’s keeping the onslaught of the Kali-yuga from really taking effect. We have no idea even what will happen if you leave.”

“It is not in my hands,” said Srila Prabhupada, with perfect clarity of consciousness. “Krishna-Balarama.”

Srila Prabhupada always spoke clearly, logically, and with complete devotion to Krishna. Up until the last he dealt with practical matters, forming a Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust for reconstructing ancient temples in Bengal and arranging final details regarding ISKCON properties and monies. Through all dealings he stayed always alert, and he absorbed himself in kirtana and Bhagavatam.

Love Is Beyond Death:

But it became obvious to his disciples that, despite his promise, he was again moving inevitably towards giving the final lesson. He was teaching that love was beyond death, that a disciple’s love could call the spiritual master back to the world to stay, and that a pure devotee has the ability to stay in the world beyond his allotted time. Meanwhile, however, he was p

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Prayers…by Sutapa das

Sutapa das: One of my fellow monks is an extremely prayerful person. He has regular stories of the reciprocation and interaction that comes from conversing with God. Though inspired, I personally find it difficult to pray. It usually feels unnatural and artificial; probably a combination of my impersonal character, hard-heartedness, lack of faith, and general life philosophy of “work hard and be practical.” Someone, however, recently offered me an interesting antidote – “pray for other people” they said. Whether a friend, family member, work colleague, or even a stranger you meet for the first time, just stop for a few moments and sincerely pray for something that will help them in their life. I began to try. Unconventional as it sounded%

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