ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18416)

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Gangamata Goswamini Pastimes

Lecture on Gangamata Goswamini Pastimes by Niranjana Swami on 03 june 2000 at kiev

(The management and spiritual leadership experience Niranjana Swami gained during his tenure as president of ISKCON Boston from 1979 to 1983, and his service as regional secretary of New England in 1984, readied him for his GBC appointment in 1987.)

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Gangamata Goswamini Life Story

Lecture on Gangamata Goswamini Life Story by Romapada Swami on 26 Dec 2010 at Puri

(His devotional career began with management, first as president of the Manhattan temple (1977-78), then as regional secretary for New England (1979-82), and then again as president of the Brooklyn temple (1982-83). From 1996 up to 2008, he served continuously as a member of the North American Executive Committee (NA EC), and he was the chairman of the GBC EC in 2009-2010.)

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A Revolution against Materialism

Lecture on A Revolution against Materialism by Bhakti Vikasa Swami on 29 Feb 2013 at Baroda

(He has since travelled widely throughout the subcontinent, lecturing in English, Hindi, and Bengali. His Holiness also travels to and preaches Krishna consciousness in other parts of the world. He continues to write books and magazine articles. His books have been translated into more than fifteen languages.)

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Hare Krishna, reposting from Face Book, post by Indradumna Swami:

Anatoli Fedorovich Pinyayev (Ananta-santi dasa) was the first Soviet Hare Krsna devotee. Because of his active preaching throughout the USSR and because of the spiritual influence he had on many people, he was subjected to severe persecution for five and a half years at the hands of the staff at various Soviet psychiatric hospitals. The following excerpts are from an interview with him conducted inFebruary 1988.

I started preaching Krsna consciousness after Srila Prabhupada visited Moscow in 1971. Gradually people in the Soviet Union became more and more attracted to Krsna consciousness and it became quite widespread. The authorities, however, became afraid because so many from the intelligentsia were interested in Krsna consciousness. Everything spiritual was considered tobe criminal and thus they started repressions.

It was just like an explosion of Krsna consciousness in the Soviet Union. The authorities were terrified so they tried to discredit the movement and present it as simply a group of crazy criminals. Because I was the first one to preach and the only disciple of Srila Prabhupada, they tried to repress me and present me as a crazy criminal. The court accused my Godbrothers and me of teaching vegetarianism, which they said is harmful to the body, and for teaching mantras and praying, which they said is harmful for a person’s mental condition. On this ridiculous pretext they were accusing us.

I was imprisoned and they tried to present every person who was following Krsna consciousness in this country as crazy. They then put me in a mental prison, a mental jail. There the doctors said that they were taught that religious believers are insane, and that only insane persons can think that there is a God, that there is spirit, and that we are not these bodies but spiritual sparks.

I was given courses of medication for many months. They gave me drugs three times a day. It was so bad that I was only able to lie in bed.This drug was special; it made it impossible to concentrate on anything. If I tried to chant loudly they would give me such large doses that I could have died. Lying on the bed I had so much material discomfort; these drugs make you restless and force you to change the position of your body all the time. I was feeling very weak and so much discomfort. It was just like torture for months and years. The only pause in the torture was when I was sleeping at night.

Initially, when the psychiatrists considered me crazy, they brought me from the regular prison to a psychiatric prison in Smolensk. It was on the same site as the ordinary prison but it had special cells for psychiatric prisoners. It had the bad aspects of both a mental asylum and prison.We were living in small cells with about twenty people in each. There was not enough fresh air. We took baths irregularly, sometimes not for 23 days. Many people there had insects on their bodies.

The entire place was very dirty. The food was prepared very badly. People there often had their teeth fall out and their gums would bleed. I was taking very little food. Everything was a problem there. Even the janitors where criminals. It was a place for crazy criminals and there was constant fighting amongst them. There was pressure from the doctors, thejanitors, the criminals, everyone. Everyone was very much disturbed. My relatives were told that I would never be released.

The prisoners were punished for everything. I was trying to wash my clothes and every morning I tried to wash at least parts of my body.But I was punished many times for this. They did not like this. The janitors tried to beat me up several times.

There was psychological pressure all the time. Drugs were given for any reason and on any pretext. Somehow or the other the doctors decided I was eligible for release from this special psychiatric prison to a normal psychiatric prison. The KGB did not like this because their aim was to keep me there for my whole life. So instead I was transferred to another special psychiatric prison in the city of Oryol.

Everyone in that place was astonished by the fact that I was imprisoned for preaching religion. They saw that the authorities were especially oppressive towards me; they could not understand why.

I found out from my mother that my godbrothers all over the world had started a campaign for my release, as well as the release of other imprisoned devotees in the Soviet Union. The situation changed a little. During the last half year in Oryol some changes where expected, so I started to preach more at that time.

In Smolensk I was kept in one ward where there was a doctor who was famous for his sadistic inclinations. In Oryol, however, my last doctor told me that I was completely sane. He said he understood that I was in the mental prison because of the political situation. Before “perestroika” every aspect of spiritual and intellectual life was oppressed in our country. He said, “Time is working for you. Because of the changes in our society and because of the help from abroad, sooner or later you will be released.” He was a little compassionate towards me and I preached to him. I was very thankful to my godbrothers and people all over the world who did something to somehow release me.

I was released from the Oryol psychiatric prison in a very strange and unusual way. One day my doctor called me in and said he was a little bit agitated. He told me that some papers had come from Moscow saying that I should be released. He said that there would be a special professor coming from Moscow to be part of a medical commission that would release me.

When the professor came, he talked to my doctor for a long time about me without me being present. In the end he told my doctor, “Yes, he is completely sane. We will release him, but we will leave his diagnoses for now because his condition may appear again in the future.” When my doctor told me about this, I requested him to ask the professor, “Who can guarantee that you will not go crazy after some time?” My doctor told me, “Yes, I asked him this question and he told me that he also finds the symptoms of mental disease within himself.”

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Dear Devotees. Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Puri enjoys a special place of pride as one of holiest place of Goudiya Vaishnavas.This year the world famous Rathyatra is being observed on 10th of july 2013 .This event attracts millions of devotees to Puri to witness this unique event.

Iskcon puri is giving the oppertunity to the worldwide community of devotees, followers of Krishna consciouness and public in general to come forward and get the mercy of the Lord by sponsoring one of the best services by distributing of prasad to the priligrams and chriot pullers on the ouspious day of Rath yatra.The Govt of Odisha has appreciates our prasad distribution and permited a prime location at Badadanda (Grand Road) where three raths passes.Due to scarcity of funds our prasad distribution is limited. we request our devotees and donors to come forward by donating for the pleasure of Lord Jagannath, Baldev, and Subhadra.The donors name who donate RS 21000,(twenty one thousand ) or above will be displaed at the venue of prasad distribution.

You can send your donation by A/C payee check in name of ISKCON. and post it to ISKCON ,Bhaktivedanta Ashram. Sipasarubali, PURI, ODISHA, pin-752001 or deposit it  directly in  bank, 
Bank-AXIS bank,
Branch- Puri, Odisha,India.
A/C- NO-909010035971297    
IFS code- UTIB0000464  
Swiftcode- AXISNBB024        
Please inform the name of the Donor, perticulars of remitance date, amount and track no to or call 91-9237015881.

Thank you,
Your Servent
Jagjivan Das

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"A real astrologer means he will tell you about your past life and he will tell you about your present life and your future life also. There is a system of astrology in India which is called Bhṛgu-saṁhitā." (Lecture on CC Madhya-lila 20.125 -- New York, November 27, 1966)

"One astrologer sometimes he read my hand. He said in Hindi, kukum calena(?). Kukum calena means "Your hand speaks that your order will be executed." (His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada's Disappearance Day, Lecture -- Los Angeles, December 13, 1973)

"So far I am concerned, I cannot say what I was in my previous life, but one great astrologer calculated that I was previously a physician and my life was sinless." (Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 21 June, 1970)

"There is a need of such vipras (good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time) in the social structure, and it is the duty of the state to maintain them comfortably, as designed in the Vedic procedure." (SB 1.12.29, Translation and Purport)

"Brāhmaṇas generally used to become astrologers, Āyur-vedic physicians, teachers and priests. Although highly learned and respectable, such brāhmaṇas went from door to door to distribute their knowledge. A brāhmaṇa would first go to a householder's home to give information about the functions to be performed on a particular tithi, or date, but if there were sickness in the family, the family members would consult the brāhmaṇa as a physician, and the brāhmaṇa would give instruction and some medicine." (CC Adi 17.103, Translation and Purport)

"The social and the scriptural rules and regulations were followed. So when a child is born the astrologer is called. Still that system is followed. But due to this Kali-yuga the astrologer has also become a false, and this has become a formality. Somebody is following; somebody is not following." (Lecture on CC Madhya-lila 20.330-335 -- New York, December 23, 1966)


Your servant in the service of Srila Prabhupada
Mohnish goel
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Harinam Sankirtan on Saturday 15 June 2013

Time Singer
10:30 AM Harinama Procession to Prabhupada's Palace
11:00 AM Vishvambhar & Vrinda
11:30 AM Vishvambhar & Vrinda
12:00 PM Acyuta Gopi DD
12:30 PM Acyuta Gopi DD
1:00 PM Agnideva Prabhu
1:30 PM Agnideva Prabhu
2:00 PM Gaura Mani DD (Vrindavan)  
2:30 PM Shyamala Kisori DD (Gainesville)
3:00 PM Kids Kirtan (Keshava, Revati, Prahlad, Kana)
3:30 PM Kids Kirtan (Keshava, Revati, Prahlad, Kana)
4:00 PM Lilasuka DD, Rupa Manjari DD & NV Yatra
4:30 PM Lakshmana DD, Sharmistha & DC Yatra
5:00 PM Parikshit Das & Gita Nagari Yatra
5:30 PM Abhay Das (New Vrindavan)
6:00 PM Gauri Priya DD (NY)
6:30 PM Jamuna DD (Alachua)
7:00 PM Bhadra Das
7:30 PM Bhadra Das
8:00 PM Rupa Vilasa Das (Rupi)
8:30 PM Krishna Prasad Das
9:00 PM Madhava Das
9:30 PM Madhava Das
10:00 PM Madhava Das
10:30 PM Jagannath Kirtan Das (Jagi)
11:00 PM Ramdas
11:30 PM Vishvambhara

Harinam Sankirtan on Sunday 16 June 2013

Time Singer
12:00 AM Vishvambhara
12:30 AM Manorama Das
1:00 AM Kishore Krsna Das
1:30 AM Bali & Dhanya
2:00 AM Gopal Trivedi
2:30 AM Gaura Vani Das
3:00 AM Gaura Vani Das
3:30 AM Ananta Govinda Das
4:00 AM Ananta Govinda Das
4:30 AM Madhava Das
5:00 AM Madhava Das
5:30 AM Madhava Das
6:00 AM Varsana Maharaja
6:30 AM Nirantara Das
7:00 AM Boys Summer Tour
7:30 AM Param Das
8:00 AM Acyuta Gopi DD
8:30 AM Acyuta Gopi DD
9:00 AM Agnideva Prabhu  
9:30 AM Agnideva Prabhu  
10:00 AM Ananta Govinda Das
10:30 AM Ananta Govinda Das
11:00 AM Ananta Govinda Das
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Ghosts The Real Thing

Lecture on Ghosts The Real Thing by Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu on 31 Oct 1994

(Ravindra Svarupa Dasa received a BA in Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania in 1966 and a Ph.D. in Religion from Temple University in 1980.)

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Lecture on Dreams by Vishwarup Prabhu on 27 July 2012

(Introduced to the movement of ISKCON in 1983 during medical college days. Started chanting 16 rounds in 1984. Acquired MBBS degree in 1985. Received first initiation in 1986 and Brahmin initiation in 1987.)

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The Dispelling of Grief

Lecture on The Dispelling of Grief by Satsvarup Das Goswami on 02 Mar 1992 at Boston

(After Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's disappearance, Satsvarupa Das Goswami was one of eleven disciples selected to become an initiating guru in ISKCON.Satsvarupa dasa Goswami is one of the first few westerners ordained by Prabhupada in September 1966.)

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Family Planning

Lecture on Family Planning by Yadunanadana Swami on 19 Dec 2012 at New Vraja Dham

(Sivarama Swami was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1949. In 1956, during the failed Hungarian revolution, he emigrated with his family to Canada.)

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Material Force and Efficient Course

Lecture on Material Force and Efficient Course by Yadunanadana Swami on 16 Feb 2013 at ISKCON Amsterdam

(Yadunandana Swami has been studying and practicing Caitanya Vaishnavism since 1977. Presently, his main services in ISKCON are focused on systematic God-centered education by developing educational initiatives and by teaching courses on Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana), and other subjects. He is convinced that such education is the best way to improve the lives of individuals, develop communities, and, ultimately, better the world.)

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Spiritual Science

Lecture on Spiritual Science by Smita Krishna Swami on 15 Feb 2007

(HH Smita Krishna Swami was born in Sweden in 1952. He joined ISKCON in 1970 in Hamburg, Germany and recieved spiritual initiation from His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1971.)

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Repaying our Mothers

Lecture on Repaying our Mothers by Rtadhvaja Swami on 11 Feb 2013 at Houston

(His Holiness Rtadhvaja Swami Maharaja was born and raised in a rural farming community in North Dakota, U.S.A. His first encounter with the devotees was in 1972, when some of the Radha Damodara Traveling Sankirtana Party came to his house and asked if they could take some flowers from his front yard.)

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Economic situation and its solution

Lecture on Economic situation and its solution by Romapada Swami on 24 April 2009

(The following year, Romapada Swami joined the movement in Boston and was initiated in 1971. Despite being admitted as a pre-med student, he decided to follow his spiritual path 100% and never looked back. He took sannyasa in 1983 and became an initiating spiritual master in 1985.

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Purpose of Life

Lecture on Purpose of Life by Gopal Krishna Goswami at Mayapur India

(Gopal Krishna Goswami played a leading role in inspiring and completing several large ISKCON temples, such as the Glory of India temple in New Delhi in 1998 (inaugurated by then Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee) and the Radha Bankebihari temple in Nairobi.)

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In Vedic age women were Protected

Lecture on In Vedic age women were Protected by Bhakti Purusottama Swami

(Bhakti Purusottama Swami first joined ISKCON in Mayapur, India, in 1978. He is an initiated disciple of Jayapataka Swami and is an integral part of the organization of the Headquarters of ISKCON in Mayapur, where he is based.

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Offences and their Consequences

Lecture on Offences and their Consequences by Bhakti Dhira Damodar Swami at ISKCON Mauritius

(His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodar Swami is from West Africa. He is the first Sannyas disciple of His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami. He is known for his years of dedicated services to ISKCON.

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What is Religion

Lecture on What is Religion by Bhakti Charu Swami

(ISKCON members are known to appreciate Bhakti Charu Swami’s gentle ways and sweet singing of devotional songs and mantras. He assisted many devotees in understanding the etiquette of Gaudiya Vaishnavism as one of the original teachers at the Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) and continues to educate ISKCON’s members.

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Ananta Shanti das's glorious life

Dear Prabhus and Maharajs,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am appealing to you for an unusual request. I request that our society deeply consider honoring this devotee who lived and died to spread Krishna consciousness, by observing his appearance day yearly, as we do Jayananda prabhu's.

Now there are many devotees who have lived and died to spread KC, but as young man, Ananta Shanti das attentively heard from Srila Prabhupada for only a couple days. Though it got him into hellish problems with the Russian government, this determined, bold devotee would be found in so many towns and villages, get arrested, go to another village, preach, get arrested, go to another place to preach, years after year, again and again, until they finally put him in a psychiatric prison facility where he was pumped with drugs to change his philosophy. When his wife came to visit him she would ask the doctors when he would be released, and their reply was, "It is very hard to change this man's mind." Because of this bold man's preaching, when the Iron Curtain finally came down, it was discovered that there were 400 centers all over Russia. Because of his dedication and sincerity to Srila Prabhupada, he very profoundly changed the face of the earth by his unhesitating service. He is a very extraordinary example and deserves to be remembered in this exalted way.

I hope this meets you well.

Your servant,
Parvati devi dasi

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