ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18617)

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Sri Damodarastakamn Sung by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 01 at Secunderabad on 31 Oct 2010 (Morning Class) - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 02 at Secunderabad on 31 Oct 2010 (Evening Class) - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 03 at Gauraipalle on 05 Nov 2010 - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 04 at Gauraipalle on 06 Nov 2010 - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 05 and 06 at Gauraipalle on 06 Nov 2010 - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 07 and 08 at Vrindavana on 12 Nov 2010 - Click Here

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Damodarashtakam Verse 01 

How the Supreme Controller becomes Fearful and Controlled - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 02 

The Lord can be bound by nothing but Love - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 03

How Krishna reveals his sweetness to those who are absorbed in his greatness - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 04 

Krishna is Krishna's Greatest Blessing - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 05 

The Lord reveals a form according to the Devotee's Desire - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 06

To attract the Lord's mercy show not one's Qualifications admit one's Disqualifications - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 07

Seek not to be Liberated from misery but to be Liberated into Love - Click Here

Damodarashtakam Verse 08

The Lord's Pastimes offer us the Supreme Spiritual Opportunity - Click Here

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Drutakarma Prabhu at Los Angeles on 18 Oct 2013
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 07, Chapter 14, Text 02)

(Michael A. Cremo, also known as Drutakarma dasa was born in July 15, 1948 in the United States. In 1966 he entered the School of International Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.)

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Class by HG Amal Bhakta Prabhu on 21 June 2013 at Chicago
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05, Chapter 09, Text 16-17)

(Amal Bhakta was born in New York City and attended New York University. He moved to Santa Monica, California in 1954 and worked in motion pictures for three years.)

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Lecture on How can we understand that Krishna is non different from his Name by HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu

(His Grace Caitanya Charan Prabhu is a monk and spiritual teacher in the time honored tradition of bhakti yoga. He is a editor of Back to Godhead, which is the official international magazine of the Hare Krishna movement.)

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Desirous of Problematic Solutions

Lecture on Desirous of Problematic Solutions by HH Prahladananda Swami on 21 Sept 2012

(HH Prahladananda Swami was born in 1949, in Buffallo, New York. He studied at the University of Buffalo, where he received a full scholarship. In January 1969 he joined ISKCON and received both initiations that year from Srila Prabhupada.)

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Dear Devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Hare Krsna!

The Retreats team and VIHE are happy to inform you about this year's retreats which take place:

Varsana Holy Name Retreat, November 20-25, 2013;
Govardhan Retreat, November 29th - December 5th, 2013.

The most merciful environment of the holy dhama in the association of sincere seekers of mercy helps us to go deeper in developing spiritual taste and becoming devoted servants of the Holy Names and Srila Prabhupada's legacy.

The topics for the Varsana Holy Name Retreat 2013 are:

  • H.H.Sacinandana Swami - "The Touchstone of the Holy Name - powerful secrets on the Holy Name from Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Harinama Cintamani"
  • H.G.Bhurijan Das - "The final Instructions"

The topics for the Govardhan Retreat 2013 are:

  • H.H.Sacinandana Swami - "The Brahma Vimohana Lila - solving our existential dilemma with Krishna katha"
  • H.G.Bhurijan Das - "Attracting the attention of Krishna"
  • H.G.Jagattarini Devi Dasi - "Sri Uddhava enters Vrindavana"
  • H.G.Madhavananda Das - Davagni Paan lila - 'Krishna swallows the fire of sectarianism'
  • H.G.Adi Purusha Das - "3 practices + 2 decisions=Srila Rupa Gosvami's recipe for pure bhakti now"

For more details and registrations please write to :

To learn more, please visit :

Please also inform all your friends, who you think might appreciate such transfomational opportunity.

Your servants at VIHE

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  • Theme 1: Traditional Vaisnava diet: Milk in ISKCON

  • Theme 2: Re-invigoration of book distribution in Europe 

  • Theme 3: Kirtan Yoga

  • Reports from European yatras/centres/projects

  • ISKCON Europe Excellence Awards

To get detailes Please go to :

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Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) left voluminous instructions for the Governing Body Commission (GBC) on how he wanted them to lead and care for this spiritual movement. For those who may not know, the GBC is composed of thirty-three members presently, and is responsible for overseeing the management and spiritual standards of ISKCON centers around the world.  As one can imagine, this is a great deal of responsibility for these individuals, who also act in the capacity of spiritual authorities, missionaries, and leaders throughout the world.

To ensure a healthy, sustainable and vibrant ISKCON for the future, the GBC has recognized the need for strategic planning and thinking.  Specifically, to anticipate and address present and future concerns on relevant issues, such as the need for increased devotee care, improved and innovative outreach activities and succession planning by identifying young leaders today and training them to serve in leadership positions in the future. These are just a few of many areas identified by the GBC’s Strategic Planning Team (SPT) as being relevant to the positive growth of ISKCON. 

You can find a complete list of initiatives here:

In order to come up with systems and processes that will actually impact and improve the day to day lives of devotees and ISKCON at large, the GBC has created committees to address each of these concerns.  These committees are not formed solely of GBC members but also members of what has come to be called the Strategic Planning Network (SPN).  The SPN consists of over one hundred talented devotees brought in by the GBC for their varied experiences and success in areas such as temple development, leadership,

communication skills, finance, and management.  Twice a year these committees gather at the GBC strategic planning meetings, and throughout the year continue their work on their initiatives via conference calls and emails.

Over the past few days, committees have been working hard not only on their long-term goals but also on their offerings for this year’s upcoming ISKCON Leadership Sanga, which will take place in Mayapur from February 16-23, 2014.  These sessions will send attendees home with practical tools to improve their centers and service to the devotees.

Over the next few days, reports on the progress made on some of these committees will be showcased, so stay turned!  

There’s a lot of good things to look forward to!

Vrndavana Vinodini dasi

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Mayapur Kirtan Academy opens December 2013

A new Adult Educational Program in Sridham Mayapur...  Old school style!

Following the annual Gaur Purnima Kirtan Mela’s popularity, we have been wondering what would be the best way to serve the devotees, assist them in deepening their chanting, increasing their attraction and attachment to the holy name. It was  concluded by our team that more education on the glories of the holy name, immersion in lila and music tuitions would greatly complement each other towards better chanting. Having this in mind we are launching Kirtan Academy in Sridham Mayapur this December.

The spirit of the academy is one of “living education”. Practice and application of the philosophy are important parts of the curriculum.

The philosophy part of the curriculum, Nama Tattva,  will be almost exclusively taught by visiting speakers such a s HH Sacinandana Swami, HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami and other illustrious senior vaisnavas. Each day, starting with a class on Srila Prabhupada’s writings on the subject, will consist of seminar presentations on different writings of previous acharyas, always with a focus on the Holy Name. Chanting Hare Krishna (ACBSP), Harinam Cintamani, Bhajan Rahasya, Nama Bhajan, Manah
Siksa, sections of Caitanya Caritamrta, Srimad Bhagavatam and others. 

There will also be study of bhajans, prayers and their deep purports and meanings. Songs of  Srila Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Narottama das Thakur  and others.

The narrations of the pastimes of the Lord, “Lila Kirtan” at original locations whenever possible, will be a regular part of the syllabus. Gaura Lila, Krishna Lila, Vaisnava lila, History of Gaudhiya Vaisnava kirtan culture over the past 500 years...

Students will be guided by experienced devotees as they learn to organize their own Nama Yajnas, be it a 64 round day, extended kirtan program, Nagar Sankirtan, Lila Kirtan night... They will receive an introduction on sound mixing, recording and CD production as well.

There will be daily classes on mrdanga, kartals, harmonium and voice training, so that our offerings to the Lord may become most pleasing. Every night we plan to gather either at community events or programs organized by the academy students wherein some sort of  kirtan will be the focus. These will provide further practice for the students.

You may be wondering by now what is “OLD SCHOOL” about any of this? We are taking a huge leap of faith.

We are not charging for any of this.

The ancient system of education as described in our sastra speaks of dakshina, not school fees. Dakshina (a donation) is given according to one’s means and in direct proportion to the gratitude felt for the knowledge acquired. Everyone remembers Ekalavya, the famous archer of Maha Bharata who gave his right thumb to Dronacarya, his teacher, as dakshina. We trust we will be able to proudly face all naysayers in proving that devotees are grateful and generous.

We have set up a sister organization “Holy Name Foundation” that receives donations of well-wishers either as a regular percentage of their income or as a one time or occasional donation. In this way grihastas may have an opportunity to sponsor Holy Name Projects such as Kirtan Academy and Kirtan Mela.

Formal opening of the Mayapur Kirtan Academy is on December 5th 2013, classes start on December 6th and end February 27th. Registration is from October 1st until November 25th. Prior registration is necessary so that we can properly prepare for the students that will be attending. 

Please visit :

Contact :

for more details regarding registration, Holy Name Foundation or any other question you may have.

On behalf of Kirtan Academy

your servant, 
Yasomati dd

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The day began with a presentation on the success the GBC has had in their strategic planning work.  These include ground-breaking events like the ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS), which took place in 2012 and brought over 500 leaders to Mayapur from around the world.  Inspiring and thought-provoking presentations were given on a variety of topics, including book distribution, communications, education, and creating effective temple management systems.

Then in 2013, the GBC held a Sanga for Sannyasis, Gurus, and GBCs (SGGS), providing a much-needed opportunity for ISKCON’s leaders to promote deeper cooperation and to dialogue about the future of Srila Prabhupada’s movement.

Other strategic planning accomplishments highlighted were:

  • Initiatives to reach the worldwide devotee community through the Internet (i.e., websites and social media).
  • Surveying the GBC on relevant issues, such as what it means to be a member of ISKCON. This in turn has promoted thought-provoking discussions on how to implement a broad membership program.
  • The writing of several position papers, including “The Position of Srila Prabhupada,” which will play a role in helping future generations of devotees understand who Srila Prabhupada is and his place as our founder-acarya of ISKCON. GBC members also released a paper on “Harmonizing ISKCON’s Lines of Authority,” and a third paper on the GBC as ISKCON’s ultimate managing authority.
  • The need to reconfigure zones has been identified due to the fact that many GBC secretaries are assigned to areas that span two or three continents.  This structure results in etremely hectic travel schedules, high travel costs, and is hard on the health GBC members. But most importantly, the current zonal structure doesn’t allow GBC members to spend quality time devoted to individual projects in their zone. Reconfiguring the zones addresses these issues.
  • The GBC body is thinking and acting more globally with a greater commitment to openness and transparency. One example of this is the GBC’s engagement of over one hundred talented devotees (known as the strategic planning network) who work in committees to support the GBC’s strategic planning initiatives.
  • ISKCON is becoming more consistently proactive, and, with its strategic planning work, moving away from crisis management. Although still in their infancy, areas like succession, temple development, and devotee care are drafting manuals to help ISKCON managers adopt these strategically beneficial initiatives.
  • A greater awareness and implementation of systems thinking. One outcome of this is the Initiated Devotee Database, which will serve as a resource for membership, help promote connectivity, and help managers better serve their congregations. 

After the plenary session, the devotees broke into committees to continue preparation for their ILS 2014 seminars and to do their ongoing committee work.

Vrndavana Vinodini devi dasi

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Vijaya Dashmi

Lecture on Vijaya Dashmi by HH Bhakti Gaurava Narayana Swami on 14 Oct 2013 at ISKCON Vrindavan

(HH Bhakti Gaurava Narayana Swami joined ISKCON in 1981, in Vrindavana. He served as a life member deirector in Mayapur for a few years. He first started youth preaching in ISKCON Bhubaneswar. - See more at:

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How is the Soul Experienced Pains and the Pleasures of the body What are this Pains and Pleasures by HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu in 2013
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05)

(His Grace Caitanya Charan Prabhu is a monk and spiritual teacher in the time honored tradition of bhakti yoga. He is a editor of Back to Godhead, which is the official international magazine of the Hare Krishna movement.)

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Significance of Initiation

Lecture on Significance of Initiation by Bir Krishna Goswami on 15 Sept 2013 at Lautoka

(Bir Krishna Goswami became a member of the Krishna conscious community in Gainesville, Florida in 1971. Shortly thereafter, he was initiated as Srila Prabhupada’s disciple.)

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The Cry of the Beggar

Lecture on The Cry of the Beggar by Indradyumna Swami on 18 Oct 2010

(Indradyumna Swami is a disciple of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), a Sannyasi traveling preacher, and a guru or spiritual teacher in the Chaitanya Vaishnava tradition.)

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture onSrimad Bhagavatam Class by Bhakti Vighna Vinasa Narasimha Swami
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 04, Chapter 30, Text 38)

(Bhakti Vighna Vinasa Narasimha Swami Maharaja was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in London in 1971. A year later he received second initiation. He has been preaching for over last twenty five years in Asian countries such as India, Philippines, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand.)

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Perverse Perspective on Krishna

Lecture on Perverse Perspective on Krishna by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami on 12 Sept 2013 at Munich

(His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami appeared in this world in 1957 in England. He joined the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in London in 1975 and was initiated in that year with the name Ilapati dasa by ISKCON's founder-acarya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.)

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Real Relationship with Krishna

Lecture on Real Relationship with Krishna by HH Bhakti Vijnana Goswami at ISKCON Chowpatty

(Bhakti Vijnana Goswami was born in Tashkent, former Soviet Union. He took to spiritual life in 1980, during a difficult time during the communist era in the former Soviet Union, when the National Security forces were harassing any type of spiritual practitioner.)

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Saving the Ancestors

Lecture on Saving the Ancestors by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami on 06 Oct 2013 at ISKCON Lenasia

(Originally from New Zealand, Bhakti Caitanya Swami joined the Hare Krishna movement in London, early in 1973. Almost a year before, as a philosophy student at Auckland University, he had first seen his future spiritual master walking across the campus with his followers. Srila Prabhupada initiated Bhakti Caitanya Swami later in 1973, giving him the name Raghubir Dasa. )

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