ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18632)

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Place of Renunciation in Devotional Life

Lecture on Place of Renunciation in Devotional Life by Yadunanadana Swami on 08 Nov 2011 at ISKCON Radhadesh

(Yadunandana Swami principal of Bhaktivedanta College, teacher, and spiritual counselor is a sannyasi (monk, religious mendicant) in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).)

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Lecture on How to cope with Material World and Pratice Krishna Conciousness by Kratu Prabhu in 2011 at Celje

(During high schooling years, he became president of the students union and went on to receive a bachelor degree in engineering from the M.S. University, Baroda.)

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Reasons to take up Krsna consciousness

Lecture on Reasons to take up Krsna consciousness by Sridhar Swami on 22 Aug 1997 at Weisbadan

(In Sridhar Swami's life, Srila Prabhupada's sparked a 35 year spiritual journey that began far from its ending point in holy India. Sridhar Swami described himself as a shy person before coming to Krsna consciousness.)

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The Padayatra celabrating Annual Festival on 6th Dec 2013 at Danthalapally Dist warangal.

The function is as follows

on 5th Dec 2013 - 5:00pm to 6th Dec 2013 - 5:00pm - Akanda Harinama Sankirthana

on 6th Dec 2013
from 5:00 pm to 7:00pm - HH Bhakti Vikas Maharaj message on Padayatra.

from 7:00 to 8:00 pm - feast.


The route to Danthalapally.

1. Hyderabad-Suryapata-Dantahalapally (172 km)

2.Hyaderabad-Warangal -Danthalapally(200km)


The village located on Warangal-Khammam Highway(60 km from warangal).
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Lecture on Peace by Dravida Prabhu on 07 Aug 2011 at San Diego

(Dravida Prabhu is a vaishnava scholar, musician and poet. He has edited Back to Godhead magazine and other books published by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust for over 25 years.)

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Seva aur Sadhana

Lecture on Seva aur Sadhana by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami on 25 June 2013 at Baroda

(From 1977 to 1979 His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami was based in India, mostly traveling in West Bengal preaching Krishna consciousness and distributing Srila Prabhupada's books.)

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The Effects of Vaisnava Aparadha

Lecture on The Effects of Vaisnava Aparadha by Bhanu Swami on 05 Dec 2002

(Bhanu Swami was born in Canada and holds a BA in Oriental fine arts history from the University of British Colombia. He joined the Hare Krishna movement in India in 1970.)

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Lecture on How our relationship with Krishna establish by HH Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami on 07 Oct 2012 at ISKCON Mayapur

(His Holiness Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami comes from a Jewish American background. He had spent some time in Israel before taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada.)

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4th Dec Marathon Nectar - I assure you that

I assure you that it (book distribution) is the highest service to my Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much.  (S.P.L. to Trai dasa 8/12/73)

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Book Distribution - Gopal Krishna Goswami - Marathon Message

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Hare Krishna

Now India there is scarcity of foodstuff. But the same India was producing so much grains, even during British time, that many thousands and thousand tons of rice were being exported from India to other countries. That I have seen.My maternal uncle was very rich man by simply exporting rice to the foreign countries. Spices... And old history you will find that India, they had got their own ships for exporting spices to Greece and other countries of Europe. The history is there. And they were supplying muslin cloth, even just before the British period, Muslim period. So India's export status was far greater than other countries. And these spices and other export attracted persons from Europe, that Vasco de Gama, and the Columbus also wanted to go, but he fortunately came to America.All these Europeans and the Britishers went and established their supremacy. So India was so rich. But now how that India has become so poor? The same land is there. Why? Because they have lost that old culture, God consciousness.

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Spiritual needs is our Most urgent needs

Lecture on Spiritual needs is our Most urgent needs by Bhakti Rasamrita Swami

(He served as temple president in Mumbai, Belgaum and Vrindavan- which is the spiritual hub of world wide ISKCON temples. He has been preaching in many prestigious educational institutions all over India.)

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Speaking and Distributing Bhagavad Gita

Lecture on Speaking and Distributing Bhagavad Gita by Devamrita Swami on 04 Dec 2011 at Los Angeles

(His Holiness Devamrita Swami entered this life on October 16, 1950 in New York City, as the firstborn in a family dominated by a very devout and education-motivated Christian mother.)

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Preaching Krishna Consciousness

Lecture on Preaching Krishna Consciousness by Sesa Prabhu on 28 Aug 2011 at ISKCON Alachua

(Sesa Dasa joined ISKCON in 1973 inspired by the political activism of the In God We Trust Party for Purified Leaders, organized by members of ISKCON.He was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1974 while he was traveling as a member of the initial Bhaktivedanta Book Trust library party.)

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Taking Risks for Krishna and Preaching

Lecture on Taking Risks for Krishna and Preaching by Giridhari Swami on 27 Sept 2013 at ISKCON Texas

(Giridhari Maharaja would very often and intensely pray to God, asking God to show him the answer, point the way. Shortly after that, in 1974, believing it to be Krishna’s arrangement, he somehow or other went to a second-hand bookstore.)

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Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Below is an approximate translation of articles in Dainik Bhaskar (India’s leading Hindi Daily) on 3rd November regarding the Mayapur Project.

The largest temple in the world, although constructed only one third it is visible from 10 Km.

This is no stadium being constructed. 130 Km. from Kolkata. More than 500 skilled people are giving shape this building. This is the biggest temple in the world. When fully constructed, it will be higher than a 30-storey building. Currently, Combodia’s Ankorwat centuries old world famous are considered the biggest temple in world in terms of size. They are spread in a compound of 820,000 square meter. In height Lord Ranganath’s Temple at Srirangam, Tamil Nadu tops the list, whose main dome’s height is around 250 feet. Turkey’s Istanbul’s 1500 years old Hazia Sofia was once a church, which was later converted to a mosque. But due to Islamic reforms about 100 years ago, Mutafa Kamal Pasha converted it into a museum. It is also about 200 feet high. Mayapur’s Chandrodaya Temple will be taller that these. That means it will the biggest place of worship of any religion in the whole world. This will be completed by 2020.

The pinnacle of our faith: Chandrodaya
The temple will be 300 feet high.
It will be spread in 425,000 square meter.
Total cost is Rupees 5 billion.
Will be ready by 2020.
Will have annually 2 million visitors.
When fully constructed, temple will have height equal to a 30-storey building

Work is progressing since 2.5 years in International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)’s famous compound. 500 skilled people are working. Every activity is being filmed. Mayapur is an old settlement on banks of Ganges in Nadia District of Bengal. It is the birth place of Caitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534) Who is considered an incarnation of Krsna. It is the headquarter of ISKCON and sacred place of pilgrimage of Vaisnavas, whose founder Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada envisioned the temple in 1975. He said, “Just like people from all over the world come to India to see Taj Mahal, similarly they should see glimpse of India’s Religions, Civilization and Culture. Prabhupada expressed his desire to Alfred Ford, who is the great grandson of Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company.

Ford Donated Rs. 2.5 billion.

The total cost of construction is Rs. 5 billion out of which 2.5 billion has been donated by Alfred Ford only. He is the great grandson of famous American Industrialist Henry Ford. Alfred converted to Hinduism 37 years ago. He got in touch with Swami Prabhupada in 1974. He became his disciple after their fast meeting in America. New name – Ambarisa Das. He came to India along with Prabhupada. His wife in Bengali Hindu, Sharmila. The 63 yr old chairman of Mayapur Project Ambarisa, these days stays at Mayapur only. He says, “This the dream of my spiritual master and to see it being fulfilled I’m roaming since last 3 yrs. This will be the world’s biggest center of Vedic Culture. This is the goal of my life.

Same amount from rest of the world

ISKCON is raising funds for covering balance 50% cost. People from world over are contributing to cost of Rs. 7000 per square feet. Till now more than 6000 people have contributed. ISKCON’s network is in 85 countries and has more than 1000 temples. This is the model of the temple

1.There will be gorgeous temples of Lord Krsna and Narsighadeva.
2.Large kirtan hall, where 10000 devotees will perform kirtan.
3.300 seater capacity world class planetarium theatre, which will show the glimpse of universe as per Gita’s philosophy.
4.Also Vedic Astrology and Cosmology centre.

By Anuj Agrawal

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Damodar Arati in a Chennai Mall

In the mall's central atrium, a diorama of Little Damodar and Mother Yashoda welcomed visitors

Today urban India dwells on malls for their needs and entertainment. They are great places to hang out and have some fun. Diwali season probably sees the maximum visitors to shopping malls in India, with Express Avenue Mall at Chennai being no exception.

Apart from the exciting festive offers, attractive gifts and crowded food courts, Express Avenue had more to offer this November. Owners of the mall in association with ISKCON Chennai delighted their guests by giving them a glimpse into the spiritual world.

In the central atrium, the very heart of the mall, a diorama of Little Damodar and Mother Yashoda seated on a altar decorated with colorful flowers and leaves came as a pleasant surprise to many.

Devotee volunteers from ISKCON invited the public to offer what they called 'lamps of love' to Krishna. Most of the visitors came forward to participate in the festivity with a lot of enthusiasm. "I am living away from home, and Diwali is not so grand when we are away. But offering this lamp here to, it has surely made it a wonderful Diwali for me" said Ankita Agarwal, 2nd year student at MCC.

Many visitors were attracted to the melodious kirtan, that played softly.  They were happy with ISKCON for organizing the event and felt that it reminded them of the very soul of the Diwali festival, the supreme Lord.

Chennai Damodara

Amarendra Gaur Das who was in charge of the event remarked that it he was very satisfied with the way the program turned out. He was overjoyed when the entire mall was reverberating with the Holy Names. "The idea behind conducting Damodar arati in a mall is that we wanted to reach out to many, more so to find all the youngsters", said Sukirthi Madhavi, one of the organizers.

An astounding 3500 lamps were offered just within two days. The highlight of the program was a live kirtan show by the devotees, which surely created a lasting impact on the visitors.

 "The motivation behind conducting such programs is Jayapataka Swami. He encourages us to be as innovative as possible and inspires us to be very active during the month of Karthk", added Sukirthi Madhavi.

By: Nanda Priya Nivedita Dasi, ISKCON News on Nov. 21, 2013

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World Enlightenment Day: December 14th

Hare Krsna,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

What does it mean to be enlightened? It means to be out of darkness and in the light of Krsna consciousness. If we're facing the sun can we be in darkness? The material world is a dark place where the main interest in peoples mind is in trying to satisfy the senses which can never be satisfied, this means they've turned their face from Krsna to maya, darkness. To be in the bodily consciousness means to be in darkness, so practically the whole world is in darkness. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda have therefore come to take us out of darkness and to enlighten us. It is therefore said:

vande sri krsna caitanya
nityanandau sahoditau
gaudoudaye puspavantau
citrau sandau tamo nudau

"I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Krsna Caitanya and Lord Nityananda who are like the sun and the moon. They have arisen simultaneously on the horizon of Gaudadesh to dissipate the darkness of ignorance and thus wonderfully bestow benediction upon all."

Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda have come to enlighten us in Krsna consciousness by benedicting us with devotional service. When there is a full moon rising in the sky the sun is just going down, so we'll never see a full moon and sun in the sky at the same time. But in the case of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, the full moon and the sun have simultaneously risen on the horizon of Gaudadesh to dissipate the thick darkness of Kali yuga that has covered the conditioned souls. The more we distribute books, the more the darkness will dissipate because Srila Prabhupada has received the full mercy of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.

It's unnatural for the soul to be in this dark place, it wants to be in the world of eternal light with Krsna in the spiritual world. But because people are covered by my maya they don't know this, but Prabhupada's books are SO powerful his words can remove the covering of maya and lift us out of the darkness. So at least on this one day of the Prabhupada Marathon, World Enlightenment Day, let's all go out and distribute these books that can enlighten the soul.

During this world enlightenment day lets try to enlighten the world with the reality that we are servants not masters, that we are spirit not matter, that we are meant to be enjoyed by Krsna not enjoyers of the blunt material senses and that no arrangement in the material world will bring us satisfaction but if we can make arrangements to satisfy Krsna then we will be satisfied.

If we have lots of people, some doing a little and some doing a lot, then a lot can be done. Just like little drops of water together make an ocean, similarly drops of our enthusiasm to distribute books, combined, make a strong sankirtan movement.

your servant,
Vijaya das"">

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Actually producing and distributing books is our most important engagement, all other engagements culminate in this one end--distribution of books. (S.P.L. to Tamala Krsna 27th July 1973)

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If you get some money, you print books!

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The Art of Book Distribution

Lecture on The Art of Book Distribution by HG Navina Nirada Prabhu on 01 Sept 2009 at Atlanta

(HG Navina Nirada Prabhu gave lecture on Fearless and Honest Person.)

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Lecture on Material Happiness Is Sweet Rice Mixed With Sand by Shikshashtakam Prabhu on 07
Aug 2005

(His Grace Shikshashtakam Prabhu joined full time as a bramachari ISKCON in 1998)

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