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  • hare krsna prabhu ji,

    thaks for your comment..

  • hare krishna prabhu ji

  • Hare Krishna !!

  • Volunteer


  • Volunteer
    Pranam My Dearest Rajesh Prabhu.  Hare  Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings and grace
    and mercy; health and strength  and  understanding;
    peace  and  love; harmony and wisdom;  insight and
    intuition and inspiration from the God of Gods; the
    Lord  of Lords; the King of Kings; the God of love, the
    Original Bhagavan; the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
    Lord Krishna.  I offer my respectful obeisances unto  Him.
    We prove to be genuine by our sincerity; to be noble by
    our kindness of heart; to be wise by our tolerance; and
    to be strong by our endurance throughout the difficulties
    and hardships of life. Faith in Lord Krishna is the fuel.
    Service and devotion to Lord Krishna is the glow.  And
    spontaneous love for Lord Krishna is the flame of love
    of Godhead. May your devotion to Lord Krishna  be  resolute
    and unflinching;  may  your confidence in Him be firm and
    total; may your love for Him be unfailing and intense, and
    may  your faith in Him be strong  and steadfast; deep and
    profound; unwavering and unshakeable.  Know well that 
    Lord Krishna`s eternal love for you encircle and encompasses
    you at all times, night and day. With love and best wishes,
    take care, bye. Radhe Radhe.
  • Volunteer


  • Volunteer
    Pranam My Dearest Rajesh Prabhu. Hare Krishna.
    May you be blessed with the shelter of the God of Gods,
    the Absolute Truth and the Primeval Cause of all the causes
    of the creation, sustenance and destruction of the manifested
    universes, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna,
    Who is the ultimate Goal, the Sustainer, the Supreme Master,
    the Supreme Witness, the Supreme abode, the Supreme Refuge,
    the most Dear Friend. I offer my respectful obeisances unto Him.
    To be compassionate to yourself means to be open to and moved
    by  your suffering,  experiencing  feelings of  care  and  kindness
    towards  yourself,  taking  an  understanding  non-judgemental
    attitude  towards  your  own  inadequacies  and  failures,  and 
    recognizing that your experience is part of the common human
    experience. To be compassionate to yourself is to care for yourself.
    Some people are harsh on themselves. To be compassionate means
    to be kind to yourself. To be compassionate to yourself is especially
    important when  we fail  at things in life,  which we all  do at some
    stage .  It  is  part  of  normal  human  experience.  When  you  are
    compassionate  to  yourself, you  are  better  able  to  recover from
    disappointments in life and  able to find  the silver lining.  You are
    better able to find a positive way of interpreting difficult experiences
    and find something of value in them. You are calm and less likely to
    take things personally. When you are compassionate to yourself, you
    take care of yourself, you have  more energy, more  confidence, more
    conviction, more wisdom, more clarity, regarding  your future.  With
    love and best wishes, take care, bye. Radhe Radhe.
  • hare krishna....

  • Thank you Prabhuji. Hare Krishna, Dandvats. Haribol.

  • Volunteer
    Pranam My Dearest Rajesh Prabhu. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of  Godhead  Lord  Krishna, the God of love.
    I offer my respectful obeisances unto Him.
    When the stream of love of Godhead, love for
    Lord Krishna flows in its full strength, it purifies
    all that stands in its way, as the Ganges purifies
    all those who dip in its sacred waters. With love
    and best wishes, take care, bye.  Radhe Radhe.
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