Pranjal Joshi's Posts (15)

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Quest for Enlightenment


This interview broadcasts the message of a young Danish gentleman who is now a spiritual seeker and walks on the path of enlightenment. This write-up is based on his interview with Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi), which was conducted on 14th February 2018 in Jaipur, India. Views expressed here have been shared by Jacob.

Jacob Holck Nielsen is a young devotee of Lord Krishna from Denmark and is now known as Bhakta Jacob (bhakta means devotee).Jacob loves India, as he feels that India is ‘punya-bhoomi’ (a land of piety) and India has the greatest spiritual wealth but unfortunately nowadays Indians too are adopting western ways of living and have become materialistic. He feels that the western civilization is formulated on the animalistic propensities of sleeping, eating, mating and defending.

Jacob says, “we should be more introspective and thoughtful, we must examine ourselves. Our lives are means for something more important and every moment of life is more valuable. Not even a second which has elapsed, can be brought back, even with all the wealth a person has.”

The human form of life is very valuable, it is meant to obtain spiritual happiness. If we miss this chance, then we don’t know what our next life would be.

Sanatan-dharma is eternal religion, it teaches man to love God. It’s not by changing religion that we can find God. Real love for God is within us, which we love to discover and experience and the greatest opportunity to do that is with the Indians.

Great saints and sages have stated that the greatest happiness is spiritual happiness, so we must make an effort to achieve that. In India, people are being misled by media. The purpose of life is not to live for body and senses.

Jacob is a fine example of how devotees with non-Indian bodies are making the Indians remember that the purpose of their lives is not sense gratification and that they must work hard to practice and preach Krishna Consciousness. Jacob shares a special bond with Indians and sets an example for people bewildered by materialistic civilization to return back to Godhead.

Give your feedback to writer Premanjana Das at

Bhakta Jacob can be contacted at


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Busting The Myths and Misconceptions About Lord Krishna


This essay has been written by Pranjal Joshi. Feedback can be given to the writer at


It was more than 5000 years ago that Lord Krishna personally descended on this Earth as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to bless his devotees, punish the miscreants, spread the Divine knowledge and to establish law and order.

Shri Krishna appeared in Mathura as a son of Nand and Devaki. His birthday is celebrated every year as ‘Janmashtami’ all over the world with grandeur and devotion. It is the biggest birthday celebration in the world, which encompasses the men made boundaries of caste, beliefs, and nationality etc. and gives everyone a chance to gather and glorify the Supreme Lord with love and reverence. His appearance in the material world was a transcendental event, as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ।
त्यक्त्वा देहं पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सोऽर्जुन ॥

Lord Krishna to Arjuna –

“One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.”

(Srimad Bhagavad-Gita: Chapter 4, Verse 9 – Translation)


However, there are many myths, misbeliefs, and misconceptions about Lord Krishna which I would like to write about, so that the readers may get more clarity on them.


                                                                                                                               Bal Gopal

Why did Bal-Gopal steal butter?

Stealing is an abominable act, but when Lord Krishna stole butter, He became worshippable as Makhan Chor, this was a sweet pastime of the Lord, and by performing such pastimes he gives bliss to His associates. Stealing butter is an exchange of love between Krishna and his devotees. The Lord creates such leelas (pastimes) to bewilder mental speculators and atheists and bestow His mercy to His devotees.

Lord Krishna could have created mountains of butter through His mystic powers, but He wanted to distribute His loving devotional service to Brijwasis (inhabitants of Brij), and this made Him perform this pastime.


Why did Krishna perform the Rasa-lila?

The Lord and the damsels of Brij were embodiment of pure love. The Lord was just an 8-year-old pure child when He performed the rasa-lila. He is so merciful that He wanted to induce all the fallen souls to abandon their so-called morality and religiosity by attracting them towards the kingdom of God.

He is so generous, that He Himself descends to take the fallen souls back to Spiritual Abode, where the erotic principles of Godhead are eternally relished in their real form, distinct from the perverted sexual love so much adored and indulged in by the fallen souls in their diseased condition.


Why didn’t Krishna marry Radha?

As per the Gopal Champu of Srila Jiva Goswami, Garg Sanhita and Adi Varaha Purana; Radha and Krishna were married to each other at a holy place named Bhandirvan (its within Brijbhoomi) and their marriage ceremony was performed by Lord Brahma.


Did Shri Krishna cause the battle of Mahabharat?

Krishna was never the cause of the battle of Mahabharat. Krishna decided not to fight in the war and not to pick up his weapons.

Her had previously made several attempts to peacefully resolve the dispute between two sides- one of which represented virtue and the other represented vice.

As the last attempt to bring peace, He visited Duryodhana’s court and asked him to give just 5 villages to the 5 Pandavas, so that the battle could be averted. But wicked Duryodhana asked his soldiers to arrest Lord Krishna, though Krishna visited Duryodhana’s court as a diplomat.

Krishna advised both the sides of their duties several times. Duryodhana got enraged, whereas Arjun surrendered to Him as a disciple.  


                                                                                                                         The Mahabharat

Should we not keep the Mahabharat at our homes?

It is a misbelief that the Mahabharat is all about war, betrayals, cunningness, and hatred; so, keeping it in the house would make the family members quarrel with each other and thereby peace at home would be destroyed.

This is a mere superstition, there is no evidence of any sort that the Mahabharat created troubles in people’s lives or caused disharmony among family members.

The Mahabharat is one of the greatest epics ever written in the history of humankind. The Mahabharat embodies divine teachings, lessons for life, rich philosophy, beautiful culture and unparallel characters.

So, its highly auspicious to have this great book at home, since it’s a genuine portrait of India’s true culture and civilization.


Is Lord Krishna a fictional character?

There is numerous evidence that Lord Krishna was once actually present on Earth.

a) Archaeological Evidence: The strongest archaeological support comes from structures discovered in late 1980s under the seabed off the coast of modern Dwarka in Gujarat, India by a team of archaeologists and divers led by Dr S.R. Rao, who is an eminent Emeritus Scientist.

b) Carbon Dating Evidence: Thermoluminescence dating of relics and carbon dating of sites in Swarka and Kurukshetra have established the existence and worship of Lord Krishna.

c) Scriptural Evidence: The Mahabharat, Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, Puranas and several other Vedic scriptures clearly and strongly mention about Lord Krishna or have Him as the central/chief character.

d) Cultural Practices: Several cultural practices including traditional Indian dances, music, poetry, customs, storytelling, imagery depict Krishna and His pastimes.

e) Beliefs: People’s belief in Shri Krishna has existed since time immemorial as a Prime Deity and Lord. Krishna has been worshipped across different cultures and geographical areas. This belief couldn’t have existed had Krishna been a fictional character.

Fasts, places, scriptures, legends, evidence, and cultural aspects clearly point towards the presence and existence of Krishna as an actual Personality.

Did Shri Krishna ever lie?

Krishna himself answered this question in Mahabharata. While reviving dead child of Abhimanyu's wife Uttara, Krishna said he never spoke untruth in his entire lifetime. Truth and righteousness were always established in him. After these words were uttered, Uttara's child Parikshit came back to life.

Furthermore, He delivered the Divine message of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Gita is the Highest Truth/Absolute Truth. So how can its speaker be a liar? He must be the most truthful person.

Mythology or history. Which word expresses the ‘real idea’?

The word ‘mythology’ means, a collection of myths or stories about a specific person, culture, religion, or any group with shared beliefs. Most people don't consider mythology to be entirely true, but they still take it seriously.

Whereas, history is a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc.


Since, these factual occurrences have taken place, ‘history’ is the right word to be used and not ‘mythology’.


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Srimad Bhagavad Gita: A Pathway to Inner Awakening


This article on Srimad Bhagavad Gita has been written by Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi)


Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi) is a writer, blogger, healer, spiritualist, software engineer and a management graduate who has been writing for more than two decades in various magazines, websites, newspapers, and forums.


I have read several books in my life. Each one of them had a message to give and a purpose to serve, since words have immense power to re-direction a person's thought process and reshape his personality.


It was in the year 2004, while I was truly searching for inner awakening and finding out the true purpose of life, I first read Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, as a college student. I never knew that my life would follow a different trajectory thereafter.


'I am soul not this body. I am eternal. I am part and parcel of Krishna, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead', were my key takeaways from this scripture. These were the transcendental teachings that not only gave me a reason to re-live and re-shape my life but redefined my outlook drastically. The more a person believes in the Gita and adheres to it, the more he is purified, and polished in his vision.


This Divine knowledge which was given by Lord Krishna to his friend and disciple Arjuna more than 5000 years ago is still highly relevant, contextual, and relatable. The Gita is not just a 'Hindu sacred book', but a sacred scripture meant for people of all ages, beliefs and nations. It has been establishing a unique bond between clueless humanity and Divinity since ages and has been read, relished, and admired by many great men in human history. Its power to transform, motivate and lead humanity to the path of righteousness is beyond comprehension. All our notions, beliefs and ego are rattled away when we come across these Divine instructions.


Isvara (God), Jiva (living entity), Kala (time), Prakriti (nature) and Karma (action) are the five main topics of the Gita and they have been explained in detail throughout the book comprising 700 verses and 18 chapters.

When I first read the Gita, I was wondering about Lord Krishna for many days. The feeling I had was intense and hard to explain. It was an 'encounter' with the 'Absolute Truth' and a conversation with the 'Almighty.' All my beliefs about Shri Krishna were re-structured as I went through this ancient text. Krishna's instructions, might, greatness, power and authority made me feel empowered and valued. A much-needed spiritual strength and energy for which I(Soul) had been craving for countless lifetimes were being provided to it. My love for Krishna was re-kindled and my identity as a 'soul' was clearer to me. I was a more spiritualized identity, who was closer to God, then I ever thought of.


Anyone who has ever read the Gita, has been surely reminded of his lost connection with Lord Parthasarathi. Kishna and Pandavas were not mythological characters, they were great historical personalities whose glories will always exist and continue to purify countless souls. 'Gita- the Divine song of God' is more luminous even than the Sun as it will continue to save and serve mankind in its darkest hour.


When I hear the word 'empowerment', I immediately get connected to the Supreme Spiritual Being, who is the source of all strength for all sentient beings. Every living entity including plants, animals and insects have been created by God, and a realized soul can sense Divinity in every aspect of life. I have been blessed by many saints and gurus, who guided me towards the path of enlightenment and devotion. A journey of ascension is always aimed at the purification of mind and the growth of consciousness.


My life taught me a lot of things, but firmly believing in ancient wisdom has been the major learning of my life. Ancient scriptures written by sages and saints, which have not been given enough importance by contemporary society; are nevertheless a treasure for me. I believe that the sacredness of the words of ancient texts have the power to uplift the consciousness of humankind.


                                                                                            Lord Krishna and Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra

Countless books have been written on topics like yoga, meditation, spirituality, truth of life and self-help, but the timeless wisdom of the Gita makes it unique and special. In my life, I got plenty of chances to spiritualize myself and help the ignorant to walk on the path of transcendence. My greatest success in life has been my service in connecting people to God and help them grow spiritually, as I personally feel that a soul's relationship with God is eternal and the soul's love for God is the purest form of love.


Even the great western philosophers mention different realms of existence in their realizations. A benefactor of mankind can change the heart of people by sharing the verses of The Gita with them, which will help them in understanding the deeper meaning of life carrying them to higher realms of existence, which is very different from what we are made to believe through multiple materialistic channels of information.


The human form of life is rare and precious. Every moment wasted can never be gained back and every moment spent serving the message of Gita provides nourishment and satisfaction to the soul. I realized the importance of time and time management from the Gita. It is highly profound and deep, and it can elevate us in magical ways. People have been blessed by abundance, support, material desires as well as liberation, as they tasted these 'drops of nectar'.

I personally feel that the best time spent is the time spent reading a good book. I would urge the readers to have a copy of Gita with them to act as a friend, philosopher, and guide and thereby make life more worthwhile.


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                                                                                                                                Pranjal Joshi

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Entrepreneur with a Spiritual Foundation

Written by Pranjal Joshi

Journey of a young millionaire, who blends spirituality with entrepreneurship.

It's evening; a young Bengali gentleman sitting in his office in Kolkata completes a webinar on entrepreneurship and moves on to an online TV interview. Interviewer asks him questions relating to investment, business and startups and he answers them all with fervid expressions. Being in limelight, guiding budding entrepreneurs, focusing on resolving queries and making people think differently is a routine for him.

This great-great-grandson of India’s well-known freedom fighter and poetess Sarojini Naidu is a multi-faceted personality. He is the Managing Director of East India’s largest startup incubator, Kolkata Ventures (it is among one of his businesses), having its presence expanded to 5 countries now. He has been in the White House panel for entrepreneurship education, a recipient of 150+ awards; featured by most of leading newspapers in India & US, a former startup advisor to the Prime Minister of Nepal, a guest lecturer at India’s premier institutions IITs (Indian Institute of Technology), a spiritual practitioner and seeker, and a TEDx speaker. In spite of having achieved all of it at a very young age; Avelo Roy is humble, simple and dedicated to the great cause of Krishna Consciousness.

Born in a Bengali brahmin family in Kolkata, Avelo was always looking forward to solve problems. His father was a businessman and his mother, a politician. As he grew up in India, he got westernized owing to his upbringing, reading of foreign writers, studying in ICSE Board School and at the Cambridge.

                                                                                                            Avelo Roy at his office in Kolkata, India

Life in USA

Avelo did his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the prestigious Illinois Institute of Technology, USA. Indians who live abroad usually get westernized, materialistic and disconnected from India, but with him, it was the other way round. In USA, he wasn’t trying to copy the westerners, nor did he try being someone he wasn’t. He was active in co-curricular activities and in politics and entrepreneurship clubs.

                                                                                              Avelo Roy (sitting in extreme left) with his friends in USA

In America, he saw Indian and Pakistani students smoking the most; whereas, Americans had rejected it a few decades ago, knowing the harms and dangers of addiction to tobacco well. He visited pubs and clubs with friends, but never had alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, since intoxication was looked down at in his family. The sanskaras(personal sacraments, impressions and dispositions) he got, always stopped him from doing anything ‘wrong’. Avelo stresses the importance of good parenting in molding the personality and behavior of a person.  
In USA, Avelo got the coveted freedom and opportunity to do what he wanted to. He went ahead choosing entrepreneurship as a way of expression and spirituality as the foundation.

The Redefining Moment

ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), which is well-known for its youth preaching initiatives, had organized a preaching program at his college, and it was through that program that he got introduced to ISKCON. This event eventually became the defining moment that changed his life forever.

His Views on the Bhagavad-Gita

Avelo’s first impression of Krishna’s devotees in USA was majorly with non-Indian sincere practitioners, who inspired him, a lot. They were kind, compassionate and non-judgmental. This pulled Avelo’s attention and made him believe that there is something to the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita which deserves attention from him and he should probably give himself fully to it. Chuckling with joy he says, “That is when the transformation took place. I got ‘brainwashed’, thank God my brain got ‘washed’.”

“What makes the Bhagavad-Gita different from other books is that it is the creator’s perspective; it is coming from the engineer of the creation. It talks about higher principles based on universal laws which have been created by Krishna personally. The words of Gita were relevant 5100 years ago, they are relevant today and they will always be relevant. It is meant for everyone. Krishna himself shares in the Gita, how to study the Gita. It is ‘as it is’ and has been carry forwarded by amazing teachers in disciplic succession, without any alterations”, says Avelo.

Adding to it, he says, “when I got Krishna Consciousness, having gone through pain and different experiences from childhood, I felt as if medicine has been given to a dying man or water is has been given to a man who is thirsty for 3 days. Krishna Consciousness is the soothing medicine for suffering humanity. Happiness is possible only when atma and paramatma connect, which in Sanskrit is termed as yoga. I want people to ‘taste’ that happiness, since I have also ‘tasted’ it. When you give Krishna Consciousness to people, it grows.”

                                                                                                             ePoster of Avelo’s session on the Gita

Avelo Roy is an initiated (one who has received ‘diksha’ or has officially become a disciple) devotee of Krishna and his initiated name is Ajita das. He proudly calls himself an ‘aspiring servant of Krishna’.

His Views on His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (ISKCON Founder Acharya)

Avelo sees Srila Prabhupada as the mahatma who established Krishna Consciousness facing hardships and trials all his life. He exclaims, “Look at how much Srila Prabhupada cared for us, though he never even saw us! He never publicized himself, kept himself away from limelight, and put Krishna in the center. That is why his purity is so stark and we glorify him even after generations. He went to USA at an advanced age to serve the suffering humanity, sleeping for just 2 hours a day, writing books, so that we can utilize them.

There is a huge debt on our shoulders, which we cannot repay, but we can at least try to give it forward. This is what inspires me. How can I do something to share Krishna Consciousness with the world? Because I want to add to Srila Prabhupada’s movement, I want to give back in my own insignificant way. I compare myself to the squirrel who helped Lord Ramchandra build the Ram Setu(bridge to Lanka) by carrying small pebbles needed for the construction of bridge.

Ajita Das (Avelo Roy) is on the board of advisors at ISKCON news. He is also the Marketing and Communications Advisor to ISKCON temples in Europe and North America.

                                                                        His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (ISKCON Founder Acharya)

Success Lies in Transformation

Real success is transformation of lives. Avelo gives example of a girl who was a student at his college. She was borderline autistic which limited her ability to socialize or communicate clearly. After coming in touch with Krishna Consciousness, she started chanting Hare Krishna maha mantra, despite facing resistance from her own family. She would chant in college and then go home. Krishna Consciousness opened her up and transformed her personality. She made devotee friends. Started serving in various projects like ‘Krishna Lunch’. By the time she graduated, she had already received three job offers! This shows how much Krishna Consciousness can transform a human being.

Like her, he has seen hundreds of people turning away from drugs, stealing and other bad vices, becoming better and more responsible citizens of the world. This is Lord Chaitanya’s magic! Over and over again, he had the fortune of witnessing the mercy of Lord Krishna, witnessing the magic of Bhagavad-Gita acting out in people’s lives and this is his definition of success.

                                                                                                            Avelo Roy during a session at IIT's TEDx

Spreading the Word

Wherever he meets someone of prominence, he gifts them the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is! What he has achieved in life lets him meet some of the most successful people in the world, and there, he sets an example by upholding Vedic standards of living. It also creates the perfect opportunity to speak about the benefits of Vedic philosophy and yogic lifestyle. He then tells them that the ‘Gita is the secret of his success’, it expedites success. Many CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) tend to read the Gita and appreciate the 5100 year old teachings of Lord Krishna.

A great way of promoting the Gita is to follow its learning and giving it to people. Vedic culture teaches sense control. Eyebrows are raised when people see him not indulging in smoking, drinking liquor, or even tea and coffee.

                                                                                              Shriman Ajita Das ji giving discourse at an ISKCON temple

From Victim to Victor

Dr. Krisztina Danka (Krishna-lila Dasi) from New York whom Avelo met at an ISKCON event interviewed him and expressed her desire to make a documentary film on him. He thought she was joking, but she was serious. After 3 months, she pursued him and came up with a documentary on his life and journey from a being a bullied school kid to becoming a Krishna Conscious entrepreneur. The documentary film made in coordination with prestigious New York Film Academy grasps Avelo’s life in 10 minutes. Many experts in filming circle have appreciated it. This film is a hope for those who feel demotivated and dejected.

Traversing through difficult times strengthens Avelo’s faith in Krishna. Krishna’s presence becomes clearer to him and takes him closer to God during his suffering. He serves as an example for those who feel devotees and spiritually inclined individuals are materially impoverished, incapable of ‘making it big’ and losers in life. His conduct, faith in God and success in life has drawn many thousands of people all across the globe towards Lord Krishna and will continue to do so.

                                                                               From Victim to Victor: An Inspirational Short Film about a Spiritual Entrepreneur

This article is written in October 2020, based on interview of Ajita Das (Avelo Roy) by Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi) via webinar.

Get in touch with writer Pranjal Joshi at

Get in touch with with Avelo Roy at is the official website of Avelo Roy

Producer-Director of Karuna Productions; Krisztina Danka, PhD is the director of Avelo Roy - A Spiritual Millionaire's Journey from Victim to Victor

                                                                                                                              Pranjal Joshi

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Madhavas- The Rock Band

This article is based on an interview of the Madhavas rock band by the writer Premanjana Das(Pranjal Joshi).The purpose of interviewing Madhavas is to honor them for the valuable service they have been doing to spread the holy name of Shri Krishna using their talent of music in serving the Lord.Madhavas also serve as an icon for many devotees.This write-up is an attempt by the writer to bring out the facts and details of the Madhavas rock band for those who are interested in music and also for those who want to know more about the ways devotees are spreading Krishna consciousness.Madhavas present an example to the devotee community about how the Lord can be served using the talent one has.

Before reading this article I would request the readers to go through the following quotes of Srila Prabhupada where he instructs on using one's talent in Krishna's service.

"I am so glad you are playing music for Krishna. It is a great service of your talent. Anyone's special talent should be engaged in the service of the Lord, and thereby becomes successful in his life. I think that you can go on playing on your guitar and make it successful for Krishna kirtana. You do not require to learn freshly about sitar. We are not meant for learning something new for the service of the Lord; but we have to engage whatever talents we have already got. Our life is short but any type of education is great and long; so the best part of valor is to utilize properly whatever qualifications we have got for the service of the Lord."

(Srila Prabhupada's letter to Murari— Vrindaban, 3 August 1967)

"In all departments you can use your talents and thus do the greatest benefit for the entire world."

(Srila Prabhupada's letter to Danavir —Mayapur,  17 October 1974)

"So our movement is based on practical activity. Whatever talent you have got, whatever little strength you have got, education you have got... You haven't got to learn anything. Whatever you have got, in whatever position you are, you can serve Kṛṣṇa. Not that you have to learn something first and then you can serve. No. The service itself is learning. The more you try to render service, the more you become advanced how to become experienced servant. We don't require any extra intelligence."

(Srila Prabhupada's lecture on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.9 — Māyāpur, 1 March 1977)


                                                    Nirdosh Sobti and his wife Neha Behl

1. Tell us something about yourself and how you came in touch with Krishna consciousness movement.

We (all members of the Madhavas rock band) were in engineering college when we formed a rock band. In those days, we used to spend a lot of time together to practice and improve our music. Our bass guitarist Naam Bhakti Devi Dasi (Namrata Sobti) had an inclination towards Krishna and by chance she once went to the ISKCON temple in Chandigarh. Gradually, she developed a lot of faith in Srila Prabhupada's teachings and started telling the same to rest of the band members. So, one by one each one of us started going to the temple. The band leader Nirdosh Sobti (now Nav Kishore Nimai Das) was the ‘toughest nut to crack’, so it took a bit of time for him to join others. Other band members knew that if he would build up faith in Krishna Consciousness then he would contribute a lot in the sphere of sankirtan music as he was the only one in the band who was gifted with loads of talent and was teaching other members the basics of music at the same time. He was one the best guitar players in entire North India at that time and later went to become of the best lead guitarist in India.

Here is an article on him

2. Introduce the readers to the Madhavas Rock band and its members (mention their initiated and karmi names and the instruments they play).

Naam Bhakti Devi Dasi - Namrata Kaur (Bass/Acoustic Guitars)

Nav Kishore Nimai Das - Nirdosh Sobti (Band leader, composer/song writer/ singer/ recording engineer/ guitarist)

Nandrani Gopi Devi Dasi - Neha Behl (Female vocalist and she designs all our attire)

Braj Kishore Das - Brinderpal Singh (Video Director / Visual Creative Head)

As we were together even before we joined ISKCON the band then turned into a family.

Naam Bhakti Devi Dasi and Nav Kishore Nimai Das are siblings. Naam Bhakti got married to Braj Kishore Das and Nav Kishore Nimai got married to Nandrani Gopi.

Earlier we had Ganga Priya Das - Gagandeep Singh with us on Rhythm Guitar and as a singer but under family circumstances he had to go back to his hometown to stay with his family. He still joins us for live shows whenever it is possible for him.

3. Tell us about the shows in which have performed so far and the response you got from the crowd.

Being a ‘devotional band’ we have performed in many Rath yatras, Janamashtami festivals, Vyas pujas, house programmes and devotee’s wedding ceremonies. We always prefer to stand while performing kirtans and prefer that our audience also stand and dance as we perform.  Our band gives ‘high energy performances’ as we are highly influenced from our early phase of rock music culture which we have used in our devotional projects too. We are glad that people like our music and happily accept it.

4. What are the different contests in which you have won?

* Madhavas were in top three acts of India’s got talent season 3!! Got third rank!!

* Madhavas won best composition award from Shankar Ehsaan Loy and got equipment from Sennheiser in prize.
*Nirdosh from Madhavas Grabbed the best guitarist and band leader award on MTV rock in 2010!!!

* Nirdosh has also played music with many Bollywood celebrities and travelled across the world for many big projects.


5. What are your plans for future and how you plan to promote your band in this highly competitive world?

There is no competition as far as our devotional band is concerned. We are doing it as a service to Guru and Krishna and feel so blessed that somehow or the other we are able to do little service as per our capacity. We have released devotional videos on regular intervals on our YouTube channel which has been praised by thousands of devotees across the world and they encouraged us on every single release. Our aim has been to continue with our efforts of releasing new music videos keeping the youth in mind. Major part of our audience is youth and kids and our music not only cater to devotees but a lot of our followers are young and enthusiastic non-devotees kids who like the way we are fusing new age music with devotional essence. So our target is to reach such youngsters more and more to preach them through this strong tool.

All our devotional projects are basically non-profitable ventures. In our early phase it was difficult for us to produce devotional videos as they need a lot of funds and the monetary returns are not much. But gradually a lot of people started supporting us. We received money from people as donation with which we made more and more videos and will continue doing so in future as well.


6. What are the biggest challenges you faced as an artist. How your life changed after moving from Chandigarh to Mumbai (comparative analysis).

Struggle for existence is everywhere. Srila Prabhupada explains it very nicely. We are indebted to him to make us realize this fact. So now when we face challenges we know that this is nothing new, they will come and we must face it. There is competition in every field and in music there is competition beyond imagination.  We just perform our music and have our own following from where we get regular work (most of it is commercial in nature and not devotional) may be in future if we start getting more of devotional assignments like wedding ceremonies of devotees, special programmes, festivals where we get to perform only devotional stuff and get paid too then we may think of taking up devotional band as a full time profession. It’s just our desire but we just go with the flow of time and accept it as Krishna's plan for us.

7. Tell us about your albums and any particular incidence with a fan you would always remember.

We have released on Album called ‘Prerna-The Timeless Inspiration’ having 9 devotional tracks, it was released back in 2011 by His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj (our spiritual master).

Apart from this we have released many videos on our YouTube channel.

Madhavas YouTube channel:

We have been getting immense love and blessings from our music listeners from across the world. We always feel happy when we see them dancing enthusiastically when we perform live. As we have a lot of kids as our fans, we feel proud to see how energetic they are when they dance as they perform kirtan.

There was one incident where we got a call from a mother who wanted to give her daughter a surprise visit to Madhava's home. She brought her 7 years old daughter, who was a great fan of our music, to our residence without telling her and the moment that cute girl saw us right in front of her, she started crying in excitement and felt very happy to see us.

There are countless incidents where we have received immense love from our audience. All credit for this goes to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. We really feel that we are just going with the flow of time and our efforts give us a lot of love in-return. We get so many blessings that we think we really don’t deserve that much.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !

All glories to our Spiritual Master!

All Glories to Supreme Lord Krishna!


Give your feedback to the writer Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi) at

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Live in concert with Krishna Das

Live in concert with Krishna Das

[Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi) attended the concert of Krishna Das on 3rd January, 2014 at Yogi Sabhaguru hall, Behind Akshar Purushottam mandir, Dadar East, Mumbai—14].The concert was so enchanting that I decided to share my experience with all of you.

A devotee of Lord Krishna gave me a small pamphlet, which was an advertisement of a ‘kirtan program’ with Krishna Das. I was also sent a picture on Whatsapp by another devotee, well in advance of this show and this made me think of attending this program which was scheduled to be held at a hall.

I left my office in a haste on that Friday evening and rushed to the ‘Sounds of the soul—an evening of  kirtan with Krishna Das’concert.’  I was sweating as I walked fast to the venue as I feared getting late for this show. Rich men of Mumbai came there, most of the audience were young, glamorous and ‘westernized Indians’. I bought a ticket worth Rs.500 and a purple band was tied on my right hand on which ‘Sounds of the soul with Krishna Das’ was written in white letters. Then I went to the fifth floor of the hall by an elevator. I had to open my shoes as I got inside a well-carpeted area and I could choose the place I wanted to sit, I adjusted myself at a point where I could clearly see the performance.

Krishna Das said in the beginning of his programme that he came to Mumbai 43 years ago, he shared the fond memories of the time he spent in India with the audience. His guru was ‘Shri Neem Karauli baba’ and Krishna Das was told by him, ‘Ram naam karne se sab kaam poora ho jaata hai’ (everything is achieved by chanting the name of Lord Ram).The show started at 7 PM (right on time), this was one of the differences I could feel between Indians and the westerners, that they were more punctual in their schedules. All of Krishna Das’ chant has a purely American accent, so it became hard for the Indian audience to make out what exactly was he singing. He was accompanied by Arjun on ‘tabla’ and Meena on ‘kartals’. Neem Karauli baba was a devotee of Lord Hanuman, so he started his concert with Lord Hanuman’s chant.

He sang ‘Shri Ram jai Ram jai jai Ram’ continuously , he chanted the holy names “Rama, Krishna, Narayan, Hanuman, Shiva all through his concert. He went on to sing the chants, “Jai Jai Ram Krishna Hari,” “Om namo bhagvate Vasudevaya,” “Bhaja Govindam” (he translated it into English as ‘my foolish heart,’) “Shri Krishna Govind Hare Murari” along with “Baba Hanuman,” and Devi pooja. He went into deep meditation as he chanted ‘Sita- Ram’.

He started with the chant of Hare Krishna mahamantra at 8:45 PM and the audience sang along with him. People listened more and repeated less, everyone clapped as he sang the Hare Krishna mahamantra. Response of the audience to the Hare Krishna mahamantra was much more than the other sacred chants; everyone sang, clapped and loved him as he went on with his performance.

Audience enjoying the chants at his Mumbai concert

Krishna Das spoke to us in between his kirtans and said that we can inevitably realize the self by chanting these names .All we have to do is to ‘remember’ and God does the rest. He said that it was 40 years ago in Vrindavan that a blind ‘sadhu’ used to wake him up every morning near Bihariji mandir. He said that we know about spiritual path because of great beings who lived before us, it is out of their love and compassion that we are on this path.

Krishna Das is full of love for India. He has hundreds of ‘Hanuman chalisas’ with him and he is a lover of the Lord. While he sang his famous bhajan ‘Om namah Shivaya’ people stood up from their seats and danced in ecstasy.

Picture of the concert taken by Premanjana Das ( Pranjal Joshi)

 He glorified holy name of Lord Ram all through his programme, narrated a pastime of Sripad Adi Shankaracharya and recollected the time he spent with babas, yogis and devotees in India. He tours all over the world (USA in particular which is his native country) spreading his love for ‘the names’ and enchanting millions. His album ‘Live Ananda’ was a Grammy nominee in 2012 for ‘the Best New Age album’. ‘One Track Heart’ is an award winning documentary following his journey to India and back. His 2012 workshop sampler includes highlights from his workshops in 2012, recorded from around the world. He has put up all of it as  which his official website. Krishna Das has an American body and an Indian heart and he lives by loving the name.


Written By—

Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi)

Please give your feedback to the writer at

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Memories of Srila Prabhupada

Memories of Srila Prabhupada

(This is a remembrance of a small pastime of Srila Prabhupada that happened at Hare Krishna Land in Juhu, Bombay (now Mumbai) around 1973 in the monsoon season.

This article is a narration of that incidence by His Grace Hari Das Prabhu ACBSP to writer Premanjana Das on 29 December 2013, Sunday at the office of ISKCON Television (ITV) located at same Hare Krishna Land in Juhu, Mumbai.This article is a tribute by Hari Das prabhu to his spiritual master His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for his Vyasa pooja offering 2014.)

In 1973 His Grace Jagatpurusha Prabhu organized a play ‘killing of Pootna’ and we (disciples of Srila Prabhupada in Juhu at that time) requested Srila Prabhupada to watch the play, then we came to know that Srila Prabhupada was not feeling well at that time and he had to travel from Mumbai at the same time.We started the play and he stopped at the ‘pandal’ for a brief time to watch the play.I was playing the role of ‘Pootna’ in that play and when Srila Prabhupada saw me as ‘Pootna’ starting laughing aloud and stayed to watch that play a little longer than what he planned to and we went on with our play.I was very happy to see that I made Srila Prabhupada and everybody else laugh when they saw me in the play in the role of ’Pootna’.Later on I was informed by the team of Srila Prabhupada that Srila Prabhupada was having a ‘toothache’ (a terrible pain in his teeth) and did not talk much the whole day due to that.

Written By:

Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi)

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Memories of Srila Prabhupada

Memories of Srila Prabhupada

(This is a remembrance of a small pastime of Srila Prabhupada that happened at Hare Krishna Land in Juhu, Bombay (now Mumbai) around 1973 in the monsoon season.

This article is a narration of that incidence by His Grace Hari Das Prabhu ACBSP to writer Premanjana Das on 29 December 2013, Sunday at the office of ISKCON Television (ITV) located at same Hare Krishna Land in Juhu, Mumbai.This article is a tribute by Hari Das prabhu to his spiritual master His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for his Vyasa pooja offering 2014.)

In 1973 His Grace Jagatpurusha Prabhu organized a play ‘killing of Pootna’ and we (disciples of Srila Prabhupada in Juhu at that time) requested Srila Prabhupada to watch the play, then we came to know that Srila Prabhupada was not feeling well at that time and he had to travel from Mumbai at the same time.We started the play and he stopped at the ‘pandal’ for a brief time to watch the play.I was playing the role of ‘Pootna’ in that play and when Srila Prabhupada saw me as ‘Pootna’ starting laughing aloud and stayed to watch that play a little longer than what he planned to and we went on with our play.I was very happy to see that I made Srila Prabhupada and everybody else laugh when they saw me in the play in the role of ’Pootna’.Later on I was informed by the team of Srila Prabhupada that Srila Prabhupada was having a ‘toothache’ (a terrible pain in his teeth) and did not talk much the whole day due to that.

Written By:

Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi)

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Kirtan all the way

By Premanjana Dasa (Pranjal Joshi)

A memoir of our trip to Jaggnath Puri Dham and Mayapur Nawadeep Dham.

The announcement was made well in advance,One Prabhu who was leading us all the way and was in charge of the whole program told us that a trip would be going soon two these two places in Eastern India– Puri and Nawadeep and a bell rang in my ears as soon as I heard this.I just wanted to grab this opportunity as I was going to get a memorable 8 day long devotee association and a chance to visit the places where the Lord Himself performed pastimes with His most intimate disciples and some of the greatest devotees in History of Gaudiya Vaishnavism spent their lives,preaching the holy name and serving the Lord.Charges were just Rs. 4000 for the entire trip and it included everything.So, I just booked a place for myself in advance and got ready to go.

It was March 25 when I reached HARE KRISHNA CENTER by a city bus in Jaipur at 5:30 PM.The Prabhu who was in charge of the whole trip gave us a brief idea of the whole trip.He warned us against DHAM APARADH or offenses committed at the holy places.Also, he asked us not to look at these places materially.We loaded ourselves with books of Srila Prabhupada in cartons which were to be distributed all the way–on railway stations and inside the train.
The whole place was full of luggage of pilgrims.Most of them were new faces for Me.There were 50 prabhus and 27 matajis who went for the trip.Announcement regarding the devotees was made.

The next morning we started from Delhi to Jaipur by bus as we would get the train from Delhi.In night it was difficult to sleep in the bus.We directly reached ISKCON Delhi- the very grand and beautiful temple of Shri Radha Parthasarathi for the Mangal Arti at 4:30 AM.We moved to railway station from there,took our train.I slept in the train and got up for lunch prasadam.There was kirtan by our group at all major Railway Stations all the way and also in the train itself.

The entire third day was spent in Puri Express had a big halt at Kharagpur in West Bengal,devotees took bath on the station and then did kirtan and book distribution.We had ample prasadam–oranges,chivda,puri etc. Matajis had prepared a lot of prasadam which was sufficient for the whole journey.

Experiences in Train–

One person was chewing tobacco,He took one Krishna Book and Gita from us,I felt How munificent Mahaprabhu is that He is giving His mercy to everyone.He also had a Ramayan at his home.

Another person who was totally drunk was afraid of touching the Bhagavad Gita and felt wrong in touching the Bhagavad Gita but as soon I showed Him the pictures and told that mercy of Gauranga is for everyone,He read it for about an hour.I could convince Him that everyone in the material world was in a state of intoxication,he was telling Me that He did nothing wrong in His life other than taking wine(though He was eating EGG CURRY in the train too).

I gave books of Srila Prabhupada to many people to read (only after knowing they were not going to buy them) and they all liked them.Someone was interested in knowing Karma-Yoga,someone just read it as He had nothing else to do in the train and then there were people who were too inquisitive and then those who got fond of us after mixing for some time.

There was kirtan by our devotee group for hours together and I could hear it in the background. Jai Shachinandan Gaur Hari !

We got down from the train at Balasore(Baleshwar,Orrisa) and headed for Kheer Chor Gopinath (even Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came here). There was ‘hari katha’ in the temple premises and I also brought pictures of temple deities for my friends at Jaipur.
The deities were of Govind ,Gopinath and Madan-Mohan and all of them were together(no where in the world would you find them like this).Sripad Madhvendra Puri served them.He saw the deities in a dream and the Lord told Him the place where He could find Him.This great and ancient place was visited by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,Lord Ramchandra and Srila Madhvendra Puri and many other great souls..We honored the most special ‘kheer prasadam’(I never had anything in my life ever before). We got them in small ‘kullad’(small earthen pots). This temple is not visited by many pilgrims and most of the devotees are from Orrisa itself.I took one pot of ‘kheer’ for Rs.40 and licked ‘every nook and corner’ of the small ‘kullad’ till; I started getting mud on my tongue.It was Super ! Many people in the way came forward to help us when they saw us spreading Krishna’s message.Afternoon prasadam was there in the temple premises for all of us and the temple was constructed in an elegant Oriya style.In evening, a bus came to take us to Puri, we halted for w hile at Bhubaneswar got our dinner packed and reached Puri at 1 AM.Our staying place was just near the temple. Jagganath Puri Dham Ki Jai !

It was a new day and We went to temple in morning.We were stopped outside by the police.They were a bit ’suspicious’ about ISKCON devotees(thought may be some of us would be Christians or foreigners). We had to tell our name,father’s name,gotra(sub caste) and the name of village only then we were allowed to enter the temple.Firstly, our group visited all the temples in premises in Jagganath Mandir.It was heavily crowded inside the temple, then we went through a ’sweet struggle’ to have darshan of the Lord Himself who resides in this huge complex of Shri Purushottam Shetra….in the form of a huge and different deities(a very special form of Krishna) alongwith Subhadra Devi and Lord Balram (his sister and brother)…..the sight is ‘out of the world’.
We had our lunch after darshan.Our lunch was arranged at ISKCON temple,which is very near to samdhi of Srila haridas Thakur.After that, we took a ‘holy bath’ at the ‘mahatirta’ or the great ocean at Jagganath Puri….Mahaprabhu called it ‘maha tirtha’ after Srila Haridas Thakur Himself took bath here.We had a lecture from Chaitanya Charitamrita at the samdhi of Srila Haridas Thakur.The painting were very beautiful and I felt as if the Lord Himself was present with some of His most intimate disciples here.We went to ‘Tota Gopinath’ for darshan and spent an hour there,Vhaitanya Mahaprabhu depicted His final pastime here by entering into the deity of ‘Tota Gopinath’.

Got up in the next morning and went straight to Gambhira,Chaitanya Mahaprabhu lived for many at Gambhira. There was ‘Hari Katha’ and kirtan here.Gambhira is now visited by many ISKCON devotees,Russians love it !
We visited Siddha Bakula- Pravachan and Kirtan here, went to Gundicha mandir after that.

In evening, we were given freedom and so we could separate ourselves from group and go to our favorite places or for shopping.
I chose to go to Gaudiya Math,it was established by HH Madhav Maharaj,this is the appearance place of Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada and is also the house of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur who was the magistrate at Puri. I was there for evening Gaur Arti and kirtan.I was fortunate enough to do parikrama of the temple with 4 sanyasis of the Gaudiya Math.

Jagganath Puri Dham — Puri is one of the four Dhams.The main temple at Puri has 4 gates.Puri is famous for Mahaprasadam,Lord Himself honours prasadam at Puri.It is Duga Devi who gets pradsadam first and then its distributed to everyone.Jaggnath loves rice ! It is also known as ‘Anna Brahma’.Jagganath has the biggest kitchen in the whole world.Mostly ‘Hindus’ come here for ‘tirtha yatra’ (pilgrimage) or as tourist,they also get mercy of Jagganath.
ISKCON at Puri has a deity Of Shri Gaur Hari and Radha Giridhari,Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur establehed a bhajan kutir here in 1902 due to which a deity of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur has been established in this temple.

We were then off to Mayapur Dham by Puri express.

We reached Howrah station and took train to Nawdeep in morning the other day,it was like local trains in Mumbai.The journey from Nawdeep to Mayapur was in a boat.We honoured prasadam at Chandrodaya Mandir in afternoon( Gada building was the place where we stayed and honored prasadam).In evening, I was in front of the very beautiful deities of Radha Madhav and Ashta Sakhis,Srila Prabhupada’s big deity was right in front of Radha Madhav and Ashta sakhis were in other hall.There was fabulous kirtan and I could just stand in front of Lord Narasinghadev for the whole Narasingha arti.It was papamochani Ekadasi that day and Ekadasi mahaprasadam was facilitated at the prasadam counter….incredible ! I reached the house of Bhadra Charu Prabhu in evening and took his association for a few hours,He dropped Me to Gada Building,where I stayed with a congregation of 77 devotees from Jaipur.Bhadra charu Prabhu is a local devotee from Mayapur(basically from Orrisa)…who has his service as the Manager of Guest House at Mayapur…he has his office at the Lotus Building.

The Mayapur Temple complex is huge.It was light rain in evening and I reached a very magnificent ‘dome shaped structure’ which is the ‘Pushpa samadhi’ of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.It was covered with coloured glass on all sides and at the top. On first floor,the books of Srila Prabhupada were displayed along with pictures showing His pastimes.The samashi Complex was kept very ‘neat and clean’ by the temple authorities.Books of Srila Prabhupada were displayed at every ‘nook and corner’ of the temple compound.Whole premises was dotted with presence of houses,shops,temples and buildings.Work for a huge temple was going on at the center of the compound.It was a huge complex but all of it was glowing.

Breakfast prasadam of Pizza and Cake following day (you will get the best ones in Mayapur).We moved to Yogapeeth with our group,doing kirtan and clapping.Yogapeeth has the tree near which Nimai pandit appeared and the samadhi of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur is also here.A temple here was constructed by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur,then we went to Radha Kund and Govardhan.I took rest in my dorm in afternoon and had darshan of Radha Madhav in evening as they were too captivating.I just went to Govaindas here and was thinking of the one in Vrindavan.I has ‘Russian salad’,I took some books from Lotus Building.I seperated myself from the group and stayed the whole day in the temple with Shri Radha Madhav.

Three cats were also present just outside the hall where the deities of Radha Madhav are, this is the place where prasadam is given in Mayapur.The cats always ‘honored’ special prasadam of Radha Madhav in Mayapur and also hear kirtan,I was left wondering at the fortune of these cats who live in Dham,they hear kirtan all the time and also the ‘Mangal Arti’.They are real devotees of the Lord !

The whole group of ours went to ‘Gurukul’.Shri Ram Vigraha Prabhu (ACBSP) was incharge of an ashram for Gurukulis at Mayapur,He was from Mexico and told us about His pastimes with Srila Prabhupada.He was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1975.He told us that women in Mexico were gracefully dressed and asked Srila Prabhupada for benediction,Srila Prabhupada blessed all of them.He told us that Srila Prabhupada said people in Mexico speak in a language that is close to sanskrit in its accent.His friends gave Him two pieces of deities in Mexico.His Grace Ram Vigraha Prabhu told us that His friend in Mexico gave Him two pictures of deities of Mexico.A Kanha deity is carried in a palanquin in Mexico,He told us ancient Mayan civilization also had some traces of Vedic culture.There were also Hanuman Mandir and Garuda Temples in Mexico.
We also met one Gurukuli from Brazil,He was ready to show us the Gurukul.

We then went to Mayapur Goshala had chach and gave ‘gur’ to cows.Inside Goshala — all cows had names like Rukmini,Surabhi,Chitra,Rohini,Anusuya,.calves were separate,we just loved them.The day I was leaving,I was searching for my slippers for an hour but I did not find them anywhere,so I had to buy a pair of new sandals from a devotee’s shop and as soon as I came back I saw my slippers with my friend.I was just thinking that what an arrangement Krishna had made here so that I buy new slippers(as many devotees specially Russians had such slippers,I also felt like having them and went to the shop and looked at them as I also wanted to have them but I would not buy them as since I already had one pair with me)….so Krishna made me buy them.

We were back to Gada Building for lunch prasadam.Some young boys went back to Howrah by train(as it would be too crowded in train,we went by bus to Howrah).It took us 5 hours to reach,2 hours were taken within Kolkata as it is a huge city.We did kirtan and had prasadam on Howrah platform,we boarded our train to Jaipur late night.

This is the end of “Kirtan All The Way” our trip to Puri Dham and Mayapur Dham in months of March and April in 2011.


(Pranjal Joshi)

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All glories to the Bhagavad Gita as it is

by Premanjana Dasa (Pranjal Joshi)

The meaning of the Bhagavad Gita as given in dictionaries is as follows–

(Hinduism) the sacred `song of God’ composed about 200 BC and incorporated into the Mahabharata (a Sanskrit epic); contains a discussion between Krishna and the Indian hero Arjuna on human nature and the purpose of life.
The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God), also more simply known as Gita, is a Sanatana Dharma or Hindu scripture produced from the colloquy given by Shri Krishna to Arjuna during the Kurukshetra War. Its philosophies and insights are intended to reach beyond the scope of religion and to humanity as a whole. It is at times referred to as the “manual for mankind” and has been highly praised by not only prominent Indians.

The Bhagavad Gita however should not be taken just as a ‘Holy Book’ of the Hindus or ‘A Gem in Eastern Philosophy’ or an ‘Indian Ideology’.This Great scripture is the MANUAL for every living entity and does not promote a sectarian outlook.
The first English translation of the Bhagavad Gita was done by Charles Wilkins in 1785.In 1981, Larson listed more than 40 English translations of the Gita, stating that “A complete listing of Gita translations and a related secondary bibliography would be nearly endless” . He stated that “Overall… there is a massive translational tradition in English, pioneered by the British, solidly grounded philological by the French and Germans, provided with its indigenous roots by a rich heritage of modern Indian comment and reflection, extended into various disciplinary areas by Americans, and having generated in our time a broadly based cross-cultural awareness of the importance of the Bhagavad Gita both as an expression of a specifically Indian spirituality and as one of the great religious “classics” of all time.”
The Gita has also been translated into other European languages. In 1808, passages from the Gita were part of the first direct translation of Sanskrit into German, appearing in a book through which Friedrich Schlegel became known as the founder of Indian philology in Germany.

The Bhagavad Gita should not be mistaken as a ‘Hindu Book’ as the word Hindu was also given by the Muslims/Arabs invaders who came to India.Though this great scripture was introduced in the West long back but still the ‘Real Revolution and Changes in the lives of people came only after the year 1965 after they read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who was the greatest exponent but not the pioneer of Vedic Wisdom in the west.Hare Krishna movement became the most widespread ’spritual cult’ in the world after the preaching of Bhaktivedanta Swami’s great book.

Traditionally the commentators belong to spiritual traditions or schools (sampradaya) and Guru lineages (parampara), which claim to preserve teaching stemming either directly from Krishna himself or from other sources, each claiming to be faithful to the original message. In the words of Someone, “[The Gita] is one of the hardest books to interpret, which accounts for the numerous commentaries on it – each differing from the rest in an essential point or the other.”
Different translators and commentators have widely differing views on what multi-layered Sanskrit words and passages signify,and their presentation in English depending on the sampradaya they are affiliated to.Especially in Western philology, interpretations of particular passages often do not agree with traditional views.

As far as drinking poison is concerned,there was an old edition of Bhagavad Gita by Gita Press Gorakhpur in our house but I never read it.This is probably the largest circulated edition of The Bhagavad Gita in Hindi language owing to its cost,reputaion and availability.Srila Prabhupada says in one of His Hindi lectures that everyone in India has the Bhagavad Gita in His house but noone reads it ,no one hears it, no one knows it ,they are like donkeys.(I sometimes just keep thinking of these lines He said).
As far as ‘reading poison’ is concerned,its true…but I am so fortunate that I never rad any other edition that Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad Gita as it is….I know one devotee who read more than 40 Editions before coming in touch with Srila Prabhupada version.Though I have also seen the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Swami Vivekanannda,Gita Pres Gorakhpur,Osho etc. but I firmly believe in Srila Prabhupada’s edition as there is no ‘Krishna Prema’ in other editions.Srila Prabhupada’s version of the Bhagavad Gita is however not the only bonafide one as the commentaries of Srila Vishwanath Chakravarti thakura and some other great acaryas like Srimad Madhavacraya and Sripad Ramanujacharya are also present,however,I find Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada the greatest book.“The Gita is as pure as milk,” he continued, “but even milk becomes poisonous when touched by the lips of a serpent.”There are a few editions which have only some chapters covered which itself shows that they are incomplete and done by someone who is not a bonafide person. Generally the so-called scholars, politicians, philosophers, and swamis, without perfect knowledge of Kṛṣṇa, try to banish or kill Kṛṣṇa when writing commentary on Bhagavad-gītā. Such unauthorised commentary upon Bhagavad-gītā is known as Māyāvāda-bhāṣya, and Lord Caitanya has warned us about these unauthorised men. Lord Chaitanya clearly says that anyone who tries to understand Bhagavad-gītā from the Māyāvādī point of view will commit a great blunder. The result of such a blunder will be that the misguided student of Bhagavad-gītā will certainly be bewildered on the path of spiritual guidance and will not be able to go back to home, back to Godhead.

Also,I feel sad for the people who are drinking the ‘mayavadi poison’ all time;people prefer reading Bhagavad Gita from Newspapers and works of Intellectuals that do not guide the human society in the right direction.For example Gandhi used this book to promote His philosophy of ‘ahmisa’ (non-violence).Other writers conveyed their own personal views just using this book as its the ‘greatest authority’.People in India have no idea of Tha Bhagavad Gita at all and they just keep on giving their ‘Personal Views’ on the subject matter.However,since it was Krishna who spoke the Bhagavad Gita,it should be the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna (As It Is) and not a matter of personal discretion are any sort of other propaganda.

I would also like to Thank the devotees who are taking so much pain in distributing these great books of transcendental knowledge throughout the world,its actually because of them that Shri Krishna as found a way in all houses on this entire planet.Its Krishna Himself as a book personified…so All Glories The Book Distributors in the world !

What makes Srila Prabhupada Edition of The Bhagavad Gita is that its ‘Absolutely Pure’ and full of ‘Krishna-Prema’,these are the two things which are absent in all other editions of The Bhagavad Gita As It Is.So this one is so special.Verses in the Bhagavad Gita are all same in all editions but their interpretations,Purports and Translations are not only different and unique but also represent different ideologies and also that people have used their own personal motives(for many reasons) to either become famous or establish a ‘Thought’ which was not pretended by the Supreme Personality Of Godhead — Shri Krishna Himself.

A lot of people in India make only one comment when it comes to the Bhagavad Gita that its preaching the philosophy of ‘Karma’ without actually even knowing what it actually means….what it means is that We have to work for the satisfaction of Krishna and not for our own sense gratification(which animals are also doing) ‘Ahara-Nidra–Bhaya-Maithun’.So,people in India just took this part interpreted it whimsically and went ahead with the idea…”Just Go Ahead and keep working,without even thinking over what they are doing’.

The word sometimes used for Srila Prabhupada Bhagavad Gita is ‘idiosyncratic’,which means that its just a way of promoting the ‘Bhakti Cult’,whereas in the shastras(Vedic Scriptures), a very strong and long explanations have also been given to Karma Yoga,Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga ,Gyan Yoga etc. as well but since Srila Prabhupada Bhagavad Gita promotes only the ‘Bhakti Yoga’ so its just presenting one CULT.The point here which we all need to understand is that Bhakti Yoga is the highest Yoga,its higher than all other yogas , Srila Prabhupada has also explained about the other yogic system in His books,He never ruled them out and He put them in context of becoming ‘Krishna Consciousness’(which is the only possible way in today’s time to bring happiness in the lives of people).

I have seen it working,I just preached to someone on phone and asked Her to read slokas loudly,She was having a lot of job related problems in Her life…and just after reading a few slokas She started feeling ‘light and comfortable’ for the moment.She started liking the Book after that and promised Me that She will read it on a regular basis,in fact She even told Me that She was having a feeling which She never ever had in Her life before.
In another incidence,a lady was traumatised by her ‘past love affair’ with someone and She felt guilty about it,after reading some slokas everyday,she just came out of it within one month completely and started chanting 16 mala everyday and this kind of change can only occur if you have the ‘Most Potent and Powerful’ thing with you…that is Krishna Himself- The Supreme Personality Of Godhead’.These are examples of ‘Phalena-Parichayate’(an action is seen by its results).

I was told by a disciple of Srila Prabhupada personally that its just like getting mangoes from the tree.Someone who is sitting on the top of a branch gives it to the one sitting on the branch below it and so on ,so in this way we can be sure that its the same knowledge which Krishna gave to Arjuna-in fact each and every word is the same,that is our disciplic succession.That is the PARAMPARA(to hear the truth from a bonafide spiritual master who comes in one of the linkages mentioned in the Holy Books).

Hearing Bhagavad-gita from a self-realized spiritual master and following its message is what Hinduism is all about.It is the duty of every Hindu,to read and follow the injunctions of the Vedic Scriptures in his day to day life but the Hindus are totally bewildered and do not capture the right knowledge.Lord Krishna was not a mystic hero area fictional character but The Supreme Personality Of Godhead Himself.Srila Prabhupada wrote His books in English and if His books are translated into other languages with proof-reading’ (then they are same as the ones in English).However,some fanatic followers believe that we should learn English first and then read His books in English,since this is the language in which He originally spoke.Krishna makes it completely clear in the Gita that becoming His devotee is the goal to which the text hopes to bring its readers: “Always think of Me and become My devotee. Worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.” (Chapter 18,Sloka 65).This sloka also happens to be the essence of The Gita.

Some of us have just heard about The Bhagavad Gita,some of us have neglected or dismissed it but here is a chance for all of us to read the words spoken by The Supreme Lord Shri Krishna Himself on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.We have the ‘Raja-Vidya’ with us and it becomes the duty of every individual who wants to take material advantages,spiritual assets,inquirer of the absolute truth or any other misunderstanding or problems of the mundane material world, that He brings the Light of this great scripture n His life and give the Soul what the Soul has been hankering for last millions of lives.We have spent millions of lives in doing sense gratification just spend one for Krishna and let it be this one,so that we can love and serve Krishna who is our greatest well wisher and friend and Go Back Home,Back to Godhead.

Written By–

Premanjana Dasa
(Pranjal Joshi)

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The Bhaktivedanta Library – Fulfilling the Desire of Srila Prabhupada

BY: PREMANJANA DAS (Pranjal Joshi)

Jun 07, 2012 — INDIA (SUN) —

The Bhaktivedanta Library is a unique subject that inspired me to write.

I have been to many ISKCON temples along with many holy places all over India; but ISKCON Mumbai (Shri Radha Rasa Bihari Ji) stands to be the only place where I discovered this unique and special library that has a magnanimous collection of books by various authors from all over the world.


The Bhaktivedanta library is a veritable treasure-house of knowledge. What makes me write this article was a small advertisement pamphlet of The Bhaktivedanta Library which I got from the take-away box of library.


This library invites the public to read wonderful books in an air-conditioned comfort zone free of charge (except for the small amount that is to be paid incase you borrow a book- lend for money facility given by the library).

This library which was inaugurated in January 2007 is located on the second floor, New Building, 'Heaven on earth' complex at the ISKCON temple at Juhu. Upon having an overview, I found that the library had more than 1800 books in English and other Indian languages. The library also caters- 'lending for home reading' facility.

Another remarkable aspect of this library is the way it caters children with many colouring books, comics and animations on Lord Krishna. The state-of-the-art multimedia section has 10 monitors with18 video films, 3000 lectures, 1500 songs to choose from. Children are very fond of this library; I always see them around- making noise and enjoying themselves. A little girl was spraying 'room freshener' everywhere in the library to her own amusement. I always spend some time in this library whenever I go to Juhu temple and try to read and write as much as possible.

Students and scholars are benefitted at large with the use of the wide database provided by the library which helps to sharpen their intellect. They gain ability to focus on all the issues of life with the best possible perspective. It is by 'good-reading' that we can develop confidence to tackle problems in life independently, guided by authentic knowledge coming from time-tested infallible source i.e. Lord Krishna and his pure-devotees. It also helps to improve the capacity of memory and clarity of thoughts. This library also has a 'take away box" which allows visitors to take away photos, pictures, CDs and pamphlets free of cost.


His Grace Rasapurusha Das who is a regular visitor to this library says that there is no other library better than this. When there is annual conference of ISKCON GBC (Governing Body Commission) in Mumbai, this library becomes a conference hall for the governing members of the commission. One delegate remarked that he has never seen such a library in any of the ISKCON centers in the world.

There is a pin-drop silence in this library adds Rasa Purusha Das. The credit for this well maintained library goes to Shri Anantha Prabhu Das who is the librarian here. Well-illuminated facilities and ceiling makes reading more pleasurable. This library is kept absolutely nice and immaculately clean. Chairs are comfortable and cushioned; both the tables and chairs are decorated beautifully. All the 'book-sections' are well labeled so that the reader does not have to waste his time in searching for the right book. This library has many book shelves storing books in Hindi, Kannada, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, English, Oriya, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam.

All the walls have nicely framed large pictures of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda (ISKCON Founder Acharya) and those of the past-times of Lord Krishna. This library is a non- profit unit which is being operated to fulfill the desires of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupāda to spread the Vedic wisdom in the whole world.

Akshay (MBBS student, Pune) – "Rare books which are difficult to find else-where are found here. I find books from all sampradayas, for e.g. one can also find the Bible here. The segmentation of the book-sections has been done by language, name of author and subject matter.

Along with books, the library has an excellent collection of periodicals, papers, articles and photos. The most important thing is that the librarian (Anantha Prabhu Das) is very co-operative and polite. He never makes one feel indifferent... When I come here for some time I feel that I have been coming here for a long time. This library has audio lectures, CDs and computers too. The books here are very expensive; I cannot afford to have them so I just read them here free of cost.

I got in contact with ISKCON through the Bhaktivriksha programme in Chennai. Now I continue with my devotional activities in Pune also. If one wants one can deposit some fees and also the cost of the book and borrow the book from the library, and the deposited money is returned on returning the book.

The librarian is very tense these days as many books from this library have been stolen in the recent past."

Shambhu (worker from Kolkata) - "My village is in West Bengal. I get one day off on Sunday. I come to this library on Sunday morning, it opens at 10 AM. I read these books to acquire knowledge and search the absolute truth. I love reading books available here."

Anantha Prabhu Das (Library in-charge): "After my 13 years of service in The Bhaktivedanta Institute, Juhu, I was in Mira road for 10 years for attending temple programmes and satsang .I was working in The Bhaktivedanta Hospital with Dr. Patel in anti-abortion campaign guided by His Grace Devamrita Prabhu. One day in the afternoon after lecture, His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj called me from his car, put his hands on my shoulders and asked me to take up some responsibility as I had been there for a long time, Maharaj had known me from 1983". I requested Maharaj to guide me. Maharaj then asked me to meet His Grace Braj Hari Prabhu.

Next day I met Braja Hari Prabhu in Juhu mandir who put me in touch with His Grace Pundarik Govind Prabhu who had just completed library furniture arrangements and told me that I had to serve in this library as I had done in The Bhaktivedanta Institute library earlier and now I had to make a system for the new library. Then I started going everyday to Juhu, in January 2007. From 300 books and 60 videos the library has now grown to 1800 books and 9000 videos, lectures and songs in the multimedia section."

"Numbers of readers have steadily increased; ‘lending for home reading' section has 78 regular borrowers. The library organizes community services, especially on Saturdays, of different groups like senior citizens. Senior devotees address them in such programmes. The library also holds books on vegetarian cooking, art, songs, Sanskrit and also travel books to holy places apart from the spiritual books."

Timings of library: 
Monday to Saturday: 10 AM to 1 PM and 5 PM to 8 PM
Sundays: 10 AM to 8 PM

For further information:
Please contact--
Ananthe Prabhu das- (022) 2620 6860 (Extension 155)

The Bhaktivedanta Library
Second floor, New building, Heaven on Earth Complex
Shri Radha Rasa Bihari Ji Mandir
Hare Krishna Land, Juhu

For your comments and feedback on this article, please write to:

Shri Premanjana das (Pranjal Joshi):

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Abdul - The Transcendental Tailor

Abdul - The Transcendental Tailor

Written by--- Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi)

(Sriman Abdul Rashid working on pink outfits for the deities with silver zari for Rang panchami)

By Premanjana Das

I took this interview of Sriman Abdul Rashid– the 63-year-old designer who is the man behind the beautiful clothes and decorations of the deities of Lord Krishna and His beloved Srimati Radha at the ISKCON temple in Juhu, on the afternoon of 5th December 2012 in his room no. 162 on the first floor of Mumbai ISKCON temple (Shri Radha Ras Bihari ji). I read about him in a local newspaper and was so surprised to know that he would do such wonderful devotional service in spite of being from such a different faith and background.

My idea behind writing this article is to motivate devotees to take up this loving service of dress-making for the deities and not just buy ‘readymade’ deity dresses from market made by professionals and businessman. Also, this will motivate people from other religions to take up devotional service.
Sriman Abdul Rashid, a resident of Jogeshwari, is one of the best examples of how talent can be used expertly in Krishna’s service. Abdul Rashid has been steady in his service of dress-making complete with gold embroidery, floral designs and heavy zardosi work for the great deities of Shri Radha Ras Bihari, Shri Gaura-Nitai and Shri Sita-Ram-Laxman-Hanuman located at Juhu in Mumbai, India for the last 35 years. He works with the deity department which looks after the jewellery, flowers, garlands and clothes of the 10 deities in the temple.

Way back in 1970s Abdul Rashid had a small tailor-shop outside the Sri Sri Radha Rasa Bihari temple, and while stitching clothes for men and women at his suburban tailor shop, he used to make few dresses for deities at Iskcon, Juhu. His innovative and colorful dresses completely metamorphosed the temple surroundings and became very popular with visitors.

Abdul Rashid– “I began designing the clothes for the deities at the ISKCON temple after I moved from Balia, Uttar Pradesh back in 1966. Initially, when I moved here, I took up various jobs such as painting, plumbing. Finally, in 1976, I joined a stitching class and that’s when I realised I had found my passion in life, I got the first break in my life when a disciple of Srila Prabhupada loved my designs and asked me to work at the temple for the next 15 days. When I came here in 1976, Srila Prabhupada was ill. I was introduced to Srila Prabhupada by a devotee named His Grace Puri das Prabhu. Srila Prabhupada told me that he liked my work very much, so I should not go anywhere other than the temple. I was called to the temple and I stayed there for two weeks,” he says that his 15 days at the temple changed his life completely, “During my initial days, I met Swami Prabhupada, who told me to stay back at the temple and continue to design clothes for the deities. He said that this was my life’s calling and ever since then I have never looked back.” 

He continues, “One foreign devotee mataji named— Her Grace Vishva Devi dasi, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada got me into the temple initially and supported me a lot. At the time when I came to the temple, there were just 5% Indian devotees and the remaining were foreigners. Devotees in the temple treated me as their family member and since then I lost my heart in the temple. I had no knowledge about the deities and used to stitch clothes ‘outside’ the temple. I would stitch during the day-time and in the evening while being at the Juhu beach, I used to think—‘how will I make a pant for Krishna?’ ‘Gaura-Nitai’s hands are stretched, how will I make a dress for Him?’ I used to think of making dresses for Krishna 24 hours a day. His Grace Narottam Prabhu (an American disciple of Srila Prabhupada) was the head pujari at that time and supported me a lot just like Her Grace Vishva Devi dasi mataji did. I have been doing my seva since then and never faced problems of any sort. It has been 35 years now and it is the time for retirement now (laughs).”

Abdul recalls— “One Marwari was the vice-president of the temple long ago, he was asking all Muslims to leave the temple, they were drivers, peons etc. Then he called me, but all the disciples of Srila Prabhupada supported me, they made that vice-president leave the temple. They told him that as he was asking all Muslims to leave, he may now ask even Christians and foreigners to leave the temple so they made that vice-president leave the temple.”

His Holiness Giriraj Maharaj once told Abdul that he does not need to take diksha (initiation) and wear ‘kanthi mala’, as he was serving Krishna directly. (Abdul told me this when I asked him thrice that why was he not wearing kanthi mala.)

In 1985-1986 Abdul was so absorbed in his devotional service that one night in his dream he saw that he was in the holy dham Vrindavan where Shri Radha Krishna sat on a swing in a garden, and they blessed Abdul. Abdul did not disclose this dream to anyone thinking that people would laugh at him.
“I am involved in all stages of dress designing, right from selecting fabric, colour selection till the final embroidery. I do not repeat any designs. I put figures of parrots, cows, bells, trees just about anything which comes into mind. Though I have no formal training in making clothes, innovative designs just churn out from my heart. I feel it is all God gifted”, adds Abdul.

He explains about dresses—It takes three months to make one dress, dresses are made of ‘pure silk’ and ‘raw silk’, expenditure on Janmashtami dress is about Rs. 5.50 lakhs (this includes dresses for all the three altars of Shri Radha Rasa Bihari , Shri Gaur-Nitai and Shri Sita-Ram-Laxman-Hanuman). Gaura-poornima and Ram-navami dresses costs Rs. 2.50 lakhs, the night-dress (wore by the deities at 9 PM and seen in mangala-arti) costs Rs. 1.50 lakhs.
Work on the Janmashtami dress begins six months in advance, when the colour and pattern is decided, after which he begins stitching the dress for the presiding deity, Sri Sri Radha Rasa Bihari. Speaking of the adornments, Rashid has changed the dress designs for Holi. “Lord Krishna, Srimati Radha and all the other deities at the temple will be dressed in a pink outfit for Ranga-panchami. The outfits for all the deities are made up of pure silk and have silver zari work with gems embedded in them.”

Till date in his 35 years career, he has stitched over 1000 dresses including some dresses which adorn Iskcon temples in America, Australia and other countries.

Some people donate to the temple for dressing deities on holi, Janmashtami, Ram-navami etc. Some people donate money for clothes and some for embroidery. When the dress gets old, it is burnt and never sold as people may contaminate it, but some temples even sell the dresses worn by the deities. One dress lasts for 10-15 years. Shri Radha Rasa Bihari have around 150 dresses in all.
Abdul’s favorite dress is a ‘black and golden dress’ which is 30 years old and are worn by the deities on Saturday. Earlier many matajis used to go to Abdul to assist him in making dresses, but no one goes to assist him now. One will fail to find a dress like ISKCON anywhere and ISKCON Mumbai (Juhu) is famous worldwide.

In 1992 there were Hindu- Muslim riots in Mumbai; His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj asked Abdul if he wanted to live in temple guest house for safety. Maharaj told the guest house manager to give Abdul a room in the guest house whenever he needed. Speaking on frequent clashes between Hindu and Muslim communities in the country, he opines, “I think it is uneducated people who create rifts in Hindu and Muslim communities for selfish motives. Otherwise its Allah or God, both shower their love on mankind. I have never given it a thought that I am a Muslim stitching clothes for Hindu Gods. Even the authorities and visitors have always treated me as part of a big family. Even I educate my kids to know the importance of communal harmony and mutual peace.” Rashid believes that his religion is of no significance to his work.

In India, religion dominates people’s lives to a great extent that at times it dictates people’s professions too. However, devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not constrained by the boundaries of religion. Abdul Rashid is such an example. His home is an amalgamation of Upwaas and Rojas as even posters of Lord Krishna adorn his home walls.

He said, “God, the source of energy in this world, is one. He only has different manifestations — be it Allah or Bhagwan.” He added, “Ever since, I began working at ISKCON, which is was 36 years ago, I have been a vegetarian.”

Rashid’s colourful and magnificent designs not only grace the deities in India but also in the ISKCON temples in America, UK and Australia. His designs have also been showered with praise from devotees all over the world. Mukund Madhav Das said, “Rashid’s designs are appreciated by all the visitors at the temple. The evidence of his exemplary work is that he has continued as the main dress designer at the temple for so many years now.” When asked about the adulation heaped on him, a modest Rashid simply said, “I am glad that devotees at the temple love my work and when people appreciate my designs, I feel very proud to be associated with Lord in some way or other.”

The saffron robes of His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj are always stitched by Abdul, saffron dress for His Holiness Giriraj Maharaj are also stitched by Abdul and sent to USA. The material used for making dresses for Maharaj is ‘khadi silk’ and costs about Rs. 600 per meter.
Abdul tells about himself and his family—“I was born at Balia near Benares in Uttar Pradesh. I came from Balia to Mumbai in 1968. My father is 90 years old now, he was living in Mumbai but has been taken to Balia recently. My mother is 75 and lives in Balia as well. I have three sons, two are married and one is pursuing hotel management course (final year).”

His Grace Hari Das Prabhu (a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and director of ISKCON Television) wants to make a film on life of Abdul and wants him to write for that film, but Abdul modestly says that he has no time for that.
In those days, Sriman Abdul further recalls, Mumbai’s population was just one-fourth of what it is now, there were no buildings and roads were vacant. There was nothing in Juhu hardly anyone would come to Juhu. One BHK (Bedroom Hall Kitchen) used to cost Rs. 80,000 in 1979-80 (even after temple was constructed). Now it is nothing less than Rs. 1.5 crores. No one had money in those days and wheat was cheap. In 1968 we used to have a meal was Rs. 1.25. At that time temple gave him Rs.5000 to get a chawl at Parle (temple always helped him a lot) as there were no buildings. Abdul still has a shop outside temple but he has given it on rent as he does not like that time many American devotees wanted to take him to USA; but Srila Prabhupada’s instructions for Abdul to be always in the temple makes him stay at Shri Radha Rasa Bihari forever.

His Divine Grace A. C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada with his followers at the Juhu beach in Mumbai (very near Radha Rasa Bihari temple)

Abdul is 63 years old now, with fragrant agarbattis and echoes of Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantras echoing in his ears, he continues to be sincerely engrossed in his temple workshop creating new dresses and desires to serve Sri Radha Rasa Bihari as much as possible. As I am taking Abdul’s interview (in Hindi), he is making a saffron dress for a small deity of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Written by—

Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi)

Feedback for this article can be sent to the writer at

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The Show Must Go On…

By Premanjana Das

(Pranjal Joshi)

Let me first introduce you to a vaishnava— His Grace Radha Madhava Prabhu (formerly Richard Mende) who is now 77 years old and has just completed writing two books which will be published soon. He graduated from the Stanford University and has worked in New York in the film producing industry while he was absorbed in worldly ways of life.

His Grace Guru das Prabhu writes about His Grace Radha Madhav Prabhu:

“Richard Mende’s The Book of Constant Chanting is an important book. He has culled many of the most sublime, meaningful, poetic and life changing verses and slokas from many, many sources. He has painstakingly devoted many hours of research and practice in this intelligent anthology, he wrote for our benefit.

I first met Richard Mende in Radha Kund a small village in India. Although previously experiencing wealth and material success, he has now chosen a life of renunciation, devotion and love of God via the practice of Bhakti yoga and chanting the Holy Names

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama,Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

H.G. Radha Madhava Prabhu chanting Hare Krishna

While many were chanting two to three hours a day, Richard was chanting most of the day and night, with little time for eating and sleeping, like some of our saintly predecessors such as Haridas Thakur. I know Richard is bristling humbly as he reads this comparison, but the point I am making is that he practices what he preaches.

That makes Richard’s book even more powerful as he has devoted his life almost anonymously, without striving for fame or position or even a spiritual name for himself. He has always been humble without bringing attention to his scholarship and intelligence. Well, now this book does.

To me, this huge endeavor takes on heroic proportions as no one asked Richard to undertake this. He did this work out of pure love and devotion. He chose to compile this book, just as David chose to fight Goliath when no one expected the Shepard to step up, or, as Prahlad had chosen to be a devotee, when his father taught him differently.

What is striking in this jewel of a book is not only the many sources showing great scholarship, but the placement and choice of verses. Richard has constructed a spiritual palace through The Book of Constant Chanting. Each section builds on the strong foundation of the previous sections. Richard also sparingly but appropriately intersperses his own and other purports, backgrounds of Lord Chaitanya and his devotees as well as verses regarding humility and compassion.

Anu Kirtanum Cintamani “The Book of Constant Chanting” is full of variety and beauty. By the end of reading this volume, one automatically becomes more Krishna conscious.”

His Grace Radha Madhav prabhu once prayed to God when he was enjoying his material life in New York— “Oh Lord, please help me stop destroying myself.” He received strength to discontinue smoking, drinking and meat-eating, he became vegetarian; then he realized that he was becoming ‘happy’. He read the Quran, Bible, Zen and then the Bhagavad Gita (cover to cover) and was deeply influenced, he went to the lower 22nd avenue ‘Hare Krishna temple’ and then to Brooklyn to stay for weekends. Thereafter, he attended classes on the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. He came to India and read Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Muktananda, Cidananda, Saibaba and studied various traditions; a common thing which he noticed was that all those sources ‘glorified’ the holy name of the Lord. Later, Radha Madhav prabhu was initiated by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (ISKCON Founder Acharya) in about 1970.

My personal interaction with His Grace Radha Madhav prabhu— I talked to him on a Sunday afternoon on the 16th of September 2012 just before he was going to give a lecture in the Preetivardhanam classes at ISKCON Juhu temple. I first began by asking him for his picture with Srila Prabhupada, thereupon, Radha Madhav prabhu said that his heart breaks at this as he has none. Radha Madhav prabhu is from New York but he has spent most of his time in Manhattan. He had some conversations with Srila Prabhupada but he recalls one of them:

‘There is one famous conversation between Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Rai (mentioned in the Chaitanya Charitamrita) wherein Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is questioning Ramananda Rai about the higher and higher levels of devotional service. Radha Madhav prabhu questioned Srila Prabhupada that why was the chanting of the holy names of the Lord not mentioned in that conversation. Srila Prabhupada answered it in two words- ‘By implication’.’

Radha Madhav prabhu told me about himself – “I was not as close to Srila Prabhupada as His Holiness Satswarup Maharaj and His Holiness Jayadvaita Swami. There were some other conversations which I had with Srila Prabhupada but I forgot all of them after Srila Prabhupada disappeared in 1977.”

“I lived at Radha kund for 7 years. There was 24 hours kirtan when I lived at Radha kund and it was right in my bhajan-kutir (prayer cottage).” Sometimes Radha Madhav Prabhu would have 50 people doing kirtan in a day at Radha kund.

Radha Madhav prabhu also lived at Nawadwipa and he says that—“One special quality about Nawadwipa dhama is that if you die there, you ‘go back to godhead’ directly, no matter what you are thinking at the time of death (your state of mind at the time of leaving the body) but the same is not the case with other holy places.” But his consciousness changed after living in Nawadwipa— “It is great if you go ‘back to godhead,’ but it is also very selfish as we have to preach. Srila Prabhupada says-”preaching is the essence”.”

Radha Madhav prabhu says about ISKCON Mumbai temple (Shri Radha Rasa Bihari ji), “It is a magnificent temple and attracts a lot of congregation. Devotees who are living in the temple are ‘very fired up devotees’. I think that there are enough devotees to do kirtan for 24 hours here.”

Excerpts from the lecture given by His Grace Radha Madhav prabhu on the 16thof September 2012 at the Preetivardhanam classes on Sunday afternoon at the ISKCON Mumbai temple (Shri Radha Rasa Bihari ji) — “I have seen many wonderful devotees, they go just like the moon, well-read, very good mind, give wonderful classes and are good at chanting, but then they fall all the way down. When such a great devotee falls, it is very heart-breaking. I have been close to many of these great vaishnavas, I came to know what happens to them. The root cause of all ‘fall-downs’ is ‘vaishnava-aparadha’. The scriptures teach that even if you are at the level of Lord Shiva and commit ‘vaishnava-aparadha,’ you fall down. There are diverse aspects of ‘vaishnava-aparadhas’ which includes speaking ill of others, like he is lazy etc. even if it is true, we should not speak like that. I used to say terrible things because of inferiority complex; I used to say bad things for others and make ‘ugly remarks’. Best way to get rid of bad habits is to replace them with some good qualities. When I started seeing good qualities in others I started feeling good in myself. ’No one is completely good or bad’. Even devotees have some bad qualities and even mafia has some good qualities. We should not even hear statements against other devotees. We should glorify that devotee and counteract. We can defend that devotee by either glorifying him or just walking away (keeping the ears closed).”

(I have written this article to pay my obeisances to a great disciple of Srila Prabhupada who is still preaching at the age of 77 and gave his entire life to serve the mission of his spiritual master, I am giving ‘a final shape’ to this article on the auspicious day of Vijaya Dasami/Dussera hoping that this article would inspire countless devotees all over the world especially the ones who are slowing down due to their advanced age and also to the Indians who are blindly imitating the west).

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The Affection of Srila Prabhupada

Submitted By-

Premanjana Dasa
(Pranjal Joshi)

The Affection of Srila Prabhupada

[This story has been written by Premanjana Dasa (Pranjal Joshi) on the basis of a conversation that took place between him and His Grace Hari Das Prabhu at the ‘Hare Krishna Land’ (ISKCON Temple) at Juhu, Mumbai in the months of August and September 2011 in the room of Haridas Prabhu ]

Haridas’ life in Mumbai as a young boy- Haridas Prabhu was a boy aged 11 years, used to beg for money, work in a tea stall to wash glasses, just to get some food, he sometimes used to get money when mercy was shown upon Him, He used to wash taxis for 1 anna (quarter of a rupee, an Indian currency of that time). He also used to pickpocket and steal things just to go to jail as they provide some basic necessities in jail like blanket, food, toilet facility etc. so, he used to do paltry crimes in order to get into jail like black marketing of cinema tickets; he also used to travel without tickets in local train and stand in front of TTE, so that they would put him into jail. They used to ask him if he had the same activity? (WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???) Haridas recalls one of his early days experiences in Mumbai telling that people in Mumbai used to be very nice and civilized and used to help each other. Once while Haridas was begging at the railway station, a lady looked at Him while returning home from work, she went to Her house and came back with ‘paranthas’ cooked for Haridas and told him that she felt he would be hungry. Such was the attitude of people in Mumbai 40 years back.

Haridas Life in jail-It was one of Haridas Prabhu’s days in jail in the month of March in the year 1972 at around 2 PM-3 PM in the afternoon. At that time the ‘Back to Godhead’ magazine which was published only in English language at that time was thrown into dustbin by someone. Haridas was in jail at that time and his work in the ward was to clean the dustbin everyday, where he found this issue of the ‘Back To Godhead’ magazine having a picture of Srila Prabhupada on the front page, Srila Prabhupada was wearing a very beautiful watch in that picture.

Haridas Prabhu got attracted towards that watch of Srila Prabhupada in that picture and decided to steal it. Haridas made that ‘watch’ as his next target. Haridas used to fix ‘targets’ in those days for ’stealing’. Haridas followed the address written on that magazine which took him straight to ‘Akashganga’ (name of the building), on the same day of his discharge from the prison, and this was the place where ISKCON was operating in those days
(1971-1972).’ Akashganga’ was near the Breach Candy Hospital, opposite the American Consulate.

When Haridas reached ‘Akashganga’ on the day of his release from the prison itself and he came to know that the ‘Hare Krishna Movement’ had shifted to Juhu. He headed to Hare Krishna Land in the later afternoon. It was like a forest at that time but a small hut was there. Haridas as a small boy saw devotees like His Grace Jagat Purusha das Brahmachary ( an American ) and His Holiness Giriraj Maharaj coming out with some devotees.

Haridas showed the picture to Jagatpurusha Dasa Brahcmachary and asked- “Where is Srila Prabhupada?” (showing him the picture).

Jagatpurusha said, “Srila Prabhupada is not in Mumbai, but he will be coming soon.”

Haridas planned to stay in ‘Hare Krishna Land’ to wait for him; Haridas acted as a ‘fake devotee’, so that He would get a place to live and shelter, food etc. After staying at the ‘Hare Krishna Land’ for 4 days, His Holiness Giriraj Maharaj insisted Haridas to get His ‘head shaved’ and Haridas did so. As long as Haridas lived in ‘Hare Krishna Land’, everyone loved him and treated him with love and affection. Devotees at ‘Hare Krishna Land’ at that time had very good dealings with Haridas; they gave Him food, shelter and all his needs. Haridas forgot all His bad habits while he was in the temple, he forgot all about ’stealing’ and changed his mind. He got engaged in devotional service and started attending all the temple programs. Haridas told everyone in the temple that he had been in jail and that he was a thief. His Holiness Tamal Krishna Maharaj points out that Haridas must be 13-14 years old at that time. One of those days in temple Haridas Prabhu Ji was told by someone that Srila Prabhupada had come to Hyderabad.

Haridas told His Holiness Giriraj Maharaj that he too wanted to go to Hyderabad to have darshan of Srila Prabhupada. His Holiness Giriraj Maharaj told Him that there was a lot of service to be done in Juhu, Mumbai temple; so He could not go, but Haridas Prabhu was firm in His desire of having ‘darshan’ of Srila Prabhupada, and everyone else was also going. Haridas told Maharaj that he should let him go to Hyderabad or Haridas would just steal money from temple and go anyhow, with or without his permission. Haridas fell inth an argument with maharaj, who finally had to let Him go.

It was an early morning in 1972, when Haridas reached Hyderabad. He reached the ‘pandal program’ directly where Srila Prabhupada was giving lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam. Somehow or other, Haridas went to Srila Prabhupada and sat in front of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada was looking at Haridas and Haridas was looking at Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada was wondering how an Indian boy came and sat right in front of Him. All other girls and boys were ‘white’ and Haridas was an Indian (among devotees). The ‘pandal’ program at Hyderabad was very heavily crowded. Srila Prabhupada told someone to bring ‘this boy’ (Haridas Prabhu) to his room, as he entered into his car. Haridas was given a seat in one of the other cars and he reached the room of Srila Prabhupada.

In his first conversation with Srila Prabhupada; Srila Prabhupada asked Haridas,-”Who is this boy and why did he come?”

Haridas told Srila Prabhupada that He was coming from jail to steal His watch. Srila Prabhupada told Him to not to steal and handed over his watch to Haridas. Haridas told Srila Prabhupada that He had already changed his mind and would not steal Srila Prabhupada’s watch.

(This whole conversation between Srila Prabhupada and Haridas Prabhu took place in Hindi and Bengali at Hare Krishna Land in Juhu, Shri Radha Rasa Bihari Ji Mandir in 1972)

This is another small pastime which happened in Mumbai during 1970s. A pastime between Srila Prabhupada and his loving disciple Shri Haridas Prabhu. It was narrated personally to Premanjana Dasa (Pranjal Joshi) by Hari Das Prabhu on August 28, 2011 at his room in Hare Krishna Land, Juhu Mumbai. This pastime of Srila Prabhupada demonstrates the care Srila Prabhupada took in dealing with his disciples. It will surely serve as a lesson to remember for the devotees who never saw Srila Prabhupada yet always felt His presence in His Divine books. Sriman Haridas Prabhu has been serving the lotus feet of His beloved spiritual master Srila Prabhupada and Shri Radha Rasa Bihari Ji for over 40 years now. Haridas Prabhu invested many years of his life in serving Srila Prabhupada, isolating Himself from the material crowd and other devotees. He just made up His mind to tell me personally about the bond and very special relationship he still shares with His Divine Grace. He has moments to spare and words to speak. He spoke what his heart felt and how he just loved Srila Prabhupada.

As everybody knows Haridads Prabhu came to steal Srila Prabhupada’s watch and the rest is history. He became a devotee after that by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. Haridas Prabhu says, “This story is going to be a “textbook story” for future ISKCON devotees.”

Haridas Prabhu had the habit of stealing money from the temple, he had a habit for stealing. He used to get money for the deity kitchen, devotee kitchen etc. As a habit, he generally used to steal Rs. 1 or Rs. 2 (in 1972) it used to be a ‘very big thing’ at that time.

There was one such incidence that Haridas recalls, “Srila Prabhupada was here as he used to come to Hare Krishna Land. I used to get extra money for buying fruits and vegetables for the deity kitchen and Srila Prabhupada kitchen. So one day when I went for shopping, he saw a huge hoarding
(billboard) for Cadbury’s 5-Star chocolate. I bought some chocolate from the money I stole from the ‘laxmi’ I used to get for purchasing vegetables for the kitchen. I stole Rs. 5 from the deity kitchen to off load the fruits and vegetables and went to Srila

Prabhupada’s kitchen. Devotees including Haridas Prabhu used to live in an old building at Hare Krishna Land, when He used to come to Mumbai. Srila Prabhupada’s kitchen was there.”

To go up Srila Prabhupada’s kitchen, Hari das had to go through a room in which he would have darshan of Srila Prabhupada. It was ‘Srila Prabhupada’s darshan room’ where He would meet guests and visitors. Haridas Prabhu went through that room to go to Srila Prabhupada’s kitchen and paid obesiances to Srila Prabhupada. As He was doing so, the chocolates hiding with Haridas in his bead bag, just slipped out and fell right in front of Srila Prabhupada, there was no one else other than Srila Prabhupada and Haridas at that time in that room.

Srila Prabhupada said, “What is this?”

Haridas Prabhu had no means to escape or lie as he was caught red-handed. So

he gave one chocolate as bribe to Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada took one bite from the chocolate.

Then Srila Prabhupada said, “What have you given to me?” (Spontaneously)

“Show me the packet. It has coco!” Srila Prabhupada said looking at the ingredients. “We don’t have coco. Why do you eat all this?”

Haridas Prabhu said. “This is sweet.”

Srila Prabhupada kept all that on one side. After this, Haridas Prabhu went to the kitchen to wash fruits and vegetables to keep them in the fridge. Just at that time His Divine Grace entered into the kitchen and made ‘halwa’ by His own hand. (It was Srila Prabhupada’s own cooking which he did in the time during which Haridas Prabhu washed the fruits and vegetables to keep them in the fridge).Srila Prabhupada gave him the ‘halwa’ in a bowl.

After having made so much offence and being caught red-handed, Srila Prabhupada gave him ‘halwa’ as the ‘punishment’.

Haridas says, “Srila Prabhupada always gave a higher taste just to help us to give up lower taste”.

Srila Prabhupada always used to give this example if you want someone to leave ‘guru’ you give Him ‘rasgulla’.

Haridas says, “This is how Srila Prabhupada taught us preaching, He taught by example. Not just by speaking on Krishna.”

After this incidence, Haridas Prabhu gave up chocolates at that very moment after having ‘halwa’. Haridas Prabhu did not have the remaining chocolates in the packet also. (This is yet another example of Srila Prabhupada teaching by His own example). Here Srila Prabhupada is acting as the Great Vaishnav Acharya and so also as Haridas Prabhu His beloved disciple. Just like Krishna–The Supreme Personality of Godhead has unlimited glories. So, Srila Prabhupada, who is dearest to Krishna and Srila Prabhupada, manifested this glories to his disciples like Haridas from time to time. These pastimes and interactions of Srila Prabhupada will be remembered and cherished by followers and admirers for time to come and have the power to evoke the dormant Krishna Consciousness in all of them.

That day Haridas stopped eating chocolates but did not give up stealing
(Halwa incidence).After a long time of 1.5 years, temple gave more money to Haridas for purchasing ‘construction materials’ .

One day Haridas stole Rs. 60 (this was the highest amount stolen by Haridas and used to be a big amount in those days). In summer afternoon Haridas took

a shower and slept with His ‘wet towel’ on, on a wooden bunker with the ’stolen money’ in His hand as Haridas forgot to hide it.

His Grace Jagatpurusha Dasa Brahmachary saw the money in the hand of Haridas and took it from Him. Jagat and Haridas now had a tussle with each other over this.

Jagat Purusha- “You have stolen temple money!”

Haridas- “So what!”

Jagat Purusha was a tall American Brahmachary who was very sweet and soft spoken. He was a nice gentleman. Jagat hen texplained it to Haridas, that stealing the money coming to the temple and using it for ‘personal use’ was as bad as chewing the flesh of your spiritual master.

By then, Haridas who had already fell in love with Srila Prabhupada, felt very bad and guilty. Haridas started feeling that he was chewing the flesh and meat of Srila Prabhupada. Haridas felt very, very bad. He decided that He would not steal from the temple anymore. Jagat Purusha is somewhere in England these days and visits Haridas sometimes.

Then the ‘Monkey Business’ of Haridas was on ’stealing from outside and bringing that into the temple’. Thus, this incidence changed the stealing habit of Haridas forever, who would now bring money into the temple by stealing. This incidence would serve as a lesson to those who steal from the temple; they should also feel that they are chewing the flesh of their own spiritual master (Srila Prabhupada).

Anyways, Haridas Prabhu Ji is indebted forever to His Grace Jagat Purusha Dasa Brahmachary who was his greatest teacher. Jagatpurusha who is still that same sweet, kind and loving gentleman does not even remember this incidence but Jagat says that Haridas Prabhu must be right in saying that this incidence has actually happened.

Written By-- Premanjana Das(Pranjal Joshi)

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Mahamantra in Maharashtra

By Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi)

Since my childhood, I was told the glories of Nasik and Triyamakeshwar(one of the 12 jyotirlingas) by my mother several times. I had a desire to visit Nasik because of this. Nasik is a very old city and finds its mention in the Ramayana, it is located in Maharashtra that is a province/state in India. Nasik is at about 180 Kms from Mumbai and Pune. I started from Mumbai by a bus straight away from my office and reached Nasik by 2:30 AM, I took a lodge for Rs. 600 per day, taking rest I headed for Triyambakeshwar the next day.

Jyotirlingas- As per Shiva Mahapuran, once Brahma (the Demi-god of creation) and Vishnu (the maintainer) had an argument in terms of supremacy of creation. To test them, Shiva pierced the three worlds as a huge endless pillar of light, the jyotirlinga. Vishnu and Brahma split their ways downwards and upwards respectively to find the end of the light in either directions. Brahma lied that he found out the end, while Vishnu conceded his defeat. Shiva appeared as a second pillar of light and cursed Brahma that he would have no place in ceremonies while Vishnu would be worshipped till the end of eternity. The jyotirlinga is the supreme partless reality, out of which Shiva partly appears. The jyotirlinga shrines thus are places where Shiva appeared as a fiery column of light. Originally there were believed to be 64 jyotirlingas while 12 of them are considered to be very auspicious and holy. Each of the twelve jyotirlinga sites take the name of the presiding deity - each considered different manifestation of Shiva. At all these sites, the primary image is lingam representing the beginning less and endless Stambha pillar, symbolising the infinite nature of Shiva )

Triyambakeshwar is one of the 12 jyotirlingas and is at a distance of just 28 kms from Nasik, on my way to this place I had darshan on ‘Anjeneri mountain’ which is the appearance place of Lord Hanuman, on the top of the hill there is one temple of Anjani mata and at the bottom is the temple of Lord Hanuman. I reached Triyambakeshwar and had one kg of grapes; this city of Nasik is very famous for its grapes, black currant and wine made from grapes, grapes products are even exported from Nasik.

Triyambakeshwar is a very old temple, there is ample of space in temple premises for devotees but there were very few people in the temple when I was there; so I had nice and wonderful darshan of this ‘linga’ of Lord Shiva . The security guards of temple were just pushing people off, so that everybody gets a chance to have darshan of the Lord but I stood there for 10 minutes or may be even more as I gave Rs. 10 to 2 security guards who were standing there. Then I moved to Kushavarta Tirtha which was hardly 800 meters from this temple, there is one holy kunda (small pond) here with small temples all around; this is the place where the Kumbha mela for Shaivites is held once in every 12 years. Once there was a fight between Vaishnavas and Shaivites in the Kumbha mela; so Vaishnavas or worshipers of Lord Ramchandra take their dip in the Kumbha mela at the Godavari sangam in Nasik and the Shaivites have their ‘holy dip’ at Kusha Varta Tirtha. I sprinkled ‘holy water’ three times on my head and took a bus back to Nasik. It’s hard to find anything without ‘onion and garlic’ anywhere in India, even at holy places but I could manage to get a Gujrati thali, fruits, milk products etc. where ever I go. I did the ‘Facebook trick’ in the afternoon, I have about 4000 friends in my list on Facebook so I just explored to see who among them were from Nasik and found 5 of them were from Nasik; I contacted Eknath Prabhu as He gave his number on Facebook, though He was unknown to me, yes, He arranged for my stay and prasadam for three days and I got address of ISKCON temple at Nasik from my friend who had just been to Nasik with a ‘devotee group’. I am giving it here for devotees who would visit Nasik:


Shri Shri Radha Madan Gopal Mandir

Vrindavan Colony, Gen. Vaidya Nagar,

Behind Poornima Bus stop, Nasik- 422011


Phone: 0253- 6450005


About Triyambakeshwar- Trimbakeshwar is a religious centre having one of the twelve Jyotirlingas. The extraordinary feature of the Jyotirlinga located here is its three faces embodying Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Rudra. Due to excessive use of water, the linga has started to erode. It is said that this erosion symbolizes the eroding nature of human society. The Lingas are covered by a jeweled crown which is placed over the Golden Mask of Trideva (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha). The crown is said to be from the age of Pandavs and is bedecked with diamonds, emeralds, and many precious other stones. The crown is displayed every Monday from 4-5 pm (Shiva).

All other Jyotirlingas have Shiva as the main deity. The entire black stone temple is known for its appealing architecture and sculpture and is at the foothills of a mountain called Brahmagiri. Three sources of the Godavari originate from the Brahmagiri mountain.

I attended evening ‘Gaura aarti’, honoured prasadam and went on to get my luggage back from ‘the lodge’. I also bought Gopika soap from the temple, this is a ‘Panch Gavya’ ayurvedic soap made from Panchgavya ghrith of Gir indigenous cow.. This soap is made, promoted and advertised single-handedly by my friend Ghanshyam Das Prabhu from Jasdan, Gujarat who runs a Goshala there. Ghanshyam Prabhu named this soap after his daughter ‘Gopika’. Also, my ‘kanthi mala’ broke in Mumbai, and I thought I would get a new one at Nasik and I got one almost resembling the one which broke at the same gift shop.

I stayed near ISKCON at apartments with two ‘brahmacharis’.

March 23, 2012 was the day of the first appearance day of the deities Shri Radha Madan Gopal at ISKCON Nasik. I was wondering how fortunate I was and how merciful Krishna is that though I came to Nasik just for a ’holy trip’ but I also got great association and could attend such a wonderful program.

On Friday morning a wonderful lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam- Canto 2, Chapter 1, Text 5 was given by His Holiness Chandramauli Swami Maharaj in ISKCON Nasik temple hall.

He narrated the story of Gokarna who became a ghost and was suffering a lot but got liberation just as He heard Srimad Bhagavatam very eagerly for 7 days. Sripada Vrindavana Das Thakur describes in Chaitanya Bhagavatam how Mahaprabhu used to relish the pastimes of Prahlad Maharaj and Dhruv Maharaj ( they were 5 years old devotees) even more than 100 times when they were told by Gadadhar Pandit.

Maharaj told in the lecture that a devotee is always fearless, mentioning a pastime from sixth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam . He said that even Lord Indra has the fear of loosing his position and even killed his own guru Vishvarupa, when He feared that his guru sided with the demi-gods. Maharaj put stress on ‘hearing’ the glories of Krishna and His devotees more and more.

Maharaj told in his lecture that Americans are very fond of surveys. According to one survey, we remember 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 50% of what we hear and see together, 70% of what we do and 90% of what we teach; so we should tell people more and more about the pastimes of Krishna.

After the class there was a question and answer session with Maharaj:

I asked him 2 questions-

1) How did Gokarna hear Srimad Bhagavatam even in a ghost body?

Answer- Gokarna had subtle body and subtle senses. His desire to hear was so strong that He could overcome all His limitations, ghosts also run away by kirtan, so this shows that kirtan has impact on the ghosts also.

2) How to glorify Nasik ?

Answer- Nasik is already glorified. When we glorify Lord Ramchandra and tell people about pastimes of Lord then a holy place is glorified, we should tell people who come to holy places to realize God, that is possible only by hearing glories of the Lord..

Question by other devotees:

What is the ’secret of renunciation’?

Success of renunciation is that everything in this material world leads to suffering. Pleasure in the material world is just like ‘chutney’, it is sweet but it is hot. “Do not try to enjoy; try to serve and with that service you will enjoy”. Krishna will give you what you need to live nicely, do not worry. People desire a beautiful wife but then everyone looks at that beautiful wife and tries to enjoy with her then how can the husband be happy. Also, people want money, rich people have many friends but they are friends of money.

Maharaj recalls that how at New Vrindavan devotees were completely isolated from material world and media. One brahmachari states that He saw only four women in many years- Gomata, Tulasi Devi, Shrimati Radharani and Subhadra Devi. They had no idea if the material world existed or not.’ Western confusion’ is corrupting the minds of ‘young India’, this is the greatest attack on India since India ever existed. They will have to work very hard to get things like i-pad, i-phone, gadgets, cars etc. and they will have no time for Krishna after hard work. India is on a very dangerous path now as they are meant for making ’spiritual progress’.

As Srimad Bhagvavatam class was going on in morning; brahmacharis were making wicks and matajis were busy making garlands.

Right in front of temple hall; there is a big wooden altar, with the deities of Shri Radha Madan Gopal- black colour Krishna with beautiful Srimati Radharani, hall was filled with devotees and Hindi translation of lectures was very beautiful. Srila Prabhupada murti is right in front of the wooden altar. There is a good kitchen on one side of temple altar, there is plenty of place to keep slippers just when one enters the temple, and a brahmachari ashram is inside. There is a small garden right in front of the temple hall and a veranda on the other side. That day was the appearance day of deities here, altar was decorated with flowers and balloons, temple hall was covered with pictures of Krishna, there were ‘big elephant faces’ on walls of temple giving it a ‘grand look’; temple halls were full of air as doors are wide open on all sides, there are many fans and ‘fancy lights’ on the top of the temple hall. The devotees within the temple hall were hearing Srimad Bhagavatam and serving Bhagavat i.e. Srila Prabhupada.

About ISKCON Nasik Temple– It is situated on a municipal land; garden flooring was done in last three years by the efforts of His Grace Shishtashtak Prabhu who is also the temple president here, His Grace Prana Gaurav Prabhu also made a useful contribution. Sistastakam Prabhu remarks that Nasik was visited by Srila Prabhupada, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Ramchandra, Sia Devi, Laxman and Hanuman and also by many great sadhus and devotees, so it is just by their mercy that this temple has come up so nicely in Nasik. One more remarkable thing about this temple is that all the service in the temple is done by devotees in the way directed by Srila Prabhupada, unlike the other ISKCON temples where employees do many things. The dress for deities on the first appearance day were to be brought from Vrindavan Dham but they reached late, they reached Pune in the morning and at 3:30 PM at Nasik, just before the program started, Krishna made it very exciting for his devotees and created a climax like situation.

Glories of Nasik-

Triyambakeshwar- 28 Kms from Nasik. Jyotirlinga, Narayana-Nagbali puja is done here; it is a ‘vidhi’.

Brahmagiri Parbat- These hills are origin source of Mother Godavari.

Kushavarta Tirtha- Kund here, Kumbha mela is held for ‘Naga sadhus’ here.

Panchvati- River Godavari flows through Nashik and its Northern part is called as Panchavati. It is said that Lord Shri Rama and Sita along with Laxman stayed at Panchavati for some time. Thus Panchavati has gained holy importance. There are five Banyan (Vad) trees and hence the area is called Panchavati. Nearby is Sita Gumpha (cave) where Sita is said to have stayed for some time.

Tapovan- Tapovan literally means precincts reserved for meditation and penance. There is such a precinct for penance ahead of Panchavati and hence the name-Tapovan. The sages used to meditate in close proximity with the lush green nature. Laxmana – the brother of Rama - used to stay here and had cut the nose of Shurpanakha – the sister of Ravana. This place has temples dedicated to Sri Laxmana and Hanuman. Even today, this locale captivates mind because of Godavari’s silently gurgling stream, long stretch of green woods and closeness to jungle’s flora and fauna.

A cavernous fissure on boulders along the riverbed is called Brahma Yoni. Very close by, is the Kapil Tirth. On the right bank of Godavari, there are eleven rocky cavernous spaces where rishi-munis must have been retreating for sacraments. There are temples of Gopal-Krishna and Lakshmi-Narayan and the famous Goshala (cow-shed) was built here in 1904. In ancient time, this land was made sacred by the touch of Lord Rama’s feet.

Sita Gumpha : The Gumpha (i.e. Cave) is near the five Banyan trees in Panchavati.

One can enter the cave with the help of a very narrow staircase. The cave has the deities of Shree Ram, Laxman and Sita. To the left, one can enter into the cave and have the darshan of a Shiva Linga. Devotees believe that Ravan kidnapped Sita from the same place.

Ramkund/Gandhi Memorial:

The most important place in Panchavati is Ramkund. It is so called because Lord Rama is believed to have taken bath there. Mortal remains (Asthi) immersed in this kunda, are immediately absorbed in the water. A dip in this sacred kunda is considered very pious.

Kalaram mandir

Another important temple is that of Kala Ram. This temple was built by Peshwas. There are great processions and utsavas on Ramnavami, Dasara and Chaitra Padwa (Hindu new year day). The specialty of the temple is that it was built with black stones. The stones were brought from Ramshej 200 years ago. It took 23 lakhs of rupees and 2000 workers to build the temple in 12 years. The apex of the temple is made up of 32 tons of gold.

Naroshankar Temple:

Situated in Panchavati area, on the bank of river Godavari - fondly called as anga by Nasikites – is Naroshankar Temple of Rameshwar built by Naroshankar Rajebahaddur in 1747. The architectural style of the temple is called “Maya” style. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of temple architecture of the 18th century. The main temple is on a platform. Rather than inside of the temple, sculpture on the outer part is stunning. It has rows of striking designs. One layer is of decorative lacework. The next one is that of peacocks holding bead garlands. Some of the statues are deformed - their hands are broken. There is also an assembly of animals - tigers, monkeys, elephants etc. This depicts that Hindu culture is not limited only to human beings but also has relation with birds, animals, trees, and nature in general.

The temple is surrounded by 11 feet fortification. In its four corners are umbrellas - called “Meghadambari” or “Barasati”. One of them was washed away by Godavari floods and only three exist presently. The fortification also centres a “Bell house” in the front part. The famous bell , called “Naroshankar Bell” is fixed there. The bell is a victory memorial over Portuguese. The Maratha Ruler Bajirao Peshwa’s younger brother Chimaji Appa won the fort of Vasai against Portuguese. The famous knight of Peshwas - Mr Naroshankar Rajebahaddur played a critical role in this war. After winning the fort, Vasai Portuguese Church bell was removed, marched on elephant till Nashik with great celebration and offered to Naroshankar as a medal - an award for his bravery. It is made up of bronze, with six feet diameter. The year engraved on it is 1921. This bell and its ringing is so famous that a phrase is coined after it in Marathi- if a woman is talking in a very high pitch, she is called “Naroshankarachi ghanta”.

Sundarnarayan Temple :

Sundarnarayan temple is situated at the corner of Ahillyabai Holkar Bridge. The story goes like this: Vrinda Devi was a very pious and faithful wife of Jalandar - a wicked demon. Jalandar, a mighty crook, was the devotee of Lord Shiva. Pleased with his prayers and impressed by Jalandar’s wife’s chastity, Lord Shiva gave him a boon . With this boon, Jalandar became vicious and started creating havoc on earth. He not only troubled human beings, but also disturbed the demigods. He even ventured to pick up a quarrel with Lord Shiva himself. It became necessary to eliminate him which was contrary to the boon given by Lord Shiva. The only way out was to suspect Vrinda Devi’s chastity. For this task Lord Vishnu duplicated himself to look like Jalandar and lived with Vrinda Devi. Thus her chastity was suspected and the boon given to Jalandar was withdrawn and he was destroyed. When Vrinda Devi came to know of the trick played by Lord Vishnu, she got furious and cursed Lord Vishnu. His attractive body turned black due to the curse. Lord Vishnu took a holy bath in the river Godavari and regained his complexion. Since He became beautiful again, - the Lord is named as Sundar-Narayana. Sundar in Marathi means beautiful.

The Sundar-Narayan temple was built by Gangadhar Yashwant Chandrachud in 1756. The entrance of the temple is to the East. The two Mandaps may be small but their architecture is attractive and the round dome is made by little ornamental cordons. The arched recesses are impressions by Mughal style because during the Mughal Regime many temples were demolished by Muslims and graveyards were built in their place. The main deity is of Lord Vishnu - alias Narayana . To his left and right are Laxmi and Saraswati respectively. Fine design is carved on the stones of the temple. On the road leading towards Godavari River there is a pond named Badarika Sangam Pond. It is said that the king of Devgiri bathed and performed rites in this pond. This pond is also mentioned in the holy book Dnyaneshwari. One remarkable thing about this temple is that it is built at such an angle that on 21st March, rays of the rising Sun first fall exactly upon the deities.

Ganga Godavari Temple:

The Godavari Temple was built by the elder Madhavrao Peshwa’s mother, Gopikabai in 1760. This temple is open for devotees only during the period of Kumbhamela (once in 12 years) for 13 months. It is also called Ganga Temple. Arti- woshipful prayers are held here everyday at 7 PM. The three sacred rivers Aruna, Varuna and Godavari meet here at Triveni sangam.

Holy places at River Godavari:

The places where a holy dip can be taken in the river Godavari are: Govardhan Tirtha, Pitru Tirtha, Golan Tirtha, Brahma Tirtha, Runamochan Tirtha, Krishna Tirtha, Papnashan Tirtha, Koti Tirtha, Agni Tirtha, Shukla Tirtha, Aruna Tirtha, Surya Tirtha, Chakra Tirtha, and Ashwini Tirtha.

Gondeshwar Temple:

The Gondeshwar temple is a very beautiful temple built in the Hemadpanthi style of architecture. During the Adilshahi rule in Maharastra, Ahmednagar was their capital. One of the pradhans (minister) of Ahmednagar was Hemadpanth who popularised a typical style of construction using locally available black stone and lime. This style became very popular and came to be known as the Hemadpanthi style. The Gondeshwar temple is one of the few structures of this style still in good shape.

Muktidham :

Muktidham temple is situated in Nashik Road. Built by Late Shri Jayram Bhai , is a magnificent piece of architucture, made with marble form Makrana in Rajasthan, and by Rajastani scluptors. Unique to this temple are eighteen chapters of Geeta written on the walls. You can also see the replicas of all the twelve Jyotirlingas over here and also icons of all major Hindu Gods and Godesses. After visiting this temple every Hindu feels that he has visited all the four Dhams in India. Main deities are of Sita-Rama-Laxman and Hanuman.

Kapaleshwar Shiv Mandir- Kapal means head. Lord Brahma had five heads, four of them used to glorify Lord Shiva and with one He used to criticise Lord Shiva, so Lord Shiv cut one head of Lord Brahma that used to criticise Him so Shiv got the sin of Brahma hatya (sin of killing a brahmin). Nandi told Him that if Shiv takes dip in sangam of Godavari (three rivers viz. Godavari, Aruna and Varuna meet here) he will be freed of the sin. Lord Shiva took a dip here and got free of his sins since then this temple came to be known as Kapaleshwar mandir as Kapal means head. Also, there is no Nandi here in this temple as Lord Shiva taken Nandi as His guru here.

11.5 feet deity of Sri Hanuman-ji- 500 year old Hanuman murti found by Pandavas in thorns; also known as ‘kanton waale Hanuman-ji’

Kapila Muni did tapasya here to bring Kapila River to Nasik.He was also the guru of Lord Ramchandra.

Also there is Sita Haran where Sita was kidnapped by Ravan who came disguised a s a sanyasi and also Laxman Rekha , line drawn by Laxman to protect Sita Devi , this was a line of fire but it became line of water when she crossed the line.

I was taken to all these holy places by an auto rickshaw driver who also acted as a guide.Thereafter, he took me to his house, in his small house there was a temple of Durga Devi( he forced me to take lunch at his place, I just had puranpoli which is a Marathi sweet dish); his wife told me that she did not put any onion- garlic in any vegetables, both of them touched my feet and said that a sadhu has come to their house since I was wearing dhoti-kurta and tilak, this was the first ’sadhu experience’ I ever had in my life. I did kirtan at his house for 30 minutes (I was remembering what I heard in Bhagavatam class, maharaj said that demi-god worshippers are pious and they believe in worshipping higher beings but they are not transcendental, so just tell them about Krishna; Krishna gave me a perfect situation where I told one entire family of demi-god worshipper about Krishna)

I came to ISKCON temple at 5 PM, there was an evening program by the ‘Enchanters’ a kirtan group who came from Mumbai to Nasik just to perform on this eve of ‘appearance of deities here at Nasik or deity installation anniversary’. The main singer was Mahabhagavat Das who is my friend too, his parents HG Ajamalila Prabhu and Mother Her Grace Radhika Devi Dasi are disciples of Srila Prabhupada.They sung very sweet and melodious ‘vaishnav bhajans’ for about 4 hours. That day was also ‘Gudi Padwa’ (Marathi New year). Again. there was a lecture by Maharaj in evening on the topic of ‘deity installation’ , He told about getting the mercy of the Lord when He appears in His deity form and importance of deity worship. After the program there was a ‘great grand feast’, there were 10 dishes along with many other cuisines.

I got up today, went to the temple honoured Krishna prasadam, , completed my 16 rounds and now I am sitting down to share this ’small and memorable Nasik trip’ with all of you before leaving for ‘dirty-dusty and busy’ Mumbai tomorrow. Nasik is a place to relax, hear the glories of the Lord, one can feel spiritual vibrations here even after lakhs of years have passed since Lord Ramchandra lived here with His associates and also many great devotees who came here to serve the Lord.

On Sunday morning I was pacing towards the ‘bus stop’ to get back to Mumbai but was dragged back towards the temple to hear ‘Rama Katha’ from Srimad Bhagavatam for more than an hour at a place where He once lived, His Grace Nrsingha Kripa Prabhu said in his lecture that first ‘Brahmotsava’ was inspiring and sweet and people who were there were most fortunate. Also, when we hear ‘Rama Katha’ from a bonafide source at a holy place like Nasik the benefit is manifolds.

Written By—

Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi)

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