Quest for Enlightenment : Story of a Krishna's Devotee from Denmark


Quest for Enlightenment


This interview broadcasts the message of a young Danish gentleman who is now a spiritual seeker and walks on the path of enlightenment. This write-up is based on his interview with Premanjana Das (Pranjal Joshi), which was conducted on 14th February 2018 in Jaipur, India. Views expressed here have been shared by Jacob.

Jacob Holck Nielsen is a young devotee of Lord Krishna from Denmark and is now known as Bhakta Jacob (bhakta means devotee).Jacob loves India, as he feels that India is ‘punya-bhoomi’ (a land of piety) and India has the greatest spiritual wealth but unfortunately nowadays Indians too are adopting western ways of living and have become materialistic. He feels that the western civilization is formulated on the animalistic propensities of sleeping, eating, mating and defending.

Jacob says, “we should be more introspective and thoughtful, we must examine ourselves. Our lives are means for something more important and every moment of life is more valuable. Not even a second which has elapsed, can be brought back, even with all the wealth a person has.”

The human form of life is very valuable, it is meant to obtain spiritual happiness. If we miss this chance, then we don’t know what our next life would be.

Sanatan-dharma is eternal religion, it teaches man to love God. It’s not by changing religion that we can find God. Real love for God is within us, which we love to discover and experience and the greatest opportunity to do that is with the Indians.

Great saints and sages have stated that the greatest happiness is spiritual happiness, so we must make an effort to achieve that. In India, people are being misled by media. The purpose of life is not to live for body and senses.

Jacob is a fine example of how devotees with non-Indian bodies are making the Indians remember that the purpose of their lives is not sense gratification and that they must work hard to practice and preach Krishna Consciousness. Jacob shares a special bond with Indians and sets an example for people bewildered by materialistic civilization to return back to Godhead.

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Bhakta Jacob can be contacted at


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