According to vedic literature, in Kali yuga slaughtering and sacrificing beasts are not allowed.The essential instrument of Harinama Sankirtana, Mridanga is made with leather.If the beasts are not killed or sacrificed how the Mridangas will be made?
In our boyhood, we read that if anybody kills beasts as his profession it is not a sin.Here I can say the story of Dharmabyadha.Kindly clear this matter.
The bhaktas of ISKCON say that one should not take meals after 12 pm in the previous day of Ekadashi day.But according to Vedic philosophy, the day starts before 96 minutes from sunset.Plz explain.
Is Ramakrishna the incarnation of Lord Vishnu (someone says that he is the joint murti of Lord Ram and Lord Krishna)? How the avataras can be detected in Kali Yuga?
The ISKCON bhaktas do not take "Tambuls" and hate it very much.On the other hand, According to "Sri Chaitanyacharitamrita" Srimanmahaprabhu would take tambuls and Narayani renowned as "Srichaitanyaer abashesh Patra" after taking tambulprasada from Ma
Vagaban is called "Triyuga" But He appeared in Kali Yuga as Buddha and will appear as Kalki.Even Lord Krishna Himself appeared as Srimonmahaprabhu. Plz. expalin.
> Question: Is it all right to give tulasi neck beads to relatives, friends or congregational members, even though they do not follow the four regulative principles? I've heard that only "full-time" devotees can wear Tulsi