Somewhere I read that our physical ailments, diseases have a deeper spiritual cause. For example someone has short sight 'myopia' because she/he does not see far ahead in the psychological/spiritual sense, someone has stiff joints
Wish to ask senior members, Is it disrespectful to place UgraNarasimha Picture outside the main entrance. The idea is to ward off bad/evil energies. Please advise. Some Vastu sites, say that one can pl
One question that comes to my mind often is that why human beings- fortunate to be endowed with superior intelligence as compared to other species of life- why human beings are not given this ability to know of one's forthcoming death s
Hare KrishnaThis question is regarding the mandatory purification period as prescribed in hinduism. If a close family member dies, relatives are forbidden from visiting temples, and some say even stopped from recieting holy texts. I would like to kno
Hare KrishnaMy question isCan anyone wear tulsi mala?Can only initiated vaishnavas wear 3strand tulsi malaCan tulsi mala be also worn as a bracelet in addition to wearing as necklace.?Can tulsi mala that one has used be given to another?Any time tuls
I have a rather ambitious desire to memorize complete Srimad Bhagawadam but then I think it will be near to impossible when I dont even know save a few slokas of Bhagawad Gita. What is your opinion? Are there people who have memorised 18