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  • Hare krishan ! Feel everytimes lord krishan is in your heart as well as in this universe everywhere & in everyone.

  • Nitai Gaur Hari bol.
    If a devotee ask from me you want to go to BAIKUNTH ? Then how can i say "no"
    Seeing Gaur Radhe Krishan as well as chant or listen mahamantra i feels there is BAIKUNTH on the earth. We are the very lucky that we are the member of isckon. where we enjoy at lot of by the SANGKEERTAN MAHAYAGYA. This is scarce to INDERADI DEVTAS who long-for for THE SANGKEERTAN of Lord Krishan. This is the mercy of lord krishan on only us who are the devotees to him.

    All the glories of shri shri Gaur Radhe Krishan.
  • Hare Krishna
  • Now what is the meaning of MOKSHA. Human beings suffers a lots of at the time of birth and death. we are forgotten when we take birth and feel more more and more suffers at that time. After taking 8.4 millions births now krishan gives us this human birth. we suffers 16.8 millions times as taking the birth or death. we were animals. we were birds but now we are human beings at this birth. If this birth we forget lord krishan we have to go in next birth of animals or birds. And after 8.4 millions births we will get human body. Because a human body can serve that almighty lord krishan.
  • Hare Krishna

    Thank u dear:)
  • whr ru frm Mataji
  • hare krishna
  • Hare Krishna Mata G!
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

    Welcome to IDT we pray that Krsna shower his limitless mercy upon you and you have alot of Sadhu Sanga Devotee association and chanting of Hare Krsna Maha mantra

    Your Eternal Servant
    Sandeep Kumar
  • Hare Krishna! Welcome to ISKCON Desire Tree Network.

    Kalika devi dasi
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