This tree was a favorite place of Srimati Radharani. Once, during a rasa dance performance, Srimati Radharani suddenly left and finding Her missing, Krishna went in search of Her. As he was unable to find Her, He came and sat beneath this tree. Due t
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This is the sacred place of the rasa dance and also where Lord Krishna offered service to Srimati Radharani by decorating Her hair with flowers, as well as massaging and painting Her lotus feet. Radha and Krishna would sometimes spend the night here,
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This is one of the most important temples in Vrindavana. The original Deity was hand carved by Rupa Goswami and given as a gift to his beloved disciple, Jiva Goswami, who later built a temple here. The Deity was first worshipped in the year 1542. The
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This is the place where Lord Krishna killed the Kesi demon who appeared in the form of a gigantic horse. This is also the most famous bathing place in Vrindavana. An arati to Yamuna devi is held here every evening. This Kesi demon was another friend
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This famous temple was established by Srila Sanatana Goswami and was the first temple to be built in Vrindavana, which at that time was just a forest. The original Deity of Madana-mohana was taken to Karauli in Rajasthan for safety during the attack
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namo `stu vrindavana sundarabhyamnamo `stu vrindavana vibhramabhyamnamo `stu vrindavana jivanabhyamnamo`stu vrindavana nagarabhyamI constantly offer my obeisances unto Their Lordships, who are renowned as the beautiful personalities of Vrindavana.I o
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Braja is where Sri Krishna performed His pastimes 5,000 years ago. BrajaMandala covers an area of 1453 square miles (2325 square km) surrounding Vrindavana and Mathura. The area of Braja Mandala goes from Agra in the south to Banchari in the north.
Wherever he may be, one must always think about life in Vraja-dhama and about following in the footsteps of a particular devotee in the service of the Lord. (Nectar of Devotion Ch. 16,)Vrndavana, any person may go there, and even if he is sinful he
Some five thousand years ago, after Krishna and His associates wound up Their earthly pastimes, the Lord's great-grandson, Vajranabha Maharaja, installed Deities of Krishna all over Vraja. Deities were installed also at Vrinda Kunda. Later, unfortuna
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This beautiful temple was established in 1975 by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Mahraja, founer-acarya of the Interational Society for Krishna Consciousness and has now become one of Vrindavan's popular temples and has one of the highest s
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Here, Lord Krishna jumped from a big Kadamba tree into the Yamuna river in order to chastise the Kaliya serpent who was poisoning the water and causing anxiety to the residents of Vrindavan.The kadamba tree that Krishna climbed is still present, even
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"Those who have gone to Vrndavana, they have seen the temple of Radha-Madana-mohana. That was established by Sanatana Gosvami, the first disciple of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sanatana Gosvami established this Madana-mohana temple, and Rupa Gosvami es
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