Dear Devotees,

Since publishing the commemorative magazine "Bhaktivedanta Manor: 40 Years of Devotion" it has been brought to our attention that some readers felt our portrayal of the Manor’s history was lacking in sufficient details. Some names of important devotees were not mentioned and some historical episodes not included.

Bhaktivedanta Manor

Unfortunately, things like this do sometimes happen when you’re trying to tell a story that spans four decades – but you only have 20 pages to do it. Something – or someone – is going to be left out. Knowing this, we focused on the major projects and events in each decade. Inadvertently, however, we seem to have overlooked some important aspects and major contributions.

Our thoughts were that every single devotee in the history of the Manor has made an absolutely essential contribution and has a story worth telling. All their services helped the Manor become what it is today and they deserve all gratitude and respect. Yet our magazine was a small offering for the 40th anniversary year and was not meant to be an exhaustive and comprehensive chronicle of events and devotee contributors.

But we’re sorry about this editorial lapse and would like to make amends. So we’ll be putting together an expanded, online version that will include as much as our community wishes, and we’d like it to be truly representative of everyone’s efforts. So we’d like to invite you to send us your scanned images and stories for inclusion – and we’d like to have them within the next month. That way the 40th anniversary year can be completed with recognition for everyone who has contributed their time and efforts to creating, maintaining and protecting this temple.

Please send your images, scanned if possible, to:

Your Servant
Bhaktivedanta Manor Communications

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