ULTIMATE SACRIFICE by Bhaktimarga Swami

13522006861?profile=RESIZE_584xOur best audience to date is the group of students from SMIS.  This beautiful flock of over 300 enthusiasts graced the auditorium.  Oh, how they love the story of the dwarf avatar!  The performers were in top form.  They repeated their excellent performance (I don’t want to say ‘perfect’ because you can always tweak or polish – improve).  It was an evening show.


I asked the young students what their favourite portion of the drama was.  As usual, that is very individual, whether it was the ballet by Kasyapa or Bali’s return to life, the story on the whole is what transcends an audience, provided they pick up on the moral points.  I always attempt to insert in the stories elements of good protocol in addition to saying somewhere in the script that we must go beyond.


One of the major themes behind the story of Vamana is sacrifice.  The high priest, Sukracharya, was quite big on sacrifice.  My assistant, Suta Goswami, told me of a place in Bengal, Sundervan, where the famous Bengal tiger roams, and where some men go to fetch honey.  They make a lot of money off of the honey, so they take a chance on their life.  Sometimes they don’t return, and their wives become widows.  It might be an act of greed and not sacrifice.  Gamble might be the appropriate word.


In many purports by Prabhupada it is expressed that the ultimate sacrifice is in delivering sacred sound.  Hare Krishna!


Source https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/ultimate-sacrifice


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