For those devotees not familiar with the name Sadaputa Dasa (Dr. Richard L. Thompson, PhD), he was one of Srila Prabhupada’s foremost preachers to the scientific community, one of the founding members of the Bhaktivedanta Institute, author of numerous science-based books presenting the Vedic view of reality, international lecturer, a respected Vaishnava, and a veritable transcendental genius. He is also responsible for much of the current design of the Vedic planetarium in Mayapur and many other exhibits planned for the TOVP. It was the world’s great misfortune that in 2008 he passed away from this world, leaving much work undone in his life’s mission and service to Srila Prabhupada.

 In an effort to collect, preserve, and disseminate his vastly important legacy, the Sadaputa Archives has several projects underway, one of which is to present our collection of his recorded lectures in book form to facilitate serious study and research. To accomplish this we need to first transcribe almost 100 lectures and are looking for experienced transcribers that would be able to give some of their time for this. Please contact Sunanda das at

 Additionally, we have our eyes and ears open for audios of Sadaputa that are not yet in our possession. If you have any, please contact us at the email address above.

 Lastly, please visit the Sadaputa Digital Channel on Youtube and fill your mind and intellect with some of the most fascinating and revealing discussions of Krishna consciousness you will ever hear:

 Yours in Srila Prabhupada’s service,

The Sadaputa Archives Team

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