My name is Nadia. I am 13yrs old, live in Zurich, Switzerland, and love cows!
My earliest and happiest memories are of coming to Kurma Rupa Prabhu’s Care for Cows with my mother Mahapuri dasi when we visited Vrindavan and the Krsna Balaram Temple, usually twice a year.
Once in the month of Kartik 2009, along with my mother and some friends, I was at Care for Cows with Kurma Rupa prabhu. We were petting the sick and injured cows, when a poor elderly lady walked into the ghosala carrying a tiny calf. She asked if he could take her calf as she was poor and unable to look after her. Kurma Rupa prabhu agreed. One of our friends decided to adopt her and named her Champaka Lata. Since that time we have taken over her sponsorship.
When I first saw Champaka Lata I felt such love and just wanted to hold and cuddle this sweet little calf. Every day I would beg my mother to bring me to the Care for Cows to spend hours embracing Champi (my name for her). She would lay her head on my chest while I petted and brushed her. Years passed and our bond grew and grew.
In September, 2012 Champi gave birth to a beautiful calf, Sarika. Upon our arrival back in Vrindavan we caught a rickshaw over to Care for Cows, Kiki Nagla. Champi ran to my mother and started pushing and licking her. Champi placed her head on my mother’s lap when she sat down and tears were flowing from Champi’s eyes. Soon all of us including, Keshi Nisudan and our friends were crying tears of affection. Keshi prabhu said she was crying with the joy at becoming a mother. Now she is a mother of a second child, a bull called Kurma Rupa.
Champi gives me so much warmth and love that every second spent with her is filled with great happiness and strength. When I grow up I want to be a Veterinarian and serve the holy cows of Vrindavan. I know I have to study very hard.
Thank you to all the staff of Care For Cows for always making us so welcome and for taking such good care of Champi and all her friends.
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