Science & Spirituality about Racism & Sexism

I have a white bodied best friend who once told me the white man is the most hated being on earth. I was shocked to hear this. I did not like it and replied how can you say something like that? But then he explained by pointing out the historical bad things done by white males in different parts of the world, to people of darker skin and I could understand why he would say this. However once I read in a philosophy text book that all generalisations are false, . We have seen this to be true in this world. It is a generalisation to think all white males are racists. I am Indian bodied, and have very nice friends of different races in my life. I have seen in this world there are many nice white people who even marry people of other races, and vice versa.

It was demoniac government people who did bad things to local people in different parts of the world. The majority white people in those same countries, like South Africa, they did not approve of that barbarism, and they were even fed untrue fear philosophies by those governments to justify their racist madness. Once again even though I am Indian bodied, I have spiritual masters who are both African and white bodied souls. This means I accept spiritual mercy via them, and accept their instructions as supreme Godly authority. There are many nice people like this, from all races in this world, who prefer not to let their vision stop at the temporary body.

The bad decisions of the fearful and ignorant government people is the historical source of the current understanding, meaning, and manifestation of racism; however it is much more than a skin color phenomenon now… it is also spiritual ignorance of knowledge which can now be backed by scientific evidence, this is the main reason and focus of this paper. We want to help educate people to transcend this temporary body fascination.

From my personal study of the phenomenon of racism we have identified six main aspects.

  • Superiority conditioning, thinking you should be more privileged
  • Inferiority complex, thinking yourself lower, giving power over you to others
  • Intolerance of difference
  • Ignorance of spiritual reality
  • Fear of the unknown.
  • Demoniac tendencies

Recently in the media it was reported how a popular Muslim leader was killed by another Muslim tribe, there was philosophical difference. In the UK there is animosity between white people from the different regions like Wales, England or Scotland etc. We don’t need to talk about the KKK and company in the USA. Most of the literate world knows about the terrible historical racist past of South Africa. Even among the different Africans tribes from the different regions there is some intolerance; I have friends from opposing tribes. In South Africa, black on black crime in places like Soweto are among the highest in the country; I have some very nice friends there. Even though I am Indian bodied, but in my childhood other Indian people called me too dark. Once and Indian engineer almost spat at me because I was not an engineer.

Once I was in a pub in Rockey St,  Yeoville South Africa and racist white person tried to kick me out, after I literally pushed him away other white people who were not racist subdued him. Yes, being born dark skinned in South Africa and having experienced racism from white people is not my only experience of this disease of temporary material conditioning. I have known African people in South African who tell foreigners to leave and go home; even other foreign African people (Xenophobia). As it happened I did go to India, and there many people saw me as a foreigner. UK comedian Russel Brand said something like this in his Messiah Complex show, people don’t realize a foreigner is just somebody who was somewhere else before.   I do not for one second condone the terrible racist past in South Africa (Australia or anywhere) , in fact I seriously considered becoming a fighter in the ANC, against racism, if there was war in South Africa, at the time of the release of our beloved President Nelson Mandela from prison. This kind of war is not the real solution, because racism and sexism are subtle non-physical disease’s. The challenge is that there is too much unhealthy selfish fascination with the temporary body and world, which is not balanced with sufficient spiritual knowledge and practice. A  war on spiritual ignorance is a better solution.

There is spiritual knowledge supported by objective science which can help overcome the madness of selfish temporary body conditioning. People are ignorant that we are eternal spirit soul, and not the temporary physical body. There are two undeniable current realities which the world cannot ignore, which proves we are eternal spirit souls, we are cognisant beings higher than the temporary body, and racism and sexism is a sign of the uneducated and ignorant. It is the duty of the intelligent class to educate the rest.

Reincarnation is now a scientifically accepted fact; there has been thousands of children who remembered their past lives, it is undeniable reality.

Dr Ian Stevenson

Different professional people like Philosophy Professor Dr. Robert Almeder of Georgia State University said that Dr Stevenson’s work has not been refuted; cannot be refuted, and it is irrational not to accept it.  (Youtube Video at –  Details of Dr. Ian Stevenson’s works are available in his many books. There are current cases of reincarnation emerging regularly, and you can find more details on the websites of Ms Carol Bowman;  and . Mr and Mrs Bowman first discovered their children remembered their past lives. But the most relevant case we found was about a white bodied male child who innocently revealed that he was an African American female  Ms Pamela Robinson in his previous life. Here is an excerp from the article posted on 6 February 2015 on the website

….She printed off a photo of Pamela Robinson along with a number of other random images of people from that time. Could her son pick Pamela Robinson out of the mix? She says out of all the photos he picked Pamela Robinson, the woman who died in the exact manner he had described.

We are not our body, male or female or race, or other related temporary designations of this world. We are eternal spirit soul, servant fragment of the same Lord. Racism and sexism is sadly the ignorance of spiritual reality where there is no permanent physical difference. In our research for the book Science Sound Meditation and Beyond Death, we found scripture from all bonafide religions that agree reincarnation is a fact. This is an important case of science agreeing with holy scriptures.

Another phenomenon of undeniable current reality is Out of Body Experiences. Thousands of people all over the world have experiences where they can see themselves from outside their unconscious body, and later tell about it. While the body is unconscious, their eyes are closed. In the year 2008, a highly qualified scientist, Dr Eben Alexander a neurosurgeon, found himself in a coma, and later experienced an Out of Body Experience. He was a skeptic who did not believe the thousands of people who had out of body experiences, which has even happened to people born blind. Dr Kenneth Ring wrote a book called Mindsight about blind people who have been able to see during Out of Body Experiences, which usually happen to unconscious people in hospital. If their eyes are closed  and body unconscious then how do these people see and hear?  It is the eternal spirit soul which is a fragment of the Lord, and can see, hear, taste, touch, smell and intelligence, without the physical body.  These spiritual senses are much more powerful and pleasurable than the body’s. I have had experiences of seeing in the dark, and on 19 March 2016 i could read some small print which we usually needed our spectacles; this is due to having awakened soul vision. These spiritual potencies of the soul are usually dormant, but can be awakened by spiritual practice and advancement. God Conscious Bhakti Yoga is a very fast way to make spiritual progress. Every person is a servant fragment of the same Lord, regardless of the race or sex of the temporary body.

While working at Discovery Health at 155 West Street,  in Sandton, South Africa, one morning i saw a bumper sticker on the back of a car that said MY GOD IS TOO BIG TO FIT INTO ONE RELIGION. Immediately i began laughing and laughing alone in that parking basement. This statement has the potency to unite people from different spiritual faiths, because no intelligent person wants to limit their GOD, we all accept our GOD is unlimited. A God with unlimited potency can exist in all religions. So often I have heard people say there is actually really only one God, and they are correct, its the energy of one God that permeates all of creation, as we have demonstrated above. Reincarnation and Out of Body experiences are happening to all kinds of people from all religions and races. So in essence if we are all spiritually family, it is better to co-operate with each other. Currently there are many reasons to co-operate; for example here is an excerpt from our book called Heal Addiction with Bhakti Yoga, and Stay High Forever.

Everywhere in the word there are groups of people, who propagate themselves to be the custodians of their religion, faith or belief, and they insist on being treated fairly in legal rights protection etc. My experience of this in South Africa is that there are the Hindu, Jewish, Portuguese, Chinese, Muslim, Zulu, various Christian groups to name a few. I have seen and understood similar behaviour exists in many other countries. In South Africa I had friends from one indigenous language group thinking they are better than another, and we have seen the same thing in India; in the UK we know there is a kind competition between Scottish, Welsh and English people. This is normal materialistic human behaviour, which can lead to challenges. In all groups there are people who think their culture, race, language, religion is the best. If you read the newspaper for one week, or watch the television news, you will find there are criminals in all of these race or religious groups. And if you look harder you will find there are also very saintly people also in those same race and religious groups. So if we are all so much alike, why do we focus on the differences mostly? Certainly this essential similarity calls for more unity against common enemies like harmful addiction. When I was in rehab there were people of all kinds, colours, religions, sexual orientations, suffering together and trying to recover together. Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, African, Coloured, me a Hare Krishna, male, female, fat, short, thin, tall, poor, rich, homosexual, lesbian etc. We are all really eternal spirit soul, servant of the same Lord, even if it’s via different paths. We can certainly unite to help spread the word about recovery from addiction.

While fighting racism, we can unite to fix our common challenges. Unfortunately for adults this reality knowledge usually needs to become spiritually realized/alive in the consciousness, after some spiritual advancement. Unlearning of previous untruths and re-conditioning to new facts needs to happen. However if we teach these facts to our children, at a very young age, their reality will be different. I have seen children raised with the knowledge of these spiritual realities, they are happier and generally not racist or sexist. They can help spread more of much needed love in this world, instead of racism or sexism or any kind of bigotry. Bhakti Yoga scriptures reveal there are people with different coloured spiritual bodies in the topmost heavens, the hate on this world makes a person unwelcome there, which is the goal of the intelligent. I would happily teach my children that we are not the body, reincarnation is real, and the soul has intelligence and sense perception higher than the body, we are all servant fragments of the same Lord. Why don’t we have this education in our schools yet?

Gouranga-das  – (George Mukesh Bhoonpershad)

Bhakti Yoga Spiritual Master, Author, Speaker & Founder of

Earth Community Foundation – Educating Practical Spiritual Solutions

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Please pass on this article to others. Please see details of two of our books on this website. 


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