unity in diversity (2)

Unity in Diversity by Visakha Dasi


We would especially like to hear from you about Unity in Diversity in terms of your experiences and understanding of Srila Prabhupada. Perhaps how you heard him talk about this, or how he put it into practice. 

Srila Prabhupada Evokes Unity in Diversity

When dissimilar individuals or concepts are harmonised, it’s called ‘unity in diversity.’ Such unity isn’t based on mere tolerance of psychological, personal, or ideological differences but is based on an understanding that differences are nat

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By Madana Gopala Das  

The Third ISKCON Communications Global Online Conference was held on Saturday November 5th 2022 on the topic of Unity In Diversity.

Her Grace Vishakha Devis Dasi, president of the Bhaktivedanta Manor and renowned author/film-maker, highlighted the various approaches Srila Prabhupada used in resolving differences amongst his disciples as he navigated the unprecedented growth of ISKCON in the Sixties and Seventies. Some of the methods he used included encouragement, coachin

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