sri caitanya mahaprabhu (9)


By Srila Prabhupada

There is nothing in the world with which the Lord is disconnected. The only thing we must learn is to excavate the source of connection and thus be linked with Him by offenseless service. We can be connected with Him by the transcendental sound representation of the Lord. The Holy Name of the Lord and the Lord Himself are identical, and one who chants the Holy Name of the Lord in an offenseless manner can at once realize that the Lord is present before him. Even by the vibra

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By Kadamba Kanana Swami 

The essence of the process that we are following in this movement is the chanting of the holy name. This process is the yuga dharma – the dharma (religion) for this age of Kali. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has made this chanting of the holy name widely available to us and also added his extra mercy. The holy name has been chanted widely throughout the millennia but in this particular millennia, there is the added mercy of the Lord himself. Therefore, now it is very easy and

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The Golden Avatar by Kadamba Kanana Swami

7968340063?profile=RESIZE_584xRadharani is known as the soft-hearted feminine counterpart of the Lord. She is therefore very compassionate. Now, Caitanya Mahaprabhu has taken that mood of Srimati Radharani. One might say that Caitanya Mahaprabhu is golden but Caitanya Mahaprabhu said it Himself that, “I am not golden. I appear golden because I touched Srimati Radharani and therefore I became golden. Actually, I am blackish but I have taken this mood to feel the blissful emotions of Radharani”.


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7959314857?profile=RESIZE_400xWe should not think that sankirtana, or the chanting of the Lord’s holy names, is simply part of the system of mantra-yoga, or is merely a formula that has been passed down through the ages like other yoga systems. Nor is it a ritual, ceremony, or activity meant for producing good karma or positive fruitive results. Neither is it merely a way to focus the mind and achieve peace and tranquility. It is far more than any of these. It is the Lord Himself who establishes the chanting of the holy name

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7944492273?profile=RESIZE_584xVideo: Click here

Let us join together to hear from the very experienced Kirtan leaders from London as they reaffirm the Purpose #4 of ISKCON (To teach and encourage the sankirtana movement, congregational chanting of the holy name of God, as revealed in the teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu)

About the Team

Radhika Ranjan Das

Full time working professional who has been practicing Bhakti from a young age. Much of his time is spent in sharing kirtan with diverse audiences. He is a core mana

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The darkness of kali yuga is everywhere around us, but it is also within us. This is the main problem! It is said that when we are looking at a jewel, that ornament appears to look more beautiful when placed against a blackish background. So in this way, Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur explained that at the time of the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, kali yuga had become darker. It is said that kali yuga showed its darker feature during this time, just to highlight the golden avatar. So now

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We must understand that we all depend on the sankirtana movement; we all depend on the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Nobody should think, “Oh, but I am from a different background! See, I am doing this on the strength of my own culture.” No, culture is hollow. Culture has become empty; empty rituals without any meaning.

Prabhupada however gave us the meaning of all of this Vedic literature, and Prabhupada is the representative of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the carrier of the sankirtana moveme

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Gaura Purnima


By Giriraj Swami

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared on the full-moon day of the month of Phalguna in Sri Navadvipa-dhama in western Bengal. He manifested His pastimes on earth for forty-eight years. For the first twenty-four years, in Navadvipa, He played the role of a child, then of a youth, and then of a married man; for the next six years He traveled throughout India and preached; and for the final eighteen years He resided in Jagannatha Puri. Every year at the time of caturmasya, the four mon

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Gaura Purnima by Giriraj Swami


By Giriraj Swami

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared on the full-moon day of the month of Phalguna in Sri Navadvipa-dhama in western Bengal. He manifested His pastimes on earth for forty-eight years. For the first twenty-four years, in Navadvipa, He played the role of a child, then of a youth, and then of a married man; for the next six years He traveled throughout India and preached; and for the final eighteen years He resided in Jagannatha Puri. Every year at the time of caturmasya, the four m

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