pray (23)

Chant and be Still by Ananda


There is a great connection between stillness and listening. “Don’t move” we say when we hear some noise around the house in the middle of the night. In yoga we hold the body still in order to hear the breath. We will hold the shoulders of our child while we tell her something important.

In the tradition of mantra meditation, the repetition of a sacred sound, how we listen, how we hear the mantra is the difference between a successful practice or not. Although in the Krishna Bhakti practice the

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By Indradyumna Swami

One day, we pray, we’ll chant and dance with them again!

A verse in the Brahmanda Purana states: “Those who get the darsana of Acyuta, the son of Devaki, can attain Visnuloka and never fall back to the material world. A person who celebrates the festivals of Lord Krsna with full faith becomes free of all sins and goes back to the spiritual world.”

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Prayers request for Ramesvar prabhu


Dear Devotees
I just received a message to communicate to devotees that Ramesvar prabhu’s lungs have been completely compromised by the virus, doctors said they can’t do anything and have given him a few hours. Please pray for Ramesvar prabhu and Krisangi mataji at this very difficult time.
He is a disciple of HH Bhakti Caru Swami and HG Srutidharma prabhu’s close friend and a major part of the temple council of Bhaktivedanta Manor.

May Lord Krsna ease his passage and award him His lotus feet.

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