European Leaders Mela by Praghosa dasa


From the 30th of September to the 1st of October 2023, Krishna Valley in Hungary hosted the 19th annual European Leaders' Meeting. Over these two days, about 90 participants from all over Europe benefited from an array of enriching experiences. The initial day focused on an in-depth exploration of child protection, fostering knowledge, analysis, and understanding of this critical subject. Many participants who would not ordinarily be so expert on this subject, greatly benefitted from all the professional advice, tips and practical examples of how to make their temples and projects ever more unattractive to those with any ill-motives with regards to the well being of children.

The following day, the agenda centred on the somewhat elusive topic of unity in diversity. Elusive insofar as the practical implementation of this important subject. The delegates delved into its historical context and examined progress made in this area by other organisations. Furthermore, there were extensive discussions on enhancing unity and diversity within our own society, with a strong emphasis on realistic, viable and implementable plans, that could be put in motion throughout ISKCON Europe. Some ideas that came from the attendees were:

1. A Minister for Unity in Diversity in Europe
2. Material and courses to be compiled on the subject of Unity in Diversity and then regularly taught throughout ISKCON Europe.
3. Unity in Diversity Ombuds for Europe. The Ombuds hearing the
concerns of devotees where leaders might be actively blocking the progress of Unity in Diversity within any given temple or project
4. Actively encourage, promote and appoint ISKCON’s youth in to
leadership roles within ISKCON Europe
5. Leaders regularly taking prasadam with devotees
6. GBCs for Europe to rotate their zones, ideally every 3 years, no more than every 5 years. The benefit being, they all will become familiar with all zones and all devotees throughout Europe. This will naturally foster more unity. As a side note, the rotating of GBCs was something Srila Prabhupada himself endorsed.

Over the two days, devotees also had the privilege of hearing and seeing how different yatras and projects were progressing with all their initiatives to expand the mission of Lord Caitanya within their respective countries.

The Ministries of Book Distribution, Cow Protection and ISKCON Communications also presented their progressive and most inspirational activities.


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