leadership conference (2)

10011745664?profile=RESIZE_710xBy Kumari Kunti Sherreitt 

The North American Leadership Conference will be held on the 14th, 15th 16th of January.

During this online event, we will gather again as GBC, Temple Presidents, Senior Devotees, and Next Generation Leaders – all members of Srila Prabhupada’s Family, to collaborate and co-create the future of ISKCON in North America.

REGISTRATION LINK: https://forms.gle/ZdQ57vvAmidsqbpz8

January 14-16th, 2022

Friday 7-8PM ET Networking Event: “Looking towards the Future”

Saturday 10:0

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By Kumari Kunti Dasi 

There is only one word to describe the Next Generation Leadership conference - excitement. There was a buzz felt throughout the two-day virtual conference, by youth and youth leaders that lingered on after in group chats and social media.

Over Valentine’s holiday weekend, February 13-14th, 2021, just under 100 devotee youth leaders and youth workers gathered for the ISKCON 3.0 Next Generation Leadership Conference to share their realizations, stories, and goals for buildin

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