kadamba foundation (2)

13350222681?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Gokula Devi Dasi

South Africa is experiencing a spiritual renaissance as African devotees embrace Krishna consciousness, adapting it to their unique cultural context. This revival is deeply inspired by the vision of His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami, who left an enduring legacy of compassion and unwavering dedication to Krishna-conscious preaching in Africa.

The Kadamba Foundation, established under Kadamba Kanana Swami’s guidance, continues to champion his mission to nurture and grow Krishna

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The Kadamba Foundation recently released its inaugural annual report in a September 16th press release. The report reflects on its first year of activities and achievements since Kadamba Kanana Swami’s departure on March 9th, 2023.

According to the press release, “The report highlights the Foundation’s ongoing mission to publish, promote, and distribute spiritual music, books, and other media while managing copyrights, royalties, and translations across multiple languages. Among its key accompli

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