holi festival (5)

World Famous Nandgaon's Lathmar Holi


Holi or the festival of colors is celebrated about ten days after the spring festival. A delightful visual, this festival combines the gaiety of a carnival and the devotional flavour of a religious festival with the singing of amorous songs as unbridled expressions of youth. This is the time when both feelings and colours run riot. Braj seems to be the only place where one comes across a variety of forms in which the festival of Holi is celebrated. The following account records in brief some of

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By Chandni RAJ

On June 23, 2024, ISKCON New Mayapur, situated in the serene countryside of Centre-Val de Loire, France, organized a Holi Festival mainly attended by locals from nearby towns and villages. For those who are accustomed to croissants, baguettes, and the Fete de la Musique, a completely different kind of Indian festival with traditional Indian music, dance, and throwing colors on one another provided a huge surprise and fun for all. Food stalls, clothes and jewelry kiosks, face-pain

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Last weekend, ISKCON devotees joined tens of thousands gathered in Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand, for the annual Holi Festival celebrations. The two events are the result of a partnership between the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and the Indian Association of Thailand.

In Bangkok, the celebration was held at the expansive “centralwOrld” mall, one of the largest in the world. ISKCON devotees were invited to participate in the official kickoff event, where a joyful kirtan welcomed Mr. Srett

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ISKCON Nepal successfully organized the largest Vaisnava festival, Gaura Purnima, to celebrate the 537th birth anniversary of Lord Chaitanya. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna Himself who appeared in this age of Kali as a Golden Yuga avatar to teach the principle of devotional services The event was held at Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu Temple, and was attended by over 5000 devotees. More than 6000 participants received free prasadam meal on this day.

Read more: https://iskconnews.org/largest-holi

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Spring is upon us and that means it’s time for the Festival of Colors. The Festival of Colors is an annual celebration of the Holi Festival. Holi Festival is an ancient Hindu festival that commemorates Radha Krishna’s love as well as the triumph of virtue over evil. The Holi Festival began in India and has now spread throughout the world.

Read more: https://iskconnews.org/the-festival-of-colors-spanish-fork-utah/

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