features (2)

Mayapur App New Updated Features!

12940174268?profile=RESIZE_710xHare Krishna
Please accept my humble obeisance
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

On the auspicious occasion of Radhastami 2024, ISKCON Mayapur is excited to announce the launch of the ‘Navadvipa Mandal’ feature on both the Mayapur App and Website. This offering is dedicated to Srimati Radharani, who manifested the sacred land of Navadvipa. We warmly invite all devotees to explore and immerse themselves in the divine glories of Navadvipa Mandal through this new virtual experience.

LEARN Teachings o

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From Back to Godhead

By His Divine Grace A.C.B. Swami Prabhupada

Chivalrous leaders guided by wise, Self controlled ministers will ensure the development of a peaceful society.

Amongst the human beings, the king is the representative of Krishna because Krishna is the maintainer of the universe, and the kings, who are appointed on account of their godly qualifications, are maintainers of their kingdoms. Kings like Maharaja Yudhisthira, Maharaja Parikshit and Lord Rama were all highly righteous k

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