earth (3)


Sometimes I hear devotees or bhaktas, both young and old, accusing themselves of being slow or even stupid in attaining the right understanding on the importance of engaging in devotional service to Lord Krishna. It is as if they feel they are not making any progress, only due to their own faults. Naturally, there is no harm in being humble in their view of themselves. But we should also see the big picture and realize how far we have come just to have taken birth on this planet, and to be able

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In Canto Twelve of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhumi, Mother Earth, says this: “Although in the past great men and their descendants have left me, departing from this world in the same helpless way they came into it, even today foolish men are trying to conquer me. For the sake of conquering me, materialistic persons fight one another. Fathers oppose their sons, and brothers fight one another because their hearts are bound to possessing political power. Political leaders challenge one another: ‘All this

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In Canto Twelve of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhumi, Mother Earth, says this: “Although in the past great men and their descendants have left me, departing from this world in the same helpless way they came into it, even today foolish men are trying to conquer me. For the sake of conquering me, materialistic persons fight one another. Fathers oppose their sons, and brothers fight one another because their hearts are bound to possessing political power. Political leaders challenge one another: ‘All this

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