diwali festival (2)

13131170268?profile=RESIZE_584xBhakti Center NYC celebrated its seventh annual Diwali Festival on November 1st, attended by over 1,000 people. The popular evening event included kirtan, food stalls, dance, drama, and children’s activities like henna and face painting.

Several well-known publications, like the Gothamist, list the Bhakti Center as the number one place to celebrate Diwali in the city. Local print and television media covered the event, most notably CBS New York, which broadcast a live report from the event. You

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Meaning and Reasons for Diwali Celebrations


Compiled by Mother Gandhari dasi Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Bhakti Yoga Instructor

Diwali comes from the word Dipavali which has two words dipa means light and avali means carrier. Therefore Dipa or Diya (1) signifies ‘coming to light’. In the Vedic Literature it is mentioned: “Tamasa Ma, Jyotir Gamaya” means ‘Do not remain in Darkness, Come to Light’, meaning ‘come to spiritual awareness or awakening’.

In the Bhagavat Gita Chapter four verse seven and eight Lord Krsna says: ‘yada yada hi dharmasy

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