budapest (3)

More and more devotees are fleeing Ukraine every day and taking shelter in safer neighboring countries, like Hungary. All the devotees have their own stories and experience – these two young ladies were ready to share theirs with the community of devotees all around the world. Listen to how Nikunja-devi Devi Dasi and Ekantarani Devi Dasi left Kyiv and how Krishna helped them find shelter.

Reporter: Gandharvika Prema Dasi, ISKCON Communications Hungary


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The last few days have been intense in the Food for Life kitchen in Budapest, Hungary, a small country in the middle of Europe. The devotees now cook more than on an average peaceful day, when they usually take hundreds of plates of food to homeless shelters, in-need families, and the elderly all over the capital and other parts of Hungary. Now they doing more so that they can provide hot meals to those who fled from Ukraine.

The devotees started helping refugees on Sunday, Feb 27th, 2022, by f

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Hungary Food Relief for Refugees


Devotees have started to provide food for those displaced by the conflict

ISKCON Hungary is actively participating in helping those displaced by the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. In addition to keeping up the everyday distribution of food, the Hare Krishna Food For Life program is always ready to help feed the masses who arrive from disaster areas.

To organize the catering operation, devotees have contacted the relevant government agencies and other charities and have already started the food dis

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