
How to Distribute Many Books

How to Distribute Many Books

Prabhupada Quotes
I always remember Prabhupada's words "think big". If I want to distribute many books, first I count how many books I want to distribute, how many points I want to win. For example, I make my plan to distribute 100 books a day. Then I take with me 100 books. The more you take, the more you distribute. Remember, books of Krishna do not like to lie in your bag, and psychologically you do not like your bag is heavy. Therefore you try to distribute them as soon as possible. To become relieved from transcendental duty. Also out of compassion to Krishna Who lies in Your bag. Every time I take as many books as I want to distribute. Also if I want to distribute only "Shrimad-Bhagavatam", then I take 100 books of "Shrimad-Bhagavatam". Some books are more easy to distribute, some are more difficult, because they are personalities. "Prabhupada" book is very very merciful.

To make high scores and to win first place during Prabhupada marathon I was concentrating on "Prabhupada" book, because it just flew into people's hands. Prabhupada Himself was coming to people. People were inspired to take Prabhupada, and Prabhupada was not asking do they want Him or not. He was just coming into their hearts. Therefore in couple of weeks I made our book store empty of "Prabhupada" books. Everyone was astonished, even our Maharaja, but what to do. Prabhupada does not hesitate to come to people. When you hold this book in your hands, some magic comes. Beyond your control. Later I was taking "Prabhupada" books from everyone around who had it to distribute, because the store completely ran out of it by my grace. And during the middle of Prabhupada Marathon. But for "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" I had to work so hard, the whole day, to distribute at least 40 a day. It is completely transcendental, and it is searching for right people. When right person appears he gives me nice donation and the books were his. To distribute "Srimad-Bhagavatam" demanded complete devotion and meditation on Radha-Krishna pastimes. Then Her own pastimes started – very blissful and spiritually uplifting. If you combine those two books, then you can distribute many books a day, get many scores and be on spiritual wings. This is just one combination I was doing during 2011 Prabhupada marathon, because we did not have yet many other big books printed.  

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