By Subroto Dasa
The care for the resident devotees is of foremost importance and to ensure this ISKCON Mayapur has initiated the launch of Free Covid Relief Prasadam service for all the devotees infected by Covid and their family members. Prasadam will be delivered at their doorstep by the volunteer devotees in disposable containers.
In a note released by the Management “Devotees who wish to register for this service will need to send their Covid test report to us via Whatsapp message and they will be contacted by our team of volunteers for collecting additional information” . Further it stated “we seek your cooperation in order to serve you all in this hour of need. Only test reports will be accepted to enroll for this facility. We hope and pray that this endeavor will help devotees recover faster.”
Prasadam will be diet-based, as recommended by our team of doctors, and will be delivered two times a day. Devotees are also encouraged to increase the process of hearing the glories of Mahaprabhu and chant extra rounds during the quarantine period.