Excerpt from a class by H.H Mahavishnu Goswami in Minneapolis, USA

durlabh maanava janam satsange -
The way to utilise human birth is shown and that is satsange - good association.

Good association is always God association. In "good" and "God", there is only one "o" difference. If you take out "o" from good, it is God. If you add "o" to God, then it is good. So good and God are very near.

And the determination should be there not to terminate these things. Terminate means to stop. De-terminate means, "no termination." Be determined and Krishna will help.

It is very easy to say, but difficult to follow. You have all come from different countries to USA. I don't know how many years you had to wait and how many difficulties you have gone through, but eventually you are here.

Myself, when I was grahastha, I was meditating daily for 11 years, when I get up in the morning, I will say, "I have to go to London". And people were laughing at me. They said, "He doesn't have money to go to Bombay and he wants to stay in London." (laughter) But the thought process was there and I was just meditating, "I wish to go to London", and people were joking. And eventually it so happened that the desire was fulfilled by the grace of Lord. So we know by ourselves how much we have to meditate on these things. In this way, please be blissful and determined that "I want to perfect myself in this Krishna consciousness in this life itself", then you will get a glance of Krishna immediately.

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