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MP3 Audio book with background music & dramatic narration on

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's lilas

Gaura-purnima special - Download for free


[mp3] Track-00_prastavna_n_prak-kathan.mp3 2.0 MB
[mp3] Track-01_janma_tatha_bal_lilayen.mp3 6.4 MB
[mp3] Track-02_yuva_pandit.mp3 5.6 MB
[mp3] Track-03_diksha_tatha_sankirtan_andolan_ka_subharambh.mp3 14.0 MB
[mp3] Track-04_sannyas_grahan_karna_aur_puri_aagman.mp3 5.4 MB
[mp3] Track-05_dakshin_bharat_yatra.mp3 5.5 MB
[mp3] Track-06_purime_lotna_evam_rathayatra_lilayen.mp3 7.7 MB
[mp3] Track-07_uttarbharatme_yatra.mp3 10.6 MB
[mp3] Track-08_puri_bhakto_ke_sath_lilayen.mp3 10.0 MB
[mp3] Track-09_antim_varsh.mp3 2.8 MB
[mp3] Track-10_upsanhar.mp3 584.8 KB
[mp3] Track-11_parishista_01_sri_caitanya_mahaprabhu_purna_puroshottam_bhagvan_hai.mp3 2.7 MB
[mp3] Track-12_parishista_02_sri_caitanya_mahaprabh_ki_shikshaye.mp3 3.5 MB
[mp3] Track-13_parishista_03_sri_caitanya_mahaprabhu_ka_shikshashtakam.mp3 1.5 MB
[mp3] Track-14_lekhak_parichay.mp3 526.8 KB

Based on book written by His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami
Narration by Bhakta J P Sharma (Hollywood, National Geography, Discovery Dubber)
Music mixing by Madhav Das

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MP3 Audio book with background music & dramatic narration on

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's lilas

Gaura-purnima special - Download for free

[mp3] Track-00_prastavna_n_prak-kathan.mp3 2.0 MB
[mp3] Track-01_janma_tatha_bal_lilayen.mp3 6.4 MB
[mp3] Track-02_yuva_pandit.mp3 5.6 MB
[mp3] Track-03_diksha_tatha_sankirtan_andolan_ka_subharambh.mp3 14.0 MB
[mp3] Track-04_sannyas_grahan_karna_aur_puri_aagman.mp3 5.4 MB
[mp3] Track-05_dakshin_bharat_yatra.mp3 5.5 MB
[mp3] Track-06_purime_lotna_evam_rathayatra_lilayen.mp3 7.7 MB
[mp3] Track-07_uttarbharatme_yatra.mp3 10.6 MB
[mp3] Track-08_puri_bhakto_ke_sath_lilayen.mp3 10.0 MB
[mp3] Track-09_antim_varsh.mp3 2.8 MB
[mp3] Track-10_upsanhar.mp3 584.8 KB
[mp3] Track-11_parishista_01_sri_caitanya_mahaprabhu_purna_puroshottam_bhagvan_hai.mp3 2.7 MB
[mp3] Track-12_parishista_02_sri_caitanya_mahaprabh_ki_shikshaye.mp3 3.5 MB
[mp3] Track-13_parishista_03_sri_caitanya_mahaprabhu_ka_shikshashtakam.mp3 1.5 MB
[mp3] Track-14_lekhak_parichay.mp3 526.8 KB

Based on book written by His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami
Narration by Bhakta J P Sharma (Hollywood, National Geography, Discovery Dubber)
Music mixing by Madhav Das

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Gaura Lila by HH Radhanath Swami
Chaitanya Charitamrita by HH Radhanath Swami
Pastimes of Lord Caitanya by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami
Teachings of Lord Caitanya by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami
Teaching of Lord Caitanya by HH Bhakti Charu Swami
Lord Caitanya Sanyasa by HH Radha Govinda Swami (Hindi)
Chaitanya Charitamrita by HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami (Hindi)
Chaitanya Charitamrita by HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami
Adoption sannyasi Lord Caitanya and Pastimes by HH Candramauli Swami 
Teachings of Lord Caitanya by HH Giriraj Swami 
Chaitanya Charitamrita by Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami
Teachings of Lord Caitanya  HH Prahladananada Swami
The Internal Reasons for Lord Caitanya's Appearance by HH Prahladananada Swami
Lord Caitanya ist hier by HH Sachinanadana Swami
Lord Caitanya's Teachings to Sanatana Goswami by HG Sarvabhauma Prabhu

For more audio lectures on Lord Caitanya visit

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Download high qualiy audio and video of Mayapur Kirtan Mela 2012, 22nd to 25th February 2012.


Click here


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4th Annual Boat Festival in Yamuna

Now that our dear Godsister, Chandi, has brought the Yamuna back to Keshi Ghata, there is a beautiful lake in front of the palace. So again Keshi Ghata will be the venue of this year's Yamuna Boat Festival on Saturday afternoon March 17th. She worked tirelessly to bring the Yamuna back to the ghatas and it is so glorious, so now we will return our annual festival to this lovely place. We have purposely kept it on Saturday so all the devotees from Delhi, Agra, and other neighboring cities can conveniently participate in this wonderful festival along with the International devotees here for the Vrindavan Festival.

We'll start from the Temple with a Sankirtan Procession starting at 4PM down to Keshi Ghata. There some brand new Deities of Radha Shyamsundara made and donated by Mr. Jani from England will be presiding in a gorgeously decorated boat. Ganga Baba, who does the Yamuna Artika, welcomed us to use his Yamuna Aratika platform for our Kirtan Party. Devotees can sit on the steps and easily view the Nauka Bihar, Boating Pastimes, or they can rent space in the many boats that will be there and can sail around the Yamuna showering Their Lordships with flower petals! There will also be a Chappan Bhoga offering to Radha Shyamsundara on the boat. Then just before 7PM Ganga Baba will perform Yamuna Aratika with a huge multi-tiered ghee lamp. And the grand finale will be distribution of Mahaprasadam and fireworks over Kalindi.

Everyone please come and become spiritually enlivened in this wonderful Yamuna Boat Festival of Radha Shyamsundara. Here you can see the pictures from the first festival we held at Keshi Ghata in 2009:

If anyone one wants to help us with this wonderful festival, please feel free to contact me at

In service of Srimati Vrinda Devi,
Deena Bandhu Dasa

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Krsna is amazing.....

I work as a caregiver for devotee parents in Stratford, Connecticut, but I also like to go out and distribute books as much as I can. So this morning as I was on my japa walk when I met a gentleman whom I see every morning. He walks his dog by the beach. So I approached him and showed him a Gita. His reaction?

"Oh my God! A few days ago I was thinking, 'I have a copy of this book somewhere in my home,' but I couldn't find it!"

It was a nice surprise to hear that.

He continued, "This is just amazing -- something I was looking for has come to me like this. I am so grateful!"

He couldn't thank me enough and gave a nice donation. Then he gave me his name and e-mail. He's an artist, and among his paintings one of his favorite themes to paint is cows.

your servnat,
Mahatama dd

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Amalaki Vrata Ekadasi

Glories of Amalaki Ekadasi

King Mandhata once said to Vasishtha Muni, “O great sage, kindly be merciful to me and tell me of a holy fast that will benefit me eternally.”

Vasishtha Muni replied. “O king, kindly listen as I describe the best of all fast days, Amalaki Ekadasi. He who faithfully observes a fast on this Ekadasi obtains enormous wealth, gets free of the effects of all kinds of sins, and attains liberation. Fasting on this Ekadasi is more purifying than donating one thousand cows in charity to a pure brahmana. So please hear me attentively as I tell you the story of a hunter who, though daily engaged in killing innocent animals for his living, achieved liberation by observing a fast on Amalaki Ekadasi following the prescribed rules and regulations of worship.”


The Kingdom of Vaidisha

“There was once a kingdom named Vaidisha, where all the brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaishyas, and shudras were equally endowed with Vedic knowledge, great bodily strength, and fine intelligence. Oh lion among kings, the whole kingdom was full of Vedic sounds, not a single person was atheistic, and no one sinned. The ruler of this kingdom was King Pashabinduka, a member of the dynasty of Soma, the moon. He was also known as Chitraratha and was very religious and truthful. It is said that King Chitraratha had the strength of ten thousand elephants and that he was very wealthy and knew the six branches of Vedic wisdom perfectly.”

“During the reign of Maharaja Chitraratha, not a single person in his kingdom attempted to practice another's dharma (duty); so perfectly engaged in their own dharmas were all the brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras. Neither miser nor pauper was to be seen throughout the land, never was there ever a drought or flood. Indeed, the kingdom was free of disease, and everyone enjoyed good health. The people rendered loving devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishnu, as did the king, who also rendered special service to Lord Shiva. Moreover, twice a month everyone fasted on Ekadasi. "In this way, O best of kings, the citizens of Vaidisha lived many long years in great happiness and prosperity. Giving up all varieties of materialistic religion, they completely dedicated themselves to the loving service of the Supreme Lord, Hari.”

Observing Amalaki Ekadasi 

“Once, in the month of Phalguna (February - March), the holy fast of Amalakii Ekadasi arrived, conjoined with Dvadasi. King Chitraratha realised that this particular fast would bestow especially great benefit, and thus he and all the citizens of Vaidisha observed this sacred Ekadasi very strictly, carefully following all the rules and regulations.”

“After bathing in the river, the king and all his subjects went to the temple of Lord Vishnu, where an Amalaki tree grew. First the king and his leading sages offered the tree a pot filled with water, as well as a fine canopy, shoes, gold, diamonds, rubies, pearls, sapphires, and aromatic incense. Then they worshiped Lord Parashurama with these prayers: ‘Oh Lord Parashurama, Oh son of Renuka, Oh all-pleasing one, Oh liberator of the worlds, kindly come beneath this holy Amalaki tree and accept our humble obeisances.’ Then they prayed to the Amalaki tree: ‘Oh Amalaki, Oh offspring of Lord Brahma, you can destroy all kinds of sinful reactions. Please accept our respectful obeisances and these humble gifts. O Amalaki, you are actually the form of Brahman, and you were once worshiped by Lord Ramachandra Himself. Whoever circumambulates you is therefore immediately freed of all his sins.’

“After offering these excellent prayers, King Chitraratha and his subjects remained awake throughout the night, praying and worshiping according to the regulations governing a sacred Ekadasi fast. It was during this auspicious time of fasting and prayer that a very irreligious man approached the assembly, a man who maintained himself and his family by killing animals. Burdened with both fatigue and sin, the hunter saw the king and the citizens of Vaidisha observing Amalaki Ekadasi by performing an all-night vigil, fasting, and worshiping Lord Vishnu in the beautiful forest setting, which was brilliantly illuminated by many lamps. The hunter hid nearby, wondering what this extraordinary sight before him was.

The fortunate hunter 

‘What is going on here?’ he thought. What he saw in that lovely forest beneath the holy Amalaki tree was the Deity of Lord Damodara being worshiped upon the Asana of a waterpot and he heard the devotees singing sacred songs describing Lord Krishna's transcendental forms and pastimes. Despite himself, that staunchly irreligious killer of innocent birds and animals spent the entire night in great amazement as he watched the Ekadasi celebration and listened to the glorification of the Lord.”

“Soon after sunrise, the king and his royal retinue - including the court sages and all the citizens - completed their observance of Ekadasi and returned to the city of Vaidisha. The hunter returned to his hut and happily ate his meal. In due time the hunter died, but the merit he had gained by fasting on Amalaki Ekadasi and hearing the glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as well as by being forced to stay awake all night, made him eligible to be reborn as a great king endowed with may chariots, elephants, horses, and soldiers. His name was Vasuratha, the son of King Viduratha, and he ruled over the kingdom of Jayanti.

King Vasuratha 

“King Vasuratha was strong and fearless, as effulgent as the Sun, and as handsome as the Moon. In strength he was like Sri Vishnu, and in forgiveness like the Earth itself. Very charitable and every truthful, King Vasuratha always rendered loving devotional service to the Supreme Lord, Sri Vishnu. He therefore became very well versed in Vedic knowledge. Always active in the affairs of state, he enjoyed taking excellent care of his subjects, as though they were his own children. He disliked pride in anyone and would smash it when he saw it. He performed many kinds of sacrifices, and he always made certain that the needy in his kingdom received enough charity.”

“One day, while hunting in the jungle, King Vasuratha strayed from the footpath and lost his way. Wandering for some time and eventually growing weary, he paused beneath a tree and, using his arms as a pillow, fell asleep. As he slept, some barbarian tribesmen came upon him and, remembering their long standing enmity toward the king, began discussing among themselves various ways to kill him. ‘It is because he killed our fathers, mothers, brothers-in-law, grandsons, nephews, and uncles that we are forced to aimlessly wander like so many madmen in the forest.’

The Great Rescue

So saying, they prepared to kill King Vasuratha with various weapons, including spears, swords, arrows, and mystic ropes. But none of these deadly weapons could even touch the sleeping king, and soon the uncivilised, dog-eating tribesmen grew frightened. Their fear sapped their strength, and before long they lost what little intelligence they had and became almost unconscious with bewilderment and weakness. Suddenly a beautiful woman appeared from the king's body, startling the aborigines. Decorated with many ornaments, emitting a wonderful fragrance, wearing an excellent garland around her neck, her eyebrows drawn in a mood of fierce anger, and her fiery red eyes ablaze, she looked like death personified. With her blazing chakra discus she quickly killed all the tribal hunters, who had tried to slay the sleeping king.”

“Just then the king awoke, and seeing all the dead tribesmen lying around him, he was astonished. He wondered, ‘These are all great enemies of mine! Who has slain them so violently? Who is my great benefactor?’ At that very moment he heard a voice from the sky: ‘You asked that who helped you. Well, who is that person who alone can help anyone is distress? He is none other than Sri Keshava, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He who saves all who take shelter of Him without any selfish motive.’

“Upon hearing these words, King Vasuratha became over-whelmed with love for the Personality of Godhead Sri Keshava (Krishna). He returned to his capital city and ruled there like a second lord Indra (king of the heavenly regions), without any obstacles at all.


“Therefore, Oh King Mandhata,” the venerable Vasishtha Muni concluded, “...anyone who observes this holy Amalaki Ekadasi will undoubtedly attain the supreme abode of Lord Vishnu, so great is the religious merit earned from the observance of this most sacred fast day.”

Thus ends the narration of the glories of Phalguna-sukla Ekadasi, or Amalaki Ekadasi, from the Brahmanda Purana.

Note: If the Amarlaki tree isn't available then worship the sacred Tulsi tree. Also plant the sacred Tulsi seeds, and offer lamps to her.
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Hare Krishna!!

Dear Suda Sing, Jessica and Sisza
Please accept our greetings and best wishes.

ISKCON KZN is holding a Maha Harinam today, Saturday, 02 March 2012 at 10:00 am, starting at the Durban City Hall through the streets of Durban.

The ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Harinam Party extends an invitation to your esteemed media to kindly cover this historic event.

Leading the Bhaktivedanta Harinam Party is Sri Natai Gaura Hari on Their magnificent and majestic Palanquin to celebrate Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Appearance Day, the Yuga Avatar, who taught by example the Yuga Dham Harinam Sankirtan, the public chanting of Lord Krishna's Holy Names: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.


This is the most important day in the life of the Vaishnavas and all living entities to collectively participate in the chanting, dancing, glorifying the activities of the Lord and His Devotees and taking refreshments, maha prasadam.

This  prestigious and colourful procession is also part of remembering His Divine Grave AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada only visit to Durban, South Africa and addressed a capacity audience at the Durban City Hall on 07 October 1975.

"Remember all Indian Nationalist passports were  stamped and read, all countries, except South Africa", said, His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami.

Against all odds his Spiritual Master His Divine Grave AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada visited and met with leading personalities, like the then late Professor Oliver,Rector of the then University of Durban Westville.

"Why do you not have a Department teaching the difference between a living and dead body," asked Srila Prabhupada to Professor Olivier.

"Professor Olivier was stunned and fully agreed to open a department. Srila Prabhupada was prepared to send Dr T Singh, His Holiness Sawarup Damodar Maharaj to teach, said His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami Maharaj.

Hence by the vision and spiritual potency of Srila Prabhupada, the Professor opened the Department of Hindu Studies.

His preaching tour took him to Durban and Johannesburg, his only visit to the Republic of South Africa.

His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami fearlessly followed in the footsteps of his Spiritual Master as the then Chairperson of the Governing Body Commission risked losing his passport, came to the shores of Durban, charming and enchanting the enthusiasm of the local pious people in Chanting Hare Krishna to date.

All glories to Natai Gauri Hari. All glories to Srila  Prabhupada.

The most Auspicious Appearance Day of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's the Yuga Avatar Ki Jai

Our latest recruit, Thando, 6 years old enjoyed the chanting at the 21 Birthday bash last night of Papa, Lights, Avish Singh, baby son of Geetha and Prem Singh, an Actural Student at UKZN.

He and his mum Sne promised to come to the Sunday Love Feast Program at NJP in Phoenix.

A sumptuous meal will be served after the Supreme Worship of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Hari Hari Bol, the Supreme  Super Soul Rock Star, so let's Rock & Roll in the Streets of Durban.

"Even a child and a poor man can take part in the chanting and dancing," said His Holiness Giriraj Swami quoting His Divine AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna
With love
Ramkinkar das & Team


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ISKCON Hungary wins !!

From Sivaram Swami, ISKCON Hungary GBC.
Dear Devotees

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

According to a local astrologer, by the Gregorian calendar Lord Caitanya was born on this day, February 27th, in 1486, 7 minutes after the Hungarian parliament passed the church, a law that retained the church status for ISKCON in Hungary. We are now one of only 32 recognized churches in the country--down from over 300. Legally, we have the same rights and standing as the Catholic Church, and that from a government that wanted to see this country known as a Christian domain.

I would like to thank everyone on this conference for their encouragement, prayers and well-wishes, and those devotees who assisted by promoting our petition and getting letters of recommendation. I would like to especially thank His Holiness Gopal Krsna Maharaja who personally, tirelessly and over an extended time lobbied politicians, chambers of commerce and the Hungarian ambassador in Delhi. Without his help I do not think we would be in such a fortunate position. I would also like to thank Bhasu Gosh Prabhu for organizing letters of recommendation from scholars and educationists, Anuttama Prabhu for organizing repeated meetings with the Hungarian ambassador to Washington, Praghosa Prabhu for encouraging the extensive involvement Gauri Prabhu and others in the UK and Dhananjaya Krsna Prabhu who facilitated my interaction with the devotees and politicians in India. There are many other devotees and people who have helped in this campaign and I shall thank them individually.

As Srila Prabhupada said after winning the Juhu property "It was a good fight." This was also a good fight, with good soldiers. I humbly request the EC to write a letter of appreciation to the leaders of the Hungarian yatra, who have been absorbed in this battle for the last seven months, giving special mention to the communication team of Madhupati dasa, Radhanatha dasa, Bn Kata, B Andras who were led by Krsna-lila dd and Prtvi-pati Prabhu. Further thanks are due to Radharadhya dasa and Radhakanta dasa who worked tirelessly to prepare contingency measures had we lost our church status, and to Nilamani Cakravart dd, Dharmista dd, and Damodara dasa who helped organize the historical "cows march on parliament" which also brought about a change in Hungarian land law and retained Krsna Valley under Radha Syamasundara's ownership.

It is hard to convey how close we came to losing many of our rights in Hungary and how restricted that would have made our practices and even our very existence. Had we lost our church status, we would have had to redefine Krsna consciousness in Hungary. As it is, we are now out of harms way--for now. I hope that you are all pleased by our humble efforts, for then we know that Srila Prabhupada is also pleased. That is the mission of the Hungarian yatra--to please His Divine Grace.

Thanking you once again, I remain your servant
Sivarama Swami


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World War III Postponed

My Dear Friends in Krishna consciousness,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Here's an inspiring story about how Krishna consciousness can change things in this world.

There was a nuclear sub stationed off the coast of America during the sixties. They were just waiting for the command to launch the missles to get WW III going. One day they got a notice instead to come home. The war was cancelled.

The commander of that sub later read Srila Prabhupada's biography getting it from his grandson who had become a devotee. While reading he learned that the day he received the order to come home was the very day that Srila Prabhupada stepped foot on American soil!

I learned this personally from the grandson while I was traveling in Russia.

Krishna is the Supreme Controller. Keep preaching and distributing those books. Who knows how many other times WW III has been postponed. Perhaps it will be permanently postponed. Krishna consciousness can save this world!

Desiring to always remain a servant of the Vaishnavas,
Dhanesvara Das

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Harinama with Book Distribution

Some time ago I tried distributing books at UCLA (the University of California at Los Angeles). Before long I was dreading my encounters with the kids there -- they were so smart, so quick, so elite, and so uninterested in taking Srila Prabhupada's books. I wouldn't go back there again. They are like great yogis in that their attention on their education is unwavering. Their textbooks probably contain information that they personally formulated in their last life. My mother graduated from UCLA, and because I didn't she was never very pleased with me. (Very recently, old age and disease have softened her beautiful heart and she can chant a little.)

Recently I and two other matajis were doing harinama at UCLA with harmonium and kartals. I didn't want to go, but they talked me into it. The girls' voices sounded very good -- in tune, accompanied by nice instruments. The girls sounded like true angels, and some of the UCLA students were distracted from their academic trance by the fine singing and playing. We also passed out halavah.

I put up my book table, and it was another sankirtan miracle! I spoke to two biology majors -- one guy, one girl -- who each took the new "Origins" magazine the North American BBT has reprinted (thanks to Ramesvara Prabhu), and they gave quite generously. One elderly professor of engineering took a Gita for $10. He said he wanted to read it next year when he retires.

One young man was very thrilled to see the "Bhagavad-gita As It Is." He said had his own Gita, by another author. He quoted from it several times. When he said, "One's self can be one's own worst enemy or one's own best friend," I took the opportunity to show him the proper translation of the verse in the Sixth Chapter of "As It Is." He bought Prabhupada's immediately.

Then there was a student who takes all his courses on line but was checking in at the UCLA campus for the day. He is a traveling entrepreneur who wants to get his degree while he flies around doing business in every major city of the world. I showed him the ISKCN addresses at the back of the Gita. He loved the sound of the harinama. He listened for a whole hour! He plans to visit our temples in India.

Harinama and university preaching go very well together. Often students who have muscial skills sit down with the harinama and pick up the instruments, and they're fascinated. Often they can play and sing quite well. I would like to please urge all Vaisnava youth and anyone who else does excellent harinama to please take it where it will be very well received. Take it to the universities. Inside temples is fine, but the tastiest nectar has not yet been tasted by you!

Thank you,
Your servant,
Karuna Dharini dasi

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While on sankirtan in Hamilton (New Zealand) recently, I met a familiar-looking couple. I had met them on traveling sankirtan in Rotorua during the recent marathon. They had taken a Bhagavad-gita for the husband's father. He is seriously ill, with a terminal disease. They reported that he had been in ecstasy to receive the book for Christmas and had wasted no time in starting to read it. It was very encouraging to hear that a housebound invalid near death had received and embraced Prabhupada's mercy!

On another recent sankirtan excursion in central Hamilton we connected with Bhakta Ari. I stopped him, and after a seemingly average exchange he left without taking a book. He claimed he had no money. Later he returned with a few coins -- enough for a small book (Raja Vidya). Then he walked to a nearby park and started reading. Soon, by Caitanya Mahaprabhu's arrangement, a harinama party entered the park and stopped near him! After observing the chanting for awhile, Ari approached the party and spoke with the devotees, who invited him to an evening program that same day. After wavering a bit, Ari decided to attend and relished the evening. The next day in central Hamilton we met him again, wearing japa beads around his neck. He took another book and asked about Krishna
House, our center here in Hamilton. Since then he has been coming to Krishna House practically every day to associate with the devotees and engage in devotional service. He's chanting eight rounds a day. Last week he made a generous donation and took many more books, including the Bhagavad-gita, which he is now reading. He is already leading kirtans during the Krishna Fest programs and is in ecstasy to have re-connected with Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada's transcendental sankirtan mission!

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"Wandering in Navadvipa is the best of all opulences, the best of all religious principles,the best of all kinds of worship, the best of all perfections, the best of all glories, and the best of all oceans of sweetness." We are happy to invite devotees worldwide to perform Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama in Mayapur. Parikrama Adhivas is on 25th Feb. Parikrama begins on 26th Feb and will return back on 3rd March. This year there will be four parikrama parties- International parikrama, Russian Parikrama,Hindi Parikrama and Bengali Namahatta Parikrama. Around 8000 devotees attended 2011 parikrama and we are anticipating more devotees to participate in the 2012 parikrama. Even if you are unable to take part in Parikrama, you have an opportunity to derive unlimited blessings of serving devotees performing the most auspicious Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama. Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur developed Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama, as desired and instructed by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur. He wished to conduct this Parikrama every year as this will be spiritually rewarding and will benefit the entire universe. Following the footsteps of our Acaryas, ISKCON Mayapur has been successfully organizing the Parikrama with not only increasing number of devotees but with increasing number of different languages speaking parties. We have four parties to set out to different islands of Navadvipa, reverberating the holy names, hearing the pastimes of Lord Gauranga in the association of devotees. We hope , by the generous contribution from devotees, we will be able to organize a grand Parikrama this year too. We have prasadam sponsorships available. You can also choose to offer green coconut or water for the parikrama devotees or donate for medical seva. Just 4 days to go! Send your offerings Now!

For details of sevas available here, please visit

For any information, please write to or

Thank you
Your servant in service to Sri Navadvipa dhama,
Gopijana vallabha das

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A Living Theology of Krishna Bhakti: The Essential Teachings of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada [Hardcover]
Tamal Krishna Goswami (Author), Graham M. Schweig (Editor) [Garuda Dasa]

This title has not yet been released. (It will be by July 2nd.)
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977), founder of the Hare Krishna Movement, traced his lineage to the fifteenth-century Indian saint Sri Caitanya. He authored more than fifty volumes of English translation and commentaries on Sanskrit and Bengali texts, serving as a medium between these distant authorities and his modern Western readership and using his writings as blueprints for spiritual change and a revolution in consciousness. He had to speak the language of a people vastly disparate from the original recipients of his tradition's scriptures, without compromising fidelity to the tradition.

Tamal Krishna Goswami claims that the social scientific, philosophical, and 'insider' forms of investigation previously applied have failed to explain the presence of a powerful interpretative device -- a mahavakya or 'great utterance' -- that governs and pervades Prabhupada's 'living theology' of devotion on bhakti. For Prabhupada, the wide range of 'Vedic' subject matter is governed by the axiomatic truth: Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Goswami's academic training at the University of Cambridge, his thirty years' experience as a practitioner and teacher, and his extensive interactions with Prabhupada as both personal secretary and managerial representative, afforded him a unique opportunity to understand and illuminate the theological contribution of Prabhupada. In this work, Goswami proves that the voice of the scholar-practitioner can be intimately connected with his tradition while sustaining a mature critical stance relative to his subject. A Living Theology of Krishna Bhakti includes a critical introduction and conclusion by Graham M. Schweig.

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Nitai Das - A Poignant moment of truth

The picture captures a poignant moment of truth. The two persons are holding a lump of matter which once was thought to be Nitai Das. Any sane individual has to admit Nitai Das at the end of the day cannot be that what is shown in that picture- lump of ash? Unfortunately, modern science has convinced every one that ultimately we are that matter!

The picture was taken in Mayapur this month. The two individuals are holding the final remains of Nitai Das who died in a car accident this month in Florida. He was 31 years old. The final remains is the ash left over after the body was burnt. The two individuals are going to immerse the final remains into the sacred river Ganga. This is a traditional custom for people following Vedic culture. This is the most auspicious and spiritual act one can do to a departed soul. Nitai Das is very fortunate that his own spiritual master is performing his last rites.

While my deepest condolences go to the family, at this moment we have to be grave and philosophical. Every one of us, one day, will have to die and leave this body and that means we have to leave behind our money, house, car, spouse, children, grandchildren, jobs, everything. What we have worked so hard all our life, at the end, we have to just drop everything and move to our next destination and start from scratch. This is the law of nature. No one is exempt from it. Yet, when great souls such as Srila Prabhupada try to preach this truth, people think it is not important. More important for people is to settle in life, and increase one's wealth and social prestige and not worry about what happens after death!

Death always has the last laugh. However that statement is true only for individuals who are material minded. But for devotees of Krishna such as Nitai Das, death actually is an elevating moment. At death Krishna surely remembers His devotees and this bond between Krishna and devotees gives the devotees the strength to face life and also death with an open heart, never discouraged and always happy.

Vaishnavas never lose in life or in death as this famous poem reads;

He reasons ill who says that Vaishnavas die,
When thou art living still in sound!
The Vaishnavas die to live, and living try
To spread the holy name around.

By Srila Bhaktivinod Takur - saint, philosopher and poet - 19th century

The glories of a Vaishnava are unlimited. The glories of Krishna are unlimited.

Hare Krishna


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Tamal Krishna Goswami has served on ISKCON's Governing Body Commission since its inception in 1970. In January 1972, he accepted the renounced order of life (sannyasa) from his spiritual master, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in Jaipur, India. He served as ISKCON's first GBC Secretary for India from 1970-74.

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Books by Tamal Krishna Goswami


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His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami

His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami
(June 1946 – March 2002)

ISKCON Governing Body Commissioner and Initiating Spiritual Master

Tamal Krishna Goswami served as ISKCON Governing Body Commissioner * from 1970-2002, and ISKCON Initiating Spiritual Master from 1977-2002. He is fondly called “Srila Gurudeva” by his many disciples, and “Goswami” by his godbrothers and members of the academe.

TAMAL KRISHNA GOSWAMI (Thomas G. Herzig) was born in New York City in the United States in June 1946. He joined the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in 1968 and was accepted as a disciple by ISKCON Founder-acarya, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in San Francisco the same year. Immediately he emerged as a leader and assumed various positions of leadership, spearheading the establishment of ISKCON temples and centers in India, France, Great Britain and the United States. He worked closely with Srila Prabhupada as his secretary and as Governing Body Commissioner for India, developing major ISKCON projects in Vrndavana, Bombay and Mayapur.

In 1972, he was awarded sannyasa, the renounced order of life, in Jaipur, India, and assumed the title of goswami, meaning controller of the senses.

In 1974, Tamal Krishna Goswami returned to the United States to work on large-scale preaching programs, organizing and leading book distribution and the unparalleled Radha-Damodara Sankirtan/Book Distribution Party.

As one of Srila Prabhupada’s most trusted disciples, Tamal Krishna Goswami served as personal secretary to Srila Prabhupada in 1977, during the seven months before Prabhupada’s passing in the same year.
In 1995, Tamal Krishna Goswami enrolled in Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas and graduated with a Masters Degree in Religious Studies in 1998. He then moved to the University of Cambridge, Clare Hall in England, as a doctoral student under Dr. Julius Lipner, and where his thesis was on the Krishnaology ** of ISKCON’s founder, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Tamal Krishna Goswami was well-liked in the academic world and a respected member of the American Academy of Religion. His award-winning essays and papers have been published and presented to the academe of religious scholars and theologians. He also authored many books, including two classical Vedic dramas. An articulate Gaudiya Vaisnava Theologian, his lectures, which are available in audio and video format, and written work, bring the wealth and vast knowledge of Vedic culture and history and the philosophy of Krishna consciousness into a practical present-day perspective.
Tamal Krishna Goswami passed away in a vehicular accident on March 2002, in the sacred place of Phulgya in West Bengal, India. He left this life the same way he lived it, completely absorbed in service to his spiritual master and Krishna. His samadhi is placed beside Srila Prabhupada’s samadhi in ISKCON Sri Mayapur Dhama, West Bengal, India.
He lived his life completely absorbed in service to Guru and Krishna. Though no longer physically present among us, he lives forever through his instructions, books, academic work, and in the hearts of all those whose lives he touched.
*Governing Body Commission (GBC) is the managerial authority of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), created by ISKCON’s founder, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1970.
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Sri Madhvacarya - Disappearance

Madhvacarya was born Vasudev, son of Narayan Bhatt and Vedavati in the village of Padakakshetra, near Udupi usually taken as being 1238 AD., on the Vijay Dasami of Lord Rama,. Afer  79 years of wonderful pastimes he passed on to be with his lord, Srila Vyasadev in the year 1317 AD.

This self realised soul, Mukhyapran (Vayu-deva) from an external point of view, accepted diksa from Acyutapreksha. However, Madhva always accepted only Srila Vyasadeva as his source of inspiration and Lord of his life, and thus his 'siksa guru'. Sri Madhva himself quoted from Brahmanda Purana, "One should have complete faith in the transcendental literature such as Srimad Bhagavatam and other literatures that directly glorifies the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should also have faith in Vaisnava Tantra, the original Vedas, and Mahabharata which includes Bhagavad Gita, and which is considered the fifth Veda. The Vedic knowledge originally emanated from the breathing of Lord Visnu, and the Vedic literature has been compiled in a literary form by Srila Vyasadeva, the incarnation of Visnu. Therefore Visnu should be understood to be the personal speaker of all this Vedic literature." (excerpt from purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 11:3:26., translation by Hrdayananda Goswami.)

As the great incarnation of one of Lord Visnu's greatest preachers, Vayudeva (Madhva) accepted direct instruction from his Lord, Srila Vyasadeva. In the Agni Purana (Chapter 51.) it is mentioned how Vayu is seen sitting on the back of a deer holding a flag. Madhava was also quite often seen seated on a sacred deerskin holding his upraised flag of dualism in the form of his hand sporting two erect fingers protruding. One finger representing the Lord and the other the Jiva. Also in the Vana Parva of Mahabharata (19:22.) it is stated that Vayu is the messenger of the demigods, and in another place, that Vayu resides in the palace of Lord Brahma, continuously praising him for being the surrendered pure representative of the Lord. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, chapter 11 Text 20.).

It is interesting to note that Sri Vayudeva's glories are sung in the Mahabharata, Vana Parva (19:22.) as being the messenger of the "Gods".

On this matter, Acarya Madhava, as the re-establisher of a practically lost system, became the founder and saviour of the hearts of the devotees. As we have said, though the line did in some shape or form come down, it was not truly effective until Madhava began preaching. On his preaching activities, writing of books, and touring all of Bharat-bhumi, he carried a new strength that was not there before him. He visited the secluded Himalayan ashrama of Srila Vyasadeva, who, to this day, resides high in Uttara-Badri beyond the reach of sinful men. During the two visits it was revealed that even from a distance Madhava had realised the mind of Vyasa. Srila Vyasadeva's comments upon seeing Madhava's commentary on Bhagavad Gita were that he could not fail it! In the sanctuary of the many vaisnava saints and sages that surround Srila Vyasa drinking up His association, Vyasa embrassed Madhava, and latter instructed Madhava to go and preach, and write commentaries on books to save man-kind. This is how Sripad Madhvacarya is accepted as the disciple of Srila Vyasa, not by his own ambitions, but as His pure representitive and so the next in the 'Guru parampara'.

A nine point summary or mission statement of Sripad Madhvacarya's philosophy is:

1. Lord Visnu, the Personality of Godhead, is the Absolute Truth, and nothing is higher than Him.
2. He, the Lord is known by the study of Vedas'sarvasya caham'(Bhagavad Gita 15:15.)
3. The material world is real, but temporary.
4. The Jivas (living entities) are different from the Lord ('bimba prati bimba').
5. The Jivas are, by nature, servants of Lord Visnu's lotus feet.
6. In both the conditioned and liberated states, the Jivas are situated in higher and lower statuses and always remain individuals in their identity.
7. Liberation does not mean an impersonal merging, but the attainment of serving Lord Visnu's lotus feet.
8. Pure devotional service rendered to 'guru' and Visnu automatically grants liberation, release from material bondage. There is no need of only seeking liberation. One only need seek pure devotional service.
9. 'Pramanas'. Direct perception, logic and Vedic authority are three sources of actual knowledge.

Madhava literally had hundreds of disciples, yet towards the end of his life he selected a small number of the most dedicated around him. These are the original 'Acaryas' of the eight mutts found even today in Udupi, South Kanada district of Karnataka.

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Listen the Glories of Madhaacarya

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With HH Bhakti Charu Swami Gurudev and Krishna's mercy I am extremely excited to share that within the last couple days ISKCON Ujjain have been covered by the Top 5 national newspapers in India! Haribol!!!

Media coverage was in the following newspapers:

Hindustan Times - #1 National Newspaper in India
Dainik Bhaskar - #1 Newspaper in Central India
Nayi Duniya - #2 Newspaper in Central India
Patrika - #3 Newspaper in Central India
Free Press - Very Prominent National Newspaper

You can read the Hindustan Times press release by going to-
(Indore Edition, page 6, change the date to 23rd January, headline-ISKCON temple in Ujjain goes online)

All published articles can be seen in the scanned photo attached.

The story in these press releases talks about ISKCON Ujjain being the 1st temple in Ujjain city to have full-time LIVE broadcast of all its temple programs from the time it opens to the time it closes. It was all put together in just a matter of few months and successfully launched on November 22, 2011.

The story doesn’t stop here, ISKCON Ujjain is also the 1st Solar Powered temple in Ujjain and probably the only fully solar powered temple in ISKCON. This temple works with the environment by giving Krishna's ray of light through a Solar Powered Temple. It was installed on the auspicious day of Janmashtami- August 22, 2011. The entire project was donated by H.G. Ayodhyapati Das who is the uncle of the Mauritius Prime Minister.

Everyone is so thankful to the exceptional devotees who continue to work hard giving their life and soul to make these outstanding miracles happen in Ujjain Dham. This temple is really breaking ground by setting high standards being environmentally conscious and using the latest technology to spread the Vedic culture to the world.

Your humble servant,
Rasalila Devi Dasi
In case you cant read the scanned copy, here is the text version of the 3 English press releases-

Hindustan Times article-
ISKCON Temple in Ujjain Goes Online

UJJAIN: The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) temple in Ujjain has moved one step forward in using modern information technology as well as natural energy sources for the benefit of pilgrims.

The Radha Madanmohan Temple has gone online thus facilitating people to have live darshan in any part of the world at any time. Similarly, the temple management has put solar energy system which is capable of meeting the whole requirement of the temple corridors, restaurant and lodging extension freeing from the erratic electric supplies.

HG Rasalila Devi Dasi, an ISKCON devotee from New York who is the main brain behind the live telecast, told Hindustan Times that anyone could have the darshan live by going to and clicking the Ujjain channel. The telecast is available from opening of the temple gates to closing. A state-of-the-art control room from where the cameras put at different points could be controlled and the telecast monitored is established for the work.

She said devotees could also ask any query through chat from the channel during lesson sessions at the temple.

Similarly, the solar energy system put at the temple is proving a boon as the whole electric need of light equipments, audio, video systems is met through this mode.

Free Press Article 1-
ISKCON Gets Solar Power Plant

Ujjain: ISKCON temple got its first solar power project in association with the uncle of the Prime Minister of Mauritius on the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami. The power plant has been established at the temple and started working as the sky was clear. Though, it was not established on the occasion of Janmashtami due to the rainy season. It will enable the supply of electricity to the temple. A solar module (24V to 200 wp), battery panel (120V - 300 Ah) [zv cells VRLA Batteries] and 10 KV power conditioning unit which will give total backup of 36000 Walt - Hr were installed at the temple.

Free Press Article 2-
Online Darshan at ISKCON

Devotees can now have online darshan of lord Krishna at ISKCON. Online facility has been launched at the temple under the aegis of Swami Bhakti Charu Maharaj and Raslila Mataji. A control room, three camera sets and LED screens have been installed at the temple. Devotees can log into website for live darshan of lord Kirshna from ISKCON temple. People can inquire and ask questions through the online services regarding darshan and pravachan.

Visit Bhakti Charu Swami's Websites:

-The Official site for HH Bhakti Charu Swami Audio & Video Products

-An exclusive collection of rare HH Bhakti Charu Swami Quotes

-The Official 24 hour Channel for HH Bhakti Charu Swami

Please visit these NEW sites and share with others!

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Press Release I gave the media



Hindustan Times - #1 National Newspaper in India
Dainik Bhaskar - #1 Newspaper in Central India
Nayi Duniya - #2 Newspaper in Central India
Patrika - #3 Newspaper in Central India
Free Press - Very Prominent National Newspaper

Breaking News:
ISKCON Ujjain- The 1st temple to have LIVE Broadcast in Ujjain City

ISKCON Ujjain is the 1st temple in Ujjain city to have full-time LIVE broadcast of all its temple programs from the time it opens to the time it closes. It was all put together in just a matter of few months and successfully launched on November 22, 2011. Following the footsteps of ISKCON Ujjain, we have heard that another prominent Ujjain temple is planning to have live broadcast starting soon. Now, anyone around the world can easily see the ecstatic ISKCON Ujjain LIVE telecast by going on and simply clicking on Ujjain channel. H.G. Rasalila Devi Dasi from New York City, America headed the broadcast setup. We asked H.G. Rasalila Devi Dasi about her experience and inspiration behind managing to get this broadcast off the ground so quickly. Following is her humble reply: “The most important factor is my Gurudev- H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami’s mercy, by whose instruction and desire, I took up this seva. My Gurudev- H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami had asked me to come up with ideas and work on spreading the programs of ISKCON Ujjain. Since that time, fulfilling my Guru’s instruction was the only goal of my life. The heart of the temple is its programs and with my Guru’s mercy, I somehow knew that setting a LIVE broadcast is the top most way so people from all over world have the opportunity to take darshan of our Ujjain deities. This way, people can take part in the temple satsangs and kirtans from anywhere. This is also a great way to keep people in touch with our programs and spread not only our temple programs but also spread India’s Vedic culture and heritage to the world. I did whatever it took to make this happen, so we could get the most professional broadcast. Invaluable support was also provided by the Veda Foundation team and the Ujjain temple Co-presidents. Now, I am very happy that I was able to achieve at least a drop in the ocean of my Gurudev’s instruction.”

There is a state of the art control room built with highest grade computer, audio and video technology. The camera’s in the temple room are controlled and monitored from this room to do mixing and creating interesting effects like a cricket match. You can view the LIVE broadcast even from the temple’s Govinda Restaurant and the temple room. Distribution LED screens have been put up so people can take advantage of the temple programs from different parts on the temple campus.

This is an added benefit to the congregation and interested people worldwide, who can watch the temple events in their home. People can even ask questions during the LIVE broadcast through a chat feature during all temple classes. This broadcast project is giving ISKCON Ujjain temple great public exposure.

Launching of ISKCON Ujjain LIVE telecast allows one to immediately quench the thirst of the soul by taking darshan of the beautiful Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan and Sri Sri Krishna Balaram deities. Melodious bhajans are sung throughout the day for the pleasure of the deities.


ISKCON Ujjain- Also the 1st temple to be fully Solar Powered in Ujjain!
(The entire project was donated by H.G. Ayodhyapati Das who is the uncle of the Mauritius Prime Minister.)

The story doesn’t stop here, ISKCON Ujjain is also the 1st Solar Powered temple in Ujjain and probably the only fully solar powered temple in ISKCON. This temple works with the environment by giving Krishna's ray of light through a Solar Powered Temple. It was installed on the auspicious day of Janmashtami- August 22, 2011. We had interviewed H.G. Rasalila Devi Dasi (H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Secretary) to get more information about this Solar Power Plant. She
said that the current solar equipment they have at the temple provides the entire electricity needs of the temple 24 hours a day except the AC and some high voltage equipment. Everything runs on this system from lights, fans, audio system and other basic electrical equipment. The weather was very cloudy so in the beginning they didn't get the full charge because of monsoon season but now the entire power is supplied by the solar units! The solar panels are currently located on the temple roof.

The Solar Power Plant saves laxmi for the temple. The electric unit charge is increasing everyday so it is a considerable help to the temple. If it works well in the long run and reduces the consumption on electricity, they plan to have it in all the temple buildings on campus. One of the added features of these solar panels is that if there is not enough sunlight, it will get power from the electric grid. So there will be no power failure in the temple with the electricity running seamlessly without breakdowns. If any other ISKCON community or temple wants to get this Solar Power Plant, ISKCON Ujjain will be happy to give further details.

H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami who had this temple built is very enthusiastic about this project. When it is connected to the grid, solar energy can overtake the highest cost of electricity at peak demand and can also reduce grid loading, apart from getting rid of the need for local battery power in darkness. By having this solar plant they are not only being environment conscious but also are using a pollution free energy source. It requires less man power as plant requires little maintenance or help after setup. Therefore, seeing all these radiant advantages of the Solar Power Plant H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami is very
satisfied about this project. With this project, the Ujjain temple is able to make a significant difference to the community by saving energy, keeping the environment pollution free and ultimately reducing the temple costs.

We are so thankful to the exceptional devotees who continue to work hard giving their life and soul to make these outstanding miracles happen in Ujjain Dham. This temple is really breaking ground by setting high standards being environmentally conscious and using the latest technology to spread the Vedic culture to the world.

Visit Bhakti Charu Swami's Websites:

The Official site for HH Bhakti Charu Swami Audio & Video Products

An exclusive collection of rare HH Bhakti Charu Swami Quotes

The Official 24 hour Channel for HH Bhakti Charu Swami

Please visit these NEW sites and share with others!

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