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Srila Abhirama Thakura Disappearance

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Seminar on Devotee Relationship

Seminar on Devotee Relationship by HG Sankarsana Prabhu at ISKCON Phoenix on 06 June 2010

(HG Sankarsana Prabhu fully dedicated his life for serving the order of his spiritual master to become a guru and deliver the world. For the last 40 years he has uninterruptedly served his spiritual master’s movement, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), in various capacities.)

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Seminar on 26 qualities of a Devotee

Seminar on 26 qualities of a Devotee by HH Mukunda Goswami

(HH Mukunda Goswami has published many articles and lectured worldwide and is the author of Miracle on Second Avenue: Hare Krishna Arrives in New York, San Francisco, and London 1966-1969, Inside the Hare Krishna Movement: An Ancient Eastern Religious Tradition Comes of Age in the Western World.)

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Srimad Bhagavatam Class by HH Kadamba Kanana Swami at ISKOCN Radhadesh on 26 April 2013
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05 Chapter 19 Text 16-18)

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami coordinated the construction of Srila Prabhupada’s samadhi in Mayapur. He took sannyasa in 1997 and is now an initiating guru.)

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Sri Vatsa Mark

Sri-vatsa is the unique curl of hair on the Lord's chest. It is the emblem of the goddess of fortune. It is described as golden curl or white curl at different places.

dvapare bhagavan syamah
pita-vasa nijayudhah
sri-vatsadibhir ankais ca
laksanair upalaksitah

Now, the incarnation of God in the Dvapara-yuga is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is pita-vasa nijayudhah. He has got His own wheel, His instrument, and He has many signs on His chest, sri-vatsa-adibhih. Krishna was accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead by signs also. There are many signs on the sole, underneath the sole. There are many signs on His chest. And other characteristic of Krishna, incarnation of Krishna's presence, they are described in the sastras, in the scriptures. So learned men, sages, they understood that "Here is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. SB 11.5.27

Srivatsa is a curl of white hair on the chest of the Lord which is a special sign of His being the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Vaikunthaloka or in Goloka Vrndavana, the inhabitants are exactly of the same form as the Personality of Godhead, but by this Srivatsa mark on the chest of the Lord He is distinguished from all others. SB 3.19.15

The Lord is further described as having the mark of Srivatsa, or the sitting place of the goddess of fortune, and His bodily hue is deep bluish. The Lord is a person, He wears a garland of flowers, and He is eternally manifest with four hands, which hold [beginning from the lower left hand] a conchshell, wheel, club and lotus flower. SB 4.8.47

In Vaikunthaloka the Supreme Personality of Godhead has four hands and decorations like the Srivatsa mark on His chest and the gem known as Kaustubha. These are special indications of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord's personal attendants and other devotees in Vaikuntha have the same features, except for the Srivatsa mark and the Kaustubha gem. SB 6.9.29-30

The Srivatsa mark is described by the Vaisnava-tosani as being a curl of fine yellow hair on the upper portion of the right side of Lord Visnu's chest. This mark is not for ordinary devotees. It is a special mark of Visnu or Krishna. SB 10.13.47-48

"On Krishna's chest are the ornaments of Srivatsa and the mark indicating the residence of the goddess of fortune. His chest, which is as broad as a plunderer's, attracts thousands upon thousands of damsels of Vraja, conquering their minds and breasts by force. Thus they all become maidservants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. C.c. Antya lila 15.74

One should worship, in order, the Lord's Sudarsana disc, His Pancajanya conchshell, His club, sword, bow, arrows and plow, His musala weapon, His Kaustubha gem, His flower garland and the Srivatsa curl of hair on His chest. SB 11.27.27

Why Srivatsa mark on the Chest of Visnu?

Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, has complete knowledge of Krishna’s opulences, but she could not achieve the association of Krishna by dint of such knowledge. The devotees in Vrndavana, however, actually enjoy the association of Krishna. C.c. Antya 7.29

“‘When Lord Sri Krishna was dancing with the gopis in the rasa-lila, the gopis were embraced around the neck by the Lord’s arms. This transcendental favor was never bestowed upon the goddess of fortune or the other consorts in the spiritual world. Nor was such a thing ever imagined by the most beautiful girls in the heavenly planets, girls whose bodily luster and aroma resemble the beauty and fragrance of lotus flowers. And what to speak of worldly women, who may be very, very beautiful according to material estimation?’ C.c. Antya 7.30 and SB 10.47.60

Srila Rupa Gosvami, in his Laghu-bhagavatamrta, has quoted from the Padma Purana, where it is stated that Laksmi-devi, the goddess of fortune, after seeing the attractive features of Lord Krishna, was attracted to Him, and to get the favor of Lord Krishna she engaged herself in meditation.

When asked by Krishna why she engaged in meditation with austerity, Laksmi-devi answered, “I want to be one of Your associates like the gopis in Vrndavana.” Hearing this, Lord Sri Krishna replied that it was quite impossible. Laksmi-devi then said that she wanted to remain just like a golden line on the chest of the Lord. The Lord granted the request, and since then Laksmi has always been situated on the chest of Lord Krishna as a golden line.

The austerity and meditation of Laksmi-devi are also mentioned in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.16.36), where the Naga-patnis, the wives of the serpent Kaliya, in the course of their prayers to Krishna, said that the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, also wanted His association as a gopi and desired the dust of His lotus feet. C.c. Adi 5.223

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Grihastha Ashram

Grihastha Ashram: The mood, life and direction.

The Supreme Lord Himself established the Varnashram system so as to maintain a balance in the human society and enable us to cultivate higher consciousness, irrespective of which social and/or spiritual order we find ourselves. Amongst the four ashrams most of us would readily agree that the Grihastha Ashram (house holder) has a lot of responsibilities attached and thus taking up this ashram must be a well-planned, organized and spiritually guided action. The Grihastha Ashram is meant to support all other 3 thus it has a responsibility to the “ashram order’. The individuals have responsibilities towards each other thus having ‘internal responsibilities’, and also responsibilities to the social system in which the individuals find themselves.

Needless to say, we need to be prepared before taking up this service and responsibility. In this regard we, the Congregational Development Ministry, would like to assist youths and intending Grihasthas by providing them with useful information from experts in this field. This edition will cover “Identifying a potential spouse” (from ) .

A Potential Spouse: 7 Important Qualities to Look For

Physically, psychologically and spiritually we will go through many changes in the natural course of our lives and our marital relationship may need to adapt accordingly. Yet some basic, vital qualities are present throughout all healthy marriages. Let’s look at seven of them in relation to our potential spouse and ourselves.

If you have been to a circus you may have seen a tightrope walker constantly adjusting his long pole to keep it horizontal. Without these readjustments, the performer may lose his balance and fall.  Similarly, by avoiding extreme views or behaviors that will throw us off our chosen life path, we can remain mentally, physically and spiritually balanced. And we can choose to marry a similarly balanced person.

Respect is crucial to any relationship.  A person who respects others will not neglect to respect you, while one who is harsh and critical will, sooner or later, most likely exhibit that same behavior toward you.

A Good Listener:
Most relationship problems stem from poor listening habits. There is a saying: “Seek first to understand before trying to be understood.” Our tendency in conversation is to be thinking about what to say next rather than attentively hearing what is being said. If your potential partner and you are either good listeners or committed to practicing the skills necessary to become good listeners, your marriage is more likely to succeed. Good listeners are usually also respectful and balanced individuals.

Look for a person who can admit his or her mistakes, apologize, and make amends for hurtful actions. If we marry Mr. or Ms. Right (they always think they are right), it is difficult to have a satisfying relationship. Humility is good for a relationship and is also a key factor in spiritual progress.

Faithful to the Supreme Lord:
Faith, the foundation of all spiritual practices, increases individual self-fulfillment and happiness and brings peace and harmony to a marriage, family and community. Research shows that marriages are stronger and more rewarding when both spouses are committed to their personal spiritual development.

Free from Addictions:
Avoid persons who have excessive attachment to drugs, alcohol, food, sex, computer games or television. Such addictions often overshadow relationships with family members, friends and the Lord. Although counseling and spiritual practice can help addicts, it is risky to start a relationship with the hope of changing another person’s behavior.

Although no two people are 100% compatible, the more compatible you and your future spouse are the easier it will be to understand each other’s thoughts and feelings and the greater the chances that your marriage will be lasting, fulfilling and harmonious. Compatible people have similar natures and share many of the same interests, values and intellectual and philosophical aptitudes. By spending time together you can get an idea of how well the two of you get along, but before attachment sets in, consult people who know the other person well and consult a qualified astrologer.

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Hindi Lecture on Appearance Day of Vamsivadana Thakur


English Lecture on Krishna Vasanta Rasa Lila


Hindi Lecture on Krishna Vasanta Rasa Lila

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Seminar on Raising children in Krishna Consciousness by HH Suhotra Swami
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05)

(His Holiness Suhotra Swami Maharaja traveled throughout the world from 1988 till 1991, visiting many Asian and Australasian countries. At this time he became a member of ISKCON's Governing Body Commission for next 11 years. )

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Kirtan Retreat Lectures with Russian Translation by HH Trivikrama Swami
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05)

(His Holiness His Holiness Trivikrama Swami, was born in 1941, he was initiated by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1969 and given sannyas initiation in 1971.)

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Seminar on What the British did to India

Seminar on What the British did to India by HH Sivarama Swami
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05)

(His Holiness Sivarama Swami Maharaja was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1949. In 1956, during the failed Hungarian revolution, he emigrated with his family to Canada. Sivarama Swami first came in contact with the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1970, becoming an initiated disciple of Prabhupada in 1973. Six years later he was awarded the order of sannyasa.)

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On 21st April 2013 The ISKCON temple at Delhi celebrated a gorgeous boat festival. The festival started at 6pm till 8.30pm.

Attendence of Sannyasis :
HH Gopal Krishna Goswami, HH Radha raman Swami, HH Bhakti Basudev Swami, HH Bhakti Rasamrit Swami.

Significance of boat festival : 
The boat festival marks the symbolic event occurred between Radha and Krishna before 5000 years at Rajghat in River Yamuna. The Gopis often carried the milk products from Vrindavana and sold at Mathura to earn their living. The event was artfully portrayed in the Bhakti Ratnakara (sloka 1700-1712) when Raghav Pandita was describing the pastimes of the Lord to Srinivasa Acharya, Narottama Das Thakura and Shyamananda Prabhu during in Vraja-parikrama. Raghava Pandita says: See this place with beautiful spots, where Nanda Kumara (Krishna) always wanders. Let us discuss the glorious pastimes of the expansions of Lord such as Krishna, Balarama and Narasimhadeva. Reaching the banks of Yamuna, Srinivasa Acharya says, “Krishna started the boat festival from this Raj Ghat with the beautiful Radha and Her associates to cross the River carrying pots of milk products. See the amazingly beautiful face of Krishna. On the riverside remained Krishna on a worn out boat. Radha and Her associates urged to Krishna, “Please take us to the other side of River Yamuna.” Krishna rowed them down to some distance with great pleasure. Let us describe Krishna’s playful pastimes with them.”

When the old boat floated in violent waters, the Gopis said, “You are troubling we young girls. O Madhava, You reap the seed of all troubles and You alone can make us cross this River.” Krishna said, “All food you carry will be drowned. Please throw away all you carry in water including your unwanted clothing.” Even at this dreadful moment, Krishna was cutting jokes at the Gopis and clapped hands showing no worries. The Gopis said, “We desperately throw water from the sinking boat with our bare hands. Even if we escape from here, we will not surrender to You.”

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ISKCON Durban’s Festival of Chariots (Rathayatra) held at North Beach on the vacation of Easter weekend. It was silver jubilee year of ISKCON Durban RathYatra. The festival’s motto was “Culturally many - spiritually one”.

An amazing experience, seeing this festival is the biggest of its kind outside India, attracting over 2,00,000 during a four-days period from 29th March to 1st April.

The event was colorful procession of Rathayatra, where more than two hundred thousand plates of food for life delicious Prasadam distributed, free entertainment including Freshly ground, Hinds Brothers Band, Kirtanuity Tour with Madhava, KZN Philharmonic Orchestra with BB Govinda Swami, Drum Cafe and The Kwa-Mashu Gospel Choir, special Rajasthani dance, Holi
(festival of colour), yoga, Seminars, Ask Discover, Initiation ceremony and more.

While in 1988, HH Indradyumna Swami was the temple president of ISKCON Durban started Sri Sri Jahannatha RathYatra celebration and this time also His Holiness was the incharge of Rathyatra and over all Ratha Yatra Silver Jubilee festivities.

The “Culturally many - spiritually one” named of the Silver jubilee festivals of ISKCON Durban started organizing the programs in a year back under the guidance of HH Indradyumna Maharaja, skillfully to invite all the religious group leader of South Africa and to get officials approval from Government leader by meeting and convincing them that ISKCON is not organizing any sectarian festivals as all as the religious leader are participating, just to get the place of famous North Beach to held the festivities.

The Rath Yatra held on 29th March. The procession started at 10.30 AM and went on till 2.00 PM. There was local Julu dance, traditional Odissi dance and Jagannath astakam by local devotees before the procession. The mood was very joyful among the audiences.

Rathayatra kirtan leaders was HH Bhakti Caru Swami, HH Kadamba Kanan Swami, HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami, HG Bada hari Prabhu, HG Jayadeva Prabhu, HG Mahatma Prabhu led very melodious and enthusiastic kirtans & drowned all the participants in the ocean of transcendental bliss, enthusiastically dancing to the heart rendering tune of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, devotees enthusiastically pulling the ropes, chanting and dancing in the Kirtan till the end of Ratha Yatra, It was amazing site.

Main entertainment started just after the Ratha Yatra procession. There were close to dozen Pandals for different events. Huge Pandals for Cultural entertainment , Kirtanuity, Ask-Discover-explore, “Culturally many” seminars, Yoga, two Pandals for Govinda, another was for devotional mini market, face painting and tattoo, one for kids, book stalls, first-aid and food for life. Continues program were going on these Pandals, it was difficult to choose which one to leave. Indian High commission arranged a Rajsthani dance group to present a fire dance. The dancer danced with 21 clay pitchers on her head and danced on sword, pin and broken glasses makes everyone amazed Four Main Pandals:

1. Cultural Entertainment:
Main Pandal where all kind of cultural programs like Freshly ground, Hinds Brothers Band, KZN Philharmonic Orchestra with BB Govinda Swami, Drum Cafe and The Kwa Mashu Gospel Choir, special Rajasthani dance, final Kirtan. Also VIP dignitaries’ and religious leaders deliver their appreciations.

2. Culturally many seminars:
Festivals were not restricted to any particular culture therefore many religious leaders were invited to give talks; ISKCON Sannyasis also gave their valuable talks. Question and answer sessions was there. Everyone accepted the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead but our cultures are many.

3. Ask, Discover explore:
Wonderful seminars were given by ISKCON Sannysis and leaders.

4. Kirtanuti:
International fame Kirtaniya performed Harinam Sankirtan.

Durban food for life is very popular in South Africa. They distribute average of 3000 plates daily Prasadam in different places. For this 4 days festivals congregation members worked very hard. They use to start cooking at midnight 12.30 and continue till 5:00am with firewood. Hundreds of big vessels were used to cook. At food for Life Pandal distributed Biriyani, Dal, Raita, Chatni, Halwa and Juice freely for 4 days.

On second day the main attraction was Drum Cafe .The Kwa-Mashu Gospel Choir played 600 African traditional drums in synchronizations with auditions.

Another main attraction was on Sunday 31st march. Colour festival of Holi was celebrated that day. Many people joyfully attended this festival. Organic colour was splashed on countdown in synchronization. Another attraction that day was HH BB Govinda Swami ’s Hare Krishna Kirtan performance with total 65 musician of KZN Philharmonic Orchestra, HG Bada Hari Prabhu, Jayadeva Prabhu and the local 12 member of Kwamashu choir. Morning 8am to 10am was an initiation ceremony by HH Bhakticaitanya Swami, HH Bhaktimarg Swami and HH Kadamba Kanan Swami.

On final day Freshly ground, the world famous rock group performed. Audience enjoyed it very much. Final kirtan was led by HH B.B Govinda Swami, Madhava Prabhu and HH Indradyumna Swami.

H.H Bhakti Marga Swami presented attractive dramas on all four days.

Sannyasis and Srila Prabhupada’s Disciples attendance : HH Bhakticaru Swami, HH Indradyunma Swami, HH Jayadvita Swami, HH BhaktiCaitanya Swami, HH Bhaktimarg Swami, HH Kadambakanan swami, HH BB Govinda Swami, HH ParthaSarathi Swami, HH BhaktiNrisimha Swami, HH Ram Govinda Swami, HG Shyamlal Prabhu, HGBadahariPrabhu, HG JayadevaPrabhu, HG Mahatma Prabhu.

When Srila Prabhupada visited Durban, South Africa in 1975 he expressed two desires for this city viz. that the ancient Festival of Chariots take place on Durban’s Beachfront and that a beautiful temple be built in the heart of Chatsworth.

“For instance, in an article about the temple of the Hare Krishna movement in Durban, South Africa, the Durban Post reported, “All the devotees here are very active in the service of Lord Krishna, and the results are obvious to see: happiness, good health, peace of mind, and the development of all good qualities.” This is the nature of Vrindavana. Harav abhaktasya kuto mahad-gunah : without Krishna consciousness, happiness is impossible; one may struggle, but one cannot have happiness. We are therefore trying to give human society the opportunity for a life of happiness, good health, peace of mind and all good qualities through God consciousness.” (Srila Prabhupada Purport SB 10.13.60)

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History of India

Lecture on History of India by HH Devamrita Swami
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05)

(His Holiness Devamrita Swami entered this life on October 16, 1950 in New York City, as the firstborn in a family dominated by a very devout and education-motivated Christian mother.)

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Seminar on Sholki Bhagavad Gita

Seminar on Sholki Bhagavad Gita by HH Bhakti Vighna Vinasa Narasimha Swami
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05)

(His Holiness Bhakti Vighna Vinasa Narasimha Swami Maharaja was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in London in 1971. A year later he received second initiation. He has been preaching for over last twenty five years in Asian countries such as India, Philippines, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand.)

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Vaishnava Bhajans

Vaishnava Bhajans by HH Bhakti Charu Swami
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05)

(His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami is from a Bengali family and spent most of his early childhood in urban Kolkata. He met with Srila Prabhupada at the end of 1976 after a long and intense search for a spiritual teacher. )

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Seminar on Seven Habits

Seminar on Seven Habits by HH Sridhar Swami
(Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 05)

(In Sridhar Swami's life, Srila Prabhupada's sparked a 35 year spiritual journey that began far from its ending point in holy India. Sridhar Swami described himself as a shy person before coming to Krsna consciousness. )

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Bhagavad Gita E-Course

Bhagavad-gita eCourse 2013 by

Bhagavad-gita should be read daily. One principle reason for Lord Krsna's advent on earth was to deliver His personal instructions in the form this text.

Anyone studying Bhagavad-gita carefully will have a life-changing experience.even if they have read the book before. Bhagavad-gita is a living scripture, existing on the Absolute plane of existence. It never grows old because it is filled with axiomatic truths which ring true eternally.

We invite you to join us for a two month in-depth study of Lord Krsna's sacred teachings from May 13 - July 7, 2013.

Arjuna's statement in Srimad Bhagavatam (1.15.27), spoken many years after the Battle of Kuruksetra, proves the text remains ever-fresh:

"Now I am attracted to those instructions imparted to me by the Personality of Godhead because they are impregnated with instructions for relieving the burning heart in all circumstances of time and space."

Srila Prabhupada Lecture (Boston 12/28/69):

"Bhagavad-gita as it is, you should study. Then you will get all this knowledge. Bahunam janmanam ante: (Bg 7.19) you become wise and you can understand Krsna. Then you surrender. Then you become mahatma."

Required Time: 15-30 minutes daily, from your own computer, on your own schedule. (To learn how this works, see:

Money Back Guarantee: Sign up for the course, participate for some time, and if you are not fully satisfied we'll gladly send you a refund.

To learn more or to enroll visit:

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Dear Devotees,
Pamho. AGTSP!

On behalf of ISKCON Vrindavan and Temple President Pancagauda das, we would like to inform you that, with the blessings of Srila Prabhupada, Sri Krishna Balarama, Sri Radha Shyamsunder and Sri Sri Gaur Nitai, ISKCON Vrindavan has established IVTV ( ISKCON Vrindavan Television) to broadcast worldwide via satellite television the glories of Srila Prabhupada and Their Lordships. We inaugurated our IVTV control room last month and have now started broadcasting worldwide on different TV Channels, including Disha Channel, Sanatan Channel, Shradha Channel, MATV, and Tata Sky. Television schedules are as follows.

1. Live on Tata Sky 24/7 interactive Channel (Darshan at Q) only in India.

2. Disha Channel Live Mangal Aarti at 4.30 till 5.30 (IST) Mangal Aarti 5am (USA). Hare Krishna Culture 12.15am (IST) Hare Krishna Culture 6pm (USA) Disha Channel is available in 65 countries worldwide including USA and Canada (for USA and Canada it is a subscription Channel). Disha is available on DTH, Cable, IPTV, Airtel, DD Direct Plus and Tata Sky, and for USA on Direct TV DTH Channel number 2005. Dishais also available on Mobile TV on nexgtvon ANDROID, BSNL mobiles.

3. Sanatan TV Channel Hare Krishna Culture 10pm every day all over India. Sanatanis also available on

4. MATV Hare Krishna Culture 10am every Sunday UK and Europe. MATV is also available on

5. MH1 Shradhaa Hare Krishna Culture 12am daily (only India).

At present Live Aarti is broadcast only on the Disha Channel, but very soon IVTV will be able to broadcast Live Aarti and all the festivals from Iskcon Vrindavan on all these Channels, plus a few more.Our IVTV team and technicians are working on this project at present.

Hare Krishna Culture TV Show already has a global viewership of 25 million, where viewers can watch video footage of SrilaPrabhupada, documentaries, lectures by different devotees and 24-hour Vrindavan Kirtans. With the mercy of Srila Prabhuapda and the devotees through IVTV we are able to reach many more people to spread the message and glories of Srila Prabhuapda and his teachings.

So we kindly request all the devotees for their blessings so that we can please Srila Prabhuapda and Our Lordships in our humble attempt to glorify them.

PS: Please see the attach link of IVTV Inauguration.

For further information please feel free to contact Ramanuja das at

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Today 20th April 2013 ISKCON Vrindavan, Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Temple anniversary and Rama Navami festivals are enthusiastically celebrated. To get the blessings of Their Lordships, today’s Mangal Aratik was fully packed up and the very sweet melodious Vibhavari sesa and Hare Krishna Mahamantra kirtan accompanied by the sweet smiles of Their Lordships went deep into the hearts of everyone. Everyone was enthusiastic in Chanting, dancing and meditating on Lord Rama. Simultaneously everyone was remembering the unique mercy of the Lord exhibited by Srila Prabhupada as a gift for the whole world “Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Temple”. The whole Temple was gorgeously decorated with flowers and all three alter were very artistically decorated with fruits and flowers.

10:30 am: Simultaneous Abhisekha started in all the three Altars with ecstatic Kirtan during which everyone experienced the Spiritual World.

A Message from Srila Prabhupada: “Tomorrow is Sri Rama-navami. The tapasya will be that all the devotees will observe fasting from morning till evening. This is called tapasya. Just like Ekadasi day-there is no eating sumptuously. Simply you take little fruits and flowers. Try to avoid that also. You don’t take even water. That is really Ekadasi. But because we cannot do it-in the Kali-yuga the time is different-therefore we are allowed to take little fruit and milk, which is called anukalpa.” Pandal lecture, Bombay, April 7, 1971.

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