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Jagannath Rath Yatra

The chariot festival in which Lord Krsna in the form of Lord Jagannatha rides with Lord Balarama and Subhadra Devi in Jagannatha Puri, India.

At the height of Indian summer, right at the beginning of the Monsoon, the Lord of Puri goes to his garden palace for the annual summer vacation. Originally the festival has its foundation in the residents of Vrindavan bringing back their Lords, Krishna, Balaram and Lady Subhadra from Kurukshetra.

Today in Puri He, the Lord of the Universe travels in some style from his temple in Puri, to his garden temple, located outside the town centre called Gundicha. Thousands of Hindus flock to see, and to pull the grand chariots from one temple to the other. The English word "Jagannaut" comes from the giantchariots of Lord Jagannath of Puri. The British were so stunned by the size of the chariots, they coined a word for it!

Originated thousands of years ago in Jagannath Puri, Srila Prabhupada organized the first Ratha Yatra in the western world in 1967 in San Francisco. Since then this festival is being celebrated all over the world.

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Hare Krishna dear devotees

We were blessed with Maharaj Association in Columbus for 2 days recently, where he gave initiations to local columbus and also near by non-local devotees. It was a wonderful program. We would like to share the new names for 1st initiated devotees and also few pics to our God family.

Sr No  

Old Name

New Name

Initiation Type
1 Suri Raman Sukadevananda das 1st Initiation
2 Sanjiv Sharma Savyasaci das 1st Initiation
3 Sivagini Siva Sita Vallabhi devi dasi 1st Initiation
4 Senthil Kumar Sadbhuja Chaitanya das 1st Initiation
5 Mohanaprema Mohini Kishori devi dasi 1st Initiation
6 Nick Augustin Nithai Gauranga das 1st Initiation
7 Sita Sita Priya devi dasi 1st Initiation
8 Bhaskar Bhadra Gauranga das 1st Initiation
9 Vishal Visvanath das 1st Initiation
10 Prashanti Padma Sakhi devi dasi 1st Initiation
11 Nithya Natarajan Nitya kishori devi dasi 1st Initiation
12 Pandian Thirugnanam Panduranga Dev das 1st Initiation
13 Deepa Damodara Rati devi dasi 1st Initiation
14 Prajakta Prema Lata devi dasi 1st Initiation
15 Monimala Joshi Mohini Kumari devi dasi 1st Initiation
16 Ananta Laxmi Anuradha Priya devi dasi 1st Initiation
17 Anil Manga Acyuta Gopal das 1st Initiation
18 Gayatri Manga Gokul Gopi devi dasi 1st Initiation
19 Satyanarayana Raju Saci Prananath das 1st Initiation
20 Srinivas Guttula Srinivas Gopal das 1st Initiation
21 Anita Arora Amala Sundari devi dasi 1st Initiation
22 Radhikapriya Radhika Rati devi dasi 1st Initiation
23 Ashok Vangala Abhiram Govinda das 1st Initiation
24 Prem Vilas das Prem Vilas das 2nd Initiation
25 Krsangi Sakhi devi dasi Krsangi Sakhi devi dasi 2nd Initiation
26 Arjuna Sakha das Arjuna Sakha das 2nd Initiation
27 Rasalila Priya devi dasi Rasalila Priya devi dasi 2nd Initiation
28 Paripurna Krsna das Paripurna Krsna das 2nd Initiation
29 Adhokshaja Priya devi dasi   Adhokshaja Priya devi dasi 2nd Initiation
30 Gokulananda das Gokulananda das 2nd Initiation
31 Vrindapati das Vrindapati das 2nd Initiation
32 Vrindarani devi dasi Vrindarani devi dasi 2nd Initiation

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Your Aspiring Servant

Naveen Krishna das
Columbus, Ohio

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The latest edition of the Bhaktivedanta Manor newsletter is now online here:


Main stories include:

• George Harrison Garden officially opened

• A lake filled with Magic (Ramanavami festival)

• Flowers to Inspire

• ISKCON Festivals UK

• New Govindas in Nottingham

Your Servent
Radha Mohan Das
Bhaktivedanta Manor Communications
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Perfect Speech Only in 12yrs 

[October 1972, ISKCON, Rādhā-Dāmodara Temple, Vrindaban, India]


It was about 5:30 in the morning and Srila Prabhupada called me into his sitting room wanting to know why Syamasundara and Pradyumna were still sleeping.

"I don't know," I replied.

Srīla Prabhupada told me to bring them to his room. When we returned, he told us we must conquer over sleep.

"Rising early and taking a cold shower is not austerity, but just common sense and good hygiene," Srila Prabhupada said. Then, revealing a wonderful truth, His Divine Grace told us, "By chanting 16 rounds, following the regulative principles, rising early,reducing one's eating and sleeping, one gets spiritual energy. If one follows these guidelines for 12 years, all he speaks will be perfect!"

[Ref. Book: 'Srila Prabhupada Uvaca' by HG Srutakirti Das

Ch 1: True Speech After 12 years of Following]

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
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Lecture on Balarama reminds us of the importance of cow protection by Devamrita Swami on 16 Aug 2008 at New Zealand

(His Holiness Devamrita Swami entered this life on October 16, 1950 in New York City, as the firstborn in a family dominated by a very devout and education-motivated Christian mother.)

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Cultivation of Human Spirit

Lecture on Cultivation of Human Spirit by Hanumat Presaka Swami on 29 Sep 2003

(Hanumat Presaka Swami grew up in California and graduated in psychology from the University of California in 1970, with a minor in biology and electrical engineering.)

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Scientists Don't Have the Proof

Lecture on Scientists Don't Have the Proof by Danavir Goswami on 24 Feb 2004

(Danavir Goswami proceeded to inaugurate Bhakta Programs elsewhere in America, Europe, Africa, India, etc. Presently this comprehensive educational system for new devotees is standard throughout ISKCON. He is the author of many books.)

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Lecture on Aspects of Vedic Culture in Practical Life by Bhakti Vikas Swami on 01 May 2008 at Bahrain

(He has since travelled widely throughout the subcontinent, lecturing in English, Hindi, and Bengali. His Holiness also travels to and preaches Krishna consciousness in other parts of the world. He continues to write books and magazine articles.)

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One should not touch the lotus feet of a saintly person or sannyasi with his enjoyment-prone body or sinful body. If the saintly person becomes displeased as a result of our touching his lotus feet, then it will certainly create inauspiciousness for us. Sannyasi devotees do not like people touching their feet. It is currently become a fashion – a disease – to touch the lotus feet of Guru and Sadhu. We should pay close attention to whether the spiritual master and Krishna are being pleased by each one of our actions. If we do not do so, then we will dig our own grave.

Let me tell those who, under the control of their emotions, attempt to touch the feet of a Sannyasi like me. In the language of my spiritual master, “Why should they dare to stretch their hands to take dust from the feet of the saintly persons ? Is such boldness proper ? What qualifications do they have ? What right ? An attached householder, who has no real interest in serving the saint, is certainly unjustified in touching his lotus feet. Better that we offer one another obeisances from a distance. If an attached householder forcibly tries to touch the saint’s feet, it means his mind is attracted to gross matter. That will cause him more harm than good. Those who desire fortune should carefully refrain from committing such offensive activities.

- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvathi Thakur,
(Page No.261 of Amrtha Vani)
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Who are Real Friends

Lecture on Who are Real Friends by Giriraj Swami on 06 Jan 2013

(n 1972 Giriraj was appointed by Prabhupada to be president of ISKCON Bombay and trustee of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Since then, he has made many significant contributions to Srila Prabhupada’s mission, most notably overseeing all aspects of the development of Hare Krishna Land in Juhu, Bombay.)

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Power of Time

Lecture on Power of Time by Jayadvaita Swami on 18 Mar 2012 at Phoenix

(Jayadvaita Swami is editor, publisher, and teacher. He is a disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.)

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Growing Younger

Lecture on Growing Younger by Indradyumna Swami on 14 May 2011

(He served as an editor or assistant editor for nearly all the books of Srila Prabhupada published during Srila Prabhupada’s lifetime. He received initiation from Srila Prabhupada in 1968, at the age of nineteen.)

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Real Purpose Of marriage

Lecture on Real Purpose Of marriage by Devamrita Swami

(His Holiness Devamrita Swami entered this life on October 16, 1950 in New York City, as the firstborn in a family dominated by a very devout and education-motivated Christian mother.)

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Snana Yatra

Lecture on Snana Yatra by Radhanath Swami on 07 Aug 2005 at San Casciano

(Radhanath Swami became a member of the GBC in 1996, and is responsible for the following zones: Villa Vrindavana, Firenze area, Centro Studio Bhaktivedanta, Bologna area, and Venice area Italy; and in India; Chowpatty, Mumbai, and Maharastra. In his role as co-zonal secretary he supports Goa, Daman, Diu, Maharashtra, and Calcutta in West Bengal.)

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The death of the Ego

Lecture on The death of the Ego by Sachinanadana Swami on 08 April 2011

(Sacinandana Swami would say: "My heart dances in joy when I see so many people taking to Krishna Consciousness." Later Maharaja was instrumental in helping to start different farm communities and projects, like the Goloka Dhama project in Europe.)

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Jagannatha Snana Leela

Lecture on Jagannatha Snana Leela by Bhakti Rasamrita Swami on 15 June 2011

(His Holiness Bhakti Rasamrita Swami completed his B.E. from M.S University Baroda, MBA from Bombay University & worked for some time in a multinational Bank.)

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Lecture on Panihati by Bhakti Charu Swami on 03 June 2011 at California

(Bhakti Charu Swami continued to translate all of Srila Prabhupada’s works, more than fifty volumes, into Bengali. Bhakti Charu Swami is an initiating spiritual master in ISKCON and has disciples all over the world.)

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Successful Balanced and Healthy Life

Lecture on Successful Balanced and Healthy Life by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami

(Bhakti Vijnana Goswami was born in Tashkent, former Soviet Union. He took to spiritual life in 1980, during a difficult time during the communist era in the former Soviet Union, when the National Security forces were harassing any type of spiritual practitioner.)

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Divorce is Kaliyuga Phenomena

Lecture on Divorce is Kaliyuga Phenomena by Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami on 22 Jan 2012 at Kovaca

(His Holiness Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami took his first Initiation from Srila Prabhupada on 9th July, 1974 in San Francisco, by the recommendation of Srila Tamala Krishna Goswami and Vishnjana Swami.)

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Spiritualism in Modern Life

Lecture on Spiritualism in Modern Life by Bhakti Vikasa Swami on 03 Oct 2006 at Punjab

(From 1977 to 1979 His Holiness was based in India, mostly traveling in West Bengal preaching Krishna consciousness and distributing Srila Prabhupada's books.)

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