ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18410)

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Quest for the Perfect Relationship

The material world is a perverted reflection of our real home - the spiritual world. As such, every relationship is imperfect only partially mirroring what it could be and what we yearn for. Nevertheless we keep trying. Yet material existence imposes powerful restrictions on developing satisfactory relationships with others.


Because we have willfully separated ourselves from God - Lord Krishna, the reservoir of all loving relationships, we are now suffering from a spiritual psychosis and consequent inability to understand and experience love. Desires push us around the world, and we switch from one partner to the next. The small bud of love, however, is unfailingly snapped off before it can unfold, bloom, and produce a fruit.


Our quest for that perfect relationship meets its final destination when we are enlightened with the torchlight of knowledge about the distinction between materialistic temporary sense gratificatory relations and permanent spiritual association with devotees, spiritual masters and pure self-realised souls. Such kind of spiritual association gives an impetus to and aids the process of reaching our ultimate goal i.e. going back to the eternal touchstone abode, the spiritual kingdom of God.
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The thing is we do not have the eyes to see Krishna. Krishna does sometimes appear before us in the material world but only the devotees recognize Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You may think it strange but when Krishna was present on this planet 5000 years ago in India very few people recognized Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He displayed so many pastimes impossible for any human to display. He lifted a great mountain when he was only 5 years old. He fought with and killed so many powerful demons, he was so amazingly beautiful that everyone was attracted by Him. But still most were thinking He was some extraordinarily powerful man, perhaps a demigod.

When Lord Caitanya appeared 500 years ago in India also He was not recognized by many as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He purposely did not manifest the opulence’s of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and acted as a pure devotee of Krishna, not as Krishna Himself.

The problem is that if people see Krishna appear in this world they will imitate and claim to be Krishna also and mislead so many people into worshipping them as Krishna. So Lord Caitanya, although Krishna Himself, was acting as a devotee of Krishna and showing by His personal example that we should serve Krishna, not try to become Krishna ourselves.

Basically we are here in this material world because of our desire to imitate Krishna. Krishna has all opulence’s in full. Krishna has all knowledge, all wealth, all strength, all fame, all beauty and at the same time, even though He possesses everything in full, He is completely detached. We are here trying to imitate Krishna, trying to get all the wealth, all the knowledge, etc. But it is not possible, Krishna is unlimited in every respect and we are limited in every respect. We will never be equal with Krishna, we will always be less than Krishna and our natural position is to serve Krishna.

Krishna is here, if you have the eyes to see Him. He is present in the form of the Holy Name, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and if you can chant that purely you will experience Krishna dancing on your tongue. He is present in the form of the Deity in the Temple. He is present within all our hearts as the supersoul. His energy is causing everything to happen in the material world. Anything beautiful, anything powerful, anything extraordinary in this world is showing us a small hint of the opulence’s of Krishna.

So a devotee when he makes some advancement starts seeing Krishna everywhere. He experiences Krishna in the taste of water, he sees Krishna in the light of the Sun and the Moon, he sees Krishna when he hears any sound. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that “I am the ability in man,” so when a devotee sees someone with a very special ability in any field he sees Krishna.

The bottom line is that to see Krishna one’s eyes have to be purified. We can not see Krishna with impure eyes. And the process to purify our heart and our eyes is to chant the Hare Krishna mantra and to engage in the service of Krishna. Even if Krishna did appear personally before us today in the United States most would not accept Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Even if He performed activities that were not humanly possible. Still those whose eyes are not purified can not see Krishna. Even if He is standing right there in front of them in person.

It is not that they can not see Him actually, they see Him, but do not recognize Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Even Lord Brahma, when Krishna was on the Earth 5000 years ago playing as a cowherd boy in Vrindavana, became bewildered. He did not recognize Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, His lord and master, so what to speak of ordinary people?

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Preaching program in Kiev, Ukraine (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada: “In Dvapara-yuga one could satisfy Krishna or Visnu only by worshiping Him gorgeously according to the pancaratriki system, but in the Age of Kali one can satisfy and worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari simply by chanting the holy name.” (Narayana-samhita) See them here:

Preaching program in Kiev, Ukraine (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “In Dvapara-yuga one could satisfy Krishna or Visnu only by worshiping Him gorgeously according to the pancaratriki system, but in the Age of Kali one can satisfy and worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari simply by chanting the holy name.” (Narayana-samhita)
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Preaching program with Radhanath Swami @ Golden Bridge Yoga (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada: If one chants the Hare Krishna maha-mantra without offences, all of one’s sinful actions are surely atoned for immediately, but one should not commit such deeds again, for that is an offence. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.16.14 Purport) See them here:

Preaching program with Radhanath Swami @ Golden Bridge Yoga (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If one chants the Hare Krishna maha-mantra without offences, all of one’s sinful actions are surely atoned for immediately, but one should not commit such deeds again, for that is an offence. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.16.14 Purport)
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Bread Baking Class-basic techniques and healty options (Album with photos) Pizza Effect, Poland - Summer’s Course. Our groups’ approach to learning to cook is all about being relaxed and having fun together: some conversation, some laughs, some photos , some more fun, and a lot of cooking in between! See them here:

Bread Baking Class-basic techniques and healty options (Album with photos)
Pizza Effect, Poland - Summer’s Course.
Our groups’ approach to learning to cook is all about being relaxed and having fun together: some conversation, some laughs, some photos , some more fun, and a lot of cooking in between!
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Animal Sacrifice Banned at Nepal’s Gadhimai Festival, Half a Million Animals Saved New Delhi—In a move that will spare the lives of millions of animals over coming years, animal sacrifice has been cancelled indefinitely at Nepal’s Gadhimai festival, the world’s biggest animal sacrifice event held every five years for around 265 years. The decision announced by the Gadhimai Temple Trust follows rigorous negotiations and campaigning by Animal Welfare Network Nepal and Humane Society International/India. Read the entire article here:

Animal Sacrifice Banned at Nepal’s Gadhimai Festival, Half a Million Animals Saved

New Delhi—In a move that will spare the lives of millions of animals over coming years, animal sacrifice has been cancelled indefinitely at Nepal’s Gadhimai festival, the world’s biggest animal sacrifice event held every five years for around 265 years. The decision announced by the Gadhimai Temple Trust follows rigorous negotiations and campaigning by Animal Welfare Network Nepal and Humane Society International/India.
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Shouldn’t devotees avoid drinking cow milk from cruel factory farms? We can understand that these poor animals have a life of great suffering as a result of karma, past sinful activities. Their greatest—and perhaps only—solace is to make an offering to Krishna. If they’re not able to do that, how will they become released from the pangs of birth and death before going through many more hellish lifetimes? The cows whose milk is offered to the Lord are blessed. They will benefit from that offering. We certainly don’t sanction the way these cows are treated, but we don’t consider refusing to accept their milk a more humane or spiritually enlightened proposal. Imagine if inmates of a concentration camp were making some craft for selling in order to advance themselves. Would you refuse to buy those products because they were in a concentration camp? Wouldn’t it be better to help those people by making their lives worthwhile and allowing them to offer some small, valuable gift? That gift, for the cows, is their milk—offered to Krishna. Read the entire article here:

Shouldn’t devotees avoid drinking cow milk from cruel factory farms?
We can understand that these poor animals have a life of great suffering as a result of karma, past sinful activities. Their greatest—and perhaps only—solace is to make an offering to Krishna. If they’re not able to do that, how will they become released from the pangs of birth and death before going through many more hellish lifetimes? The cows whose milk is offered to the Lord are blessed. They will benefit from that offering. We certainly don’t sanction the way these cows are treated, but we don’t consider refusing to accept their milk a more humane or spiritually enlightened proposal. Imagine if inmates of a concentration camp were making some craft for selling in order to advance themselves. Would you refuse to buy those products because they were in a concentration camp? Wouldn’t it be better to help those people by making their lives worthwhile and allowing them to offer some small, valuable gift? That gift, for the cows, is their milk—offered to Krishna.
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Progress and Happy Cows

Progress and Happy Cows We are happy to report progress in establishing ISCOWP in Florida. The two barns are built, the entire perimeter of the property has been fenced and the mobile home in which Lakshmi is living is in place. The entire contents of Lakshmi’s house in West Virginia have been moved to the barn in Florida until the ISCOWP center is built. This barn will eventually be used for canning and preserving, workshop and equipment storage. We are very thankful to the crews in WV ( Mukunda, Giri, Vraja Dham and Bhakta John and his friends) and FL (Jatayu, Radha Kund dd, Tulasi, Sankirtan, Jay Nitai, Braja Mandala and Bhakta Nathan) for making it possible to load and unload Lakshmi’s house quickly. We can start moving the cows now that the perimeter fencing is completed and there is an experienced staff member in station full time. This will take some time as we can only move a few at a time. The first group will be four of the calves rescued last year. This group will be moving this coming Monday. Our next e-newsletter should have photos of some of the cows at their new Florida home. Read the entire article here:

Progress and Happy Cows
We are happy to report progress in establishing ISCOWP in Florida. The two barns are built, the entire perimeter of the property has been fenced and the mobile home in which Lakshmi is living is in place. The entire contents of Lakshmi’s house in West Virginia have been moved to the barn in Florida until the ISCOWP center is built. This barn will eventually be used for canning and preserving, workshop and equipment storage. We are very thankful to the crews in WV ( Mukunda, Giri, Vraja Dham and Bhakta John and his friends) and FL (Jatayu, Radha Kund dd, Tulasi, Sankirtan, Jay Nitai, Braja Mandala and Bhakta Nathan) for making it possible to load and unload Lakshmi’s house quickly. We can start moving the cows now that the perimeter fencing is completed and there is an experienced staff member in station full time. This will take some time as we can only move a few at a time. The first group will be four of the calves rescued last year. This group will be moving this coming Monday. Our next e-newsletter should have photos of some of the cows at their new Florida home.
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Padayatra festival in Czech Republic (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada: The Hare Krishna mantra is specifically mentioned in many Upanisads, such as the Kali-santarana Upanishad, where it is said: “After searching through al the Vedic literature, one cannot find a method of religion more sublime for this age than the chanting of Hare Krishna.” (Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 3.40 Purport) See them here:

Padayatra festival in Czech Republic (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Hare Krishna mantra is specifically mentioned in many Upanisads, such as the Kali-santarana Upanishad, where it is said: “After searching through al the Vedic literature, one cannot find a method of religion more sublime for this age than the chanting of Hare Krishna.” (Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 3.40 Purport)
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2 Principles of Marriage by HH Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami: Across all religions there is a universal concept that when a man and woman marry with proper attitude they become one body. After marriage they start living for a common purpose – to serve God together. The first principle they follow is – “I will do anything to protect you and you will do anything to protect me. We are there for each other and whatever the difficulties we may face we will be faithful to each other, till death separates us.”
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Bangladesh Yatra (Album with photos)

Bangladesh Yatra (Album with photos) We’re very greatful to the devotees of Narasindhi, Haviganj, Sylhet, Moulavi Bazar, Narayan Ganj, and Dhaka who warmly welcomed us and gave us their wonderful association. It was very purifying for us to be able and chant the Holy Names and discuss the Lord’s patime with all of you. We would like to specifically thank HG Charu Chandra prabhu, the regional secretary of Bangladesh, and HG Navadwip Dvija Gauranga prabhu who accompanied and helped us from the moment we arrived to the moment we left. Hare Krsna! ys, Mayapur Chandra’s team See them here:

Bangladesh Yatra (Album with photos)
We’re very greatful to the devotees of Narasindhi, Haviganj, Sylhet, Moulavi Bazar, Narayan Ganj, and Dhaka who warmly welcomed us and gave us their wonderful association. It was very purifying for us to be able and chant the Holy Names and discuss the Lord’s patime with all of you. We would like to specifically thank HG Charu Chandra prabhu, the regional secretary of Bangladesh, and HG Navadwip Dvija Gauranga prabhu who accompanied and helped us from the moment we arrived to the moment we left. Hare Krsna! ys, Mayapur Chandra’s team
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Scenes from the preaching in Woodstock in Poland (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada: When that name enters the holes of the ears, we desire many millions of ears. And when the holy name dances in the courtyard of the heart, it conquers the activities of the mind, and therefore all the senses become inert. (Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 4.71 purport, Vidagdha-Madhava 1.12) See them here:

Scenes from the preaching in Woodstock in Poland (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: When that name enters the holes of the ears, we desire many millions of ears. And when the holy name dances in the courtyard of the heart, it conquers the activities of the mind, and therefore all the senses become inert. (Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 4.71 purport, Vidagdha-Madhava 1.12)
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