ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18339)

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Lord Nityananda Appearance

Lord Nityananda appeared in the village of Ekachakra, in West Bengal, India, around 1474. In the Caitanya Caritamrita and other scriptures He is declared to be the avatar of Lord Balarama, the direct expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.

Nityananda Prabhu, who is identical with Lord Balarama, the first expansion of Krishna, is considered to be the original guru for all of mankind. Thus, soon after their initial meeting, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tried to honour Nityananda Prabhu with a Vyasa-puja worship ceremony befitting a great spiritual master.

However, Nityananda Prabhu protested and grabbed all of the worship articles from Mahaprabhu and worshiped Him instead.


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Dear friends!

The 3-day worldwide book distribution effort is starting today (Monday, 22 February) with an aim to satisfy Srila Prabhupada. We shall combine all individual worldwide efforts into one big offering and we shall place it in front of His Divine Grace on Thursday morning. Then we shall humbly ask Him, if He is satisfied, to please ask Krsna to intervene and remove the health obstacles which currently prevent His dedicated servant Kadamba Kanana Swami from serving in full capacity. Maharaja has been diagnosed with cancer lately, but the state of the crisis is such that with Supreme Lord’s intervention he can possibly recover fully.

Why is such an effort aimed at pleasing Srila Prabhupada and not the Supreme Lord, one may ask?

The reason is that Srila Prabhupada is the most merciful grandfather one can ever have. He is the spiritual grandfather in the Guru-parampara line to Kadamba Kanana Swami. By pleasing Srila Prabhupada with what is most pleasing to him, book distribution, His Divine Grace will surely ask Krsna to intervene and at that moment the less probable, or even impossible, can change its polarity.

Please join the disciples and friends worldwide in this effort! Every book distributed will matter over the next three days, concluding on Wednesday evening. Even one book counts, but time is very short. You can distribute yourself, you can sponsor or you can help your local temple in any other capacity. If you are a full time or part time book distributor, all you have to do is to distribute for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. Then, at the time your scores would normally be offered to your local Deities, you should withhold the offering, and send the results according to the below procedure. Everything shall be offered collectively to Srila Prabhupada on Thursday morning, with individual score readings, of course.

In order to make your offer recognized, please send an email with your scores at the end of each day according to the following zones. That is one mail on Monday, one email on Tuesday and one email on Wednesday evening.

For Europe, please contact Nama-rupa dasi at For Africa please contact Radhadyuti devi dasi at For the rest of the world, as well as any other information, please contact Matsya das at

Our hope is that Jayadvaita Swami will offer the result to Srila Prabhupada on Thursday morning, despite his intense engagements. Jayadvaita Swami expressed his heartfelt support and enthusiasm for this effort:

I encourage you to distribute as many books as possible, with Kadamba Kanana Maharaja’s welfare in mind. This will surely be pleasing to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. And if they so desire, Maharaja may pass this crisis well. We can’t make demands, or expect that Krishna will surely do this or that. Krishna has his own plans and his own reasons. We can only serve and offer our prayers. Everything else is up to Him. I offer you all encouragement. Hare Krsna. Yours in Srila Prabhupada’s service, Jayadvaita Swami

Please forward this message and make as many people aware as you can. Especially, make relevant leaders and devotees in your area aware and preferably inform them by phone or in person, so that valuable time is not lost. The time is very short in this effort to satisfy Krsna, the only person who can make difference in Maharaja’s health crisis.

Matsya Das


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Srivas Pandit’s mysterious clap.

Srivas Pandit’s mysterious clap.
Purushottam Nitai Das: Once Lord Chaitanya asked Srivas Pandit, “I do not see you going anywhere to earn livelihood. You have a big family so how you maintain them.” Srivas Pandit replied, “In my heart I do not have any desire to go anywhere. Whatever is destined will come to me anyway.” And then Srivas clapped three times. One. Two. Three. 
“What does it mean?” the Lord enquired. 
“If three times food does not come to me, I will fast, and then I will tie a waterpot to my neck and drown myself in the Ganges.” 
Hearing this extreme vow Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was astonished. The Lord said, “Why should you fast Srivas? Even if Goddess Lakshmi becomes poverty stricken still poverty will not enter your house.” 
Srivas Pandit’s vow was not based on some sort of sentiment. He along with his family members used to remain absorbed in chanting the holy names of the Lord entire day and night. Being a pure devotee of the Lord he was well aware that the Supreme Lord is the maintainer of all the living beings of the universe. 
And moreover Srivas Pandit’s house although was in this material world but it was in fact a part of the spiritual world because Lord Chaitanya, the Supreme Lord, personally used to come to his house and in his house the holy names of the Lord continuously reverberated. And we know that in the kingdom of the Lord no one has to work hard for their maintenance. In the spiritual abode everyone just serves the Lord and experiences complete satisfaction while doing so. 
In B.G. 9.22, Krishna says, ‘To those who always worship me with exclusive devotion, meditating on my transcendental form, to them I carry what they lack and preserve what they have.’ Lord has promised that he personally takes care of his unalloyed devotees.
Hairidas Thakura was not allowed inside the Jagannath temple but Lord Chaitanya who is none other than Lord Jaganath would personally bring different varieties of delicious mahaprasadam of Jagannath temple for Haridas Thakura and he used to make sure that Haridas Thakura ate it. 
Mrugrari, the cruel hunter, got enlightened by the mercy and teachings of Narada Muni. But he was bit worried, he asked Narada Muni, “If I give up hunting then how will I maintain myself and my family.” And the great sage replied, “You don’t worry. Once you take shelter of the Lord then you will not be deprived of any necessities of life.” Mrugrari gave up his sinful profession, became a devotee, and the Lord made sure that his needs are well taken care. 
When Durvasa Muni told to the Pandavas that he along with his thousands of followers will come to have food at their house then the Pandavas were in great anxiety. They were living in the forest and had nothing with them to feed their guests at that time. Draupadi had Akshay patra, a divine pot, which could supply unlimited food but once Draupadi finished her food then the supply of food used to stop for that time period. And all of them including Draupadi had finished their meal. It was a great crisis; Draupadi remembered Lord Krishna and he immediately appeared. In that divine pot just a grain of rice was left and the Lord ate it. And as soon as Krishna ate it everyone’s hunger got satiated including that of Durvasa Muni and his thousands of followers. 
When Krishna is satisfied everyone is satisfied. As soon as we bring Krishna in our life then we do not remain deprived of anything. In this material world all the necessities which is a must for our survival has been arranged by the Lord: the water which we drink, the air which we breathe, the food which we eat have not been invented by mortal beings but has been given to us by the Supreme Lord.
Extremely pleased by the devotion of Srivas Pandit, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, “To anyone who always meditates on me with exclusive devotion, I carry alms for them on my head. Anyone who meditates on me need never leave his door. All perfections will come to him automatically. Piety, wealth, happiness, and liberation will come to him. My servant need not ask for them. They will never leave my servant. My Sudarsana-chakra will always protect My servant. Even when all the universes are destroyed, he will not perish. Whoever remembers my devotee, I will feed and protect. The servant of my servant is very dear to me. Without even trying, he easily attains me. Why should he worry about food? I personally feed my servant. Srivas, you happily stay where you are. I will bring everything to your door.” (Srila Vrindavan Das Thakura’s Chaitanya Bhagavata Antya 5.38-64)


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The Singing Janitor

Whenever I come to Mumbai I stay at the home of my disciple Narottam Dasa Thakur Das and his wife Manjari Devi Dasi. Today, Narottam had come with me to the hospital for my PET scan, a checkup for any recurrence of the cancerous skin cells I had had surgically removed last year.

“I’m doubly nervous,” I said to Narottam as we sat in the waiting room. “What if the cancer comes back? I’ll have to go through another operation and all the rest.”

“We’re all praying for you,” said Narottam.

“And I’m nervous about the scan,” I said.

“Why?” asked Narottam. “Scans don’t hurt.”

“I know,” I said. “But it gives me the creeps when they lay me out on the table and roll me into that machine. It’s as if they were feeding me into the mouth of some big monster.”

I looked across the room and saw a janitor pushing a broom across the floor. “And just look at that guy over there,” I said. “He’s talking loudly to himself and laughing at his own jokes. It’s annoying, and it makes everything worse.”

“Maybe he’s a little crazy,” said Narottam.

“He’s not crazy,” said the man next to us. “I come here often and always see him. He’s just eccentric.”
The janitor strode past us, his thinnish frame dressed in a khaki-colored uniform, his brown eyes darting here and there. He was pushing his broom in wild motions, seemingly unaware of the patients in the room. I could see that others were disturbed by him too.



“Now he’s singing to himself,” I said to Narottam. “And off key at that.”

The man next to us laughed. “He keeps the place pretty clean, though,” he said. “And he means well.”

The receptionist behind the desk called out to the sweeper. “Mahesh! Deliver this package to Doctor Agarwal. He’s in room sixteen on the fourth floor.”

Mahesh’s broom made a loud clattering sound as he dropped it on the floor and hurried over to the desk. “Yes, Ma’am,” he said. “Right away, Ma’am.” His voice was high-pitched and reedy. As he walked toward the elevator he read out the address on the parcel in a loud voice. “Doctor Agarwal, room sixteen, fourth floor. Wow! A big package of stuff for the doctor!”

As the elevator doors closed, obscuring his grinning face, I breathed a sigh of relief. “Eccentric is an understatement,” I said to Narottam. “Anyway, it’s quiet at last.”

But just ten minutes later the elevator door opened and he was back. “Done!” he shouted. He hurried to pick up his broom and began sweeping again in the same big strokes, all the while singing in his shrill voice. The noise was oppressive, but I managed to doze off for a few minutes till I heard my name being called over the loudspeaker. I walked into the examination room, where I saw several nurses and, to my surprise, Mahesh busily organizing items in a medical cabinet. “Oh no,” I thought. “What’s he doing here?”

“Mahesh,” said one of the nurses over her shoulder, “could you kindly take this bag to Doctor Reynolds in room 404.” Mahesh didn’t say a word as he danced across the room to collect the bag. He opened the door with a theatrical flourish and disappeared down the hallway.

“While we are preparing the solution for your scan,” the nurse said to me, “please put on this hospital gown and then come and sit in this chair.” I went into another room to put on the gown, then came back.

“Ouch!” The nurse was sticking a needle into a vein on my wrist. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Mahesh had come back into the room. Suddenly, my chair began to slip under the pressure of my weight and knocked against the table where the nurse had all her equipment. A glass bottle teetered on the edge, and as she reached out to grab it, she accidentally yanked the needle out of my wrist.


“Mahesh!” she called, “Quick! Help!” Mahesh dashed across the room, caught the bottle and put it back on the table. The nurse picked up the syringe, which was now in my lap. “Mahesh,” she said, “could you please hold this gentleman’s chair while I inject him.”

“Yes,” he said. He gripped the chair with both hands, a serious look on his face.

“Ouch!” The nurse found another vein. Mahesh leaned over and, to my surprise, began to speak in fluent English. “Sir,” he said, “this is a most auspicious day for me. Somehow by dint of my past pious activities, I have the good fortune to serve a sadhu. Such opportunities are rare.”

Then he quoted a verse from the Padma Purana:
aradhananam sarvesam
visnor aradhanam param
tasmat parataram devi
tadiyanam samarcanam

“My dear goddess, of all types of worship, the worship of Lord Vishnu is the best, and even better than the worship of Lord Vishnu is the worship of His devotee, the Vaisnava.”

“What?” I said. “How do you know that verse?”

“I study sastra,” he replied softly, still gripping the chair.

“You’re a devotee of Krsna?” I asked.

“One day,” he said. “One day I hope to become a devotee of the Lord.”

“Are you from a family of Vaisnavas?”

“No,” he said. “I am an orphan. The devotees of the Lord are my family.”

Then he quoted a verse from the Bhagavad Gita:
mac-citta mad-gata-prana bodhayantah parasparam
kathayantas ca mam nityam tusyanti ca ramanti ca
“The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are surrendered to Me, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss enlightening one another and conversing about Me.”

I suddenly realized that I had been so busy criticizing him that I hadn’t noticed his peaceful face and his moist, sparkling eyes.

“Sir,” Mahesh said, smiling slightly, “when I saw you in the reception room earlier, I knew in my heart that the Lord had sent you to give hope to all the unlucky people suffering in this place. Your presence alone brings joy.”


The nurse’s voice brought me back to the present. “The injection is done,” she said. “Please go to the next room to wait for your scan.”

“Sure,” I said. “But first let me ask Mahesh if –––” I turned back to him, but he had gone.

“Where did he go?” I asked the nurse.

“To sweep, probably,” she replied without looking up.

As I waited in the adjoining room, I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. “I misjudged that man,” I thought. “I was ridiculing him in my mind, but he is more of a devotee than I am. I’ve committed a serious offense. I’ll have to beg him to forgive me.”

Suddenly a sign flashed my name. It was my turn for the PET scan. A nurse welcomed me and helped me lie down on the scanning machine. “Stretch your arms over your head,” she said. “You need to lie completely still for a full ten minutes.” Although I had been nervous about the monster, I relaxed and slowly drifted off to sleep. I woke up when I felt someone touch my feet. I heard a voice singing softly: “Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”

I opened my eyes. It was Mahesh. “Mahesh,” I whispered, “I need to talk to you.”

But again he vanished as quickly as he had appeared. The scan ended and the sense of shame came over me again. “I’m just an offender,” I thought as I changed into my clothes. I followed the exit signs until I came to the reception room, now twice as crowded as before. I was signing some papers at the reception desk when I heard the high-pitched voice of Mahesh singing. I looked up and saw him dancing across the back of the room pushing his broom.

I rushed across the room. “Mahesh! Mahesh!” I called out. “I need to speak to you!” But before I could reach him, he had disappeared through a glass door. As he danced down the hallway to another part of the hospital, I fell on my knees and prayed for forgiveness:

vancha-kalpa-tarubhyas ca krpasindhubhya eva ca
patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namah

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord. They are just like desire trees who can fulfill the desires of everyone, and they are full of compassion for the fallen conditioned souls” [Sri Vaisnava-pranati].

As I stood up, I suddenly remembered that I was in a crowded waiting room. Everyone was staring at me.

“Let them stare,” I thought. “At the worst they’ll think I’m crazy; at the least they’ll think I’m eccentric. But I’ll know I am paying my respects to the wonderful Vaishnava I unexpectedly met today.”


Srila Prabhupada has written:
“Your complaint is that you have met two of my young disciples in California and they appeared to you as having ‘a very negative outlook towards the people they meet.’ Of course, I do not know the case, what are the circumstances, but kindly forgive my beloved disciples for any un-kindness or indiscretions on their part. After all, to give up one’s life completely for serving the Lord is not so easy thing. And maya, or the illusory material energy, she tries especially hard to try to get back and entrap those who have left her service to become devotees. So sometimes in the neophyte stage of devotional service, in order to withstand the attack of maya and remain strong under all conditions of temptation, young or inexperienced devotees will adopt an attitude against those things or persons possibly harmful, threatening to their tender devotional creeper. To come to that platform of understanding things as they are, that is not a very common thing, and therefore such persons who attain to it, they are described as ‘great souls.’”
[Srila Prabhupada letter to Lynne Ludwig, April 30, 1973]


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Shilanayaas Puja @ ISKCON Jalandhar.

The Devotees of ISKCON Jalandhar celebrated Sri Nityananda Trayodashi in a very special way. On The special morning the devotees had organized the Shilanyaas puja and Yajna for Lord Jagannath’s upcoming Installation Ceremony. 
The Yajna was performed by HG Balbhadra Das, and was overseen by Temple President Ramanuja Acharya Das and approx 150 of the Temple devotees. 
Special Guests included Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Sh. Vijay Sampla (Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Cabinet Minister) and Ashwani Gupta (Former Independent Director of State Bank Of Patiala).
Devotees chanted mantras during the Yajna and afterwards placed the sacred pot in the ground where Lord Jagannath will be Sitting)


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Giriraj Swami addressed devotees, friends, and students from California State University, Channel Islands.

“Somehow or other, come to Krishna, come to God. He is known by different names in different cultures, and they all refer to the same Supreme. But the beauty of Krishna consciousness is there is more information, more detail. Any bona fide religion will say that you should love God and that such love is the goal of life. But if you ask them who is God, they don’t have a clear conception—and how can you really love someone if you don’t know the person? Our study of the Vedic literature begins with the Bhagavad-gita, and then there are other books with even more detail. By reading them, you can learn about how kind, merciful, and loving God is, and you can develop your personal relationship with Him. It is also a service to God to help others come to Him.”

02.19.16, Camarillo, California

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Speaker: Bhakti Vigna Vinasa Narasimha Swami
Venue: Sri Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir
Date 20-FEB-2016

Jaya Jaya Sri Caitanya Jaya Nityananda!
Jaya Advaitacandra Jaya Gaurabhakta vrnda!

So today the auspicious day of the appearance day of Lord Nityananda. We will attempt to speak some of the glories of Lord Nityananda for the pleasure of the devotees.

Lord Nityananda appeared in Ekacakra dhama. Just last week we had the opening of the ISKCON branch there in Ekacakra. Lord Nityananda was the son of Hadai Ojha and Padmavati. Hadai Ojha was brahmana. Padmavati was the daughter of a king, Mukuta Roy. I had the opportunity last week of going to some of the places around Ekacakra with HH Bhakti Nityananda Swami. Of course he is Bengali, so he able to research many of the places and he showed me the place actually where Nityananda’s father in law lived. His name was Mukuta Roy. Actually that place today, there is a saw mill there in that place. But for us its the birthplace of one of the family members in the line of Lord Nityananda.

So Mukuta Roy was a king and as a king he had to go and fight wars. His daughter Padmavati was six years old when he left home. And when he returned home it was twelve years later and his daughter had grown up quite a bit. So much so that when he first saw his daughter he did not recognise her. Instead he looked at her as simply as an attractive young woman. And the girl could understand the thinking of her father. And she went and told her mother. The mother came and told her husband, “You foolish man! This is your own daughter. She is eighteen years old now. You’ve been away from home so long, you do not recognise her.”

So Mukuta Roy when he heard these words he vowed, tomorrow morning I will our daughter married to the first man we meet. And that was Hadai Ojha. So Hadai Ojha and Padmavati were married but Hadai Ojha is a brahmana. He was just doing puja in the different temples there, in Ekacakra, there is many Shiva temples there. He said, “I have no money! How can I take care of your daughter? You are a king. She is used to opulence!” But Mukuta Roy said, “Don’t worry, I will provide everything.” And he donated lands, and treasure, all kinds of dowry were given for the marriage to take place.

So Lord Nityananda appeared in that family and He lived with Padmavati and Hadai Ojha for twelve years. The pastimes of Lord Nityananda there in Ekacakra are described in Caitanya Bhagavata. How in the association of the other children there, they reenacted all the pastimes of the Lord in His different incarnations. And even the local people were amazed that how the children know all of these things. Even we don’t know, we are learning from them. But it was all known to Lord Nityananda. He could guide them and inform them how to perform all of these different pastimes.

Lord Nityananda understood that His parents were deeply attached to Him and that He somehow or other had to get free from their attachment. So it was arranged that a sadhu would come and visit their home. And Hadai Ojha being a dutiful brahmana offered this sannyasi to come to his home and take food and offered all kinds of charities – “Whatever I can provide for you, please tell me! Don’t hesitate to ask.”

So then when it came time for the sannyasi to leave then he said, “You just give me your son! That will be the best thing you can do. I am alone, I am travelling alone. I am a sannyasi.” Just like Lord Caitanya as a sannyasi, He was travelling alone. He wanted to travel alone but the devotees told Him, “No, You should have someone with You. Someone can carry Your danda, or carry Your waterpot, when You have to go begging.”

So in this way this sannyasi told Hadai Ojha that “If your son can come with me it will help me a lot in my travels. I am going to visit all the holy places.” So in this way Lord Nityananda went with this sannyasi, visited all the holy places. But it was not a new experience for Lord Nityananda because Lord Nityananda is not different from Lord Balarama. And Lord Balarama had also visited all the holy places. In order to avoid taking part in the Kuruksetra war Lord Balarama had gone off on pilgrimage and visited all the holy places. In the same way Lord Nityananda was desiring to visit all of these holy places again. Just like once we come to Mayapur and Vrindavana we leave our heart here, right? We have to come back, find our heart again. So this is the nature of the holy places that we can never forget them. And in the same way Lord Nityananda was eager to visit all of those holy places which He had seen in His previous incarnation.

So Lord Nityananda after twenty years of travelling came to live in Vrindavana. And it was in Vrindavana that He heard how the pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu were beginning. Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His early childhood, in His youth, He had been a scholar, He had been a logician and He had His own school. But after going to Gaya and being initiated by Isvara Puri, then His bhava, His love for the Lord had been aroused. And He had began having regular kirtana with the devotees. So Lord Nityananda being not different from Lord Caitanya could understand that Lord Caitanya was beginning His pastimes, beginning to inaugurate the sankirtana movement.

Lord Nityananda returned to Mayapur. But before He returned to Mayapur Caitanya Mahaprabhu was informing the devotees there in Mayapur, that very soon a great personality is going to come and visit us. He is going to come here. All the devotees were wondering, “Who is this? We don’t know! What’s happening! Who is this person who is going to come?” And then Lord Caitanya after a few days He said, “That personality came in My dream! He is already here in Mayapur! He came in My dream and He told Me, He is My brother. He is not different from Me. He appeared in My dream and in My dream, He came to My house and He was speaking Hindi!” Could you imagine it? In Bengal speaking Hindi? Nowadays of course because of Hindi movies, and Hindi songs and so on Bengalis also know Hindi. But five hundred years ago it was a different situation. So to be in Bengal, to speak Hindi, its like speaking Chinese. Nobody could understand, right!

So in the dream Lord Caitanya said, “I saw this personality and He was speaking in Hindi – ‘Is this the home of Mahaprabhu? Is this the home of Nimai Pandita.’ ?” And He asked ten or twenty times because no one could understand of course. So Lord Caitanya told all the devotees, “This personality has now come to Mayapur. We have to find Him. You have to go and bring Him here.” So He instructed Srivasa Pandita and Haridasa Thakura, His two very intimate associates who were both maha-bhagavata devotees. And He told them, “Go find this person! He is here in Mayapur! You bring me here!”

So Haridasa and Srivasa Pandita left and they went all over Mayapur. They came back after nine hours and they told Lord Caitanya, “We have searched everywhere! We didn’t just go to the grhastha’s homes, we visited the sannyasi’s. We even went to the homes of the atheists. We went to every home we could find. We cannot find this personality anywhere!”

This the mystery of Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda is not different from Lord Balarama. And He is the original spiritual master. Without the mercy of Krishna, we cannot contact a spiritual master. In the same way without Lord Caitanya we cannot get connection to Lord Nityananda. We were hearing in the song, we have to have a connection with Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda is not different from Lord Balarama. He is the original spiritual master. He is visnu-tattva. He is not different from the Lord but He comes in the mood of the servant of the Lord. He is the servitor personality of Godhead. And He comes to teach all of us the mood of rendering service to the Supreme Lord.

So Srivasa Pandita and Haridasa Thakura, they told Lord Caitanya, “We cannot find this person anywhere.” Lord Caitanya said, “I will take you to Him.” And Lord Caitanya then arose and all the devotees followed Him with kirtana and they proceeded to the home of Nandana Acarya. Nandana Acarya’s house is very near, its the next house you could say, its the next temple down the road, on the way to Jalangi we pass the home of Nandana Acarya. Nandana Acarya is also a maha-bhagavata devotee. It is described in the Caitanya Caritamrta that he is the seventeenth branch of the tree of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And it is noteworthy that in his home, it was in his home that not only Lord Nityananda was hiding but later on Advaita Acharya would hide in his home. And sometimes also Lord Caitanya would also come hide in the home of Nandana Acarya.
Lord Caitanya brought all the devotees to the home of Nandana Acarya and they saw this wonderful effulgent personality. His effulgence was like millions of suns and He was tall, decorated in blue garments and a blue turban on His head and with His lips He was chanting the holy names of Krishna. All of the associates of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu were astonished to see this personality. But for Lord Caitanya it was like meeting an old friend.

Lord Caitanya wanted all of the devotees to understand the position of Lord Nityananda. So He requested Srivasa Pandita, “Please recite some verses from the scriptures!” And Srivasa Pandita began to recite a beautiful verse describing Lord Krishna as He enters the forest of Vrindavana. How His head is decorated with peacock ornament and how His ears are decorated with blue coloured flowers and round His neck is the vijayanti garland. His body is covered with a golden coloured cloth and He appears as a best of all the dancers as He enters into the forest of Vrindavana, decorating the earth of Vrindavana with His footprints, with His beautiful footprints on the soil of Vrindavana. He fills the flute with the nectar from His lips and all the cowherd boy are singing His glories.

So Srivasa Pandita recited this verse. And when Lord Nitayananda heard this verse. Then His love for Krishna was aroused. And He began to exhibit all kinds of ecstatic symptoms. He fell to the ground unconscious. Then His body was trembling. His hairs were standing on end. Tears were flowing, all of His cloth became very wet with the tears from His eyes. Lord Caitanya told Srivasa, “Keep reciting!” And he continued to recite. As he recited Lord Nityananda came more to consciousness and continued exhibiting ecstatic symptoms, rolling on the ground in front of all the devotees. All of the devotees seeing Lord Nityananda display this ecstatic love for Krishna, they could understand His exalted position.

Lord Caitanya took Lord Nityananda in His arms and began to caress His body bringing Him back to external consciousness. Lord Caitanya taking Lord Nityananda into His arms caused, brought a smile on the face of Gadadhara Pandita because Gadhadhara Pandita knew the identity of these two personalities. And he understood that usually the situation is reversed because Lord Nityananda is not different from Lord Balarama, not different from His plenary portion Sesa and on the body of Sesa lies the Supreme Lord Lord Naryana. In the same way Lord Balarama is the servant of Lord Krishna. But here Lord Caitanya is taking Lord Nityananda on His lap and started giving service to Him, just the reverse of how it is in the spiritual world.

Lord Caitanya wanted to bring Lord Nityananda back to external consciousness, He began to speak to him and he asked Him, “Where did you come from?” Lord Nityananda replied that, “I visited many places connected with the pastimes of Lord Krishna and I visited many of the temples of the Lord. But everywhere I was not able to find Lord Krishna. I went to so many places of the Lord’s pastimes. ButI could not find Lord Krishna anywhere. I inquired from some learned persons where is Lord Krishna? And they told me that He has appeared in Navadvipa. And He is performing His pastime in chanting the holy name. He has come to inaugurate the sankirtana movement to deliver everyone in the Kaliyuga.” In this way Lord Nityananda was glorifying Lord Caitanya. He wanted everyone to understand the identity of Lord Caitanya. Lord Caitanya wants to glorify Lord Nityananda and Lord Nityananda comes to glorify Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

This is the mood of devotional service. We give service to the Lord and the Lord serves the devotees. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda reveal to us the mood of confidential loving service. Lord Nityananda we said, He came here in Mayapur in the home of Nandana Acarya but generally His pastimes would be performed in the home of Srivasa Pandita. Actually Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu also chose the home of Srivasa Pandita to perform His pastimes. Just as Lord Krishna appeared in Mathura but His pastimes were performed in Vrindavana, in Gokula. In the same way Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared at the Yogapitha, but He came to the home of Srivasa Pandita. And similarly Nityananda came from Ekacakra to the home of Srivasa Pandita and there they inaugurated the sankirtana movement.

Lord Nityananda appeared in the home of Srivasa Pandita, just sometimes behaving almost like a child because Srivasa Pandita and his good wife Malini, are in the mood of vatsalya rasa. They see this Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya just like their sons. When Lord Nityananda was living there He was just like a child. He behaved just like a child. But Lord Caitanya instructs all the devotees that never doubt the character of Lord Nityananda. That if you worship to Lord Krishna but do not offer respect to Lord Shiva then you will go Yamaraja. In the same way if you worship Lord Caitanya but do not have respect for Lord Nityananda then it is a great offence. You can never get the goal of life.

Lord Nityananda Prabhu’s pastimes are very difficult to understand. We know that in His previous incarnation as Lord Balarama He went to Naimisaranya. And in Naimisaranya He took a kusa grass and pierced the heart of Romaharsana Suta. That same Lord Balarama comes as Lord Nityananda and in Kaliyuga He takes kusa grass between His own teeth and He falls at the feet of Jagai and Madhai and asks them to chant the holy name. This is the difference in Kaliyuga, that Caitanya Mahaprabhu comes to teach all of us the mood of devotional service, to offer all respects to others and not to be anxious to be respected. Sri Nityananda Prabhu personifies this mood of amanina mana dena (Siksastakam). He would go to all the fallen souls and engage them in the service of Lord Krishna. Of course this was His instruction. Caitanya Mahaprabhu had requested Lord Nityananda and Haridasa that they should go door to door to every home and fall at the feet of the people and beg them to chant the holy name of Krishna, to worship Krishna, and to read the books of Krishna.

Lord Nityananda however sometimes He could become a little, He could behave differently in a manner which would sometimes confuse people as to His identity. And we see this, there is one pastime which takes place when Lord Nityananda is going to Jaganath Puri with all the devotees. Now usually the party would be under the care of Sivananda Sen. Sivananda Sen would have to deal with all the different formalities in the course of the journey to Jagannath Puri. So on one occasion they had to pay taxes on the way and Sivananda Sen was delayed. Lord Nityananda and all the devotees were left without any shelter in the hot sun. On that particular day Lord Nityananda felt hunger. He was feeling very hungry and He had to wait for Sivananda Sen for a long time. During this wait Lord Nityananda became angry and He cursed Sivananda Sen that his sons would die. Hearing the curse of Lord Nityananda the wife of Sivananda Sen began to cry because she thought if Lord Nityananda wants my sons to die, certainly they would die. When Sivananda Sen finally came Lord Nityananda showed His anger and kicked Sivananda Sen. And then when Sivananda Sen heard about how Lord Nityananda had cursed his sons to die, Sivananda Sen replied, “If Lord Nityananda wants our sons to die, let them die!” This is the loving dealing between Lord Nityananda and His confidential devotees.

There is one song taken from the Caitanya Mangala, akrodha paramananda nityananda raya, Lord Caitanya (Nityananda) is described as one who never becomes angry. But this is His transcendental anger. He is performing these pastimes behaving like a hungry man, affected by hunger, affected by anger. But actually it is all His transcendental pastime to exhibit the wonderful qualities of His devotees like Sivananda Sen. Some of the family members became confused however. And one of them had gone off on his own to Jagannath Puri. And it is recorded in the Caitanya Caritamrta that in order to heal the misunderstandings of the family of Sivananda Sen, Lord Caitanya personally instructed His servant Govinda that, “All the remnants of My prasadam should be given to the family of Sivananda Sen.” This is the loving exchange. This is how these two Lord’s reciprocated their loving dealings.

Another wonderful pastime between Lord Nityananda, and Advaita and Caitanya Mahaprabhu took place in Shantipur after Lord Caitanya had taken sannyasa. Lord Nityananda tricked Caitanya Mahaprabhu into coming to Shantipur and then bringing mother Saci and all the devotees. So then a big feast was arranged and Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very happy to see that they were offering so many wonderful preparations for the pleasure of Lord Krishna. However Advaita Acarya then instructed that “These plates are for You, one is for You my Lord. I want You to eat.” But Caitanya Mahaprabhu would say, “No, I am a sannyasi. I cannot eat so much.” But Advaita Acarya told Him, “You cannot fool me. I know that in Jagannath Puri everyday You eat 56 offerings, with many big pots at every offering. So why, this is just a mere morsel for You!” In this way Caitanya Mahaprabhu was induced to sit down and along with Lord Nityananda and Advaita Acarya they began to take prasadam.

Lord Nityananda exhibited His joking mood and began to complain to Advaita that, “ I have been fasting for three days. This is not a mere morsel of food for Me.” Actually they had been coming from Navadvipa, all the way from Katwa where Lord Caitanya took sannyasa, all the way down to Shantipur. It would take some time to walk there. Maybe about three days, I don’t know, maybe not that long. But anyway He told jokingly to Advaita, “I have been fasting for three days. This is not a mere morsel food for Me.” And Advaita requested Him, “Please I am a poor brahmana. I know You can eat 4 or 500 kilos of rice every time. I am a poor brahmana. Kindly accept what I am offering to You.”

So they began to eat. At one point Lord Nityananda then rose up and said that “This is not at all satisfying My hunger.” And then He took some rice and He threw it and it hit the leg of Advaita Acarya. And when that rice stuck to the body of Advaita Acarya then Advaita Acarya began to dance. And this dancing, this shows something of the power of the maha prasadam. The remnants from the plate of pure devotee, actually maha maha prasadam. The remnants of Lord Nityananda touching the body of Advaita Acarya caused him to dance.

Advaita Acarya said, “Just see we do not know what is Your caste and I bring You in my home and You behave like a madman throwing the remnants of Your food at me.” Lord Nityananda told Advaita Acarya, “This is Lord Krishna’s own remnants. This is prasadam. You are making an offence by considering this foodstuff to be ordinary. It is Lord Krishna’s own remnants. For your offence you will have to invite a hundred sannyasi’s to your home and feed them all sumptuously.” Advaita Acarya replied, “After You have come to my home I will never bring another sannyasi to my home. I have lost all my smartha principles.” So this was the joking words between Lord Nityananda and Advaita Acarya.

The point is that Lord Nityananda is no ordinary person. And Advaita Acarya by his words, which not everyone could understand, they are meant to instruct us on the exalted position of Lord Nityananda, that He comes, just like we were singing the song about the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. That lotus feet, Prabhupada explains that whenever we speak of feet, feet means service. And Lord Nityananda comes to teach all of us the glories of service to the Supreme Lord Krishna or Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Lord Nityananda shows by His own example how to serve Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu by going to even the fallen souls like Jagai and Madhai and requesting to chant the holy names of Lord Krishna.

Our movement is founded in the same basis, to follow in the footsteps of Lord Nityananda, to hold tightly to His lotus feet means to hold firmly, to be fixed in this process of devotional service, to continue to preach the message of Krishna everywhere, to everyone, without discrimination. Lord Nityananda does not consider who is qualified and who is unqualified. Wherever He went He would give love of God.

Actually on one occasion I was telling how sometimes Lord Caitanya would go in hiding. One time they were having kirtana and Lord Caitanya stopped the kirtana and said, “I am not feeling any ecstasy today! What is wrong! I am not getting love of God!” and again they started the kirtana but again Lord Caitanya complained, “I am not getting this love for God anymore! Its not coming today!” Advaita Acarya told Lord Caitanya, he said “The problem is You have given everything to that Lord Nityananda. You put Him in charge of the storehouse of love of God. He has given it to everyone. He has given it to even the gardeners, even to the oil grinders. He has given it to all kinds of people.” Lord Caitanya was not very happy to hear these words. It was like a complaint. At that time Lord Caitanya left that place and hid Himself from Advaita Acarya.

Lord Caitanya was very happy to see devotees follow the mood of Lord Nityananda and to assist Him in the preaching mission. Lord Caitanya even instructed Lord Nityananda that “You don’t have to come to Puri every year. You can remain in Navadvipa, You can remain in Bengal.” Because He knew that if He was in Bengal the preaching would be going on and that is the important thing.

Srila Prabhupada also wants all of us to continue the preaching movement. We come here to Mayapur to imbibe something of the mood of Lord Nityananda and then to go back to our preaching places and continue in that mood of Lord Nityananda. So today, on this day we are all praying for the mercy of Lord Nityananda and that mercy is that without any discrimination we will distribute love of God to everyone. Not looking at their designation or their position or the colour of their skin or their language, without consideration. We will try to distribute this message of Krishna and in this way Lord Nityananda will bestow His mercy on us. By the mercy of Lord Nityananda only we can come to get shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and through Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu we can come to understand Radha and Krishna.

Thank you very much! Hare Krishna!


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Book Distribution and follow up

By Sutapa Das

Srila Prabhupada emphasized distribution of his books and proclaimed that even if 1 percent of the whole world’s population become devotees of Krishna, His mission is accomplished.  As Srila Prabhupada rightly mentioned, these books are like time bombs, they show their effect when the right time comes.

My ambition is to spread these books far and wide all over the world so that everyone shall read at least one of our books and that will change his life. If only 1% become devotees, that will change the whole world.
— Correspondence, Tokyo, 2/5/1972

Puttur is a place 50 km away from Mangalore, Karnataka. 20 years ago, one person (now Bhakta Prashanth at ISKCON Mangalore) from Puttur received  one book written by Srila Prabhupada from His Grace Madhava Prabhu of ISKCON Mangalore. He was so inspired by the book and the spiritual guidance given by Madhav prabhu that he started preaching in his small town. Over the years that followed, more than 1000 copies of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad Gita As It Is were distributed there.

Recently, ISKCON Mangalore Sri Jagannath Mandir organized a Bhagavad Gita contest across more than 15 schools in Puttur, as an effort to attract the school children and their parents towards devotional service. Around 800 students took part in the contest, and the winners were given awards on Feburary 14th 2016. The program was attended by more than 600 students accompanied by their parents and friends. The chief guest, Sri Radha Krishna Bhakta, one of the many local leaders who appreciate the event, blessed all the children with a bright future. His Grace Srirama Prabhu (President, ISKCON Mangalore) reinforced the message of Krishna Consciousness to the audience in a brief talk. Several parents expressed their desire to attend spiritual programs on a weekly basis.

HG Smitha Krishna Prabhu gave the Vote of Thanks and encouraged all the students to read Bhagavad Gita As It Is everyday and try to apply the knowledge in their lives. A special thanks to His Grace Suvarana Gaura Prabhu and Bhakta Vishal Prabhu for playing key role in Puttur preaching and doing all the ground work for making this mission of Prabhupada a great success in Puttur.
Following the “1 percent” instruction of Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON Mangalore is making efforts to spread the Holy Name and transcendental knowledge in his books around Mangalore. ISKCON Mangalore book distribution scores doubled compared to last year, reaching 2500 big books in December Marathon 2015.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Sutapa Das
Communication Incharge
ISKCON Mangalore


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Sri Svapna-vilasamrtastaka.

Sri Svapna-vilasamrtastaka. 
Eight Prayers Describing Nectar Pastimes in a Dream
(by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura)
Srimati Radharani said: Beloved, in a dream I saw a river shore like the Yamuna here. There were many expert dancers as in Vrndavana. There were mrdangas and other instruments. There was a brahmana jewel as splendid as lightning who was tossing the universe into an ocean of pure love.
Sometimes He calls out: “O Krsna!” and sometimes He sighs: “O Radha, where are You?” Sometimes He falls to the ground, sometimes He acts wildly, losing all composure, and sometimes He dances ecstatically with His loving associates. He has made all the residents of this world, from the blades of grass up to Lord Brahma, loudly call out the name of Krsna.
As I gazed at Him, My intelligence became bewildered. If He is my lover, where am I? If He is I, where is My lover? If He is My lover, where am I? As I slept, I became more and more bewildered.
Sri Krsna said: O inquisitive girl, when I showed You Narayana and My other forms You were not surprised. Why does this brahmana surprise You? Why does He bewilder You so You say “Who is He?”
After speaking these words to His beloved, the smiling lover, Krsna, touched His Kaustubha jewel. The jewel, understanding the Lord’s intent, glowed and then showed all the same pastimes and all the moving and non moving entities She saw in her dream.
Srimati Radharani reflected for a moment and said: Beloved, I know what is in Your heart now that makes You smile. You are He. What You have said and thought is now clear to Me, and therefore I think I am also He.
Making this Kaustubha jewel, which is so delightful to Us, shine in this way, You have revealed Yourself to all living entities. By Your own transcendental potency You will appear, display Your pastimes, teach everyone, and again plunge the world into the ocean of pure love.
In the king of Vraja’s presence, the learned Vedic scholar Gargacarya said that You will appear with a yellow complexion. He did not lie. This dream of Mine is true. It is not an illusion. In this dream I have directly seen You.
If the bumble-bee of the reader’s mind drinks the nectar of this Svapna-vilasamrta, then that intelligent reader will quickly awaken from the dream of materialistic doubt. Such a reader will attain Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He will sport in the ocean of pure love. He will attain the peerless mercy of the king of Vrndavana.


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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, November 2015, Vrindavan, India, Video Interview)

When Krsna left Vrindavan for Mathura, the gopis of Vrindavan and Nanda Maharaj felt great separation from Krsna – they all wanted to see Krsna. Therefore Krsna sent Uddhava to Vrindavan with a philosophical message, to say that Krsna is everywhere. Nanda Maharaj replied, ‘This Uddhava, he does not know what he is talking about! He is still wet behind his ears! He is just a boy! What is the point of Krsna being everywhere!? We want to see him with our own eyes, we want to drink in the sound of his flute! We want all this nectar!’

Therefore we go to the temple to see the deity form of Krsna. In Jaipur, you see old men every morning at three o’clock, walking in the street for five to ten kilometers to go the temple. They go there before Govinda and they chant, ‘Govinda, Govinda, Govinda!!!’ The perfection of old age! Because they want to see Krsna and such eagerness to see Krsna will bring us to the spiritual world. Therefore to say that Krsna is everywhere is not satisfying.


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Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura -- Appearance

Translated by Dravida Das THE FIRST VILASA

Oh! Supreme Lord Visvambhara, You are the husband of the goddess of fortune, and my eternal friend. Only You are capable of distributing the wealth of love of Godhead. You are known as kindhearted to those who depend upon You, therefore, oh Lord, please shower You kindness upon me. I worship Sri Lokanatha Prabhu, who is fully surrendered to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Vinode. He is the life of the devotees, and a confidential associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I worship Narottama dasa Thakura, who is especially dear to Lord Gauranga.

Like a honey bee anxious for the nectar, he hovers at the lotus feet of Srila Lokanatha, absorbed in love for Radha Krsna. I worship the disciples of Srila Narottama Prabhu who are rich in good qualities and are able to destroy all misfortune and misery. For the pleasure of the Vaisnavas and to fulfill my own ardent desires, I am writing this book Narottama Vilasa which briefly describes the glories of Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. All glories to the son of Saci and Jagannatha Misra, Sri Gaura Govinda, the embodiment of divine love. He is the life of Nityananda and Advaita, and the only love of Svarupa, Sanatana, Rupa, and Gopala. 

Lord Visvambhara, who is expert at pleasing everyone, has bound the hearts of Haridasa, Vakresvara, and Narahari with the ropes of His love, and won the friendship of Gauridasa and Gadadhara. All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all His associates. Oh listeners! please be kind upon me. I am an illiterate fool who knows nothing of right or wrong, yet I have been ordered by saintly persons to narrate this beautiful book Narottama Vilasa which will certainly be relished by the readers. I have offered my obeisances to the Lord in the above verses, now listen patiently and attentively as I briefly describe the glories of Sri Lokanatha Prabhu, a favorite devotee of the Lord and the light of his famous brahmana family. He was born to Sita and Padmanabha Cakravarti in the village of Talagari in the district of Jassora. 

It is difficult to describe the wonderful attributes of Lokanatha's father and mother. Padmanabha was a famous Rarhi brahmana Vaisnava and a favorite of Sri Advaita Prabhu. He was constantly absorbed in sankirtana, singing madly and crying incessantly. Those who simply observed his kirtana were also unable to check their tears. He frequently came to Nadia for darsana of Lord Gauranga. However, after such visits upon returning to his own village he inevitably fell into the depths of despair due to intense feelings of separation from Gauranga. He and his wife always sang the glories of Gauracandra. Sita was like her husband. She was a devoted Vaisnavi and wife. She felt extremely fortunate to have a wonderful son like Lokanatha and her happiness knew no bounds as she watched his devotion to Gauracandra blossoming day by day. Who can describe the loving care she showered upon her exalted son? Lokanatha was always enthusiastically engaged in the Lord's devotional service. People were spontaneously drawn by his extraordinary beauty and deep devotion. He conscientiously served his parents, and was well-versed in all of the scriptures at a very young age. When his parents died, Lokanatha decided, after discussing with his friends, that he would give up the shackles of material existence, go to Nadia and surrender at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The mercy of the Lord was abundantly showered upon Lokanatha during his stay in Nadia. However, after sometime Lord Caitanya requested that he go to Vraja. Lokanatha could understand the mind of the Lord, he knew that Mahaprabhu was thinking of taking sannyasa shortly. Thus Lokanatha's departure was an indescribably pathetic scene; leaving the Lord's association was unbearable for him. Completely despondent, Lokanatha began his journey. Crying incessantly, the path before him became practically invisible, thus in five days he walked a distance which would normally be covered in a single day. After traveling for sometime he received the heart breaking news that Mahaprabhu had taken sannyasa and, after consoling his associates, had gone to Nilacala. Lokanatha lamented, knowing the Lord had given up His beautiful curling hair. Heavy-hearted and forlorn, Lokanatha continued his journey only because it was the order of the Lord. He arrived in Vrndavana practically lifeless, but the charming atmosphere of Vraja soothed his mind and eased his aching heart. However, after a few days Lokanatha heard that Mahaprabhu had gone to South India, and his mind became disturbed. Eager to see the Lord again, Lokanatha left for the south at once. In anxious anticipation he traveled quickly. However, after traveling a considerable distance he received news that the Lord had already left the South and returned to Nilacala [unclear] Afterwards he heard that the Lord had arrived in Vrndavana. With great anxiety Lokanatha immediately started for Vraja. However, upon reaching Vrndavana, he found that Mahaprabhu had departed for Prayaga just a few days before. 

The forlorn Lokanatha sank into the depths of despair. The next morning he decided to follow Mahaprabhu to Prayaga. He could no longer tolerate the intense misery of separation from his beloved Lord. Rolling on the ground he cried pitifully until at last he feel asleep. In his dream he finally received the long awaited darsana of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; His effulgent body was covered with yellow sandalwood paste, shining with a brilliance unknown to gold. Perfectly arranged hair, decorated with fresh flowers, surrounded His exquisite face, and His forehead was neatly marked with tilak. Who would not be captivated by His gorgeous lotus eyes, majestic eyebrows, and enticing smile which easily defeated the beauty of the moon? A sacred thread was draped across His broad chest and His long arms touched His knees. His dhoti was folded in three places and His transcendental body was bedecked with ornaments. He spoke affectionately to Lokanatha: "I shall always be with you, relishing loving pastimes, here in My eternal abode, Navadvipa. Even great personalities like Lord Brahma are unable to understand this Dhama of Mine." Saying this, He embraced Lokanatha and disappeared. Lokanatha awoke, the emptiness in the Lord's absence was intolerable and he was overwhelmed with despair. However, by Mahaprabhu's kindness, sleep once again overtook him and the Lord, dressed in the garb of a sannyasi, once again appeared before him. "You are thinking of going to Prayaga," the Lord said sweetly, "But what is the use of going there when you can see me here in your dream. Oh Lokanatha I also desire to be with all of you in Vrndavana. After I sent you to Vraja I took sannyasa from Kesava Bharati. At that time I was very eager to see Vrnda Vipina, but My devotees were so broken-hearted and desolate, due to my acceptance of the renounced order, that I was obliged to spend a few days in the house of Advaita Prabhu to console them. Afterwards I went to Nilacala, then later to the South. Unfortunately our paths did not cross either in the South or in Vrndavana. 

I know you are feeling despondent because of this and have decided to leave for Prayaga tomorrow morning, but don't leave Vrndavana, remember that I am always with you. I shall keep you informed of my whereabouts. From Prayaga I'll leave for Nilacala, there I will tell my dear devotees Rupa and Sanatana about you and they will meet you in Vrndavana soon. In their association you will float on the waves of happiness amidst the ocean of ecstatic love for Krsna." "Within a short period of time a prince named Narottama will become your disciple. He will be a gifted devotee, full of love and devotion, and empowered to save the fallen conditioned souls from hellish life. His enchanting beautiful kirtana will melt even wood or stone." Thus speaking He embraced Lokanatha, who fell at the Lord's feet. Awaking and finding himself alone, Lokanatha cried pitifully, remembering the beautiful Gaurangacandra. Eventually he pacified himself, but tears continued to flow like rivers from his eyes. As dawn approached he performed his daily duties and sat down in a quiet place to chant the holy name of the Lord until a local brahmana offered him some fruits to eat. He sat under the tree for a long time until restlessness overtook him and he began wandering aimlessly throughout Vrndavana. Eventually he happened upon a beautiful secluded area where he stayed alone for a long time. Later he happened to find out that Sri Subuddhi Misra had visited Vrndavana, followed by Sri Rupa Gosvami a bit later, but now they were both on there way to meet Sri Gaurasundara. Sanatana had also come to Vrndavana but had recently left for Nilacala. Hearing this Lokanatha could not suppress his disappointment. Sighing heavily and crying pitifully, he lamented, "Oh Rupa, Sanatana, when will I be able to live with you?" Suddenly a voice replied: "We shall definitely come to Vrndavana soon." Eventually Gopala Bhatta and others did come to Vrndavana. 

I am lost for words to describe that joyous meeting and the immense pleasure they derived from each other's association. Sri Rupa Gosvami greeted Lokanatha with great warmth and affection, dissipating the anguish of long separation from the Lord and His devotees. In Sanatana Gosvami's Vaisnava Tosani he mentions his attachment for Lokanatha: "I worship Srila Kasisvara, Lokanatha, and Sri Krsnadasa who have taken shelter at the lotus feet of the dear-most Deity in Vrndavana, Srila Govinda Deva." Raghunatha Bhatta, Gopala Bhatta, Bhugarbha Gosvami, as well as many others, dearly loved Lokanatha. Together they spent many wonderful days in Sri Vrndavana Dhama relishing the highest pinnacles of devotional happiness. Lokanatha was fully engaged in the service of his worshipful Deities, Sri Sri Radha Vinode.

How he obtained these deities I have explained in Bhakti-ratnakara (page 23). Once while serving his Deities, Lokanatha suddenly saw the madhurya rupa** of Sri Gaura amalgamated with that of Sri Radha Vinode. Later, in a dream, the Lord ** revealed everything regarding His own transcendental nature. Such deep spiritual realizations gave rise to intense emotions, thus whenever Lokanatha tried to describe the divine attributes of the Lord, he would lose his composure and simply roll on the ground, cursing himself for not having personally witnessed the Lord's pastimes. Krsnadasa Kaviraja requested Lokanatha's permission for writing Caitanya Caritamrta, which he received with Lokanatha's wholehearted enthusiasm, yet both he and Gopala Bhatta, forbade Krsnadasa from mentioning their names within the book. I have heard all of these stories from some aged persons?? Whoever hears them is extremely fortunate. The merciful Lokanatha Gosvami remained in Vrndavana and later showered his blessings upon his dear disciple, Narottama dasa. By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Lokanatha obtained the precious gem of love of Godhead: "I worship the lotus feet of Lokanatha Prabhu whose is opulent with the wealth of Sri Krsna Caitanya's blessings, and whose mind is bedecked with the ornaments of love." "I take shelter at the lotus feet of Lokanatha Prabhu who eternally resides in Vrndavana. He is always absorbed in loving devotional service, enchanted by the transcendental pastimes of Sri Krsna. " 

"I take refuge at the lotus feet of Lokanatha Prabhu who is completely indifferent to the pains and pleasures of this material world. His mercy was fully realized only by the great scholar Narottama dasa." All glories to Narottama dasa Thakura, the beloved disciple of Lokanatha Gosvami. How the illustrious Narottama took his birth in the house of Krsnananda Datta, the elder brother of Sri Purusottama, I dare not discuss elaborately here. However, for your pleasure, I shall give a brief description. Rupa and Sanatana lived in Ramakeli, a beautiful village in a pleasant area of Gaudadesh. Although acting as high ranking ministers in the court of the king, they were always absorbed in discussing scriptures with scholars and professors. Their genius and wisdom won them fame throughout the world. In the courts of Maharastra, Karnataka, Dravida, Tailanga, Utkala, Mithila, Gaura, Gujarata, Vanga, Kasi and Kashmir they were considered the greatest scholars. (I have explained this further in Bhakti-ratnakara). Being favorites of the king, the brothers had no shortage of wealth. Meanwhile, Sri Gauracandra was performing His all-attractive pastimes in Navadvipa. Rupa and Sanatana happened to hear reports of the Lord's activities and were spontaneously attracted. Immediately they began writing numerous letters to Mahaprabhu, while earnestly waiting for the opportunity to meet Him personally. The Supreme Lord, who is bound only by the love of His devotees, soon also became anxious to meet Rupa and Sanatana. 

After accepting sannyasa, the Lord consoled his devotees, went to Nilacala and later to Vrndavana. When Mahaprabhu started for Gaudadesh millions of people ran behind him, thus He arrived at Ramakeli surrounded by hoards of devotees. On hearing of Lord Caitanya's arrival, Sanatana and Rupa, as well as Kesava Chatri and other friends, were overwhelmed with joy. The royal ministers, Rupa and Sanatana, could not contain their happiness and secretly rushed to meet the associates of Lord Caitanya. By the grace of Nityananda Prabhu they were introduced to Sri Krsna Caitanya. Who can describe the intense emotions of Rupa and Sanatana at that meeting? 

Sri Gauracandra happily welcomed them with sweet words, as Nityananda Prabhu, Haridasa, Vakresvara, Mukunda and others stood by watching with pleasure. Mahaprabhu stayed there for a few days constantly surrounded by an ocean of ecstatic devotees who were eager to bath in the purifying waters of the Lord's transcendental association. Not only the general mass of people were affected by the Lord, even the Yavana king was moved by Mahaprabhu's presence. One day while Caitanya Mahaprabhu was dancing with his associates during sankirtana, He suddenly looked in the direction of Sri Kheturi village. A peculiar look appeared on His face, tears whelmed up in His eyes, and He cried out the name "Narottama! Narottama!" again and again. The ocean of mercy, Nityananda Raya shouted in joy, and Haridasa, Vakresvara, and others were inexplicable filled with happiness. Witnessing the unusual behavior of the Lord, the devotees began talking amongst themselves: "Prabhu is repeatedly calling out the name of someone called Narottama." "It seems that this Narottama is extremely dear to the Lord, perhaps he is about to take birth soon." "Oh who is that fortunate man who will have such a son?" "The woman who bears him within her womb is the most fortunate lady in the world." "Obviously, the Lord has plans for this Narottama to fulfill His mission." In this way the rumors of the appearance of Narottama spread far and wide. 

A similar event took place again when Mahaprabhu was traveling to Nilacala, suddenly he cried out the name of Srinivasa. [unclear] These topics became known to all and everyone waited eagerly anticipating the appearance of Narottama. Oh listeners please hear attentively as Narahari dasa narrates Narottama Vilasa.

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Plans For 2016

Recently, Ambarisa prabhu, together with the other TOVP managers, went all around the TOVP, discussing plans to be executed in the year 2016. They talked about all the different procedures and areas where work will begin, and viewed all the great achievements from 2015.

Ambarisa was very pleased with the progress of the construction and the finishing work elements like the sandstone cladding, marble work and GRC pillars. He has blessed the TOVP team for a great year ahead in the service of Srila Prabhupada.


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Artha Event at Singapore

On 17th January, Artha forum organized its 5th event in Singapore held at Tanglin Club on the back of very successful events in 2013 and 2014. The conference titled “Conscious Leader” was attended by over 120 entrepreneurs, industrialists, corporate leaders and professional in yet another successful event by Artha Forum (a Not for Profit initiative dedicated to bringing relevance of Ancient Wisdom in Modern business). Bhakti Charu Swami was invited to be the keynote speaker for the event. Esteem corporate leaders from Singapore shared the dias including Vikram Rao of Crayon Data, Dr. Charles Chow – Founder and MD of East West Group, Subba Vidyanathan – MD and Regional Head of Retail Banking at SCB, Sumita Ambasata – Founder of Flowering Tree Inc. and Gowthaman Ragothaman – COO at Mindshare Asia Pacific & Global Client Lead at WPP. Other eminent business leaders present during the event were Jayesh Parekh Co-Founder of Sony Entertainment Television, Anurag Srivastava of Jungle Ventures, Chandrasekhar Pingali – Managing Director at I Cube Consortium Limited and Sanjiv Aiyar – President PAN IIM Alumni.

The event started off with the extremely insightful panel discussion where the panelist fielded relevant questions on how they practically implement Conscious leadership in their respective spheres of work. Gowthaman shared that Conscious leadership should not be left to interpretation. One has to lead by example every day, every moment so that everyone can look up at you and know what is right and ethical and what isn’t.

Dr. Chow gave a very interesting analogy of how potato, egg, coffee and frog behave differently under boiling water. They either turn soft in case of potato, hard in case of egg, grind and spread aroma in case of coffee or just adopt to boiling water in case of frog. So as a leader we need to think what we and people around us want to become given the situation.

Having been leader in Human Resource, Sumita brought out a very important point of integration of inner and outer development of an individual. She mentioned that its inner development that drives outer development; and all this starts with patient, listening and understanding the motivation that drives the individual. Corporate leaders should not be looking at individuals as resources and numbers. Subba shared his experience of having self care and to be resilient from perspective of physical, mental and emotional and to be grounded by spirituality.

Bhakti Charu Maharaj started of his keynote talk by defining Conscious Leadership as the leader who has to become conscious of their position of leading and guiding others. He mentioned that leader needs to have three qualities, which are: to have vision, to know how to motivate the followers and to facilitate. A leader is the position at which you serve and not exploit. But the state of world we see now, the leaders have resorted to exploitation more than service.

Bhakti Charu Maharaj said that we all are leaders with either a large sphere of influence or small, and as a leader we all have to answer the questions of “Where to lead?” He brought home the important message of Bhagvad gita that as a living spiritual being, we are different from matter. We need to understand the science of soul and consider this as important aspect when leading. Briefly describing the sankhaya philosophy, which extensively analyzes the material creation made of 24 elements; he said is “objective” reality which in turn is meant for the subject, which is the soul.

He mentioned that the world is probing deeply in so many other branches but we are hardly probing the science of soul and spirituality. Emphasizing the significance of vedas he said that “The wisdom of vedas are not just the matter of faith. Wisdom of the vedas are scientific probing of different subject both material and spiritual. And though the probing started from material domain but it reaches spiritual domain.”

He concluded saying that “The world today has everything in abundance but there is one acute scarcity – that is the scarcity of spiritual understanding. The scarcity of consciousness. So take this responsibility. The books are available. So take this opportunity in order to benefit yourself and in order to benefit world around you.”

The keynote talk was followed by an hour of Q&A session where both Bhakti Charu Swami and the panelist fielded interesting lineup of questions from audience which was very thoughtful and full of inquisitiveness of how to apply spirituality in one’s own life.


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ISKCON Nairobi Holds its First Gita-contest

The first prize winner of the Nairobi Gita-contest

On Sunday 14th February 2016, ISKCON Nairobi held its first ever Gita Champions League prize ceremony. The Chairman of Hindu Council of Kenya Mr. Nitin Malde graced the occasion and enlivened the audience with his inspiring address. The National Secretary of Hindu Council of Kenya Mr. Kamal Gupta, Bhakti Vasudeva Swami a travelling ISKCON sannyasi, senior members of ISKCON Nairobi - Madhava Das and Rukma Das and Mrs. Mahida headmistress of Nairobi South Nursery, Primary and Secondary School also attended the event.

The Gita Champions League (GCL) is a competition based on the teachings of the ancient book of knowledge, the Bhagavad Gita. This contest was a fun, inspiring and motivating way to help everyone to absorb themselves in the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, enrich and refocus their life in the right manner.

GCL was a written test primarily targeting students from Class 5 to 8. The test was limited to the first three chapters of Bhagavad-Gita As It Is written by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder Acharya of ISKCON.

GCL was first organized by ISKCON in India and it was run in Nairobi on a pilot basis. It attracted registrations from six prominent schools in Nairobi. There were a total of 14 overall prize winners and the winners expressed their appreciation and joy for having access to this universal knowledge, which will help them improve their lives as well as society. Organizers were pleasantly surprised to find that apart from the students their whole families were involved in studying the Gita. Twenty-two other participants received prizes for their excellent performance. In addition, all participants received a certificate of participation and T-shirts.


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Bhakti Vigna Vinasa Narasimha Swami

Speaker: Bhakti Vigna Vinasa Narasimha Swami 
Venue: Sri Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir
Date 20-FEB-2016
Jaya Jaya Sri Caitanya Jaya Nityananda!
Jaya Advaitacandra Jaya Gaurabhakta vrnda!

So today the auspicious day of the appearance day of Lord Nityananda. We will attempt to speak some of the glories of Lord Nityananda for the pleasure of the devotees. 

Lord Nityananda appeared in Ekacakra dhama. Just last week we had the opening of the ISKCON branch there in Ekacakra. Lord Nityananda was the son of Hadai Ojha and Padmavati. Hadai Ojha was brahmana. Padmavati was the daughter of a king, Mukuta Roy. I had the opportunity last week of going to some of the places around Ekacakra with HH Bhakti Nityananda Swami. Of course he is Bengali, so he able to research many of the places and he showed me the place actually where Nityananda’s father in law lived. His name was Mukuta Roy. Actually that place today, there is a saw mill there in that place. But for us its the birthplace of one of the family members in the line of Lord Nityananda.

So Mukuta Roy was a king and as a king he had to go and fight wars. His daughter Padmavati was six years old when he left home. And when he returned home it was twelve years later and his daughter had grown up quite a bit. So much so that when he first saw his daughter he did not recognise her. Instead he looked at her as simply as an attractive young woman. And the girl could understand the thinking of her father. And she went and told her mother. The mother came and told her husband, “You foolish man! This is your own daughter. She is eighteen years old now. You've been away from home so long, you do not recognise her.” 

So Mukuta Roy when he heard these words he vowed, tomorrow morning I will our daughter married to the first man we meet. And that was Hadai Ojha. So Hadai Ojha and Padmavati were married but Hadai Ojha is a brahmana. He was just doing puja in the different temples there, in Ekacakra, there is many Shiva temples there. He said, “I have no money! How can I take care of your daughter? You are a king. She is used to opulence!” But Mukuta Roy said, “Don’t worry, I will provide everything.” And he donated lands, and treasure, all kinds of dowry were given for the marriage to take place. 

So Lord Nityananda appeared in that family and He lived with Padmavati and Hadai Ojha for twelve years. The pastimes of Lord Nityananda there in Ekacakra are described in Caitanya Bhagavata. How in the association of the other children there, they reenacted all the pastimes of the Lord in His different incarnations. 

And even the local people were amazed that how the children know all of these things. Even we don't know, we are learning from them. But it was all known to Lord Nityananda. He could guide them and inform them how to perform all of these different pastimes. Lord Nityananda understood that His parents were deeply attached to Him and that He somehow or other had to get free from their attachment. So it was arranged that a sadhu would come and visit their home. And Hadai Ojha being a dutiful brahmana offered this sannyasi to come to his home and take food and offered all kinds of charities - “Whatever I can provide for you, please tell me! Don't hesitate to ask.” So then when it came time for the sannyasi to leave then he said, “You just give me your son! That will be the best thing you can do. I am alone, I am travelling alone. I am a sannyasi.” Just like Lord Caitanya as a sannyasi, He was travelling alone. He wanted to travel alone but the devotees told Him, “No, You should have someone with You. Someone can carry Your danda, or carry Your waterpot, when You have to go begging.” So in this way this sannyasi told Hadai Ojha that “If your son can come with me it will help me a lot in my travels. I am going to visit all the holy places.” So in this way Lord Nityananda went with this sannyasi, visited all the holy places. But it was not a new experience for Lord Nityananda because Lord Nityananda is not different from Lord Balarama. And Lord Balarama had also visited all the holy places. In order to avoid taking part in the Kuruksetra war Lord Balarama had gone off on pilgrimage and visited all the holy places. In the same way Lord Nityananda was desiring to visit all of these holy places again. Just like once we come to Mayapur and Vrindavana we leave our heart here, right? We have to come back, find our heart again. So this is the nature of the holy places that we can never forget them. And in the same way Lord Nityananda was eager to visit all of those holy places which He had seen in His previous incarnation. So Lord Nityananda after twenty years of travelling came to live in Vrindavana. And it was in Vrindavana that He heard how the pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu were beginning. Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His early childhood, in His youth, He had been a scholar, He had been a logician and He had His own school. But after going to Gaya and being initiated by Isvara Puri, then His bhava, His love for the Lord had been aroused. And He had began having regular kirtana with the devotees. So Lord Nityananda being not different from Lord Caitanya could understand that Lord Caitanya was beginning His pastimes, beginning to inaugurate the sankirtana movement. Lord Nityananda returned to Mayapur. But before He returned to Mayapur Caitanya Mahaprabhu was informing the devotees there in Mayapur, that very soon a great personality is going to come and visit us. He is going to come here. All the devotees were wondering, “Who is this? We don’t know! What’s happening! Who is this person who is going to come?” And then Lord Caitanya after a few days He said, “That personality came in My dream! He is already here in Mayapur! He came in My dream and He told Me, He is My brother. He is not different from Me. He appeared in My dream and in My dream, He came to My house and He was speaking Hindi!” Could you imagine it? In Bengal speaking Hindi? Nowadays of course because of Hindi movies, and Hindi songs and so on Bengalis also know Hindi. But five hundred years ago it was a different situation. So to be in Bengal, to speak Hindi, its like speaking Chinese. Nobody could understand, right! So in the dream Lord Caitanya said, “I saw this personality and He was speaking in Hindi - ‘Is this the home of Mahaprabhu? Is this the home of Nimai Pandita.’ ?” And He asked ten or twenty times because no one could understand of course. So Lord Caitanya told all the devotees, “This personality has now come to Mayapur. We have to find Him. You have to go and bring Him here.” So He instructed Srivasa Pandita and Haridasa Thakura, His two very intimate associates who were both maha-bhagavata devotees. And He told them, “Go find this person! He is here in Mayapur! You bring me here!” So Haridasa and Srivasa Pandita left and they went all over Mayapur. They came back after nine hours and they told Lord Caitanya, “We have searched everywhere! We didn't just go to the grhastha’s homes, we visited the sannyasi’s. We even went to the homes of the atheists. We went to every home we could find. We cannot find this personality anywhere!” This the mystery of Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda is not different from Lord Balarama. And He is the original spiritual master. Without the mercy of Krishna, we cannot contact a spiritual master. In the same way without Lord Caitanya we cannot get connection to Lord Nityananda. We were hearing in the song, we have to have a connection with Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda is not different from Lord Balarama. He is the original spiritual master. He is visnu-tattva. He is not different from the Lord but He comes in the mood of the servant of the Lord. He is the servitor personality of Godhead. And He comes to teach all of us the mood of rendering service to the Supreme Lord. So Srivasa Pandita and Haridasa Thakura, they told Lord Caitanya, “We cannot find this person anywhere.” Lord Caitanya said, “I will take you to Him.” And Lord Caitanya then arose and all the devotees followed Him with kirtana and they proceeded to the home of Nandana Acarya. Nandana Acarya’s house is very near, its the next house you could say, its the next temple down the road, on the way to Jalangi we pass the home of Nandana Acarya. 

Nandana Acarya is also a maha-bhagavata devotee. It is described in the Caitanya Caritamrta that he is the seventeenth branch of the tree of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And it is noteworthy that in his home, it was in his home that not only Lord Nityananda was hiding but later on Advaita Acharya would hide in his home. And sometimes also Lord Caitanya would also come hide in the home of Nandana Acarya. Lord Caitanya brought all the devotees to the home of Nandana Acarya and they saw this wonderful effulgent personality. His effulgence was like millions of suns and He was tall, decorated in blue garments and a blue turban on His head and with His lips He was chanting the holy names of Krishna. All of the associates of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu were astonished to see this personality. But for Lord Caitanya it was like meeting an old friend. Lord Caitanya wanted all of the devotees to understand the position of Lord Nityananda. So He requested Srivasa Pandita, “Please recite some verses from the scriptures!” And Srivasa Pandita began to recite a beautiful verse describing Lord Krishna as He enters the forest of Vrindavana. How His head is decorated with peacock ornament and how His ears are decorated with blue coloured flowers and round His neck is the vijayanti garland. His body is covered with a golden coloured cloth and He appears as a best of all the dancers as He enters into the forest of Vrindavana, decorating the earth of Vrindavana with His footprints, with His beautiful footprints on the soil of Vrindavana. He fills the flute with the nectar from His lips and all the cowherd boy are singing His glories. So Srivasa Pandita recited this verse. And when Lord Nitayananda heard this verse. Then His love for Krishna was aroused. And He began to exhibit all kinds of ecstatic symptoms. He fell to the ground unconscious. Then His body was trembling. His hairs were standing on end. Tears were flowing, all of His cloth became very wet with the tears from His eyes. Lord Caitanya told Srivasa, “Keep reciting!” And he continued to recite. As he recited Lord Nityananda came more to consciousness and continued exhibiting ecstatic symptoms, rolling on the ground in front of all the devotees. All of the devotees seeing Lord Nityananda display this ecstatic love for Krishna, they could understand His exalted position. Lord Caitanya took Lord Nityananda in His arms and began to caress His body bringing Him back to external consciousness. Lord Caitanya taking Lord Nityananda into His arms caused, brought a smile on the face of Gadadhara Pandita because Gadhadhara Pandita knew the identity of these two personalities. And he understood that usually the situation is reversed because Lord Nityananda is not different from Lord Balarama, not different from His plenary portion Sesa and on the body of Sesa lies the Supreme Lord Lord Naryana. 

In the same way Lord Balarama is the servant of Lord Krishna. But here Lord Caitanya is taking Lord Nityananda on His lap and started giving service to Him, just the reverse of how it is in the spiritual world. Lord Caitanya wanted to bring Lord Nityananda back to external consciousness, He began to speak to him and he asked Him, “Where did you come from?” Lord Nityananda replied that, “I visited many places connected with the pastimes of Lord Krishna and I visited many of the temples of the Lord. But everywhere I was not able to find Lord Krishna. I went to so many places of the Lord’s pastimes. ButI could not find Lord Krishna anywhere. I inquired from some learned persons where is Lord Krishna? And they told me that He has appeared in Navadvipa. And He is performing His pastime in chanting the holy name. He has come to inaugurate the sankirtana movement to deliver everyone in the Kaliyuga.” In this way Lord Nityananda was glorifying Lord Caitanya. He wanted everyone to understand the identity of Lord Caitanya. Lord Caitanya wants to glorify Lord Nityananda and Lord Nityananda comes to glorify Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is the mood of devotional service. We give service to the Lord and the Lord serves the devotees. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda reveal to us the mood of confidential loving service. Lord Nityananda we said, He came here in Mayapur in the home of Nandana Acarya but generally His pastimes would be performed in the home of Srivasa Pandita. Actually Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu also chose the home of Srivasa Pandita to perform His pastimes. Just as Lord Krishna appeared in Mathura but His pastimes were performed in Vrindavana, in Gokula. In the same way Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared at the Yogapitha, but He came to the home of Srivasa Pandita. And similarly Nityananda came from Ekacakra to the home of Srivasa Pandita and there they inaugurated the sankirtana movement. Lord Nityananda appeared in the home of Srivasa Pandita, just sometimes behaving almost like a child because Srivasa Pandita and his good wife Malini, are in the mood of vatsalya rasa. 

They see this Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya just like their sons. When Lord Nityananda was living there He was just like a child. He behaved just like a child. But Lord Caitanya instructs all the devotees that never doubt the character of Lord Nityananda. That if you worship to Lord Krishna but do not offer respect to Lord Shiva then you will go Yamaraja. In the same way if you worship Lord Caitanya but do not have respect for Lord Nityananda then it is a great offence. You can never get the goal of life. Lord Nityananda Prabhu’s pastimes are very difficult to understand. We know that in His previous incarnation as Lord Balarama He went to Naimisaranya. And in Naimisaranya He took a kusa grass and pierced the heart of Romaharsana Suta. That same Lord Balarama comes as Lord Nityananda and in Kaliyuga He takes kusa grass between His own teeth and He falls at the feet of Jagai and Madhai and asks them to chant the holy name. This is the difference in Kaliyuga, that Caitanya Mahaprabhu comes to teach all of us the mood of devotional service, to offer all respects to others and not to be anxious to be respected. Sri Nityananda Prabhu personifies this mood of amanina mana dena (Siksastakam). He would go to all the fallen souls and engage them in the service of Lord Krishna. Of course this was His instruction. 

Caitanya Mahaprabhu had requested Lord Nityananda and Haridasa that they should go door to door to every home and fall at the feet of the people and beg them to chant the holy name of Krishna, to worship Krishna, and to read the books of Krishna. Lord Nityananda however sometimes He could become a little, He could behave differently in a manner which would sometimes confuse people as to His identity. And we see this, there is one pastime which takes place when Lord Nityananda is going to Jaganath Puri with all the devotees. Now usually the party would be under the care of Sivananda Sen. Sivananda Sen would have to deal with all the different formalities in the course of the journey to Jagannath Puri. So on one occasion they had to pay taxes on the way and Sivananda Sen was delayed. Lord Nityananda and all the devotees were left without any shelter in the hot sun. On that particular day Lord Nityananda felt hunger. He was feeling very hungry and He had to wait for Sivananda Sen for a long time. During this wait Lord Nityananda became angry and He cursed Sivananda Sen that his sons would die. Hearing the curse of Lord Nityananda the wife of Sivananda Sen began to cry because she thought if Lord Nityananda wants my sons to die, certainly they would die. When Sivananda Sen finally came Lord Nityananda showed His anger and kicked Sivananda Sen. And then when Sivananda Sen heard about how Lord Nityananda had cursed his sons to die, Sivananda Sen replied, “If Lord Nityananda wants our sons to die,

let them die!” This is the loving dealing between Lord Nityananda and His confidential devotees. There is one song taken from the Caitanya Mangala, akrodha paramananda nityananda raya, Lord Caitanya (Nityananda) is described as one who never becomes angry. But this is His transcendental anger. He is performing these pastimes behaving like a hungry man, affected by hunger, affected by anger. But actually it is all His transcendental pastime to exhibit the wonderful qualities of His devotees like Sivananda Sen. Some of the family members became confused however. And one of them had gone off on his own to Jagannath Puri. And it is recorded in the Caitanya Caritamrta that in order to heal the misunderstandings of the family of Sivananda Sen, Lord Caitanya personally instructed His servant Govinda that, “All the remnants of My prasadam should be given to the family of Sivananda Sen.” This is the loving exchange. This is how these two Lord’s reciprocated their loving dealings. Another wonderful pastime between Lord Nityananda, and Advaita and Caitanya Mahaprabhu took place in Shantipur after Lord Caitanya had taken sannyasa. Lord Nityananda tricked Caitanya Mahaprabhu into coming to Shantipur and then bringing mother Saci and all the devotees. So then a big feast was arranged and Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very happy to see that they were offering so many wonderful preparations for the pleasure of Lord Krishna. 

However Advaita Acarya then instructed that “These plates are for You, one is for You my Lord. I want You to eat.” But Caitanya Mahaprabhu would say, “No, I am a sannyasi. I cannot eat so much.” But Advaita Acarya told Him, “You cannot fool me. I know that in Jagannath Puri everyday You eat 56 offerings, with many big pots at every offering. So why, this is just a mere morsel for You!” In this way Caitanya Mahaprabhu was induced to sit down and along with Lord Nityananda and Advaita Acarya they began to take prasadam. Lord Nityananda exhibited His joking mood and began to complain to Advaita that, “ I have been fasting for three days. This is not a mere morsel of food for Me.” Actually they had been coming from Navadvipa, all the way from Katwa where Lord Caitanya took sannyasa, all the way down to Shantipur. It would take some time to walk there. Maybe about three days, I don’t know, maybe not that long. But anyway He told jokingly to Advaita, “I have been fasting for three days. 

This is not a mere morsel food for Me.” And Advaita requested Him, “Please I am a poor brahmana. I know You can eat 4 or 500 kilos of rice every time. I am a poor brahmana. Kindly accept what I am offering to You.” So they began to eat. At one point Lord Nityananda then rose up and said that “This is not at all satisfying My hunger.” And then He took some rice and He threw it and it hit the leg of Advaita Acarya. And when that rice stuck to the body of Advaita Acarya then Advaita Acarya began to dance. And this dancing, this shows something of the power of the maha prasadam. The remnants from the plate of pure devotee, actually maha maha prasadam. The remnants of Lord Nityananda touching the body of Advaita Acarya caused him to dance. Advaita Acarya said, “Just see we do not know what is Your caste and I bring You in my home and You behave like a madman throwing the remnants of Your food at me.” Lord Nityananda told Advaita Acarya, “This is Lord Krishna’s own remnants. This is prasadam. You are making an offence by considering this foodstuff to be ordinary. It is Lord Krishna’s own remnants. For your offence you will have to invite a hundred sannyasi’s to your home and feed them all sumptuously.” Advaita Acarya replied, “After You have come to my home I will never bring another sannyasi to my home. 

I have lost all my smartha principles.” So this was the joking words between Lord Nityananda and Advaita Acarya. The point is that Lord Nityananda is no ordinary person. And Advaita Acarya by his words, which not everyone could understand, they are meant to instruct us on the exalted position of Lord Nityananda, that He comes, just like we were singing the song about the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. That lotus feet, Prabhupada explains that whenever we speak of feet, feet means service. And Lord Nityananda comes to teach all of us the glories of service to the Supreme Lord Krishna or Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Lord Nityananda shows by His own example how to serve Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu by going to even the fallen souls like Jagai and Madhai and requesting to chant the holy names of Lord Krishna. Our movement is founded in the same basis, to follow in the footsteps of Lord Nityananda, to hold tightly to His lotus feet means to hold firmly, to be fixed in this process of devotional service, to continue to preach the message of Krishna everywhere, to everyone, without discrimination. Lord Nityananda does not consider who is qualified and who is unqualified. 

Wherever He went He would give love of God. Actually on one occasion I was telling how sometimes Lord Caitanya would go in hiding. One time they were having kirtana and Lord Caitanya stopped the kirtana and said, “I am not feeling any ecstasy today! What is wrong! I am not getting love of God!” and again they started the kirtana but again Lord Caitanya complained, “I am not getting this love for God anymore! Its not coming today!” Advaita Acarya told Lord Caitanya, he said “The problem is You have given everything to that Lord Nityananda. You put Him in charge of the storehouse of love of God. He has given it to everyone. He has given it to even the gardeners, even to the oil grinders. He has given it to all kinds of people.” Lord Caitanya was not very happy to hear these words. It was like a complaint. At that time Lord Caitanya left that place and hid Himself from Advaita Acarya. Lord Caitanya was very happy to see devotees follow the mood of Lord Nityananda and to assist Him in the preaching mission. Lord Caitanya even instructed Lord Nityananda that “You don't have to come to Puri every year. You can remain in Navadvipa, You can remain in Bengal.” Because He knew that if He was in Bengal the preaching would be going on and that is the important thing. 

Srila Prabhupada also wants all of us to continue the preaching movement. We come here to Mayapur to imbibe something of the mood of Lord Nityananda and then to go back to our preaching places and continue in that mood of Lord Nityananda. So today, on this day we are all praying for the mercy of Lord Nityananda and that mercy is that without any discrimination we will distribute love of God to everyone. Not looking at their designation or their position or the colour of their skin or their language, without consideration. We will try to distribute this message of Krishna and in this way Lord Nityananda will bestow His mercy on us. By the mercy of Lord Nityananda only we can come to get shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and through Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu we can come to understand Radha and Krishna. Thank you very much! Hare Krishna!

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Kula Shaker Glasgow Gig Review

Kula Shaker

One of the reasons the 90s was such a memorable period for pop music was not just because it produced celebrated bands like Blur and Oasis, but because it produced eccentric ones like Kula Shaker. Their much-loved 1996 debut album K deservedly went multi-platinum thanks to its bold and heady blend of psychedelic rock, Indian sitars and mystical Sandscrit lyrics.

Two decades and one reunion down the line, the band have just released their fifth album, K 2.0. The clue is in the name: frontman Crispian Mills has described it as a “companion piece” to their debut and it makes liberal use of the same Eastern sounds which separate Kula Shaker from other guitar-led bands of the era.

Solid as this new material is, the expectant crowd of fans who gathered in Glasgow to witness the band begin their European tour had come hoping for the hits. They were not disappointed. Set opener “Sound of Drums” provided the audience-pleasing start to a night which proved that Kula Shaker's music has, so far, stood the test of time.

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ISKCON of D.C. community members gather for 50 hours of kirtan

With ISKCON’s 50th anniversary year now here, ISKCON devotees all over the world are getting inspired to bring their communities together and celebrate in creative ways.

At the temple in Potomac, a suburb of Washington D.C., for example, community members are holding their first 50-hour kirtan.

“Actually, it’s more like 60 hours,” says organizer Manu Bhattacharjee. “We started on February 12th, and until the 20th we’re holding kirtans from 4:30pm to 8:30pm every weekday, and from  10:00am to 8:30 on the weekend.”

Manu, 25, grew up in ISKCON and works as a navy engineer on aircraft carriers “as big as cities.”

Despite his demanding job, he tries not to miss a Sunday at the temple, and in his spare time “bites off more than he can chew” and helps organize events like this week’s 50-hour kirtan.

“Somehow, Krishna gives me the intelligence and the time,” he says.

Like most of ISKCON of D.C.’s congregation, Manu is commuting to the temple after work every day for the 50-hour kirtan.

“There’s always about 20 to 50 people there at any one time,” he says. “On Sunday, there were over 300. And on February 20th, which is Nityananda Prabhu’s appearance day, we’re expecting up to 400.”

ISKCON of D.C.’s 50 hours of kirtan is a perfect example of one of the many smaller “village-style” events ISKCON’s 50th anniversary is inspiring. There’s no effort at trying to pack a bill with international “kirtan stars.” Rather, it’s an attempt to really bring the community together.

“Throughout the week I’ve always been pleasantly surprised by how many people come and stay to just chant and hear,” says Manu. “They’re not jockeying for a slot or anything – they’re really just there to serve Radha Madan-Mohan and to be part of the kirtan.”

A young Sunday School student tries out what he's learned by singing for the Lord

Among the sweetest moments during the week, Manu says, were when devotees who don’t often get the chance to lead kirtan did so.

“Especially when the children got the chance to shine and serve,” he recalls. “That was the whole point of this festival.”

Children of all ages would often sing in groups – many of them students of Laksmivan Dasa’s Sunday School classes, where they learn kirtan instruments such as harmonium and mridanga.

“It’s awesome – every time one of these festivals come around and they have a chance to lead, you can see them getting better and better,” says Manu.

Also making the event especially sweet is the fact that the week is packed with special days – as well as Nityananda Trayodasi, there’s the appearance days of Raghunath Das Goswami and Advaita Acharya, and the disappearance days of Madhvacharya and Ramanujacharya.

“It’s an amazing opportunity to multiply the results of any sort of service we do, especially kirtan,” says Manu.

ISKCON’s 50th anniversary has also inspired devotees in Washington D.C. to undertake other efforts, and to increase what they’re already doing for Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. They’ve built a large new state-of-the-art greenhouse for their Tulasi Devi plants; more have joined the weekly Saturday and Sunday public Harinama Sankirtan; and community organizers are getting more and more people involved.

“Whether it’s becoming a monthly donor, joining the team that greets visitors, cooking or serving prasadam, or guiding cars to their parking spots on festival days, we’re encouraging everyone to take ownership for their temple and to share it with others,” Manu says. “We’re trying to move towards being a community of people who share, rather than one who just attends.”

Many other ISKCON communities around the world are also being brought together by the 50th anniversary, and inspired at the thought of what the next 50 years of Srila Prabhupada’s legacy could bring.

“When I was younger growing up in the movement, I had an abstract view of it as something that had kind of always existed – all the temples, deities, organizations and devotees I interacted with felt like they had always been there,” says Manu. “But the 50thanniversary of ISKCON has really brought perspective to how recent and young ISKCON is, and gives me tremendous hope for its outlook in the future.

“Because if we’ve come so far in just fifty years, who knows where we can be in another fifty?”


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The books on display at MOSA, Radhadesh

The Museum of Sacred Art (MOSA) in Radhadesh, Belgium, has just published two lusciously illustrated books for devotees to feast their eyes on: “Illuminations from the Bhagavad-gita” and “Prabhupada Meditations.”

Illuminations From the Bhagavad-gita

On Sunday January 24th, MOSA Director Mahaprabhu Das presented “Illuminations…” to the murti of Srila Prabhupada at ISKCON Radhadesh.

MOSA Director Mahaprabhu Das (right) presents Illuminations From the Bhagavad-gita to Srila Prabhupada

The book is in fact the fourth edition of the classic 1980 work by artist Kim Waters and Chris Murray, after the original by Harper and Row, and two in the 1990s and 2000s by Mandala.

Kim’s gorgeous, colorful, and completely charming paintings inspired by Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is and illuminated with verses from the ancient text remain, as do the original introduction by Satsvarupa Das Goswami and preface by musician Donovan.

One of the beautiful images from Illuminations

But at 184 pages, the new edition is expanded to nearly double the size of previous ones with extra material. There are more drawings by Kim. There’s a new text  by scholar Satyaraja Das recounting how the work came to be, and how Srila Prabhupada met and encouraged Kim and Chris. And there are photos of Srila Prabhupada viewing the illustrations on two different occasions in New Vrindaban, West Virginia and Potomac, Maryland.

Chris recalls on the book’s back cover: “After a pause, Prabhupada said to us – and this is verbatim: “You are introducing a new art form to this country.” And then he added, “You will get great rewards for this.” And actually, that’s when I said, “Prabhupada, we’re trying to get this published with a big publisher in New York, Harper and Row.” And he turned to us and emphatically uttered the following words: “Do it.” Like that, just, “DO IT!” And then he walked away. We just stood there. It was as if Kim and I were in a timeless transcendental moment.”

Flipping through Illuminations From the Bhagavad-gita

Illuminations From the Bhagavad-gita is now available from Bhaktivedanta Library Services in Europe, and will be picked up by other distributors around the world over the next two months.

An exhibit featuring all the original paintings will start on May 28th at the MOSA Gallery in Radhadesh. The opening will be attended by the Ambassador of India, authors Kim Waters and Chris Murray, members of the Hindu community, and the ISKCON congregation. It will include a cultural program with music, dance, and a prasadam meal.

“We will also inaugurate a Bhagavad-gita Walk in the forest, with big boards showing the paintings and verses from the Bhagavad-gita, along with translations in Dutch, French and German,” says Mahaprabhu.

Prabhupada Meditations

The following weekend, during the Radhadesh Mellows Festival on Saturday January 30th, Mahaprabhu presented another new book, “Prabhupada Meditations,” to Srila Prabhupada.

Yadunandana Swami browses the Prabhupada gallery

The book, well-timed to coincide with ISKCON’s 50th anniversary, features 59 beatiful portraits of its beloved Founder-Acharya in color and black and white by Mayapur-based artist Anuradha Dasi.

It also includes an introduction by Satsvarupa Das Goswami on the 26 qualities of a devotee, as well as accounts by a host of Prabhupada disciples about how Srila Prabhupada imbibed each of these qualities. Among the contributors are Krishna Ksetra Swami, Yogesvara Das, Anuttama Das, Jayabhadra Dasi, and Nikunja Vasini Dasi.

The cover of Prabhupada Meditations by Anuradha Dasi

An exhibit of Anuradha’s Prabhupada portraits was launched at MOSA along with the book. Around 80 devotees attended, browsing the galleries and also taking in Patita Pavana, a new abstract dance performance by the Samadhi Dance Company.

“All the devotees were very happy, and enjoyed the show – we sold about sixty copies of the book over the weekend,” says Mahaprabhu. 

A scene from the dance 'Patita Pavana'


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“EKACHAKRA”: “EKA” means one and “CHAKRA” means wheel; this place is named “Ekachakra” because this is the place where the chariot-wheel fell, which Lord Sri Krishna took to kill Bhismadeva on the Battle of Kurukshetra. Ekachakra is the birthplace of Lord Nityananda (Nitai). Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna Himself thus inaugurated His Harinam Sankirtan movement from the Dwapar-yuga itself.
Ekachakra is located 165km north-west of Mayapur and is easily assessable by car or bus. Ekachakra village extends north and south for an area of about eight miles. Other villages, namely Viracandra-pura and Virabhadra-pura, are situated within the area of the village of Ekachakra. There is a big festival here on Nityananda Trayodasi (Appearance day of Lord Nityananda) and also on Gosthastami.
“Lord Nityananda”: Lord Sri Krishna, as the Vedic literature ultimately explains, is the absolute Personality of Godhead, and His first expansion in a form for pastimes is Sri Balarama. In the age of Kali-yuga, Lord Krishna appears in this material world as Lord Caitanya, and Balarama appears as Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda (also known as Nityananda Prabhu, Nitai, Nityananda Balarama) appeared as Lord Caitanya’s principal associate for spreading the chanting of the holy names of Lord Krishna:
in Harinama-sankirtana, or the congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy names, and to bring the mercy of Lord Krishna to all the fallen, materially conditioned souls.
Lord Nityananda was born to a pious brahmana family. His father was Hadai Pandita and mother Padmavati. He appeared in Ekachakra around 20 years before the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, on Shukia Trayodashi, in the month of Magha, in the year 1473, 12th of February. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cannot be approached or understood without the mercy of Lord Nityananda. He is the cardinal guru of all the universes and serves as an intermediary between Mahaprabhu and His devotees. A great Vaishnava acarya Sri Vrindavan Das Thakura, the dear-most & the last initiated disciple of Lord Nityananda, glorifies his Master in Sri Caitanya Bhagavata as follows:
v  Lord Nityananda is very effulgent like the brilliant sun. He is statuesque, like His Master, with the whitish complexion of Lord Balarama. His garments resemble a cluster of blue lotus flowers and His effulgence is said to surpass the grandeur of a rising moon at sunset.
v  He has a deep melodious voice, constantly chanting the holy name and singing the glories of Lord Sri Krishna day and night.
v  He is unequalled in the three worlds, non-different from Lord Caitanya. Absorbed within Himself, He often roared loudly like a lion, for He is the direct manifestation of Lord Balarama. His beautiful, glowing face easily defeats a thousand shining full moons. A captivating smile plays sweetly on His exquisite lips. So white and radiant are His teeth that if a pearl were held next to them the pearl would look like a faded and discarded piece of glass.
v  His long, languid eyes steal the pinkish tinge of the early rising sun. His arms are long and reach down to His knees, and He possesses a robust chest and broad shoulders. His lotus feet are soft. His gait is graceful. He speak to everyone with kind words which sever the bonds of material attachment within everyone's heart.
v  He carries a red stick with benedictions for the devotees, but feared by the demoniac. He has the carefree mood of a wildavadhuta, so absorbed is He in the love of Godhead; no one knows what He will do next.
v  In Janmasthan Mandir there is a Deity of Nitai (Nityananda). Hadai Pandita Bhavan is the site of the original house ofNityananda’s father. There are two banyan trees by this temple that are said to have existed since the time of Nityananda.
v  In the centre of the main altar of the temple is a deity of Lord Nityananda.
§  To His left, with His hands raised, is Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
§  On Nityananda’s right is Sri Advaita Acarya.
§  The side of altar has Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Radhakanta and Sri Sri Radha-Srikanta, a large dancing Gauranga in the centre, and ten brass sakhis at the bottom.
v  The temple was constructed by Prasannakumara Karapharma.
Main Temple Altar - Lord Sri Nityananda Prabhu (centre), Lord Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu (right), Sri Advaita Acarya Prabhu (left)
This is the pond besides Lord Nityananda’s house dhotis, plates, utensils etc of Nitai were washed. Embedded in its core and not visible to material eyes is another kunda named Ananga Kunda. The pujaris of the temple use water from this kunda for their Deity worship.
In the courtyard of Lord Nityananda’s house is an old pippala tree called Mala-Tala. Just before Nitai departed with the unknown sannyasi, Hadai Pandita came here and chanted japa under this tree. Mala means “japa beads” and tala means “tree”. When Nitai was about to depart Hadai Pandita left his japa beads here due to anxiety.
Lord Caitanya came to Ekachakra many years after Lord Nityananda left. It is said that at that time Lord Caitanya left His flower garland on a branch of this tree. Mala also means “garland”. Therefore also for this reason this tree was called Mala-Tala.
It is said that Nitai brought all the sacred waters from all the holy places to this kunda to save the local residents from having to journey to the Ganges to take a sacred bath. It is named Hantugada because Nitai used to perform the Dadhi-cida festival of distributing chipped rice with yogurt prasada here and He would take the prasada while kneeling down. This lake is always full of water throughout the year. A great fair is held there during Goshthashtami, and there is another big fair on Lord Nityananda Tryodasi, the Appearance Day of Lord Nityananda.
How To Get There: You get here by walking east out of the village, past the birthplace. It is a small kunda surrounded by grass and a lone tree, which hangs over the water.
HANTUGADA: Devotee take holy dip at this most auspicious place. At the centre of the pond is a submerged Temple
This is a 5mins walk (400m) into the fields, southeast of Lord Nityananda’s birthplace. The Pandavas lived here with their mother, Kunti, when they were exiled to the forest.
This area is surrounded by a group of Keli-Kadamba trees.
Sikhandabi: This is where Bakasura demon lived, who terrorized the people of Ekachakra for many years. Demon used to eat one human being from the local villages in the area of Ekachakra. The people set up a system where one person from a different family was sent to Bakasura each day. Queen Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas requested Bhima, who had the strength of 10,000 elephants to kill this demon. Bhima then killed this demon after a furious fight. In Srimad Bhagavatam 1.13.3-4 there is a brief mention of killing of Bakasura demon by Bhima.
The local pujari says that if the fossil comes in contact with fire it produces a very bad smell.
“Kundalal Tala” (not in picture): "The place where Lord Nityananda used his earring to block a snake in his hole, stopping him from disturbing the residents of this area."

#Pastime: This snake was actually an arrow-weapon given by Lord Siva to Arjuna. Arjuna fired it to kill Bakasura in order to help Bhima who left alone on that mission. By the time the weapon arrived on the spot Bakasura was already dead and therefore the snake weapon could not complete its mission. Since then the snake remained in the area and would disturb the locals. When Lord Nityananda heard of this he blocked the snake in its hole with one of his earrings which magically expanded in size. When the snake asked Lord Nityananda how he would get his food Lord Nityananda told him that a temple would be built here and people would regularly come and make offerings of milk and other things.This pastime is the reason why Lord Nityananda is seen with only one earring in pictures that depict His later pastimes.
“BAKULA-TALA”-HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami discussing Nitai’s pastimes
Between the birthplace and Jahnu Kund is a Bakula tree where Lord Nityananda and His boyfriends used to take part in sporting activities known as jhala-jhapeta. This tree is wonderful because all its branches and sub-branches look like the hoods of serpents. It has been suggested that by the desire of Nitai, Anantadeva manifested Himself in that way. The tree is very old. It is said that formerly it had two trunks, but later on, when the playmates of Lord Nityananda felt inconvenience in jumping from the branches of one trunk to those of the other, Lord Nityananda by His mercy, merged the two trunks into one.
UMBILICAL CORD SAMADHI: Nimai’s umbilical cord was placed here by His parents Sriman Hadai Pandita & Srimati Padmavati devi
It is named after Lord Nityananda’s mother, Srimati Padmavati. Hadai Pandita received this as gift from his father-in-law, Mukutanarayan Roy. Padmavati would come here and bathe little Nitai every day. This kunda is behind Lord Nityananda’s birthplace.
“BANKE-RAYE” TEMPLE: The priests of the temple describe that Lord Nityananda entered within the body of Bankima Raya and departed for His unmanifest pastimes. The deity of Jahnava-mata was therefore later placed on the right side of Bankima Raya.
v  This temple was built under the direction of Virabhadra Gosai, the son of Lord Nityananda. On the altar of this temple is Lord Krishna asBankima Raya, who was originally established by Lord Nityananda. On His left is Srimati Radharani, and on His right is Jahnava Devi. It is said that Lord Nityananda left this planet by entering into this Deity. After Lord Nityananda’s disappearance, the Deity of Jahnava was placed to the right of Bankima Raya. On another throne, to the right of Bankima Raya, is a Deity of Yogamaya.
v  In this temple there is also an altar with a Deity of Murali-dhara. It is said that this Deity was given to Padmavati Devi by the sannyasi Nitai went on pilgrimage with when He was 12. On the same altar are Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava.
v  To the right of the altar, outside the gate, is another little temple dedicated to ‘Madana Mohana Krishna’. On His left is His consort, Srimati Radharani, and on His right is the gopi Candravali. On the right-side is Sri Sri Radha-Vrindavana Candra. These Deities are supposed to have been worshiped for 13 generations and are over 450 years old.
v  To the right of the altar, outside the gate, is another little temple dedicated to ‘Madana Mohana Krishna’. On His left is His consort, Srimati Radharani, and on His right is the gopi Candravali. On the right-side is Sri Sri Radha-Vrindavana Candra. These Deities are supposed to have been worshiped for 13 generations and are over 450 years old.
v  After Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to Jagannatha Puri, He ordered Lord Nityananda to return to Bengal and preach. At this timeNityananda returned to Ekachakra after being gone for almost 30 years. By this time, His parent had already left this world. He then found the Deity of Bankima Raya in the Yamuna at Kadamba Khandi. He installed this Deity in a temple. Later, a Deity of Srimati Radharani was discovered in Bhaddhapur, in the locality of Viracandrapura, underneath the roots of a neem tree, about ½ mile west. This Deity was installed to the right of Bankima Raya. For this reason, the Radharani of Bankima Raya was known as Bhaddapurera Thakurani, the mistress of Bhaddhapura.
#Pastime: About 15 years back some construction workers were restoring the outer structure of this temple. During the work-break they were smoking. Suddenly a small very beautifully effulgent boy appeared before them. He started beating fiercely with a stick chastising them not to smoke at this most auspicious site. Construction workers were shocked by this. Simultaneously their hearts melted to see the beautiful face of this young boy. They vowed that they will never smoke for the rest of the life. It is said that this most beautiful effulgent boy was none other than NITAI (Lord Nityananda).
The small temple of “Kadam Khandi” marks the spot where Lord Nityananda recovered the Bankima Raya Deity from the Yamuna river, which is also called the Maudesvara River.
Kardam means clay and khandi means “ghata.” In the rear of the temple is a small river, the Yamuna.
It is said that the Deity of Bankima Raya was floating in the water and Lord Nityananda picked Him up and then installed Him in the temple. Thereafter, in a place known as Bhaddapura, in the village of Viracandra-pura, about half a mile west, in a place underneath a neem tree, Deity of Srimati Radharani was found. For this reason, the Radharani of Bankima Raya was known as Bhaddapurera Thakurani, the mistress of Bhaddapura.
Devotees taking holy dip at Yamuna River
“Mouresvara Siva”: This is an ancient Siva Temple were Hadai Pandita the father of Lord Nityananda would do his worship. When Lord Nityananda appeared in Ekachakra this deity roared so loudly that Advaita Acarya and other devotees could hear and understand the roar's meaning at their distant residences in Mayapur and Santipur that “Avadhuta” has appeared on this planet.
Fields at Ekachakra Dhama
NITAI-PADA-KAMALA - One must take the shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, for He is the original spiritual master. It is by the mercy of Nitai that we can obtain love of Krishna.
“Sri Nityananda Prabhu’s face is more beautiful and cooling than the autumnal moon. The effulgence coming out from His body is supremely beautiful. He always moves like a mad elephant, since He is always intoxicated with Krishna-prema (love of God). He is always mad after Krishna-prema. His body is completely pure spiritual energy. He always has a smiling face. His eyes are very fickle, moving to and fro. His lotus hand always holds a glowing staff. Yes, that is Sri Nityananda, who by the beating of that staff, destroys all our reactions of Kali-yuga. We should take shelter of Sri Nityananda and cry for the mercy of Sri Nityananda! He is the root of Krishna-prema bhakti-kalpa-taru, the root of the tree of loving devotion unto Krishna. I [Vrindavana Das Thakura] do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the Krishna-Bhakti-Vriskha.”
Lord Nityananda is an ocean of mercy, the shelter of all Vaishnavas and the giver of devotion.
Supreme Lord Sri Krishna with a wheel (Cakra) at Kurukshetra breaking His vow for the sake of His dear-most devotee & friend Arjuna, charging towards Bhismadeva. Arjuna tried to stop Lord Krishna reminding Him of His promise that He won’t pick up any weapon in Kurukshetra battle. Bhismadeva, another great devotee of the Lord and one of the twelve Mahajans is fully surrendered to Lord Krishna’s will and simply waiting to see his beloved Lord approach him. This very wheel landed here at Ekachakra!
Directions to reach Ekachakra Dhama:
#1) Ekachakra is located about 165 km northwest of Mayapur and takes about four hours by car or bus. It is 11 miles north of the town of Rampur Hat in the district of Birbhum. It is 8 miles east of Mallarapura railway station. After Burdwan station is another branch line, which is called a Loop Line of the eastern railway. This is a station on this line called Mallarapura. Ekachakra is 8 miles east of this railway station.

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