Sanskrit is the one of the original language which has retained its crystal purity. Sanskrit diction maintained its affable style and original structure its age old vocabulary works even today as it was in old civilisation and primitve ages, the past.An ancient literature of the world, the Vedas, book for humanity of minds development the Upanishads and their richness connecting old Indian values with modern value, still available in the same form as were written since ages. There are lot many mentors in India who can interpret them today, as they were during their original framing.Vedas interpretation comes by continous steady process of assimilation of knowledge linking a variety of disciplines via Sanskrit.Veda meaning knowledge or Wisdom in Sanskrit related to Vedic (VAY-dik) Tradition (Hinduism), the oldest living system of thought on earth. Vedas envisage Vedic concepts, teachings, philosophy, scriptures, sciences and everything that we can think of related to the Sanatana Dhrama or also known as Hindu tradition.The Vedic tradition of knowledge, based on the extensive Vedic literature, is the oldesttradition of knowledge in the world. Though it has been long preserved in India, this traditional wisdom has been almost lost in recent centuries-due in part to repeated foreign invasions. The Vedic tradition includes detailed information on a wide range of topics-from astronomy to music, architecture to health care, administration to economy. But it is all based on the knowledge of consciousness-including technologies of consciousness, and evolution to the highest state of consciousness (enlightenment).Albert Einstein:"We owe a lot to Indians who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."Mark Twain (1835-1910)"Land of religions, cradle of human race, birthplace of human speech,grandmother of legend, great grandmother of tradition. The land thatmen with intellectual bent desire to see and having seen once even bya glimpse, would not give that glimpse for the shows of the rest ofthe globe combined."Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) One of the world's greatestphysicists, known as 'the father of the atomic bomb'"Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claimover all previous centuries."T. S. Eliot" Indian philosophers' subtleties make most of the great Europeanphilosophers look like schoolboys."George Bernard Shaw,(1856-1950) Dramatist, Nobel Laureate inLiterature"The Indian way of life provides the vision of the natural, real wayof life. We western veil ourselves with unnatural masks. On the faceof India are the tender expressions which carry the mark of theCreators hand."H. G. Wells(1866-1946), English author and political philosopherThere is space in its philosophy for everyone,which is one reason why India is a home to every single religion inthe world.Sir William Jones,English philologist"Wherever we direct our attention to Hindu literature, the notion ofinfinity presents itself."Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882) American author, essayist, lecturer,philosopher, Unitarian minister"I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-Gita. It was as if an empirespoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent,the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate hadpondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us."Andrew Tomas(1906- 2001) an Australian UFO pioneer, author ofseveral physics, astronomy and spiritual booksThe atomic structure of matter is mentioned in the Hindu treatisesVaisesika and Nyaya. The Yoga Vasishta says, there are vastworlds within the hollows of each atom, multifarious as the specks ina sunbeam - which we have now assumed as true.Arthur Schopenhauer(1788-1860), great Germanphilosopher and writer"In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevatingas that of the Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life; and itwill be the solace of my death. They are the product of the highestwisdom."Francois Marie Voltaire(1694-1774) France's greatest writers andphilosophers." I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks ofthe Ganga - astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis, etc."" It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the leastPythagoras went from Samos to the Ganga (Ganges) to learngeometry...But he would certainly not have undertaken such a strangejourney had the reputation of the Brahmins' science not been longestablished in Europe"Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831),great German philosopher"India has created a special momentum in world history as a country tobe searched for knowledge."Friedrich Hegel(1770-1831), great German philosopher"It strikes everyone in beginning to form an acquaintance with thetreasures of Indian literature, that a land so rich in intellectualproducts and those of the profoundest order of thought"Roger-Pol DroitFrench philosopher, and Le Monde journalist,"The Greeks loved so much Indian philosophy that Demetrios Galianoshad even translated the Bhagavad-Gita". There is absolutely not ashadow of a doubt that the Greeks knew all about Indian philosophy."Frederich von Schlegel,(1772-1829), German philosopher, critic, andwriter, the most prominent founder of German Romanticism"There is no language in the world, even Greek, which has the clarityand the philosophical precision of Sanskrit," adding that " India isnot only at the origin of everything she is superior in everything,intellectually, religiously or politically and even the Greek heritageseems pale in comparison."Voltaire,(1694-1774), France's greatest writersand philosophers,"the Veda was the most precious gift for which the West had ever beenindebted to the East."Alfred North Whitehead,British MathematicianThe vastest knowledge of today cannot transcend the buddhi of theRishis in ancient India; and science, in its most advanced stage now,is closer to Vedanta than ever before.Dr. Fritjof Capra,American physicistTo the Indian Rishis the divine play was the evolution of the cosmosthrough countless aeons. There is an infinite number of creations inan infinite universe. The Rishis gave the name kalpa to theunimaginable span of time between the beginning and the end ofcreation.Herman Hesse(1877-1962) German poetnovelist, awarded the NobelPrize for literature in 1946 says:"The marvel of the Bhagavad-Gita is its truly beautiful revelation oflife's wisdom which enables philosophy to blossom into religion."Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862), American Philosopher, writer,Unitarian, social critic, transcendentalist:"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonalphilosophy of the Bhagavad Gita in comparison with which our modernworld and its literature seems puny."John Archibald Wheeler,(1911 - 2008) American physicist,he was the first involved in the theoretical development of the atomic bomb and first to coin the Black Hole' who later occupies the chair that was heldby Einstein.It is curious that people like Schroedinger, Niels Bohr, andOppenheimer were Upanishad scholars.Ella Wheeler Wilcox,(1850-1919) famous American poetessand journalist" India - the land of Vedas, the remarkable works contains not onlyreligious ideas for a perfect life, but also facts which science hasproved true. Electricity, radium, electronics, airship, all are knownto the seers who founded the Veda.Hans Torwesten,German philosopher and writerThe Vedas and the Upanishads are India's proudest and most ancientpossessions. They are the world's oldest intellectual legacies. Theyare the only composition in the universe invested with Divine origin,and almost Divine sanctity. They are said to emanate from God, and areheld to be the means for attaining God. Their beginnings are notknown. They have been heirlooms of the Hindus from generation togeneration from time immemorial.Professor F. Max Muller,German philosopher , philologist"The Vedic literature opens to us a chapter in what has been calledthe education of the human race, to which we can find no parallelanywhere else."Jean-Sylvain Bailly,great French Astronomer"The motion of the stars calculated by the Hindus before some 4500years vary not even a single minute from the tables of Cassine andMeyer (used in the 19-th century). "The Hindu systems of astronomy areby far the oldest and that from which the Egyptians, Greek, Romans and- even the Jews derived from the Hindus their knowledge."Aldous Huxley'Hinduism, the perennial philosophy' that is at the core of allreligions.Arthur Schopenhauer(1788-1860), German philosopher and writer"How entirely does the Upanishad breathe throughout the holy spirit ofthe Vedas! How is every one, who by a diligent study of its PersianLatin has become familiar with that incomparable book, stirred by thatspirit to the very depth of his Soul !'Romain Rolland(1866-1944) French Nobel laureate, Historian"Religious faith in the case of the Hindus has never been allowed torun counter to scientific laws, moreover the former is never made acondition for the knowledge they teach, but there are alwaysscrupulously careful to take into consideration the possibility thatby reason both the agnostic and atheist may attain truth in their ownway. Such tolerance may be surprising to religious believers in theWest, but it is an integral part of Vedantic belief."Julius Robert Oppenheimer(1904-1967) Nuclear physicist, philosopher,The famour scientist and was the developer of the atomic bomb'The Gita, the most beautiful philosophical song existing in any knowntongue.'H. G. Wells(1866-1946), English authorand political philosopherHinduism is synonymous with humanism. That is its essence and itsgreat liberating quality."Lord Curzon(1859-1925) British statesman, Viceroy of India from 1899to 1905, and later became chancellor of Oxford University" India has left a deeper mark upon the history, the philosophy, andthe religion of mankind,than any other terrestrial unit in the universe."William Butler Yeats(1856-1939) Irish poet, dramatist, and essayistand Nobel Laureate"It was only my first meeting with the Indian philosophy thatconfirmed my vague speculations and seemed at once logical and boundless."Mark Tullyformer BBC correspondent in India, authorBut I do profoundly believe that India needs to be able to say withpride,"Yes, our civilization has a Hindu base to it."Paul William Roberts Professor at Oxford , award-winning televisionwriter, producer, journalist, critic and novelist.'India is the only country that feels like home to me,the only country whose airport tarmac I have ever kissed uponlanding.'Pierre Simon de Laplace( 1749-1827) French mathematician,philosopher, and astronomer, a contemporary of Napoleon.Laplace is best known for his nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solarsystem. " It is India that gave us the ingenious method of expressing allnumbers by ten symbols, each receiving a value of position as well asan absolute value, a profound and important idea which appears sosimple to us now that we ignore its true merit. But its verysimplicity, the great ease which it has lent to all computations, putsour arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions, and we shallappreciate the grandeur of this achievement the more when we rememberthat it escaped the genius of Archimedes and Appollnius, two of thegreatest men produced by antiquity."Naresh SagarAuthor:Naresh Sagare-mailWeb: www.nksagar.comPhone: 9810974027
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In case you have any article to suit this subject as events,incident or awareness for or from the indiviuals,orgainsation,institution of any part of the globe or for any government with view to match global amity we are to spread your words of wisdom.Foriegn companies wish to be represented by private Limited company in India,.represented by private Limited company in India,Experienced in developing long-term customer relations, many quality business contacts.( - The Media cordinator,we are working for global unity with peaceful society and in order to get to this utopian idea has initiated :To spread brotherhood amongst all caste,creed and cult,explain the natural Laws which binds us all human being as one subject: Explain Universal wisdom in empirical style which is followed by every citizen of world;Incase you have any article to suit this subject as events,incident or awareness for or from the indiviuals,orgainsation,institution of any part of the globe or for any government with view to match global amity we are to spread your words of wisdom.Professional strengths our team strongly self-motivated,energetic, appreciated for decisive and strategic management style resulting in high levels of quality productivity. Brand strategist with proven ability to be on the top slot of providing engineering services to most of the well known companies, houses, government undertaking, public sector in this part of the world. In providing logistic supports in productivity, Brand strategist with proven ability to be on the top slot of providing Production, suppliers market research, engineering, marketing, services to most of the well known companies, houses, government undertaking, public sector in this part of the world. •Thrives on a dynamic and challenging environment and have outstanding communication, presentation and interpersonal skills. Experienced in developing long-term customer relations business contacts. Exceptional in restructuring ineffective processes, cost containment and improving the bottom line results. Excellent at identifying and solving problems,before they become critical. Analyze situations rapidly, make decisions and meet demanding objectives. Strong business acumen, able to quickly access and act on organizational challenges and opportunities. Promoted package to major industries such as textile industry, sugar industry, farm houses, Airports authorities societies, hospitals, beverages ,embassies ,VIP residence Shopping Malls, industries, etcForiegn companies wish to be represented by private Limited company in India,.represented by private Limited company in India,Experienced in developing long-term customer relations, many quality business contacts. Exceptional in restructuring ineffective processes, cost containment and improving the bottom line results. Brand strategist with proven ability to be on the top slot of providing services to most of the well known companies, houses, government undertaking, public sector in this part of the world.Our company is in constant technology upgradation with globe following,1. Surfing the internet for findings on latest technology, news and economic environment.2. 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Holding social awareness camps for workers, professional and self employed entrepreneurs.List of Clients:· Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, New Delhi,· Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Bijnor UP,· Presidential Estate, Raisina Hills, New Delhi.· Official residence of Prime Minister, New Delhi,· Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi,· Bhondsi Ashram of former PM of India Mr. Chandershekhar,Sona,Haryana.· Hindustan Prefab Limited, New Delhi,· Albert David Ltd, Ghaziabad,UP,· Aardee Infrastructure Limited, Gurgoan, Haryana,· Sony India Pvt Ltd, Daruhera, Haryana,· Shakthi Sthal, New Delhi,· Cabinet Secretariat –Aditi Apartment, New Delhi,· Central Tihar Jail, New Delhi,· Hindustan Vegetable Oil Corporation Ltd, New Delhi,· Batra Hospital, New Delhi,· Pailwal Glass factory, Shikhobad, UP,· DGS&D Society, New Delhi,· GD Foods Pvt. Ltd, Haryana.· Top Group of Companies, Neemrana , Rajasthan,· Khanna Paper Mills Private Limited, Amritsar,· Hot Knitz Fab Ltd, Greater Noida, UP,· Bisleri India Ltd, Gautam Budh Nagar,UP,· Bisleri India Ltd, New Delhi,· U.P. House Chankyapuri, New Delhi,· Oberoi Hotels Pvt Ltd, Naila Fort, Jaipur,· Kapoor Solar farms, Bijwasan,· Oberoi Farms New Delhi,· ECE Ltd, Ghazibad UP,We have also provided our consultancy in the field of water management on turnkey basis to many foreign missions in India, namely,Nederland Embassy in India,High Commission of Canada,German,Belgium,Britain,Switzerland,Ambassadors’ residence of Nederland and Britain.Articles on multifarious subjects1. http://www.nksagar.sulekha.com2. http://wwwsagarcom.blogspot.com3. http://wwwsagarcom.blogspot.com5 Sagare-mailWeb: http://www.Nksagar.comPhone: 9810974027
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Wandering monks find complete ease when they walk down and recite the mantra which gets into their permeable sublte self with ease while they are on walks.Person who donot get to state of Samadhi in static postures must try this method while walking alone within himself and with a love towards the nature,walking at dusk while the sky glitter with its glaxies of stars is right time to be with your self in state of meditation at walkThe meditation is discipline of mind's thoughtfulness needs to stilling of minds thought wave to thoughtlessness to achieve ones nature in original nature,where the self merges the spirit and the soul.Meditation describes a state of concentrated attention on some object of thought or awareness as explained in is an explanation of contemplation.Meditation gets completed when one reach self and from their he connects to God is a," state of Samadhi."Meditation to some in static form is difficult to achieve,it is in their interest to try in state of walking alone in dynamic state with nature around as to many of us,walk brings physical comfort,emotional balance and intellectuals boost to some of us while in motion as awareness, in term of spirituality is easily, derived in form of bountiful of energiesIn the morning after one is free from natures call and before the sunshine,a stroll in the park,with following ideas- keeps you " give you bountiful life.Your energy,the energy from tip of foot is slowly and gradual coming up as you are walking,keep your steps in full awareness in slow motion and enjoy the walk with surrounding plantation and fresh air, think you are part of this nature.These ideation must come to you in your awareness as steps progress and pace must slacken in process.Do not talk while you walk with your better half or your children burden sum thoughts as energy is likely to be dissipated but try tobe alone- one with nature.Immediately after the walk ending with slow place, sit own in peaceful park place with trees around, surrounded by nature try to give your mind your positive thought and express gratitude to creator for all what he has created for us.Close your eyes and meditate with picturesque nature and thank god for his Beauty in Nature and the Life within of which we are all part of it and Let Each one within this nature be with peace.The entire exercise must be of duration of one hour with fifty minutes walk and minimum ten minutes meditation will cultivate boundlessenergy in oneself.Meditating is getting the key of the tool of your total energy move in one direction. All experiences of melting down of mind which makes the soul alive.Great experience of harmony with nature makes the energy bountiful.
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religion, consciousnessNaresh kumar sagarThe consciousness is the feature of mind, when our mind sees that object then its consciousness is reflected in its objects and the saying goes on SENSES is higher than the OBJECTS.similarly when sensuous subjects are in action we say senses are superior to the dull matters,when we explore beyond sense we look up to mind and there we call mind is higher than the senses. The higher mind which is inclusive of intellect,intuitive and premonition quality is higher than the lower mind .The divinity within yourself which act as observer an finite of infinite within you is higher than this higher mind.The medium in which these above texts are either seen,observed or experience is a level of your consciousness. It has been said that the mind works for 2 to 3% of its efficient level well the explanation goes that while we live in two dimensional world how can we see beyond 2-3 dimensional aspects of the world.The sages further says as you have to grow spiritually your minds and your consciousness should grow in further level with your grosser and finally your subtler body. The growth of your spiritualism in this stance and your practice increases one consciousness and some great ones have suggested awareness higher than consciousness because of unconsciousness a different from consciousness as therefore awareness total consciousness,to which I personally feel that unconsciousness is total consciousness as Rrshi Patanjali explain that when the SEED of your SEEDLESS character does not bother you then you are close to be Great YOGI who is just part of infinite one.It sounds system and levels of multi dimension can be visualized and cosmos is infinite dimensions, aspect to which the human mind finds it in chaotic form.The consciousness is different mediums under different dimensions and the power of the power which held us to experience the most powerful. What is consciousness is being understood as chemical,electromagnetic, or electrical effect which either originates from mind not from brain.Friends why not term the atomic effect in our body creates it.Very simple.Neurons in our body keeps the physical,mental ,emotional body fit.But consciousness when mingles with earth consciousness bring more rapid change to sustain. Consciousness origin and its definition has lots of debate points to be cleared .Scientist are agreeing that there is a consciousness which is different from life principle which makes us see the subject in right perspective.However some attributes this quality to the electric effect created in our body with mind not by brain or it can be due to the Electromagnetic effect.This has been been realized that individual consciousness and universal consciousness has varied wavelength too which level the self consciousness try to achieve is our evolution as this has been explained by various sages in their letter and spirit.The deep down -inner voice -primordial energy present in us to be listen very carefully ,hearing to the holy voice is possible only in pure consciousness.Unless the consciousness is clear,pure no experience can be achieved,the spiritual growth in the beings are not possible.The self consciousness to which we want to understand is not simple on energy mingling or acting or reacting in our physical body or an aura but it is also with the spirit or soul of the self which makes it more beautiful,thus the meditation brings the desired effect to enhance our conscious level.Here is an atomic relation between the atomic energy created in our body or in our aura makes compliment or supplement relation which makes change in our mental,physical or emotional level.Evolution is transcending your mind to higher level .This is the explanation which come to me as deep thought on this subject.Please send your further comments to redo the thinking on this subjectThere is no compulsory, mechanical evolution.Evolution is the result of conscious struggle.The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness, and 'consciousness' cannot evolve unconsciously.The evolution of man is the evolution of his will, and 'will' cannot evolve involuntarily.The evolution of man is the evolution of his power of doing, and 'doing' cannot be the result of things which 'happen'.'Progress' and 'Civilization', in the real meaning of these words, can appear only as a result of conscious efforts. They cannot appear as the result of unconscious mechanical actions.Of the desires expressedthe one which is most rightis the desire to be 'master of oneself',because without this nothing else is possible.Everything is dependent on everything else,everything is connected, nothing is separate.Therefore everything is going in the only way it can go.If people were different everything would be different.They are what they are, so everything is as it is.The evolution of man can be taken as the development in him of those powers and possibilities which never develop by themselves, that is, mechanically.Only this kind of development, only this kind of growth, marks the real evolution of man.There is, and there can be, no other kind of evolution whatever.Imagine that we are sitting here talking of religions and that the maid Masha hears our conversation. She, of course, understands it in her own way and she repeats what she has understood to the porter Ivan. The porter Ivan again understands it in his own way and he repeats what he has understood to the coachman Peter next door. The coachman Peter goes to the country and recounts in the village what the gentry talk about in town. Do you think that what he recounts will at all resemble what we said? This is precisely the relation between existing religions and that which was their basis. You get teachings, traditions, prayers, rites, not at fifth but at twenty-fifth hand, and, of course, almost everything has been distorted beyond recognition and everything essential forgotten long ago. . more…