Topics by Padmavati Mataji.

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  • @ Mihir... PAMHO In one the lectures at the temple I heard.... In the spiritual world the name and the person being named are non different... Jus like if u say water ... water would manifest... Same thing applies when Krishnas Names are chanted... When we chant we actually call upon the supreme lord of this whole universe... He personally comes and resides in our heart and in this process the contamination in our heart get removed....


    Once we regain that lost forgotten conciousness we get the result Krishna Prema... In BG krishna says in verse 8.5 i believe...

     anta-kāle ca mām eva smaran muktvā kalevaram yaḥ prayāti sa mad-bhāvaṁ yāti nāsty atra saṁśayaḥ ....

    And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his body remembering Me alone at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt.


    This whole life is a preparation for an exam at the time of death...

    So If we prepare our life chanting the mantra...I am sure It will be easy for us to remember the lord and return back to his abode after we quit this body...


    I really appreciate the simplicity that Srila Prabhupada used to answer the doubts and glorify the lord... All Glories to Srila Prabhupada....He was truly lords messenger...


    Heartiest thanks to Prabhupada for his compassion...

  • @neha pathak..PAMHO.. As much as I could get from the devotees and Srila prabhupada books the human life is meant for reviving our conciousness... Jiver swarupe hoye Krishnair Nitya Das...Jiva soul is eternally lords servent... Servent in spiritual world is unlike the material world ... when we serve the lord we ourselves get happiness .... As if we water the root and the branches and leave get the nutrition...  We were created for lords pleasure... the time when we had this personal ego that Why I cant be god.... At that time we were sent down to this material world.. Its is also said in Bhagwad Gita that this world is Dukhalaya ashashavatam... Meaning Place of unending miseries.... There is an anweity awaiting us jus at the next moment...

    Finally to conclude the purpose of the life is to revive the eternal conciousness or Krishna Conciousness... And to experience the different mellows with Krishna... My Shiksha Guru ... Tells regarding the ecastatic exchanges of the spiritual world how krishna reciprocates with the Dasas, Sakhas and his parents...

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  • Thanks Mataji,

    Krishna consciousness is so lovable that we find krishna in each and every devotee and their answeres are as good as Krishna Gives His Asnweres in Bhagavat gita.

    Yr servant Narayan Krishnan

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    I simply love all the questions and answers put here by Mataji Padmavati Dasi.

    I get more understanding the more i read them, and i feel more humble and more respectful to all devotees here, and a million thanks to all the devotees who manage the day to day running of this great website for our benefit. Hare Krsna and  my pranams to all devotees.

  • As souls we are equal, and we have different positions in the spiritual sky, why then respect have the same value for each other?

    Tanks Mataji for your answering! Hare Krishna!

  • Hare Krishna Narayan Prabhu, Padmavati Dasi will give an answer about svarupa  in the Krishna Consciousness group.

  • PAMHO....

    AS a Gowdia vaishnava sampradaya we do not follow the concept of svarupa as the sahajias follow. but any devotee who has served krishna in his previous life as a animal or insect is sure to attain human form in its next birth. is there any writings on our svarupa or level of our devotional spirit within our sampradaya?

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Rama Setu,

Hare KrishnaPlease accept my humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.Sri Valmikiji has mentioned the dimesnsions of Rama Setu ,which is 10 Yojan Wide and 100 Yojan long, meaning 80 miles wide and 800 miles long, how do reconile with current geographical distance between India and Sri Lanka, which is about 30 Kilometetrs?thnaksMayapura Candra Dasa

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My question is little weird but i hope anyone gives me the perfect answer...

It is said that when we are in krishna consciousness and remember krishna at time of our death...we go back to the kingdom of Godhead...and we are free from birth and death.That means our soul goes back to Shri Krishna...instead of entering other body.Therefore i wanted to know that if our soul enters the kingdom of Godhead and never returns from where does the bodies at this material world gets another soul?Is it so that Shri Krishna , our eternal father sends new soul to this…

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