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First Measure To Conquer Envy

We may say I am practicing spiritual life nicely, I am strong in Sadana, and so I am not envious. But there is a simple formula to judge with whom we are envious and to what to degree.Whom I wouldn’t like to accompany when I am asked to go with?How I feel on someone’s failure and success?How I feel when someone is appreciated or chastised?We have to see what kind of feelings come in our heart. Because we are in material world we have envy within our heart. We have to remove this envy by process
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4 Stages of Determination In a Life of Devotee

1. Unconscious Incompetence – First the Karmi people have so many anarthas – a devotee is so very sensitive in comparison with the karmis. Devotees are always alert, but it is like to the degree you become cleaner in the heart, to that degree you are extremely sensitive. If you put a black dot on a lungi, nobody will notice. If you put a black spot on a dhoti, everyone can notice it. So unconscious incompetence means the Karmis are not even knowing how much incompetent they are on spiritual leve
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True or false, speaking ill of others is not proper for a brahmana. People who do this have hell for their abode (i.e., they are already living in hell).— Sanat-sujata to Dhritarastra. Mahabharata Udyoga Parva 45.8The ignorant seek to injure the wise by malice and back-biting; by doing so the critic takes upon himself the load of the wise man's sins, which he, the wise man, casts off by forgiving the ignorant.— Vidura to Dhritarastra. Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva 34.74A person being critcized shoul
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We can only surrender !

Srila Prabhupada was speaking to one devotee, “The living entity – prkrateh kriyamanani gunaih karmani... a living entity is fool to think that he is the doer.”Then the devotee asked, “That means an ordinary living entity cannot do great things. Only great souls can do great things. Right Prabhupada?”Srila Prabhupada said, “No! No living entity can do any great thing.”“Then how does one do great things?”“One should simply surrender to Krishna and then He will do great things. Ultimately Krishna
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Program at ISKCON Juhu

Are you looking for spiritual enlivenment and enlightenment?Now take an opportunity to jump start your spiritual life!His Grace Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari will be giving themorning Srimad Bhagavatam class at ISKCON Juhu in Mumbai at 8:00amon Sunday 14 December 2008. He will also be available forpersonal darshans after the class.The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm)Post Office Box 143073Austin, Texas 78714-3072United States of America
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Revelation of Swiss bank accountsThis is so shocking.......If black money deposits was an Olympics event.... India would have won a gold medal hands down. The second best Russia has 4 times lesser deposit. U.S. is not even there in the counting in top five! India has more money in Swiss banks than all the other countries combined!Recently, due to international pressure, the Swiss government agreed to disclose the names of the account holders only if the re
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The Emperor And The Beggar

An emperor was coming out of his palace for his morning walk when he met a beggar. He asked the beggar, "What do you want?"The beggar laughed and said, "You are asking me as though you can fulfill my desire!"The king was offended. He said, "Of course I can fulfill your desire. What is it? Just tell me."And the beggar said, "Think twice before you promise anything."The beggar was no ordinary beggar, he was the emporers past life master. He had promised in that life, "I will come and try to wake y
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Siddhis, Riddhis and Mystical Experiences

By Jahnava Nitai Das | Published 09/28/2005Category: Spiritual ArticlesArticle Viewed 75000 TimesIt has become quite popular nowadays to speak about mystical experiences and "siddhis". Most yoga and meditation groups speak of them, along with other esoteric blabber such as the raising of kundalini, opening of chakras, and other things which no one has actually experienced. On one side we have new age gurus speaking of siddhis very cheaply as though they are as common as sand on a beach, and on t
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Respected Maharaj ,Prabhus and all Glorios Devotees of Lord Krishnai just had a chance to see the link Reading it ,it seems to be asking iskcon to have rathyatra on the same day as Puri Rathyatra and also it also sums up that they are burning the efficigy of Prabhupada for Forcing iskcon to Listen to their PleaNow there are important points which needs to be
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BY JEYANTHY PILLAIMy left eye had been twitching for more than a week. I remember reading somewhere that it either means “Good omen” or “Bad omen” depending on which eye was twitching. I shrugged off the thought that it could mean “Bad Omen” and decided to simply depend on Krishna for whatever that comes my way.“Your pulse rhythms are different now, it’s not the rhythm for Rhematoid Arthritis anymore. You are now anemic”, my Ayurvedic doctor told me when I visited him. My body had felt exhausted
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BY JEYANTHY PILLAIKlang, Malaysia - The deities in Iskcon Klang were all dressed in flower dresses made by the devotees here. The main altar as well as Srila Prabhupada’s vyasasan was decorated in the Vrindavan mood complete with a myraid of greenaries, creepers, flowers and birds and animals. Sri Sri Radha Govinda, Sri Sri Krishna Balaram, Sri Giriraj. Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Ram, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman, looked gorgeous and resplendent in their new outfits. Srila Prabhupada was given a
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To Mumbai with love

BY UTTAMA CAITANYA DASAImbued with love from all of us in Kuala Lumpur, this mail is offered unto YDG's lotus feet.This episode of Gurudeva's is amazing revelation that shows how much love the devotees have for Gurudeva. In an almost unprecedented show of unity and solidarity in ISKCON, the devotees are praying together for Gurudeva.Gurudeva, your love for us is immense and irresistible. How can one not reciprocate equally or even more?It is our humble realization that from your present conditio
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Hyderabad 4 December, 1976My Dear Jayapataka“Regarding the Narayana Kavaca mantra, the Hare Krsna mantra is everything. But, I think that you are working too hard. Your illness is the result of too hard work. Remain in Mayapura. Take rest as much as necessary. And work through your assistants. And chant Hare Krsna.Hoping this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisherA.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiRead more here
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Youth Festival for Girls!!

BHAKTI LATA YOUTH FESTIVAL FOR GIRLSMy Day with Lord KrishnaHare Krsna Dear Vaishnavi Sakhis/Matajis,Announcing our forthcoming Youth fest : "Bhakti Lata"The fest is to be held on 30 November 2008, Gurukul hall. Its a whole day festival starting from 7am until 7pm. The activities are summarised as below :KirtanSeminarsDramaGamesQuiz CompetitionFilm ShowsNot to forget the Sumptuous Prasadam for breakfast, lunch and dinner.....along with the tons of prizes to be won on the spot!!!Only Girls under
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What to Do When Your Mind is Very Disturbed!

What to Do When Your Mind is Very Disturbed!Krishna consciousness is that state of mind in which one is completely free from all disturbance. But a neophyte devotee who is still trying to develop his Krishna consciousness is not purely absorbed in Krishna consciousness yet and therefore sometimes experiences disturbances of mind as he struggles to advance himself along the path of bhakti.What should he do when such disturbances arise? He should certainly not abandon the pathway of Krishna consci
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BY JEYANTHY PILLAIDamodara month is a special month in Malaysia. It spurs up every devotee to give every person they meet an opportunity to light a lamp for Lord Damodara and give them an opportunity to perish all their sins and not take birth in this material world again. To signify the start of this wonderful month, devotees in Klang set up a lovely display of a scene in Gokul. Amidst blowing of conch shells and song of Damodarastaka, a screen was removed to reveal a miniature model of a scene
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Dear All,Greetings !!We have continued our efforts in Kazakhstan and it seems that the saga is nearing an unfavorable conclusion.In 2001 the Kazakh government issued a decree that our temple building and barn were suitable for usage. This summer they annulled that decree.Now they have called our members to court. The case will focus on the "demolition of illegal building and forced eviction from the property."As a final effort we have started a letter campaign to the President of Kazakhstan. We
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My personal prayers

Where in the world can one be able to mystically transcend all spheres of material activities and be able to relish the sweet mellows of Bhakti? Where in the world can one be able to take association from a spectrum of advanced and exemplary devotees and be able to quickly reach the stage of pure devotion even if you're a neophyte? Where in the world can one render devotional service wholeheartedly 24 hours a day ?Where in the world can one daily see the beautiful forms of Radhe Shyam and yearn
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The art of sculpting prayers to excellence

"He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many"The art of sculpting prayers to excellence(A little effort made by me in getting a deeper insight to meaningful prayers)"God has been so unkind to me"! snapped Zara with a fit of anger. Turning towards her counselor and ment
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My splendid Gaur nitai

My splendid Nitai Chandra and Gaur Sundara! (Written by me)The orange reddish hue of the rising sun,The color of dawn, the beauty of the sky,The irresistible temptation of ravishing ladies,Or the bliss found in amorous relationships,Nothing can compare to the incessant pleasure found in gazing at my Lords.Today they were clad in green garments,Embellished on the corners were pink flower stamensTinkling anklets, glittering chains, and turbans resting on their delicate heads,The very vision dried
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